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Everything posted by Hertzian56

  1. I'm not sure what happened but my car stereo is silent, nothing to the speakers, it loads up the disc and everything but nothing, not even radio. Weirdly I was camping and I have this rig when it's raining that uses a couple umbrellas because the hatchback opens up and provides small shelter but the sides allow water in so I put the umbrellas there, well during a storm I noticed some weird hissing like the stereo was on but it was not, I think this might have something to do with it. I don't think fuses have anything to do with it because the stereo works just no sound. Just bizarre.
  2. Huh thanks for the info I kind of forgot about it after grabbing it, always kind of a turnoff dealing with an emulator I haven't loaded up for a while and n64 emu is one of those. I think I use project 64, have to make sure I actually load up the mod.
  3. Still just vanilla coh 1 w some of the mod here and there. I haven't really seen too much lately that really grabs me, kinda barren. Was thinking of maybe rebooting up RE2 remake, played it to death but another playthrough sounds appealing for some reason.
  4. Yeah it could have had a lot more stuff like what was in San Andreas like the gym, I can't remember if it has the bowling alley etc minigames like 4 did. It does have the random stuff like 4 though, underwater treasure hunt, ufo pieces and other collectibles which I never followed through on since you can just look online as to what the story or prizes are when you get all of them. It has the taxi missions and side game and probably a lot others that I forgot or never even knew about lol. Some mods let you drive the bus, train conductor, police like what I mentioned above, maybe airline pilot idk a ton out there.
  5. All good points, yeah it definitely requires some very fast stable internet, probably metro areas only really. Yeah I wouldn't be interested either but for gamers that have the necessary equipment already and don't want the commitment of a high level gpu cost and could jump out of the need for it within a year or so it seems a pretty decent deal. I guess another thing is that you don't need to have a 4k screen and can just play it at what you have, for 20$ month it would take a while to pay more than what a 3080 would cost you, even a used gpu would still take months to equalize the cost. $240/year, not sure what that would get you in used or new gpus now, I would think you could get at least a 1070 which for 1080p would be fine for high, no rt of course. But no blazing internet needed either and can play any game unlike the limited selection. Maybe get it until prices drop or you find a used or deal that would negate the need for this services who knows. As to the everything as a service model well it matters if you want to trust the ptb dictating to you in pretty much every aspect of life because that's where it will go, from history, especially modern history, this is a terrible idea. They are pretty open about their plans if you look for it and people don't seem to believe them or they're too distracted by consuming or unable to think as to where this is leading, but enough said there.
  6. Saw this and thought it might be interesting. It's an NBC blurb here's the link: https://www.notebookcheck.net/4K-60-fps-gaming-at-20-per-month-Nvidia-GeForce-Now-apps-on-Windows-and-macOS-can-now-stream-games-at-4K-resolution-at-a-silky-60-fps.617467.0.html I'm assuming there's some catch there making it not such a good deal but idk. I guess one catch is people not paying attention to the GaaS and forget about being billed every month, end up costing way more than if you just bought a system capable of that and kept it for a few years. That's the trend for everything, I think the schwab guy at WEF openly says this, and of course the ptb want that so there's definitely a thin end of the wedge going on all over. I mean I'm sure there are tiers because I can't imagine someone with a 4k screen and the equipment to stream that wouldn't just get a mid tear gpu even older one like a 2070 and turn down a few things for 4k/60 in a lot of games(==Scratch that it says 3080 tier only==). No mention of ray tracing support from the blurb either.
  7. yeah mine had the dual heat pipes heavier duty, I don't think any i5's came with that or maybe even the regular i7's. Seems extreme to do but judging from your comments on the mobo you're in it to that level. Uh maybe the chipset can also tell you about memory too separate from the dell info, intel qm87 express.
