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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Interesting. I've never encountered this at all. Is this on a laptop using a mobile driver or desktop computer? Neither one of my desktops experience this issue with Windows 7, Windows 10 LTSC 2019, Windows 10 LTSC 2021 or Winduhz 11. Most of the installations are non-DCH drivers. Is the affected system hybrid graphic or exclusively NVIDIA GPU? (It could be something with the Intel iGPU driver or hybrid graphics causing the issue.)
  2. I traveled for years with 17 and 18 inch beasts and an employer-provided laptop and other gear. I loved every minute of it. I would not have wanted it any other way. Was never a problem and totally worth it. Anybody that is so addicted to playing games that can't last through a flight in coach seating and cannot wait however long it takes to reach their hotel room has issues that require professional assistance. A thin and light piece of crap suitable for gaming in such terribly cramped quarters is only going to mask their problem while it festers without getting the professional help that it deserves.
  3. It would have to be a pretty crazy price cut for it to not be really stupid to buy a new RTX 30-series GPU this close to 40-series launch. I suppose if the price drop was massive enough (like 50-60% drop) it would make sense, but either way they are rolling the dice. I wouldn't buy a 4090 even if I were wanting to spend money on a new GPU. They already showed us that they were back-stabbers by releasing the 3090 Ti, so anyone that would have bought a 4090 under normal circumstances is probably going to wait for a 4090 Ti to avoid getting stabbed in the back a second time. It was not only a stab in the back for consumers, but also a kick in the gonads for the AIB partners that now have 3090 Ti stock that is going to be obsolete in a matter of days. It would have been smart for them to have not manufactured any so close to the 40-series launch. But, I don't know if the Green Goblin will allow them to make a decision to choose not to participate in a product launch. I feel bad for anyone that bought a 3090 Ti, especially if it was not a reference PCB. Any special versions (i.e. Kingpin, FTW3, Strix, etc.) are likely to have no options for water blocks. It would be stupid for companies like Bykski, EKWB and others to manufacture water blocks for a product that became obsolete within 90 days of its public release date.
  4. I wasn't aware that there was any place where they still offered same-day delivery. It used to be common in Phoenix, but that ended 4 or 5 years ago. Some items are available the next day (tomorrow) depending on what time of day you place your order today. It is extremely rare that I do not receive an Amazon order on the day expected. Once in a while something arrives a day late, and I suspect that happens due to an unreliable delivery person, or they got sick, or the Amazon delivery van broke down. (They do not maintain their fleet properly. They run those delivery vans ragged, and some of them aren't even safe to drive.)
  5. Everything is made for gutless wusses now. It wasn't that long ago that I experienced the joy of exhausting the capacity of my dual 330 watt AC adapter setups and craving more. It's all garbage now, made by sissy-boy idiots for those gutless wusses. It amazes me that people are willing to spend their money on castrated trashbooks. That takes some serious brain damage. The bar has never been set lower than it is now. It's a small miracle that most of this trash will even function as marginally as it does.
  6. Maybe it is another one of those nefarious and cockamamie treehugger ideas for all laptops to become such worthless trash that everyone will become so frustrated with the garbage they will switch to using smartphones exclusively to conserve energy. Kind of like the Orwellian approach of implementing extremely stupid and idiotic ideas and deliberately doing bad things that are against the best interests of society in order to cause the price of gasoline and diesel fuel to become so expensive that everyone will magically accept electric cars.
  7. Mine is not being used. I will put an ad in the Marketplace if either of you want it. I am trying to break my bad habit of hoarding PC components that I am not using, LOL. Check the motherboard in the Amazon photos. It has IDE, parallel and IEEE 1394 (FireWire) ports. There are probably some folks in our community that are not even sure what those things are. 🙂
  8. That seems to be par for the course now, doesn't it? A very high percentage of the tech advice that I see being given is flawed, based on lack of knowledge, personal bias and mostly worthless. The people receiving it generally are unable to identify bad advice because they just don't know anything. They embrace it on the basis that person giving it is trustworthy and knows more than they do. While there could be a degree of truth to that assumption, the giver and the receiver don't know what they don't know. It is a classic example of the blind leading the blind. And, we all know that old expression about the road to hell being paved with good intentions.
