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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I seriously doubt that they are actually binning the core silicon. I doubt that any of them are, even if they say they are. None of them care enough about the products they sell or the people that buy them to do that, but they certainly don't mind pretending they do and lying about it. I could be wrong and I am open to being shown evidence that I am wrong, but otherwise I believe they are just lying if they say that. A binned product should exclude everything other than golden samples and let the average stuff go to the gamerkids that don't know, don't care, want cheap. If they are binning them, what they are doing is identifying below average trash samples and putting the garbage samples on their least expensive gamerpunk bottomfeeder GPUs and only using average or better on the Suprim X. That's binning, but not the right way. Even EVGA did not do it the right way. The right way would be to identify the top tier silicon samples, set them aside and reserve them exclusively for the halo product. When those chips run out, you don't make or sell any more of the halo product. EVGA binned the 3090 Kingpin. They actually had felt tip marker numbers written on the silver rim around the GPU core. Mine sucks at core overclocking... super average. Not horrible, but nothing worth being excited about. But, it cost the same as the better samples that lucky winners received. The only benefit I got out of it was avoiding something below average. Because the core overclocking isn't well above average the product was a waste of my money and regret buying it for that reason only. Anyone that buys a halo product should be a lucky winner. That is what they paid extra for, and that's what they deserve. If I am honest, I have to admit that the memory overclocking is superior, and notably better than average. But, that by itself that isn't good enough. I expected both core and memory overclocking to be superior. Brother @electrosofthaving two remarkably different Suprim X in his possession is evidence that they are not binning, or that their QC failed. Not sure which is true, or if maybe both are true; meaning that they are lying and have lousy QC.
  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Brother. I have always enjoyed helping people and while I have not been involved with laptops for a long time I am happy to provide whatever tips and helpful information I can. Congratulations on the P870. I agree that it was the last good laptop made. I also still believe it is overall the best laptop ever made. Everything produced since then has been an overly compromised piece of garbage. I had a lot of fun with laptops for a lot of years for sure. I can honestly say that I do not miss them at this point. That said, I wouldn't trade the good memories and experiences I had with any of my monsterbooks. Looks like a game I might like. Cool that it was released on my birthday. I generally don't buy games until they drop to around $20-$25 so I will be waiting for a while for that to happen. I liked the previous Dead Space games, but lost interest and quit playing them before I finished them.
  3. Thank you, Brothers @ryan and @tps3443. The way things are changing, I don't know if there will be anything left to overclock much longer. Seems like there is a push to turn PCs into little more than severely overpriced glorified DIY game consoles from both the hardware and OS side of things.
  4. Everything from AMD and NVIDIA is a poor value. The cheapest 4090s and 7900 XTXs available sell for $500-$600 more than I believe they are worth.
  5. You can only be in the pig pen for so long before you begin to look, smell and act like a pig. AMD pulled an NVIDIA. Get a little; pay a lot.
  6. Thank you both, very much. We should do a virtual meeting sometime. That would be good. I bet I spend 20 hours (at least, sometimes more) a week in Google Meetings at work, and video chat is the nearly exclusive means of internal communication, even for one-on-one conversations. I find using a cell or desk phone inconvenient at this point.
  7. I NEVER get tired of Brother Tom's music. I think this one is in my top 5. His lyrics are phenomenal and I love that he calls the balls and strikes in a straightforward manner with no concern about whether or not it offends the idiocy of wokeness or those that care more about political correctness than integrity, truth and honesty.
  8. Yup... truly GIGO. That's what makes is scary and Orwellian. AI will never be an acceptable substitute for a sentient human being with a heart, soul and conscience. AI will always be flawed and process information in the context of the personal bias and views of its programmer(s). Nothing made by human beings will ever be perfect. It will always have varying degrees of flaws and defects.
  9. Thanks, Brother John. ♥️ The big 6-0. That just doesn't even seem possible... totally surreal. I'm glad I don't feel 60.
  10. And, the Children of the Beast rejoiced and were exceedingly glad. They feasted on feces, sang and danced, "Hail to the Lord of the Flies, the Father of Lies, the Prince of Darkness, for his evil endures to all generations."