  8. My first Doom was 3 wonder if they'll do it for that one. It had way too many jump scares though.
  9. I had an m6700 but there's not much difference, both great systems. Here's the spec sheet link: https://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/04/business~smb~merchandizing~en/documents~dell_precision_m6800_spec_sheet.pdf "4 DIMM slots: up to 32GB 1600MHz; Or up to 16GB 1866MHz memory" ---that's what it says but I always think they say that and it's not always true maybe someone here can confirm from real life on that. I don't know if you're cpu is a dual or quad but I'd make sure I had a quad at least. I had the 3940xm in my m6700 and that probably contributed to a 980m burnout I had while gaming. The extreme cpu's are marginal returns not necessary and have too much heat to be worth it. For extra heat management I got some of those sticky felt bumpers for furniture that raised the whole system, especially the back. Maybe get one of those docks if you don't plan on moving it a lot, raises it up as well. I wouldn't worry about the psu unless you have problems, at this point there's so many claiming OEM that are not, too hard to tell why pay the premium. Oof the first thing I did with mine was get a 1080p screen installed, matte to my taste, the cost at that time was almost completely offset by selling the 900p glossy one it came with. I also had an m6100 in there but it didn't work out for some reason can't remember, then a 970m then a great deal on a 980m moved me to that. I think your 6800 can take all those, I'd avoid the HP versions though something about onboard VBIOS with those not good. I'm sure there are owners here who can help more.
  10. yeah taking those major points you laid out it's around 2200 roughly add 100/yr if it's 4 yrs for 4 tires. Gas has spiked but it's all over here one day it's 4.10/gal another it goes up to around 4.40 and I've seen it in places in the last month around 5. Not a fan of public transit unless you live and work in a major metro and don't want to ride a bike, otherwise it takes a lot more time to get anywhere and of course dealing with some of the people that use it. It always amazes me with the carpool lanes, if a huge dump truck etc has 2 people in the cab it's all good but if a compact car/van has one person no go, sheesh makes no sense, all the clogged lanes would be less clogged(and burning fuel going slowly/less higher speed fuel savings) if the one or two carpool lanes were regular lanes. It'd be better to just dedicate one lane to a standardized(lower cost) single passenger fully-enclosed motorbike with 2-3 wheels with a top speed of 60mph or something, commute-centric vehicle electric or 2 stroke only, that you buy and keep at home. I think the ptb have what's in minority report planned though, you're meat subject to strip and search at any time etc
  11. I don't see why you think it's so important to think BR49 is noir or not, if you liked it that's fine. For you it didn't take anything away from your enjoyment so why bother? I didn't care for it and the missing noir aspects were a large part of it but not all of why I didn't care for it, see above. I read the original Philip K Dick story a long time ago but BR49 is not sourced from that like BR is, it's totally new. Gosling as an actor is not a good fit for noir, he's a good fit for the activism oriented overarching theme of 49 though. I'm a huge fan of noir and BR has a lot of noir in it and thus I like it a lot, but it's not a full noir film either. Maybe easier to go by your Britannica reference. Cynical heroes: gosling doesn't have that at all, Ford fit that almost to a T. The dialogue between Deckard/Tyrell/Rachael illustrates that. Stark Lighting: this was mostly very clear lighting either dark or light but mostly bright/clear/OR type lighting of modern sci fi thrillers, Death Stranding has a similar aesthetic, there was no high contrast stuff all the time like the first one, no smokiness or rain soaked streets, even the tyrell pyramid etc BR49 had the aesthetic that reminded me of District 9 lighting wise. Flashbacks: some of the little horse with the date on it, of one scene from the original movie, but no where near what you get in say "out of the past" or double indemnity which almost the whole movies are flashbacks, same with The Killers etc etc. BR1 didn't have that either, other than the deposition playback. Intricate Plots: There's some there in 49 no doubt but it's nowhere near typical noir, go watch out of the past, the maltese falcon, the big sleep, double indemnity. There's definitely misdirection and mystery but it's not heart of darkness type of unease inducing or labyrinthine hard to figure out. The first bladerunner didn't have that either it was pretty straightforward but there was the tone of heart of darkness type mystery from the music, lighting, etc The only similar I could see from the first one is what Tyrell was going to be able to do for the nexus which we didn't know beforehand. Also Ford had to do some intricate things to root out the nexus. The whole origami handler character added a lot of mystery and suspense. existentialism: Gosling's character doesn't trouble himself with any of that, other than being alienated but that's because they inserted an out of place hostility towards replicants in a society where outcast types seem to be the norm. It was nothing personal to gosling just the class of beings he was a part of. With Ford it was for personal reasons. I guess there's a whiff of it when gosling interacts with his madam but that's so cut and dried and minimal that it's hard to count. We don't' get enough dialogue to claim it, like we did with Ford interacting with Tyrell/Rachael. There's no femme fetale in either BR film, there's the robotic psycho killer in 49 but that's not the same, the "daughter" was a truly innocent, madam is a very minor character not even close. Rachael was too truly innocent, see the maltese falcon(where it was a feigned innocence if you watch the whole thing) or out of the past to see an example of a femme fetale. I could thrown in The Killers as a semi-noir film that has a femme fetale. Dead Reckoning is another example. Granted the first Bladerunner was not a complete noir film either but had a lot more of noir elements to be called tech noir. It had that booziness and fatalism along with the hardboiled loner detective/police/other, raining/dark/smokey lighting, chasing criminals who happen to be replicants, the music, if you played it in BW it would be even more noir. It was made too far from the time period where noir was defined to be completely noir, similar to Chinatown which was closer to proper noir than BR. Edit: wanted to add some of the other reasons BR is great, the roy batty character adds a lot to the fatalism as well, great ending dialogue during the final fight sequence, the other nexus 6 and their segments especially triss and her very femme fetale-esque massaging of the toy/doll maker guy can't remember his name. The Nexus 6 squad is very underworld-esque crime gang. So those add to the noir aspects of the first one.
