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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Yes, I was raised in a household where firearm ownership was an essential way of life and as normal as breathing air. We always had a least a dozen different rifles in our gun display case, and we used them all, all the time. My younger brother is still into it in a big way. He owns several dozen rifles and pistols, some antiques he has restore and others modern. He custom manufactures firearms from raw materials in his home garage machine shop, and has his Class 3 dealer license. Up until my mid-20's I had all sorts of rifles and a few handguns. One of my favorites was a Ruger 10-22 with a folding stock, pistol grip, barrel shroud. I had both 30- and 50-round magazines for it and converted it to full auto. It was fun and cheap to enjoy. I typically ran 500 to 1000 round through it every weekend. We owned about 50 acres where I lived and we didn't have to find a place to shoot for fun or hunting. Military-style weapons were always our favorite and my brother is very much into sniper rifles and massive handguns, like 500 nitro. I will probably end up going with something from KelTec, but whatever I do it will be via private party sales so I don't end up on a government control freak gun confiscation list. When we started raising a family and living in the city, I lost interest (lack of use) and didn't have the time for it. I am not a hunter (or fisherman) and don't enjoy that aspect of it, and my brother is both of those things. I can't own motorcycles like that because I do not have the self-control, or the desire to find self-control, to behave in a socially acceptable manner when I get on one of them. I find it difficult to enjoy them if I can run them wide open on the highway and hotrod them between traffic lights. The power and noise are addicting and it is a different world now than it was back then. Instead of getting a ticket, you might go to jail or get shot by a rookie cop that is scared you are strung out on drugs rather than just having fun. (I often ran my bikes and cars with open headers and even that has potential to get you in big trouble today.) As a teenager and young adult, I was constantly in trouble for bad (but very fun) behavior with my streetrods and motorcycles. Age doesn't cure that kind of sickness, and when you have it you don't want to be cured. Part of the allure of high performance PC ownership for me has always been the fact that I can be as wild and crazy as I want to be and not incur fines, become uninsurable or go to jail for being wild and crazy. Yes, I totally agree with that. Anyone that doesn't recognize that as a contribution isn't paying attention. It is valuable to all, whether they purchase AMD products or not.
  2. It is hard for me to imagine. It used to be cars and motorcycles before computers, but I honestly do not see that happening. For one, it is far too expensive and frivolous for me to entertain the idea. I was with them the way I am now with computers and I do not have the financial resources needed to do that on a level I would find scintillating. Secondarily, I have mostly lost interest. In part, due to the way tree-huggers ruin everything with a modern hoax which has become their religion. They've poisoned the minds of our kids and their imaginary crisis has been embraced by millions of people that forego facts in favor of a cause to fill a godless void in their hearts. A former passion that I would be more likely to devote a renewed passion for is guns. Here again, goofballs destroy everything desirable with their false religion. The viability of that endeavor remains in the hands of traitors holding public office and their church of misguided sheeple. If the woke twenty-first century Ameri-Nazi agenda continues to erode our Constitutional way of life, that option will be off limits too.
