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Everything posted by kojack

  1. It's also known as Tom Ford strain. It's an indica dominant hybrid strain. REALLY good and relaxing. I use a vaporizer for my flower, so one full 5:00 run in the vape, and I am sittin down, listening to tunes or watching tv/movies and just zen!
  2. the wrangler fell through. It was a POS. I think we have decided to get an outback and lift that instead.
  3. Oh, and the previous new purchase was this...ha ha...
  4. Just bought a new TFal xxl airfryer and instapot for food prep. Make things easier when working. The air fryer is running right now with two seasoned chicken breasts in it. We will find out how they are in 15 min! Will report back.
  5. the android tablet experience has improved ALOT. I always liked it. The S6 lite is a much better value than the 10th gen iPad. I don't have the cool new Apple multitasking, side car if you use it, pencil is 100 bucks extra and I had to pay much more to get extra storage. I do get imessage and facetime on it which is two of the main reasons I wanted it, plus some apps are just more "polished" on apples side. I do wish that the EU forces apple to open up their software to others (imessage, facetime, news+ and others). I will pay for the use, but I would never own an apple device again!
  6. Yeah, the s6 lite is a great tablet. It's right there with my 10th gen iPad actually. I would choose either. Just I got a deal on 2 iPads at work so we jumped on them. We use them as content consumption devices.
  7. I am a 10 hit wonder. On the 510 vape. Ha ha. I was off in SPACE!
  8. Wow, learn something new. I have seen LTT called LT..... as for the sleep...GO WATCH THE VIDEO.... Here I will link it so you do have to hunt for it. It's not as simple as re installing a driver. that's not the issue.
  9. When you hit sleep on the power menu when you are plugged in your pc stays "awake" doing more processes in the background than when you hit sleep while unplugged. Linus toravids and LTT are the same guy. Go watch the video....it explains their findings. No, this is not how windows is supposed to work, but thats how it does for now, until microsoft fixed this small issue. Once you know about it, unplug, then put the pc in sleep and it will sleep and not cook your backpack.
  10. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles! Best band EVER! Really great while riding a 420 cloud!
  11. This is not linux. Also, I am not sure of the reasoning. Linus and crew deducted this is how windows sleeps. Different stages using different power delivery methods. I think something is screwed up in the programming of said feature.
  12. Linus did a video awhile back on this very topic. When plugged in, the device does not "sleep" per se, it just shuts off the screen etc. When unplugged, it will properly sleep. So if you need sleep, unplug first then goto sleep.
  13. Those numbers are on wireless? I am getting crap numbers on my dell. I need to get a new wireless card installed in this pronto! EDIT: Just looked, I have an ax201. I am going to replace it with the AX210 and see what happens.
  14. unplug both laptops and see what happens. Is AMD still throttling everything as soon as the power is removed or did that fix that nonsense?
  15. Ha ha, Can't even remember that. that's how much I hold on to things...all good!
  16. Tv's, streaming boxes, phones, pcs, ipads, connected home devices etc. It does not take long to add up buddy! Hell I have around 15 computers alone all on the network now!
  17. That's awesome. Exactly what I am looking for. I googled for months and found nothing. The EG200 is the ideal one. I will just add a handle to carry it from rig to cabin/tent/hotel room and I will be set.
  18. Thanks. That's a nice one. It would work, but I was hoping for a 3.5 " drive bay for 18tb drive. BUTTTTTT that will work with a large spinny drive.
  19. I am going to say buyer beware. I ordered a new bottom plate for my notebook which had cracked from a fall. I ordered the right part number, for my model notebook, and when it arrived it was the wrong color, none of the attachment clips lined up and best part, the seller called me a liar numerous times in our interactions and got on like a child. They got a negative review at that point, offered to give my money back if I took down the review, but the 50 bucks was better spent letting buyers know what they are like as a seller. If you can get it locally, or semi locally...do it.
  20. Just wondering since it's a dedicated graphics processor, it's it on board, or an actual card?
  21. Anyone ever use MSI displays? I am getting the wifey a 27" msi display for her office. They seem like a good deal.
  22. Both my current systems were purchased in 2020. So 3 for both of them.
  23. Also, they will know how to use the software 99.9% of workplaces use in everday business. I have never heard of any businesses running on ChromeOS. Most use windows in day to day operations, and a scattered graphics company etc will use mac. I know the local pet store, when it first opened used iMacs, cool hardware, nice looking and all...then, they stopped getting software and OS updates, he moved to PC and now has no worries about software and OS level updates. He's been using the PC systems now for 8 years and had mac for 3 before that before moving. As I always say...the world runs on windows, lone wolf graphics/etc runs on apple. Even large graphics/studios/etc are running PCs and windows. The power of the intel / graphics cards for pumping out stuff fast and quick is far ahead of M series.
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