  12. Look just putting up some bullet point definition which 2049 has maybe one example of doesnt make it noir. Go ahead and watch out of the past, the big sleep, double indemnity and the other noir films, even china town in more modern times. Maybe rewatch the original one.
  13. yeah I mean come on all this tech has backdoors built in and it was pretty obvious that kaspersky was just one they charge you for and causes all sorts of lag on your system to boot. Of course they pay the manuf's to load it on new stuff with some trial period and many think that if they don't keep it their computer will just blow up. My poor grandparents just don't have the mindset to install free script/ad blockers/NON-M$ firewalls with more detailed options and settings, and other things that greatly reduce the amount of spam and the junk that comes along with it, their 10 install was so encrusted that I had to wipe it out. The computer would barely run it was so laggy and their 1tb hdd only had about 250GB of data on it. What scares me even more than the access to mics and cameras which are not covered up is the new UNDER the screen cameras which you won't be able to just slap some electrical tape over, you'll have to disable it via settings which can probably be negated on the sly if so desired, good luck with cell phones and similar devices(aka personal minders you pay for). I try as much as possible to use the freeware like Libre etc that's stand alone for personal use. For AV if I notice a problem that I can find no other cause of I run the bleepingcomputer and other things a few times to clean it out, it's not even that hard to just wipe out your OS and reinstall really if you have your important stuff on an external drive or two.
  14. Well as anyone can see on multiple fronts censorship is the trend, babel speak of changing the meaning of all sorts of words and phrases is also all over and marxism in it's various forms is on the rise everywhere. I'm not saying that to reply to anyone here or any policies but come on, it's also going to go that way sometimes naturally on the boards here. I don't think anyone whose an nbr-er would start calling names etc if there's some personal experience comments here and there, looks like most of us are past the typical teenage level years and mentality which goes along with that idk. Some nbr mods just had a pretty hairtrigger approach like with one of the megathreads that was active for years over there I think it was the crypto one and others as well. Anyone see Bidens "truth" Czar in the news lately? ((Hmm looks a bit odd right?))
  15. Still into the nature docos, the life of birds is a really great one, so interesting to see they move so fast and robotically a lot of the time and the range like going from huge ostriches to tiny hummingbirds. Also checked out a bit of the Johnny Quest 60's cartoons since I've been watching a lot of The Venture Bros which is partially based on that, weird how relatively innocent and straight forward it is compared to how shows are now, it's kind of jarring really.
  16. Rewatched Blade Runner 2049. I didn't pay much attention to it when I first watched it a couple years ago. Oof what a disappointment and it's almost completely just activism of multiple issues like almost everything today in the media complex. They also tell us something about their real life themselves in an undercurrent way through the story, can't get into it here though. On a surface level there is none of the noir of the first one, waiting 30+ years is just too long. The mystery of the first one is gone and their attempt to replace it with an activist-oriented "mystery" is under developed and crass. I wouldn't want to turn my back on Jared Leto in real life either lol. There's certainly something not quite right about Ryan Gosling either, weird looking like a lot of celebs that's all I'm going to say on that though, similar thing going on with the "person" who's the solution to the films central "mystery" as well. A few of the cast also fit that "something's off about these people" category, if you're paying attention. It's also way too long at close to 3 hours.
  17. yeah I had read that there is censorship there, seems to be the trend for the last few years no doubt. Strange in a game that's a crime simulator.
