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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. You are right. I implied that everyone there is a moron. That is not true. There are still some people there that are intelligent... you and me included. While the culture is probably similar or more stupid than overclock.net, I can say the same about Reddit. I hate the platform and a high percentage of the regulars there are batpoop crazy, but there is still some gold to be mined. You just have to sift through the guano to find it.
  2. I seldom visit that place. All of the intelligent people from overclock.net left and started ExtremeHW.net so what remains are... well, you can connect the dots.
  3. Yes, 3DMark is buggy (has been for several years) and it is only an issue now because a few of the prima donna chosen got their "professional overclocker" scores diminished by peasants that were not using LN2. At the end of the day it really is about HWBOT allowing UL's garbage and their solution is to require people that have a card with ECC memory gimp it by turning it on. I also wonder how much incompetence there was on the part of the "professional overclockers" wasting time submitting benchmark scores with ECC enabled. Instead of admitting their mistake, starting over and submitting new scores with the setting turned off, it must be a lot easier to penalize everyone else with a new rule that requires that everyone commit the same mistake by fiat decree, and they hold their rank on the leaderboard without having to earn it. They can then void the submissions that challenged their supremacy.
  4. Let me quote myself again. So, we have drama because the elite chosen golden girls are butt-hurt and going full emo retard because some pions running air and water beat their bugged LN2 scores, but the real reason is because UL's 3DMark is a POS buggy benchmark. So, they make it a rule to require ECC enabled rather than going back to UL and saying we aren't using your garbage benchmark suite any more until you idiots get your act together. Yes, I posted earlier in that thread about NVIDIA selling a defective product for a ludicrous price that demands and deserves near flawless perfection.
  5. LOL... great minds think alike. You and I simultaneously posted semantically the same thing. GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). UL is a joke. They ruined Futuremark. HWBOT banned XTU because it is garbage, and they should do the same with UL.
  6. Stock 3090 KPE: https://opendata.blender.org/benchmarks/d8bb4b44-e566-4908-9be6-633bb6335451/ Stock 3060 Ti FTW3: https://opendata.blender.org/benchmarks/7b290602-6130-4b33-b952-a7fad73f32e3/
  7. The elite chosen are an entitled group. In fact, I honestly don't believe CENS wanted the CPU from @tps3443for himself as much as wanting to remove it from "retail" circulation because extraordinary silicon samples diminish the fake sense of mystery and talent the chosen need to validate their position. Even the comment by Splave exposes the subtle arrogance, although it probably was not intended to send that message. He may have well said, "Nice to see a pion accidentally get lucky with retail garbage that wasn't reserved for them." Guys like you and me and @johnksss could be a very dangerous threat to the elite overclockers' status if we got our hands on silicon samples like those @tps3443has lucked out with, and they know it. They're not worried about silly gamer kids that have no idea what they have, nor should they be. They're going to be too busy bragging about their low voltage and low power draw rather than chasing world records. Even if we didn't go down the LN2 path and take their crowns away, the gap between their spots on the leaderboard and the "not chosen" riff raff would be too close for their comfort.
  8. If I had the cash I would snag this right now. I'm not interested in wasting money on a 4090 or 7900 XTX, but this is a really good deal.
  9. I guess everyone is all set for GPUs and do not need one. Brother @Rage Sethas had a brand new 3080 Ti FTW3 Hybrid for sale for a long time for a great price as well. I would have thought these would be snapped up in a heartbeat. Weird.
  10. Welcome back, Brother! Glad you were able to join us. We missed you, man. Indeed. Familiar name, too... since you both have the same first name. 😄
  11. Performance difference seems indiscernable compared to Windows with 100+ FPS... (~60 FPS with "High" ray tracing) with "High" global settings. It is very smooth. I am using the Steam "Experimental" version of Proton. (The game is not available to install with the normal verson.) It runs flawlessly and the installation was as painless (essentially effortless) as installing on Windows.
  12. Crysis 3 Remastered on KDE Plasma... very smooth experience.
  13. It does not appear that it is large enough for a 420mm radiator in top or bottom. I know you already have it, but based on what I see in this video, it does not seem to be an option.
  14. I am using Artic F12 fans, which are very low speed at maximum RPM, so they run full blast with no mechanism to control the speed. It works out really well. They are very quiet and they have adequate static pressure. The way Alphacool designed the fan mounting plate with the round holes there is no place for the air to leak. You can use any kind of fan (square or round with tabs) and not have to worry about static pressure loss. The only direction the air can leave is through the radiator, or backdraft through the fan blades.
