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Everything posted by aldarxt

  1. Thanks anyway but I just tried again in the m17x r4 and the GTX 1080 just won't work. I get code 43 and searched around again and nothing works. Tried uninstalling AWCC and OSD also Intel HD Graphics 4000 just to see what happens. The BIOS sees the 1080, so does GPU-Z but very limited info. The drivers install fine even tried standard drivers but they would not even allow it. This is why it gets scairy buying cards. I just had another goof-up buying a GTX-1070 for the P870DMG-3 and the guy sent me a GTX-1080. Now I have 2 different cards for it and can't run in SLI. I am thinking of asking if I could return the 1080 in exchange for a 1070. But maybe I should just flash the BIOS and get a 2080 or 3080 IDK!
  2. Could the AWCC interfere with other mxm cards like the Aetina_MXM_M3N1080 or the A4500 that you had a problem with. I have been having a problem with the Aetina_MXM_M3N1080 not working in the m18x r2 and m17x r4. I am going to try again but remove AWCC and see what happens.
  3. True, True, True and we have to recognize China is trying to be the World Domineering Power and alot of the Rhetoric and misinfo in our world is being Fed by them to Destroy U.S.A.'s Dominance.
  4. I've heard it said "A Cure for Cancer would Destroy the Economy"
  5. I don't understand the manufacturer's myself, combining DTR and Tablet mentality to come out with the skinny laptop they claim is Powerful. Just make a tablet for those on the go and the Real DTR for the Performance Enthusiast's. They seem to be trying to grab both groups and failing to satisfy both.
  6. Thanks, I tried a CMOS reset and removed the SLI ribbon. This is why I wanted 2 of the same cards. I don't know if getting the 1080 was a benefit or not, now I still need to get another card, maybe I just should have gone for a 3080 but then the heatsinks. So how can I follow dsanke`s instructions? I checked his posts on Win-Raid forums but not sure which one and don't know about a translation tool but for google translate that s not working properly
  7. Yeah, I tried removing the SLI cable and it still wouldn't install. I was hoping maybe reflashing the stock BIOS with both cards installed might do the trick but it is starting to look like I will have to flash the modded dsanke bios and I just am not ready to disassemble this machine yet, its just too new for me to go that rout Thanks for the reply and looking out
  8. Yes SLI flat cable is connected and 2nd power cable is connected. Also tried disconnecting both and 1 at a time from the slave GTX 1070. Also switched cards from slave to master and both cards work in master slot and both cards don't work in slave slot. Thats why when I got the 1080 I thought it was a bad card till I switched it to master and it is working great https://www.3dmark.com/fs/29352439 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/34961440 https://www.3dmark.com/results/nr And I don't know about the Clevo's but I thought using 2 different cards was O.K. But I am only using 2 different cards because I was Lucky enough to get a GTX 1080 by mistake when I orderd a GTX 1070 OH! and here is another https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/58598337 I am LMAO it says "This PC is likely operated by a technical master!" HA!HA!HA!HA!HA! I still feel like I have no clue as to what I am doing
  9. I have to ask is there a BIOS that can be installed without tearing down the pc, it's just too new for me and just want to run it with SLI enabled I am not ready to tear it down to the MOBO yet maybe if a need arises and I have to. But until then I'll run it as is. HWInfo sees the GTX 1070 but it is stuck at 3D Video Controller.
  10. Thanks but not sure which BIOS to install, the P870KM.zip or P870KM_ME_Disabled.zip. Don't know what the P870KM_ME_Disabled.zip would be for. I am also on the Intel® Z170 Chipset
  11. I ordered another GTX 1070 for Clevo P870DM3-G and they sent me a GTX 1080. I put it in the slave slot and device manager lists 3d video controller and it will not update. So I switched the 1080 to the master and the 1070 to the slave and the 1080 works fine. The slave slot still shows 3d video controller and will not update. I am running the GTX 1080 now. Wondering if it needs to have the BIOS updated. In BIOS it only shows one Nvidia card, the 1080. The slave slot is not showing at all. Any Suggestions?