  18. Agree on both the gaming rigs and the pets. It's just too much now with all the pets everywhere and the owners who think everyone loves to be mobbed by their substitute babies/emotional emptiness aids/"BFF". It's all good until the animal reacts unpredictably like animals do and you get bit etc And it's only going to get worse and weirder. Afa gaming yeah it's a hobby so some want to spend on those toys but the return on investment monetarily and visually just drops way off past x60 or x70 level. I've mostly gone to old favorites and selected indys which don't require much hp, big games are largely just rehashed or activist based for years.
  19. I didn't know where else to put this so random seems good. One thing that's a negative but has some positive things about it to me at least is the fan noise on a laptop. If it's out of the ordinary you can tell pretty easily some website or program is not working right or is doing a bunch of things that are not pertinent to what the normal usage is or some other weird thing going on. Desktop too but the fans are harder to hear if it's on the floor or farther away, larger fan diameters etc For instance when I'm researching shows and/or the zoo screen talent on them on imdb sometimes it takes way too much time and fan noise just to look at photos and it's a bad load up or some such. I then exit out of my browser and go back works fine usually. That site is a mess though in general, I couldn't imagine it without various ad and script blockers it's so bad, yt probably too it's been years since I make sure I have various blockers working. Sometimes I use an agent switcher so it thinks I'm on a mobile so it loads mobile, less data etc Also if the fans are really bad in normal use then the fan control software is defective, for instance the default program on my tongfang "gateway" was a jet engine a lot of the time, switched to an eluktronics version and all good. That sort of thing can wear fans out quicker and even result in catastrophic failure which can kill your cpu/gpu.
  20. Looks like enhanced version of GTAV incoming sometime, makes sense they'll milk that thing until they move on or even keep going with a mega online game linking 5 and 6 etc I'm fairly positive that there will be an enhanced 4 at some point following the trend. https://www.dsogaming.com/patches/grand-theft-auto-5-april-26th-update-adds-enhanced-edition-files-to-pc/
  21. Dealing with hotels and their mostly scam points/rewards. Tried to book a points with some cash option but it wouldn't go through, called the number given and it rang and rang and then came up with some recording saying technical difficulties, sure right. OK after calling the generic CS line and talking to 2 non native english speakers they could not do anything, the only option was to use a bunch more points to book it all free which worked but it's not a better deal overall if I have upcoming stays. Their excuse was a problem with my cc, the same one I used a week before for a full price paid booking that worked fine. Then I check my cc online statement, turns out it worked fine for the partial payment with points so they are liars. They did immediately refund the partial payment at least. This chain, Choice, are scummy to say the least and I won't touch Wyndham they are a complete scam. Red Lion Hello Bucks are the real deal among points rewards. With the avalanche of real reviews online about how most of them are total scams it's amazing that none of our gov overlords does anything, well it's not a total surprise since it happens pretty much everywhere, partners in crime. yep I realized that late last year the form is completely different, they want to keep as much of your money as possible for as long as possible so they can collect interest on it, I used to be able to claim as many as I want so I could not have them take out way too much but it's a lot more complicated now on purpose. From what I gathered they are now asking you to either claim imaginary dependents or just "go with the flow" to their benefit, public service? nah, mafia.
  22. Have delved into the major mods for Company of Heroes 1 to freshen it up even more, so far the Blitzkrieg mod is ok, really slows down the action which is not what I want, some of these skirmishes vs bots in the largest maps in vanilla version can take 2+ hours for me which is just too long. It adds a ton to the game though and I like that it installs along side vanilla that I can load into normally. Going to try Europe at War and Eastern Front as well.
  23. Made the mistake of rewatching Prometheus after I had rewatched Alien/Aliens. It's been so long I forgot just how bad Prometheus is, the rest of them after Aliens aren't much better but don't sink to the level of pretentiousness mixed with such insulting stupidity. Well we got the first two at least, 3 was ok. On the other hand just rewatched Singing in the Rain what a great movie all around, it still makes me tired watching the "Make em Laugh" sequence, amazing.
  24. Most people I know that are normal users, which were not going to buy new equipment, just signed up way back when because 10 was "free" even though they do nothing that 7/8 wouldn't keep working fine with to this day. The current steam survey for gamers who speak english or chinese has 74% win10, 16% win11, 4% win7. The M$ gambit with minimum supported equipment is so crass and telling. Perhaps a strategy to depress the massive used market which is not a guaranteed profit center for M$ and it's buddies. Things are lasting too long for the monopolists liking so they try all sorts of strong arming to force new sales, true pretty much everywhere now. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam
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