  3. Yes, same. They almost regained my confidence, but the foul-tasting Ryzen 9 ownership experience hasn't left my mouth yet in spite of proper oral hygiene, and it re-revealed the folly of my naturally optimistic and forgiving nature. I guess it is fortunate for all of us that forgiveness is never earned or deserved or we'd all be irreversibly hellbound. The most dangerous part of it is how the Team Red fanboyz go out of their way to say nice things and pretend the engineering flaws and design defects are imaginary. PBO overclocking is a joke, but you'd think it was something special the way the Kool-Aid drinkers embraced it. It caused me to lose more respect for the fanboyz than it did AMD to be honest. Nothing they say can be accepted as true or accurate because they're impaired by their intoxication on the red Kool-Aid. "Stupid is as stupid does." - Forrest Gump
  4. After I read your post I expected to find him on one of his childish, irrational, bipolar emo-Nazi potty-mouth meltdowns that have made it so difficult to respect him as a subject matter expert; but, this was a really good video and he communicated in a mostly-respectable way that made him seem like an authority with only an occassional unprofessional teenager-grade vulgar expression. The video is spot on. DDR5 is just another gimmick/scam designed to make money and stop consumers from reusing their old parts across so many generations that the hardware manufacturers can't get richer. DDR5 is to memory benchmarks an equivalent to what the relationship of RAM caching was to storage benchmarks... a blazing fast clock speed that is real, but doesn't get utilized for anything important other than memory benchmarks. There are going to some isolated examples where it does matter for something, somewhere, but gaming certainly is not one of them. Hopefully this won't be another sucky enthusiast wannabe example of a cookie-cutter sheeple metachurch product that performs well stock, but sucks at overclocking. And, hopefully it won't have the same reliability/stability issues and USB malfunction problems like Ryzen 9. What excites me even more is the anticipation of what kind of answer Intel is going to have for it. It's wonderful having the force of competition in play here again. AMD's progress is a win for everyone, including people that won't ever buy their brand. LMAO at opening remarks here... "...they clock very, very, very high which is kind of exciting like the funny thing about clock speed is it doesn't directly translate into performance but who doesn't love looking at big numbers even if they don't necessarily mean anything like on Bulldozer CPUs..." - Buildzoid ...or, like DDR5 memory, LOL. Short answer to why... because they're the Green Goblin and doing the right thing is not how they roll. It never has been... ever. But, as long as they have the most desirable products, they are licensed to be dishonest, shady and unfair with the people whose money keeps their wheels turning. They're going to price themselves out of a job though, unless stupidity continues to prevail when it comes to how people spend waste their money. There is always the remote possibility that common sense will prevail and people will say no with their wallet to the retarded pricing.
  5. Yeah, I've never really understood the mentality behind any of it. When I am enjoying a game and it captures my interest it has little to do with photorealism or lifelike AI. It's because the game is fun and captivating and I am more in tune with the action than I am being a weirdo about things that don't make the game more or less fun to play. I might care more watching a movie or looking at photos if the image quality is poor resolution with washed out colors. I'd be more likely to notice in a scenario that has zero user interaction. I don't give a rat's butt about live gameplay streaming or watching other people play games, but if I were a spectator the lack of engagement and boredom might give me enough opportunity to notice minor anomalies in image quality. But, I think it wouldn't matter because there is a certain level of expectation that streamed video quality is naturally going to leave something to be desired. Well, bear in my we have 3090 KPE video cards. The people that own peasant versions of a 3090 are going to be dealing with all sorts of deliberately fabricated stupidity that cripples performance. Our GPUs are not castrated the way the rest of them are. Without EVGA driving competition with regard to overclocking and raising voltage and power limits, I am expecting the castration to worsen. They were almost single-handedly responsible for enthusiasts having as little reason left to be enthusiastic as we had. I won't have a surprised look on my face if I can't find a reason going forward. Factor in the irrational environmentalist agenda that is ruining our lives in other areas, we will probably see an expansion of the emasculation to include removal of all of the man parts, and we will all be left with cookie-cutter pansy-boy gamer trash.
  6. I do not use DLSS and don't really care about it or the AMD version of it. I don't game often enough for it to matter... maybe 2 or 3 hours YTD. Why all the sudden hate and "fake frame" chatter? Seems like not long ago many were super excited about it and wouldn't buy a GPU without it. Did the world suddenly figure out it was just another silly gimmick for rabid gamers to wet themselves over?
  7. Assuming the thermals are a direct comparison on the same test system within a controlled environment, the variance is possibly a direct reflection on the effectiveness of the fans and heat sink on each GPU. It could vary wildly among brands and different models within a brand. The only way you could draw any good conclusions on thermals of the actual GPU is with direct die water cooling, or using the same fans and heat sink on both GPUs. That is a gigantic difference in raw FPS and temperatures.
