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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. That is truly horrible. Straight out of the Alienware playbook: Beyond absurdly insane overpricing Extremely ugly aesthetically Tacky gimmicks (the stupid touch panel) Compromised components Includes proprietary garbage Castrated firmware Yes, it is sad to think it could be true, there actually are people dumb enough to pay $5000 for this piece of junk. I can't decide which one is the ugliest to look at. That truly is a scam. It will go unpuniished because there are peoplle that spend money on it. Same problem as above... ignorant consumer, dishonest tech company.
  2. Speaking of this critter I call Halfbreed, I replaced the lid and palmrest last weekend with new ones from PartsPeople. Aside from the BGA CPU engineering defect, the rest of it is a really good product. Much better than the newest trashbooks.
  3. I don't really see a thread where this would fit, so I will put this here since it relates to the same model. I replaced the lid and palmrest last weekend with new ones from PartsPeople. Since it is a full teardown, it might be useful to someone wanting to upgrade their GPU. I think Brother @Recieveris going to enjoy some of the elevator music choices I selected.
  4. Yes, this was true on my Unify-X, Z490 Dark, also on my Z690 Dark and both Strix Z690 motherboards. The USB flashback function has only worked for me with my two oldest USB 2.0 flash drives. All others fail. The newer USB 2.0 and all USB 3.X drives I have tried either cannot be read from the beginning, or the flash fails partway through the process. I also find it to work consistently with those two old USB 2.0 flash drives formatted at FAT16 (FAT). Sometimes detecting and reading files from FAT32 does not work on the first try. As usual, newer is always better newer.
  5. Shunt modding helped my 2080 Ti FTW3 even with the 2000W vBIOS because it reported half of the actual power utlization (basically lied) and that allowed me to eek more voltage out of it and a higher overclock. I was able to increase the maximum voltage and the boost voltage automatically went higher than it would before shunt modding.
  6. It is possible, and I used as many as three 330W AC adapters with dual 200W 980 Mobile GPUs in SLI running inside of a Clevo with a desktop CPU. But, definitely not possible in the modern babygirl turdbooks they are churning out now like digital diarrhea .
  7. It's unfortunate that you're overly sensitive about the use of hyperbole to convey disdain and contempt because people that use hyperbole and metaphoric speech to communicate are not going to stop doing so. It's kind of weird in light of how common it is in a debase culture that non-chalantly uses truly vulgar language, often extreme, in casual conversation, motion picture and music entertainment, which is far more inappropriate and offensive, and not even fitting the context in many cases. Yet, that's OK but using Nazi in place of "[insert vulgar expletive] control freak" is not. Seems so odd.
  8. To some extent this is subjective, but I agree that the atrocity of the Windoze 8.X GUI has been unmatched. I find the Winduhz 11 GUI also disgusting, a downgrade from Windowz 10, but nowhere nearly as unacceptable as 8.X. I suspect most consumers are stuck, if for no reason than a lack of technical know-how. Cost isn't a real excuse, because you can get a Windowz 10 Pro key for $20 or less and download the ISO for free from Micro$lop and a variety of third-party servers. The technical know-how is the only real issue, and it's a big deal for most consumers. Yup, pretty much. They're Nazis and have adopted the crApple control freak approach to everything. They believe that consumers are just sheeple that are too stupid to know what's best, so they will decide for us all, and they take steps to attempt to limit the freedom of individuals to make their own decisions.
  9. Yeah, I pretty much washed my hands of laptops for anything other than overnight travel computing needs around 2015-16. The Dell Precision turdbook I have handles what I need it to, and it's built like a tank. All metal and carbon fiber... super heavy, nice 17-inch IPS screen, and a total breeze to work on. It reminds me of when Alienware made good laptops. The Quadro P5000 16GB GPU is MXM, but the CPU is a chintzy BGA abortion. It has 4 DDR4 slots, 2 NVMe and a 2.5 inch drive bay (all filled) and I bought it as an off-lease grade A refurb for a little under $500. It is worth more to me for the reason that I have it and a much more sensible option financially than a crappy thin and light, thermal throttled, scortched earth, disposable gamerboy piece of garbage. I don't love it, but I don't hate it like I would a $2800 turdbook that I know would leave me with nothing but regret for having wasted $2800. For $500, I'm very happy. The $2300 saved can be used for something that is actually good or special.