  12. As far as benches here is my m17x r4 with P4000 https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/51362291 This is what you have to look forward to but I see you have a single pipe CPU heatsink, here is the best deal I found https://www.ebay.com/itm/152267821142?epid=2254528943&hash=item2373de9056:g:wFIAAOSwOyJX9RD6&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsKhrXktCZ9MyAhU8Q72xZNvJqOypvDdVwpUNRHJr80ySK2SZm3jhhsYsL40epOTH1B46o8ho1L%2FsM1c%2FmVmZ%2B5zDulWPBL8lE1c%2BmCY%2BrRnlxB3p0zGvD8fCAiyDwKTYKLMvRBhRkt%2Fuv%2B8K1br8R3u6CKsC0TeLfdvagd76%2B1oVnNjd8oQAkXBJKeb6%2BunJghKpIdnaYp5A2QvvQWSUG7qYvQg3oxy9J8gZBvWkweVp|tkp%3ABk9SR7rXg8exYQ I would really like a all copper vapor chamber heatsink but could only find for the m17x r4 and if you upgrade the CPU get the i7 3920xm cause the i7 3940 runs too hot. I get better scores with the 3920 I get about the same scores with m18x r2 but I am having some issues with it. BSOD's and such. Running alot of tests and driver installs. I might have damaged something when opening it up. I have the m18x r2 since 10/12/2012, bought it new at Micro Center, it has been through alot.
  13. Black residue could mean a leaky seal. From mechanical experience, automotive and power tools but not so much on PC but when a sealed bearing starts to leak the grease inside will leak out and the older it is the darker the grease. Unless you bring your PC in a coal mine that would be my best guess. I just use a very soft bristle brush like a small paint brush to clean my fans. And if it is rattling then best guess it needs replacing, hope this helps.
  14. Can I try this on m18x r2 with P4000 x 2 in SG mode cause I don't think P4000 will work in PEG If you don't know thats OK, Just tell me it's worth a shot even if you have to LIE to me!!! HAHAHA
  15. Hey just a heads up that guy on ebay who sold @ssj92 the RTX 3000 is selling a Aetina GTX 1080m for US $249.00 https://www.ebay.com/itm/275597465256?hash=item402ae396a8:g:J5EAAOSw4K1jrUBt
  16. Hey @bilili listen to @ssj92, He set me up with that P4000 and I bought 2. My m18xr2 and m17xr4 are both running like Charms, very happy with those P4000's
  17. OK the Gtx 1070m finally got here and Lo and Behold I now know why this laptop sat on the shelf for close to a decade It has a LG Philips [Unknown Model: LGD046E] 1920 x 1080 60hz screen. In the ebay add it suggested it had a 1440p 120hz but they could not confirm. But I have something to upgrade for the next few years. One issue I am having when I installed the latest Nvidia drivers (527.56-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch-whql) I LOST THE OC option on the GTX 1070m. So I put the windows version back in and got it back but 3DMark says "Graphics driver is not approved" But annoyances,annoyances is what having laptops is all about (sad to say). Another issue is OCing the GPU cant raise the voltage, GPUz says PWR limitations PWR and VRel onPerfCap Reason. Not ready for a RTX 3080 yet due to price. Any Hoo I can see why they call these the Alienkiller, Dell should have spiced them up a bit. Kinda like moving from a 400ci Grand Prix to a LS5 455ci GTO Judge. But I still love my Alienwares. Just gonna take some time to get to know the Clevo.
  18. Did you do a cmos reset bios? And maybe reinstall stock vBios on the card
  19. Clevo P870DM3-G Barebones = $548.75 Clevo GTX 1070 8GB = $374.30 i7-6700K Desktop Processor = $102.87 Black Diamond 16GB Ram x 2 = $116.23 Total includes tax = 1,142.15 I had a 500gb ssd and 500gb hdd sitting around and the laptop is brand new and its upgradeable which suits my intrest for years to come
  20. OK so I'm stuck till the GPU comes in, got a GTX 1070 for $341.05, hope it works
  21. Its in here https://www.nbrchive.net/ there is info that goes back to like 2004, you can easily get lost HAHA
  22. Can the P870DM3-G run in SG mode, or IGFX? Reason i am asking, the cpu i7-6700k, ram 16g x 2, and ssd's are installed. Waiting on GTX 1070 from china. I tried to start it but have black screen. I don't know if it has BIOS, or just needs the GPU to start or can it work with this hardware with Dsanke BIOS if I get that? I am going with basic hardware cause I dont know if it will work at all. I am officially in the rabbit hole, LOL
  23. The laptop is not running. It has no cpu, ram, gpu, or wlan, it hasn't been plugged in yet. Parts coming from china and USA all shipped!!!
  24. Silly me! I never looked at the tags or copied the serial #, its a NKP870DM3G
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