  8. UserBenchmarks: Game 320%, Desk 128%, Work 389% CPU: Intel Core i9-12900KS - 130.8% GPU: Nvidia RTX 3090 - 254.6% SSD: Wd_black SN750 SE 500GB - 368.9% SSD: Spcc Solid State Disk 1TB - 105.9% SSD: Spcc Solid State Disk 1TB - 87% SSD: Nvme INTEL SSDPEKNW020T8 2TB - 211.1% SSD: Samsung 960 Pro NVMe PCIe M.2 512GB - 269.2% SSD: Samsung 960 Pro NVMe PCIe M.2 512GB - 266.7% HDD: Hitachi HUS724040ALE641 4TB - 82.6% HDD: Rsh-319 ASM1153E 4TB - 26.5% USB: USB DISK 3.0 124GB - 53.7% USB: SanDisk Ultra Fit USB 3.0 32GB - 26.8% USB: SanDisk Ultra Fit 123GB - 26.3% RAM: Unknown SB-DR5U-16G 2x16GB - 244.2% MBD: EVGA Z690 DARK KINGPIN
  9. LOL... the ONLY thing Chris Titus likes about Winduhz 11 makes me want to puke my guts out. Too funny... but remarkable the the only thing he likes screams how much the product sucks and should be avoiding like a plague.
  10. More info... the last section of the video is particularly interesting and probably the most relevant in terms of the global magnitude of the tragedy of EVGA leaving the GPU industry. 20:19 - How NVIDIA Blocked Progress @johnksss
  11. Apparently so. Seems they value change for the sake of change rather than change for the purpose of improvement. The perception that the presence of activity equates to progress is a serious character flaw, and their character has been in question for a very long time. To be fair, the same can be said of Mac OS, so they are in good company with respect to character defects and nefarious intentions.
  12. Speaking truth into a vast expanse of darkness feels good even when those words fall on the deaf ears of sheeple lacking the brain power and mental capacity to process them if they wanted to. Nonetheless, they are accountable for receiving truth and they will ultimately be without excuse and pay the price for not being smart enough to recognize it. And, in the end, we can revel in the smug satisfaction of being able to boast about having been the harbinger of their destruction.
  13. Black is beautiful. It is my favorite color, even though purists will tell you it is not a color. I like white and think it looks amazing as long as it belongs to someone else and I don't have to stare at it every day. White is for light. 😄 Black shows dust worse, which is a problem here for sure. But, white reveals every blemish and no sin goes unpunished when there is a white backdrop. Seriously though, if it could remain spotless and blemish-free forever I'd be down with it because a brand new white system looks fantastic. It's the not brand new ones that ruin it. Thanks. Yeah, it is impossible to have enough space for everything, at least on my budget. I'd like to have an extra room the size of my 2-car garage, or larger, for nothing but my computer lab and enough money where I could go nuts building everything to my ideal specifications. Hell will more likely freeze over before that happens.
  14. It is more than a feeling, bro. The regression is a matter of fact. I honestly have zero regrets about abandoning laptops. I now only purchase inexpensive ($500~) off-lease business class machines for basic computing needs associated with business travel. The mere thought of wasting a larger sum on money on a compromised, disposable, overrated pile of trash made for gamers makes me feel sick to my stomach, and I hold nothing but contempt for the manufacturers of the pathetic thin and light rubbish that we are left with today. The notion of rewarding them with a purchase presents me with a personally irreconcilable moral dilemma. I wish I had moved back to desktops a couple of year sooner than I did. Things really started circling the drain and sinking fast when the thin and light BGA filth became the norm. Things have gotten progressively worse with each generation and there is no reason to hold any hope that their race to find the floor of a bottomless pit will ever improve. The sick clowns that build the modern mobile trash being sold today view their lameness and mediocrity as a virtue.
