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Everything posted by aldarxt

  1. Hooray!!! it worked, I Officially have a 3DMark account after all these years!! Thanks @Mr. Fox
  2. Ye Old Benchmark Thread, Post it Here, So I am having a problem only on my m17xr4 3DMark compare results online I get this https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/80053025 results are hidden!!! I have used every version I could find, last 1 installed Futuremark 3DMark for Windows v2.22.7359 from techpowerup.com. This only happens on the m17xr4 and not any other PC. I like keeping bookmarks in my browser of my scores but on the m17xr4 I need to take screenshots. I even tried different browsers as default but get same results. I have never seen anyone with this problem.
  3. There is a thermal pad under the GPU which I removed and the temps dropped like 10c. The HDD in slot 1 was going over 60c so swapped it to slot 0 and put the SSD in slot 1. SSD can handle more heat than HDD. But when I removed that thermal pad everything cooled off. I think it was transferring GPU heat to the motherboard and blocking airflow from the SSD/HDD slot. I also have the all copper triple pipe vacume chamber for the CPU, makes a world of difference, OC to 44 no problem. Hope this helps!
  4. Your Quotes, Sayings, Statements and Posts should all be recorded in a book going back to like 2010 or abouts and forced and mandatory read by ALL techy, PC designers, chip makers, code writers, computer manufacturers, system annalists and all Technology companies all schools of Technology and if not read cover to cover is a fail and banishment, condemnd to forced labor for life!!! Personally I don't like desktops, I prefer DTR and that industry you have hit the bulls-eye showing the mire and muck we all have to wade through.
  5. But the RTX 3000 doesn't have an SLI plug for the SLI cable, without the SLI cable the secondary would only show up as PHYSX processor. I hope I am wrong and in SG it might work, This is very interesting, would 2 same cards or 2 different cards? An experiment is needed!!!
  6. As in this line on the .inf file "%NVIDIA_DEV.1BA0.0551.1028% = Section138, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1BA0&SUBSYS_05511028" this happens to be section 138 but I never thought about changing the sections other than what was already in the .inf. Well if I want to learn something new just stick around here. HAHA! I had to edit spelt nif inf getting my games mixed up LOL
  7. What about the plastic plate that fits instead of the gpu card when running 1 card? Maybe it would be easier to drill to fit the X bracket and mount the heatsink to it? Johndill@ on this forum thread "M18x R2 GPU2 custom blanking plate."
  8. Y Yeah! I did the same thing when I got my goboxx, nothing was wrong with it, but like a bull in a china shop, I stuck my hoofs in there and broke the retaining clip for the keyboard trying to put it back in. so I used an external keyboard till my brain lights went on and cut up a plastic bottle with scissors to fit exactly on top of the ribbon and a slightly snug fit and it worked. I've also done this on m18xr2 interposer, that clip broke too and its much easier to connect and disconnect. You may have to sand paper the plastic bottle piece till it fits in
  9. Well I was using and clicked on the update link and it updated to Thanks for the notice, I just never updated it cause it worked and am using it on an old GTX 980m. It just installed and downloaded itself, seems like no need to download NVIDIA INSPECTOR - CHANGELOG states Version Beta is latest
  10. Here is some more I found https://celsiainc.com/heat-sink-blog/bending-heat-pipes/ not looki8ng good, seems more complicated than I would try to attempt, too many variables and the chance of breaking is high. Also heating them to much is a problem. I started looking at thermal epoxy as a better solution than soldering. This stuf has a temp range up to 150c so we dont have to worry about it falling apart during a demo or game! The thermal conductivity is what I would investigate. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255552233550?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28
  11. I dont know how you found this guy, but looks like you made the right choice, his list of video repairs is amazing! I hope he makes a video repairing your OLD 2013 18 so we can learn more about our Prized machines!!!
  12. Gotta say thanks for this explanation, This brings me to a question, what Laptops can use Prema Bios in? Is there a list of laptops that can use Prema Bios? I would think Laptops that can use Prema would be more Better option to buy than a laptop that can't use Prema. Might Help Limit the field of choices of what to buy.
  13. I Love when I can say "I can fix it" or better yet "I Fixed it" of course with alot of the help of NBR and NBT and a few sideliners LOL
  14. Maybe you just need a new screen. This all started because you noticed some screen flickering and or stuttering. Then you changed the IGFX settings, maybe it was too much for the screen. Could it be you need a new screen, I dont know the conditions a bad screen would show. Also don't think the flash worked because it did not restart 1 or 2 times. Find it strange it stayed on for 30 mins fans on full and not shutting down. Its hard to determine which component was going bad at the start. I am no Techy but I would check each component individually 1 at a time if possible, in or on another PC, the HDD, CPU, GPU, RAM, MOBO and the screen. This seems daunting but it is not working anyway the screen and mobo can be tested by a Technician, they just plug everything in on a table totally disassembled, primarily the screen and mobo. This is more of a mechanical challenge than a software one, But this is what drives Alienware Owners
  15. Dont sweat it, I think @Aaron44126 got it, sounds the most logical, the mod tried to merge my double post in reply to @toastofman and didn't merge completely. Really looks like a hiccup. lol
  16. I can see if it would be human error, BUT the mod can't be accounted for, it should not have let me post on another account. Electronics are not colorblind. LOL
  17. Yeah that 6 pipe!!! But will it fit an m18xr2??? And besides I need a CPU with Vaper Chamber because the 3 Pipe is not enough for overclock. My GPU Temps are ok but it would not hurt to have a 6 pipe. Without a better CPU cooling I won't need the GPU 6 pipe.
  18. I made that post, but have no clue how it got posted on toastofman's post. It is very strange! But it goes to show you should not be held accountable or responsible in a court of law what happens on the WEB!!! Hey @Reciever You got some Detective work to do!!! LOL This is very strange, I was replying to ssj92 about calling and came back to reply and someone else gets the credit!!!
  19. Maybe try cleaning the contacts on the ram and for that matter the GPU and go over all the plugs and wires. After all these years the electrical contacts can build up some residue we cant see. Just the air we breath is dirty. And I have heard some even complain about micro dust
  20. Here We Go!!! The next round of GPU Funeral! https://wccftech.com/beware-several-used-nvidia-geforce-rtx-30-graphics-cards-with-defective-memory-modules-being-sold-after-being-abused-in-crypto-mining/ Its just a sad situation. This article focuses on Desk top GPUs, but what is the situation with MXM cant be any better!!!
  21. I missed the phone call, from Calif. Called it back no answer. I was going to give a song and dance to see if they might work with unusual circumstances because I dont work for any Tech companies. So should I put another request in, same info? Dont want to stand out
  22. What kind of Pricey do you mean? Is the option open to others?
  23. Thats a Beautiful card and it looks like it would turn my m18xr2 or m17xr4 into a UFO!!!
  24. How would that kill super thin? The Masses are buying that stuff, its the few and non-dispensible left out in the cold scrounging for lga, mxm and fat workable, modifiable laptops. We aren't a big enough market for them to take notice of
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