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Everything posted by kojack

  1. I would keep your notebook you have now. Maybe upgrade the internals a bit. Add some more ram, etc. May help with the speeds.
  2. They do. Maybe have a weird way of showing it. I thank you for the compliments. We (mrskojack and myself) try our best to give our two sons the best life. Our other son is 25 and is working on his new business. He's set up and we only have to provide emotional support to him!
  3. This is the reason I am wanting this so bad. I use iPhone for imessage, if beeper works good, I won't mind not having an iPhone anymore, or...if phone link has the kinks ironed out as I suspect they will in a month or so, I will also be fine. I am moving away from working at bell so I can be with my son full time. I will be spending more time on the computers working and creating so I want to have communication without having to stop what I am doing and pick up my phone/tablet to do it.
  4. Yes, they (beats) are bonkers expensive. I may try to pair my jvc to my watch too. Never tried it yet. Klipsch are awesome! Had a full home theater setup from them a few years back then went to PSB speakers for my theater.
  5. There are LOTS of great options out there not to bust the bank. I have JVC ear buds and they sound great. Got MrsKojack the same ones. We ordered them with our airmiles rewards and have been using them for at least 3 years now. Bought them before the pandemic hit. I am wanting something with "spatial audio" to see what that's all about. We are both going with beats since the Apple ones are FUGLY!
  6. I am mulling over getting the 16". I am happy with my 14, but my son's acer S3 is getting up there in age and I will soon have to replace it. So figure I get the 16, give him this 14 and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. The battery life will be negligible compared to my current 14 as the battery is larger in the 16 to make up the difference as far as I know.
  7. I would be fine with it, if it's a powerful card. The MX550 is not much better than my iris Xe graphics on my i7. I do LOVE the rest of the laptop. I am thinking very hard about getting the 16 2 in 1, swapping in my 64gb of ram, 4tb ssd and giving my current 14 to my son, and getting the wife one as well.
  8. You live in Japan? OMG the cars must be EPIC! Can you ship me an R34 GTR please.......PLEASE!
  9. For apple, I recommend the beats lineup of bud. You get all the functionality of the airpods without the pretentious wanker look of white ear wax coming out of your ears!
  10. The main reason I got both MrsKojack and myself LTE's was because I work at bell part time. Just as well buy them there. It does come in handy when you run out for a second and forget your phone. When we purchased our new iPads and watches we signed up for the Apple + package with fitness etc in it and once our new home gym is completed next month, I will start using that to take off my Covid weight. Ha ha!
  11. Yes it has. I still think Apple hit it out of the park with iPad, but Samsung has great devices as well, and the mod'ability of the android platform is great to have as well. I used an S8 at work yesterday. It is very well built etc, but lacks the polish in apps compared to the iPad. I use to balk at that statement but it's true. My little A7 is awesome though. lightweight, fast, has everything I need, and battery life is great too.
  12. Have you contacted Sony? It may be just needing a firmware update or something simple like that. I had a crap load of Sony Alpha camera gear and I moved to Fujifilm X10 and X-S1. I vowed after the sony gear to never lug a lens with me again. (besides mobile lenses since 10 of them can fit in your pocket and weigh less than the phone. I am only shooting fixed lens cameras now.
  13. This place is always great for information, positive or not. You will always learn here. Enjoy everyone!
  14. As a user of dell's and intel's version of mobile connect, If MS can just make that work reliably, with no drop outs etc across multiple PCs...I am sold. I just want basic imessage functionality when using my PC's.
  15. FYI, for our Canadian peeps, The source marks down HP ink once out of date. I buy ink for my HP envy for 8 dollars a cartridge. That's the XL ink too! EDIT: That's genuine HP ink too, not off brand.
  16. I think im going to buy a base refurbished mini to run it all on. and frig around with macos too
  17. Ok, I will buy a mini (which I want to do anyways for messing with), an older one is fine for me as I can hack it to run new software/os anyways.
  18. Dell inspiron 14 would be my choice. I own the 2 in 1 version and have nothing but good to say about it. Fully upgradeable, keyboard is really good for typing, screen is really nice, it's fast. I do photo/video and graphic editing on it as well as the normal consumption stuff. I also write for various clients as well. This laptop powers through it all. Ripping video, it's a bit slow but nothing that would keep me from not using it.
  19. Give us a review on that air duster. That looks really slick.
  20. Yes, both are the LTE models. I would only buy LTE model watches if available. They are very convenient.
  21. That is slick, A much better implementation than any other setup I have tried. Hopefully beeper makes me happy. How did you set it up? just enter your apple id and password and away you go?
  22. I recently signed up to the acer community and asked the question regarding booting and operating my OS from a PCI-e mounted drive. I got confirmation this morning that it, indeed can run the OS from that. That's great news as I can pop in one of my 512gb ssd I have sitting here and add 4 18tb drives in the box for storage.
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