  15. It is not on the same caliber as Hard 8 or Spring Creek, or even Rudy's. But, it is really tasty and more affordably priced. It's like a top-notch BBQ "fast food" place. Perfect place to grab lunch when you are having a hankering for BBQ but don't want to spend a lot and do not have a lot of time to spare. You will like it... I'm sure of it. Kind of like comparing Fuddrucker's to BK, or Salt Grass to Outback. It's all good stuff, but one is greater. So, I did some home office remodeling and added a sit/stand desk for work. Now the desk that I was using for work is moved side-by-side with the matching desk that has my pleasure rig, making for what amounts to a 10-foot long desk surface.
  16. Yup.... ^^^ this ^^^ I would rather continue using a flagship GPU that is one or two generations old than buy a second fiddle GPU in current gen. The budget-friendlier gamer GPUs don't interest me even when they are more powerful than the GPU that I own that used to be the top dog in its day. Like they say, "Go big or go home." Plus, I just don't like the idea of opening my wallet to show financial support for products geared toward compromise.
  17. Bill Miller is a Texas-based Barbeque chain. Their food is tasty, but there are no locations close to Brother @Clamibot When I was a kid growing up in the San Antonio area we would get their chopped BBQ beef sandwiches 4 for $1.00 and a quart of fresh-brewed iced tea for $0.25.
  18. Yes, it does seem very high and it may not be accurate. But, as long as it is consistent and allows you to spot problems if they arise that is the greater value in having it. Knowing for certain the precise flow rate measurement really isn't that critical. If it falls for some reason and your temperatures increase, you would want to know and investigate. The measurement would be valuable without a number. It could be high, medium-high, medium, medium-low and low, for example.
  19. Here is my latest (went live yesterday). https://extremehw.net/all-reviews/corsair-hs80-rgb-wireless-premium-gaming-headset-review/ The next one is on another DDR5 kit that will likely be finished over the weekend and go live early next week. It never ceases to amaze me that results often depend on who is doing the testing/measuring. And, the working environment has a major effect on things. The best way to identify improvement potential is before and after results, when that is possible. The amount of improvement (or regression) should be relatively consistent even when the measurements differ from one system to the next.
  20. Here is a SK Hynix A-die memory overclock at 8500, LOL. Crazy. https://valid.x86.fr/lcqf0f
  21. At least the motherboard OEM can fix Micro$lop's botched up messes with a BIOS update. Thankfully, it only affects access within Windows and you can still change voltage in the BIOS. How much do you want to bet that they will leave their laptops broken and only fix it on desktop motherboards? Then laptops owners are getting screwed again, as they always do. No BIOS menus to adjust and then locked out in Windows.
  22. I have this one. I like it. It works well. It has an alarm that goes off if the water flow drops below a certain volume. If I turn off the PSU for my pumps and fans when I go away for a business trip and forget to turn the PSU back on it starts beeping to alert me. I do not use any software with it. I use it as a stand-alone product. No need for added bloat. It includes a cable to connect to a motherboard sensor header, but I also do not use that. No need for it. I can see what I need to know looking at the LCD screen. Igor tested the TF1. I have the TF2. Not sure what the differences are. AquaFlow makes nice products but I find them usually grossly overpriced and do not buy them for that reason. Their parts are also seldom available in the US and I have to order from Germany and that adds cost and complications that are best avoided if possible. https://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Construction-Monitoring-Temperature-CL-W275-CU00SW/dp/B08B3S7L3Q
  23. Sweet. I look forward to seeing more as you get this bad boy fired up.
  24. I passed on it, too. Way too much money and not enough of an upgrade from 3090 KPE. And, more than anything else no water block available and probably will never be one. That totally killed any remote chance of me ever changing my mind. Totally dead end unless you specifically want a hybrid GPU and have no aspirations for something more. But, I know there are some people that want it specifically because it is a hybrid.
  25. It would initially be painful and difficult, but in the long run I think a world without participation from China would be a better place. Without the rest of the world buying their crap they would simply return to being a third-world country with nothing to contribute. They would just dry up and blow away. Wouldn't hurt my feelings any. They've worn out their welcome as far as I am concerned and they have only themselves and their unacceptable behavior to blame for it. Let 'em rot in their own sewage.
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