  9. NVIDIA hasn't been cooperating with production of MXM for a long time. They figured out with the Pascal generation that they could make a lot more money off of laptop manufacturers selling disposable turdbooks than they could with them selling upgradable and repairable systems.
  10. Clevo started circling the drain when the P870 was discontinued. They've always had issues with quality control and lousy firmware that ruined the performance of their systems, but with some tinkering, a bit of modding, and a @Prema BIOS mod you ended up with something amazing. The tinkering and modding was part of the fun. But, the chintzy crap they're offering now is totally inexcusable. There's not enough modding in the world that is going to make up for the shortcomings. The BGA GPU is an absolutely unpardonable sin.
  11. A lot of people used to say that you should never put a desktop CPU in a laptop. I've always disagreed at that, and I still do. There's no reason you can't or shouldn't. That's just stupid. What you shouldn't do is buy a laptop that isn't designed correctly. Oops. None of them are designed correctly anymore. None of them have the thermal management or engineering that they deserve. It doesn't matter whether they have a 25 watt CPU or a 250 watt CPU, they're all made like crap now. It's unfortunate because there's no excuse for it. Oh wait, it needs to be thin and light... Yeah, that's the ticket.
  12. I am not sure of a reason I should care. There could be some reason that I should care about it that I am not aware of. Maybe just as a act of defiance, since Intel doesn't want me to have it. Other than that, probably not.
  13. There is not even one single new laptop for sale now that I would consider spending money on. Not one. They're all just varying degrees of worthless, castrated, compromised garbage.
  14. Only time will tell if AMD breaks from tradition and doesn't suck in the next generation, but I certainly wouldn't hold my breath on that happening. All of their stuff looked great in theory last generation with Ryzen 9, but it turned out to be just another goofed-up cluster cloaked behind fancy-looking Cinebench scores. I take all of the talking head chatter and theoretical greatness about what's coming next with a grain of salt. It will be interesting to see what remains broken and what new things they can find to mess up.
  15. They probably enjoy giving bipolar whiners things to mitch and boan about. Some complained about AVX512 existing and now they can complain about it going away. https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/20/08/22/0550242/intel-defends-avx-512-against-critics-who-hope-it-dies-a-painful-death And, since the industry seems obsessed with trashy low-power turd technology, eliminating that can enhance the wuss factor of the new energy-efficient garbage the sheeple crave.
  16. I am taking my wife to see it for her birthday today. I do not care for Tom Cruise as a person, but it seems that I enjoy almost every movie he is in and I like the characters that he plays.
  17. I guess I am the keyboard-jockey equivalent of a blabber-mouth. 😉
  18. The idea behind the project is great, but the specs are lackluster. The headphone jack, removable storage media and removable battery are certainly hardware features that are desirable. The rest is not much better than pre-paid burner phone rubbish. https://myteracube.com/pages/teracube-2e#tech-spec-secs
  19. Thanks for the validation. As I was thinking about offering it up here in the marketplace for $750, that would be sweet deal.
  20. I figured that Banshee was overdue to stretch her legs a bit before putting her nose back to the grindstone again. This wicked girl is my daily workhorse. She spends most of her time crushing Excel and PowerBI. Yes, she does that 8-10 hours per day running the clock speeds used here, LOL. Because she can.
  21. My preferred aesthetic is only possible with older versions of Windows. Minimalist, clean... LTSC 2019 (v1809) with AeroGlass and StartisBack. Nothing else. It really sucks that Windows version upgrades are actually downgrades.
  22. I am contemplating another upgrade. Does $750 seem in line for the setup with these components? EVGA Z490 Dark (546 days remaining on warranty) 10900K (excellent bin quality) - delidded and running bare die Supercool Computer Bare Die Block I have the stock IHS for the CPU and will include it. The CPUs memory controller is also very stout. Has no issue overclocking the RAM to 4500 CL16-18-18-36
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