  11. Here's another one. Sad days and getting sadder by the hour.
  12. Galax and Zotac and PNY have overclocking tools that are standalone products and not UWP feces, and they work with other brands. There is also value left in NVIDIA Inspector. So, there will still be alternatives. It is heart-wrenching that EVGA is no longer in the mix. Aside from their superior hardware, I actually used PX1 more than Afterburner. It is a better product. My use of Afterburner has been limited for a good while. Even when I was still benching laptops, I thought EVGA Precision was more effective. But, it is still very sad that MSI Afterburner is probably going away. It seems like NVIDIA doesn't care or doesn't want end users to have the ability to overclock. It probably makes it harder for them to distiguish new products as superior when there is not a big improvement. If you can overclock a X070 to make it look like a X080 or a X080 to make it run like a X090 it is harder to demonstrate value in the more expensive part. Putting things in a box maximizes profit potential for them. By limiting the current generation flagship they create extra space for the next generation flagship to look better than last generation's flagship product than it would if last generation's flagship could run wild and free. Smoke and mirrors, and masterful execution on the art of deception. They do cripple things. Lack of voltage control is the primary way they do it. They develop robust products with great potential and then limit the potential so they can offer different tiers of performance (for more money) without having to change much in terms of hardware. Just manipulate results using firmware. Easy money by screwing the end user. And, still better than anything AMD has to offer. NVIDIA Control Panel in Windows used to be like Linux with overclock controls. Now it is very limited and includes nothing for overclocking. Overclocking without voltage control and uncapped power limits offers very little opportunity for superior results. If your GPU silicon is poor quality, you have no voltage headroom. If it is better than average you can use up the excess voltage available in the firmware, but you are still severely limited in terms of how far you can go without more voltage. The root problem is a lack of integrity, absence of principle and generally unacceptable business practices in the computing space, and those that suffer most from the unethical behavior are the enthusiasts that are getting screwed harder than any other consumer demographic. 100%. The only way to effect change is by deliberately and maliciously inflicting severe financial harm, and that is hard to do when you're outnumbered by brain-dead sheeple that are as dumb as a box of rocks. These are the same morons that view themselves as being informed and enlightened because they read "news" headlines and believe they have all the facts. You know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel when the only reason NVIDIA is awesome is because AMD sucks. We know this is true because that's what the clever marketing materials tell us, and our "friends" on Facebook say so. That's no way to live.
  13. People that do things like this, and worse, make me wish I had chosen being a vigilante as my career path. They don't deserve the air that they breathe and it would be great if they never got any more of it. I'd take this one pro bono, LOL.
  14. That is an extreme example of an overpriced cheap product. There will never be a shortage on stupidity. The decimal point is off one digit too far to the right on that jokebox.
  15. Yes I'm not into playing cheap stuff either. The cliche that you get what you pay for doesn't always apply to expensive items but it always applies to cheap items. And I don't mind spending extra for something awesome if it's actually going to be awesome. I've never really liked Gigabutt or their product offerings and I would absolutely approach the idea of buying something from them with some level of fear and trepidation. I've always been happy with Asus products until they failed and put me in a position where I had to deal with their product support nitwits and their crappy warranty service. I'm always quick to forgive mistakes, but I don't have any respect for companies that are dishonest and look for opportunities to shirk their contractual obligations. I think Asus is that kind of sorry outfit. I have no respect for them just as I have none for the Redmond Reprobates. The contempt I have for them was created by their unacceptable behavior. It probably makes no sense in the grand scheme of things to believe that any company from China, the enemy of the free world, is worthy of trust or respect. It is unfortunate that any economic dependency on them exists. Cheap slave labor is profitable for greed-driven companies.
  16. I'm never owned an Asus GPU. I have had zero problems with their cheaper mobos like Strix and Prime. I just don't like them as a company or their sucky warranty service. If I'm given the option between their brand and something equivalent in a competing brand I'm just more inclined to choose the alternative. I'd consider buying a Strix 4090 if it were cheaper, but I don't like the idea of paying a lot extra for something that's not going to give me a lot extra, or the idea having to fart around arguing with crooked bastards that don't want to honor their warranty if something goes wrong with their overpriced piece of crap.
  17. I might do an Elmore voltage mod at some point and would want something overbuilt.
  18. Yes, that was the video I referenced in reply to Brother @Rage Set but there are not any good views of the PCB. As best I can tell trying to judge by bumps in the thermal pads from far away it looks like it's probably 28 phases. But, I wouldn't swear to it. It sucks that he could not get the correct socket and soldered one on that will not work. I'm also not understanding how the owner of that card managed to break it off the motherboard unless they were like a bull in a china cabinet.
  19. I am not sure. Nothing published is clear on 40-series, and looks are often deceiving.
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