  15. This worked out nicely as a dust/lint filter for the XT45 1080 Nova radiator. The product is made better than I expected it to be. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092249XQJ
  16. Very much so. I hate it for both of those reasons. Disgusting garbage. Unfortunately, my employer uses it for networking with clients and prospects and I cannot purge that filth from my life as easily as Facepoot and Twatter. I will not engage in social media at all where business is concerned. Too easily abused and leveraged. I have a complete profile and have had one since the time of launch. Don't message me there. Notifications are ignored and emails are marked as spam. When the Redmond Retards took over, it got exponentially worse at an accelerated pace. It is predictable with more than 90% accuracy that the moment you let someone "join your network" you are going to get unwanted communication in one form or another. The other 10% is someone looking to build a fake social network or an appearance of favor for the purpose of being found by headhunters. Yup, same... In fact, hard to not be pleased to see their misfortune, and I really hate feeling that way. Out of character for me, but it is so just and deserved. Their pain is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to all of the people they have deliberately set out to harm, with prejudice and malice and reverse-bigotry. As they say, "payback is a..." I am fine with Musk being the self-appointed vigilante to take out the garbage. Long overdue. If not him, then who would have had the ability to make it right? Probably nobody. Would have remained a leftist cess pool indefinitely. The irrational hatred of Musk is exactly the same as the irrational hatred of Trump and Trump-followers. The left has gotten too big for their britches and they are incensed by the idea that anyone has the gall to challenge them or publicly repudiate their agenda. When someone has the financial means to expose their ridiculousness and corruption in all of its filthy glory they go off the rails cuckoo. Sadly, it is with the support and manipulative disinformative power of the mainstream media shill clown possee. It isn't about being Blue or Red, Left or Right with these people. It's about demonizing anyone who does not agree with their agenda and using that demonization to draw attention away from how utterly idiotic and irrational their agenda is.
  17. Yes, it is awesome. I love Wolfenstein series as well. I did not know they had remastered versions.
  18. Brother @ryandid you grab these on Steam already? I already had Crysis Remastered, but I snagged Crysis 2 and 3 Remastered on sale for dirt cheap the other day. They not only look fantastic, but it is wonderful having all of my Crysis titles under Steam instead of Origin. Interesting that they run really smooth on my turdbook with the P5000. The 16GB Quadro handles ray tracing much better than expected. It is unfortunate the P5000 cannot be overclocking and the vBIOS cannot be unlocked (per @Prema). It's a decent MXM option except for that limitation. (Not that I "need to" because it performs fine stock, but the fact that I can't is emotionally disturbing.)
  19. Tony contacted me about the clear plastic on the thermal pad. He was sure that was why the memory chip had failed and I explained that the clear plastic was on it for storage (keep dust off the pads) and that almost the whole life of the GPU was run on a full block.
  20. @tps3443 - so, I sanded down the underside of the IHS until the IHS was sitting sloppy loose on the die with an air gap so it would rock slightly due to the lip around the perimeter not making contact with the PCB and that helped. Temps improved ~5°C. I also investigated the copper IHS more closely and I think I can fix it by taking a tiny bit of material off the length of the wing using a Dremmel tool on the side where the CPU frame holds it captive. It is just a tiny bit too long to fit into that notch. I can make it fit using force, but that won't be good for mounting. It should fit loosely, not tightly. Should work fine after that. I will attempt that project another day. This was useful. Adding 120mV (as he demonstrated) over the 0.090mV default CPU PLL, Ring PLL and SA PLL voltage (set each to 1.020V versus "Auto" default of 0.90V) and slightly increasing my VCCSA to 1.300V and bumping VCCIN from 1.900V to 2.000V added stabiliy to my memory overclock. I did this on both the Strix and Dark, and oddly enough while helping both it decreased my memory temperatures a couple of degrees somehow. Maybe "Auto" was causing something to adjust to compensation for those PLL voltages being too low at the default 0.090V.
  21. The Blueanon platform losing their minds is a good thing as far as I am concerned. I can't really see a downside to it. Elon is a fixer. He takes over broken companies and makes them useful and relevant. The loss of control of the narrative for the left is what the world needed. A "free-speech platform" needs to be a free-speech platform. It wasn't. LOL... hilarious meme
  22. LoL. I agree with Chris. This needed to happen. It evolved into a scummy mess. Somebody needed to clean it up. It had become a political tool of misinformation for the extreme left. It's only a tragedy if you were part of the problem and now you don't have a platform.
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