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Everything posted by kojack

  1. Well tonight's menu is a 4 pack of 2 crows beers and a pack of shredems sour cherry punch indicia gummies. In about an hour I should be feeling fine. πŸ€ͺπŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ
  2. Yes, Luminar is awesome for real estate photography which is what I would be using it for. Also yes, Most night sky photos now are luminar/software produced and not an actual photo. I am doing more research on the linux thing for sure. I want to load it up on my workstation on dual boot and see how I like it.
  3. I have no Idea. I know that the rocky mountain has the most powerful 48v system in any e assistance bike. The rad wagon gets 40kms or more to a single charge and using the almost max position for power assist. makes a big difference to an old guy like me.
  4. One of the ones I have not tried yet. Saw it though. Might grab some. I was driving Newfoundland distilleries Aquavit last evening. It uses local honey that is produced right across the street from me...I am drinking my lawn!
  5. It's the same broken record every time a new version of windows is released. The only time it was warranted was me edition. Every other version was awesome. VISTA and 11 being my two favourites.
  6. The bio hybrid (the one I would buy) is gone bankrupt already. Back to the RAD wagen and rocky mountain instinct e bikes for me. I finally blew my knee out for good, waiting to get x rays now so I am thinking the pedal assist will be my life from now on! The rad wagon for everyday riding and commuting. RadWagon 4 - Electric Cargo Bike | Rad Power Bikes Canada and the rocky mountain for when we go riding with the family! Instinct Powerplay Alloy 10 – Rocky Mountain (bikes.com)
  7. I will be in with some questions soon. I am going to put some sort of distro on my acer 7720 beast today for shats and giggles. Whats one of the best lightweight ones? Elementary OS was a decent one on my 2007 macbook.
  8. Nope, anything at all. I have been advised by my doctor to not drink 'the bull' anymore. Never heard of the cactus flavored. Sounds awesome. Orignal Redbull zero is my go to. I think they should make air fresheners in red bull flavor. I LOVE IT! Before it was available in Canada I used to smuggle it in via friends and when I went to Florida to our house down there. Ha ha.
  9. Had a nice bottle of Jost Tidal Bay white wine last night. This is Nova Scotia's official wine and it's only made there. It is wonderful for most anything food wise besides steak probably but I would drink it with anything to be honest!
  10. right on. Better off staying where I am with onedrive I guess
  11. Damn, I just went through everything I would need software wise, I could get everything I needed besides affinity suite. I use this and NEED it for my graphics creation. I have literally 1000s of affinity based rasters for clothing design and I cannot move them to another program as they will not work correctly. OH well, tied to windows. I will install linux and try one of the files in another graphics suite and see if they work correctly but I have my doubts.
  12. Is anyone here using Nextcloud as their storage manager? Can I really host my own cloud storage system? Meaning setup my server here, and have it work like onedrive without paying MS a bunch of money every year? This sounds very interesting to me.
  13. Right now I use luminar neo, Affinity suite, polarr, resolve and videoProc vlogger as my main creative software. None of which are subscription based services. Up front cost and done for life. \ I am actually wanting to try the linux free software available. Just from what I have been seeing is that it's really slow compared to windows. I have been scouring youtube trying to find the exact video I watched but can't find it. If I do, I will put it up!
  14. As I mentioned, the videos I watched are what I am judging this speed difference on. I have no personal experience with linux besides a small stint with older elementary OS about 4 years ago with my old macbook. I will go through youtube now to try to find what I watched so I can get some feedback from people who use linux. Also, I have not used real photoshop in years. There are much better options right now.
  15. No I am not wanting to run windows software. I am stating the fact that direct x makes creative apps work MUCH FASTER. The videos I watched where they were testing video editing software were using native for each OS. With direct x off, the Linux systems were around 10% quicker than the windows system using the same software. Move to direct X for coding, and the windows systems were 30-40 % faster doing the same task. I hope linux software dev's can figure this out. When I get home from work, I will put up a few videos I have watched so I can get your opinion on if I am correct in my deductions from them. Or am I missing something!
  16. I am just wondering if you can connect to the wires from the MB that triggers the power supply? and nothing else? would be an interesting experiment. I know there are server boards etc, but I am just using a plain old consumer board, figure out which wires on the main plug of the board turns on the supply and connect the second supply to that....
  17. I wonder could you custom build a case with 2 power supplies in it? have one for video cards and one for everything else? Find the power on triggers in the plug and connect both supplies to it so you do not fry the board. hhhhmmmmmmm Something to try on an old system
  18. The paranoia runs deep on NBT as well as it did on NBR. They are watching you ALL....THE.....TIME!
  19. I am wondering if there are any notebooks out there with high end arc yet?
  20. I am drinking a pre made jose cuevro margarita mix in a can. DEADLY! after our nacho appitizers, and before chilli and I am venturing out to the garage to have a rip of Low Tide by seeweed. Home grown in Newfoundland and a great strain. (btw, it's legal here!). Post em if you got em! ha ha.
  21. Got a kick arse pot of chilli in the crock pot now and homemade nachos in the oven for an appitizer. Can't wait! Yummy!
  22. I have used Elementary and Mint. I am going to get a system set up where I can try various distros and see if there is one I can live with. As far as directX goes, I don't think it can run well in WINE and the emulation would slow down any benefit that might have been had there. Hopefully more linux dev's can work a directX patch into their builds or something. The difference between the two was eye opening to say the least. Oh, and like you, I don't want to be in a command line environment. I did that in the early 80's with my TRS-80 and early DOS. That's why we progress, to get out of that type of system.
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