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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. Does that 1 trillion start from when it was trading at 60k? Edit: 600 billion yesterday. https://www.barrons.com/articles/bitcoin-ether-terra-luna-tether-crypto-prices-today-51652342984?tesla=y
  2. I'm going with that's what they want you to believe.... And cypto is only worth something to someone willing to buy it....At least that is what I heard from someone running a cypto mining farm....
  3. Sooooooo, miners must have moved out of state as my Microcenter has RTX cards for days! And at the best prices they been in over a year. So i guess they are NOT buying up all the GPU's.
  4. .... back to the original issue that started this whole "walk of shame" ordeal...EVGA Hydrocopper water block basically broke everything.....🤦‍♂️
  5. Kind of why I did not want to buy this from Newegg, but Microcenter did not have the Z690 Unify X nor the Z690 Apex (Which they were hunting down for me but with no luck). If this was MC I would have already gotten a brand new board the same day this board went out. True on EVGA and Asus does have it's moments, but so far this MSI experiences has top them both on bad service. Love the board and tech support is pretty on point. No drama or delays on issuing the RMA's And free shipping on the last return. The part that isn't on point is the RMA intake center. They suck royally!
  6. All I can do is complain yet again at this point, but I'm over it. From here on out it's no longer about getting even it's about getting ahead with this company. That was the 3 shot and they failed yet again.
  7. And the drama continues..... I just go my board back today and this is what I get. Junk in the cpu slot. Broken release mechanism on PICE slot along with bent center part of PCIE slot. Broken stuff falling from box. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13FW7hAzLKkqrPAroIH_OzrhMArihtmAC?usp=sharing
  8. Okay, all working and now fully incorporated into my reinstall drivers folder. Thank you for that Realtek driver!
  9. Lets see...which one should i take? 😄 (That is a trick question just in cast you didn't see it)
  10. This is what it's suppose to look like when the board is powered off.... But instead it looks like this. With power going going to just about everything. The only light that should be on is the power light on the motherboard and that's it.
  11. By the time I get my board back the 12000 series will be out of date.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  12. Reminds me of people back in 2008 saying the same things then as now.... And since we have already done it with our low level watts locked vBioses I'm going to have to say....You are probably wrong....(in a nice way.🙂) So to answer your question, yes it's possible, but not in the sense you keep trying to convey it in. Short answer. Prema. Long answer. The unknown is always considered impossible. Explanation: You are fixated on 115W. In this case it's just a number that can in fact be changed. What cant really be changed is the fact it's a 3060. (User khenglish does not count here-LOL) Once you realize this, things will start to become clearer and make more sense....
  13. So, I found this video on ARC GPU's and Nvidia makes some big claims to not releasing beta drivers. Now when did that start?😆
  14. Quite a few over on OCN like that. I only let it run for about an hour for authentication purposes. I will not be running something like that for hours on end as like you. Not really my scene. It's from that guy Dang Wang. It uses this as the base and make it user friendly.
  15. I use that one, and the long hard version of TM5 as it would seem we were using very basic settings for it. And this one.
  16. Some memory stability testing... Anyone using this program yet?
  17. True, you are right. He is fine without the massive overclock, but this is the benchmarking thread where massive is the name of the game my friend. Once you finish there, then you dial back down to normal perimeters for everyday use... And 9k in TimpeSpy is a really nice score also, but when your chasing the next person on the list.... one tends to want to push a little harder on the gas. And since he hasn't unlocked anything on his card. he will be temp limited and hard locked on voltage before he can do real damage. Also with memory over clocking it has a tale... If you see 1 twinkle star in the background or black screen your memory over clock is too high. Side note: There are others with higher memory over clocks than him...
  18. Watt versions make no difference when you can flash a different vbios over the current one. Also getting the laptop colder will help him gain more ground on the current version he has. Side note: I'm going to say....Smart use of watts make a difference over wasted more watts in the grand scheme of things. Proven facts by at least 4 members in this thread.🙂 This is only to say....He still has more room to grow and he is not at his max limit. I'm about 100% sure of it.
  19. Record is 9718 on hwbot.... https://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark_-_time_spy/rankings?start=0&hardwareTypeId=videocard_3348&cores=1#start=0#interval=20
  20. Let me boot that up...I was going off what was in the folder readme file. Edit: So reading the readme file was not the smart move at all.
  21. My version works on all my versions of Windows 11 Pro and Intel/AMD And Windows 7
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