  10. That part that gets too easily forgotten is that the industry is only making the excuse for BGA "because it is a laptop" is nothing more than a hot and steamy crock filled with feces. It is a deliberate design to enrich sales revenue, limit repairability, shorten usable lifespan, drive repeat sales and a totally necessary engineering compromise. So, yeah, it's a laptop and will have laptop limitations. Making it a BGA laptop just adds compromise on top of compromise, all of which are geared toward screwing the end user and making more money for the sellers of BGA filth. Laptops are a whole lot worse than they need to be, and they don't all need to be compromised. But they are now. Too funny. I literally just watched that video like an hour ago. Compromise sucks on desktops, too. That build was far too complicated because the case is not designed to contain a robust system and is just too small to build anything great or remarkable. I can't identify anything nice to say about cramped workspaces. Things should be as big as they need to be, plus a little extra, if you expect it to turn out the way you want it to, rather than the way someone else expects it to. I wouldn't go that far. Offended is probably not the right word. Unimpressed and disappointed, and disinterested with the options in general, yes... for sure.
  11. It is still going to have all of the inherent problems, limitations and engineering defects associated with the fact that it is a BGA turdbook. Performing better because it is a newer hardware generation is expected and required as the price of admission, but that is not a good enough excuse to embrace the filth any more than it never has been in the past. Garbage is garbage no matter how you slice it.
  12. It always helps keep things in perspective to remember that (a) Micro$lop is evil at the core of their corporate existence, and (b) fanboys lack the ability to think rationally about things. If the sheeple want to use Winduhz 11, it doesn't matter how crappy it is. In their minds it is the ultimate destiny and they are too stupid to use logic. This is not unique. The same can be said of crApple and their sick little minority group of fanboys, fangirls, and fan-its that are confused about everything. The Redmond Reprobates are fully aware that by making the use of Winduhz XI more difficult that makes it elusively desirable for fanboys and rebels alike. That's why they do it. It would be less accepted if it installed on a potato or a tomato. Their roadblocks fuel defiance and controversy about a product that is unworthy of any manner of special attention. Somebody in a high ranking position gets their jollies from watching emo fanboys have meltdowns and technically challenged wannabe crybabies whine about it.
  13. What the heck? That's really crazy. PCIe x16 slots should provide 75W natively without an extra power source. It makes no sense that ASUS did this.
  14. Were they actually Corsair employees? Not defending what they did at all, but just curious if their behavior was a reflection of being an outsourced flunky that doesn't actually care about the brand or the customers. If they were actually Corsair staff, that makes it a less forgivable breach of character. Most of the people I have needed to interact with at ASUS were truly horrible, so I wouldn't have a surprised look on my face if they were Corsair staff. But, I would still hope not. Good help is hard to find, especially when the functional role and compensation package fail to make the employee feel like a mission-critical resource.
  15. Yes, everything EVGA makes is top notch. A 550W PSU is adequate for a lot of applications that do not involve overclocking and overvolting of components that are notorious for being power hungry running stock. For most typical uses you would not exhaust the 550W PSU capacity.
  16. Yes, I think adding a second PSU is a better option. Both of us have cases that support dual PSU. You could also run the 4090 HOF off of the second PSU or the mobo off of the SFX PSU if you wanted to, and still have plenty of legacy PCIe cables available for older GPUs and not have to disconnect anything. As long as both of the PSUs have more than enough capacity to support what they are attached to you're good. Running the GPU from a dedicated PSU is never a bad idea. Most people do not have cases that support dual PSU installation. My case will support dual full-size ATX PSUs, but I am using the spare PSU bay to support the water cooling lines. I installed bulkhead G1/4 pass-through fittings with QDC fittings and ball valves mounted on a thick aluminum plate that is screwed in place where the second PSU would be installed.
  17. I am not sure on a SFX PSU. There might be some good options, but the systems that use them are usually compromised in a myriad of ways. If you are only using the SFX PSU to power some older GPUs it probably doesn't need to be top notch. I have the extra 6-pin PCI-e connector on my Dark mobo and I always use that when it is available on a motherboard because it helps GPU stability to have the additional power available to the PCIe slots with an insanely powerful GPU like the 3090 KPE or other GPU with a 1000W power limit. It might not matter with the older GPUs, but I don't question that it would be wise to have it connected with your 4090 HOF beast GPU. It might work OK without it, but it certainly cannot hurt to use it. I would if I were you.
  18. That's very weird. The BeQuiet PSU has 8+6 instead of 8+8? Technically, you only need 3x8-pin per cable. Some are 3x8-pin adapters and that is plenty for one 12VHPWR connection. In fact, the 3090 KPE can easily pull 1000W with a severe overclock and 3x8-pin provides ample power for that, along with what it can pull from the PCIe slot. I believe the 12VHPWR adapter cables that use 4x8-pin per 12VHPWR connector are using lighter gauge wiring and compensating for that by taking up the 4th PSU port. For example the cheap "Basic" CableMod 12VHPWR cable uses 4x8-pin PSU ports. The better "Pro" uses only 3x8-pin and uses heavier gauge cable and sells for $10 USD more than the "Basic" version. The "normal" (meaning correct) price is $1999.99 direct from ASUS. I paid $10 more for a better experience dealing with NewEgg than the idiots at ASUS. If there is something wrong with it during the first month of ownership, NewEgg will take care of me better and faster than ASUS will. Most resellers are dishonest and live to screw their customers. https://rog.asus.com/us/graphics-cards/graphics-cards/rog-strix/rog-strix-rtx4090-o24g-gaming-model/ It looks like it is available (at least at this very moment) direct from ASUS.
  19. Thank you. Yes, I know this is the one you wanted. It is sad that the NOK to USD exchange rate is 10:1 right now. As I was waiting for Amazon to process my refund, I thought about the way the Suprim just died for no reason I could identify, and I remembered that my first Unify-X mobo lasted less than a day, I decided that was not better than the bad luck I have had with ASUS. I no longer have much confidence in reliability from either brand now. Figured that I might as well get the Strix since it seems reliability for both brands is questionable. I almost pulled the trigger on a MSI Trio from Best Buy for $1600 and ready for pickup today, but decided that chances of me being happy with it are probably very slim. It's pretty wimpy in terms of power delivery, unlike the Strix and Suprim. The Strix and Suprim and HOF are the only 4090 GPUs built better than the FE. All others are weaker than the FE. That is the US pre-tax price now on NewEgg, but it is the price from the scalpers. I did not pay that much and would never have ordered it at that price. The scalper price is ludicrous. I got the only NewEgg option in stock. Here is what I paid for the "sold and shipped by NewEgg" GPU, which is still too much...
  20. @PapusanI hope I don't end up being disappointed or hating myself for getting this thing. Should have it by Friday. Edit: looks like I got lucky. The price is now $400 USD more from a reseller scalper than what it cost me for the "sold and shipped by NewEgg" GPU. Even after sales tax and shipping was added it is still $235 less than the pre-tax scalper scam price.
  21. I agree with you. But, I will go a step further and say that buying garbage is never good. If owning garbage is one's destiny, they should spend as little as possible on it because... well... it's garbage. Garbage is worth only as much as garbage collectors are willing to pay for their trash. Right now it seems like garbage collectors are loving their trash way too much. None of this even contemplates the fact that sheeple lack the ability to identify garbage. I still don't feel good about getting screwed on awesome though. For those responsible for screwing us all, I classify that moral defect as being conceptually the same as a rapist believing that their victim secretly wanted it. Surrendering on the basis that resistance is futile does not legitimize the character flaw.
  22. Honestly, it would not surprise me if some people eat while sitting on a toilet. The sheeple believe what they are told. That makes paying more to get less understandable because they're believing lies, trusting liars, and being mislead about getting less. But, it doesn't explain the rationale for carte blanche paying way too much no matter how truly great and amazing it might truly be (4090 is the example here). Everything is a poor value and nothing is priced consistent with the value it offers (or doesn't offer). It adds insult to injury when you are getting a piece of garbage that is severely overpriced.
  23. It will never be a "good" OS, just as Windowz 8.X and Windoze 10 were never a "good" OS. Each release has merely been a different gradient of product development failure.
  24. Good and bad are determined based on what supports or calls attention to the stupidity of their agenda, not what is actually good or bad. Common sense and an elemental, animalistic level of decency gets in the way of their agenda.
  25. ZippyTek is from Egypt. Unless he is running his stuff inside of a meat locker probably everything is thermal throttled, LOL. That, or his HOF card wasn't a winner in the silicon lottery. I suspect there are some that are not. Edit: I suspect so. Probably the most reasonable way to explain the poor results.
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