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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Send it to Tony at Northwest Repair. He fixed the 2080 TI FTW3 I used to have and he was fast and reasonable on the cost. Check out the amazing craftsmanship on this custom fab build. The guy made everything, including wire guides and veneers. Insane.
  2. New release... 3 minutes before I copied the link, LOL...
  3. I had a 10,000 BTU portable AC unit that I purchased for laptop benching around 2008 or 2010, and my wife gave it to one of my sons without asking my permission. 😠 Mini-split is permanent, not portable. It has the evaporator in the room on the wall and the condensor is placed outside like a central AC unit, but only smaller and just for one room. We had one in our master bedroom upstairs when we lived in Kennewick, WA and it was fantastic.
  4. It's already too hot. I need to get a mini split air conditioning unit for my office. It was 82° F today inside my office. The main part of the house is 72° F
  5. I am thinking about using a 12V automotive 10 or 12 inch radiator fan with a shroud on one of my 360x360 radiators. Has anyone here ever tried something like that? They are fairly low amps, push between 800-1200 CFM and can be speed regulated by an in-line PWM knob controller. Looks like you can get a decent one for under $30, which is far less expensive than buying 9 (or 18 for push/pull) 120mm fans. If it works well I will do the other 360x360 radiator. Thoughts? I already have a large sheet of black PVC plastic that will make a decent shroud. https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Radiator-Cooling-Mount-Unversal/dp/B014KK7Q84?th=1 https://www.amazon.com/KeeYees-7-70V-Controller-Switch-Control/dp/B083J3WMND/ Edit - went ahead and ordered this fan and speed controller. I got to thinking about it, and that's all anyone had available in the early days of liquid cooling. They even used car radiators and transmission coolers. I expect it is going to be vastly superior due to the gigantic increase in CFM, but only one way to find out.
  6. Not as good as Windows 7, but not as bad as 10 or as atrocious as 11. Where they started circling the drain and focusing on stupid things was 8.X and 8.X was uglier than even 11 without aesthetic mitigations.
  7. Nothing will ever be as good as Windows 7. The only thing wrong with it is the lack of current hardware driver support, and that is only because control freaks have more or less forbidden commercial driver development for Windows 7. Not sure if it is the truth or not, but I heard that there have been at least a couple of super-talented "pro-level" driver modders that have received cease and desist others and threats of litigation from the Redmond Reprbates for doing so. The Redmond Rejects know that if drivers remain widely available for Windows 7 there are too many wise people that will refuse to install the new trash OSes. Some of us do not care about that and feel like the "need" for it falls somewhere between fake/fraud or grossly exaggerated. How else could these brain-damaged Nazis get smart people to install their dung OS? They have to lie, distort, exaggerate and deceive to avoid failing harder than they already have. I do not use security software and do not install security or feature updates. Around 2015 I discovered the reward for not plastering my OS with "security" feces was much greater than the hypothetical risk. I have avoiding issues by: Not visiting questionable and skank web sites Not opening/viewing 90% of my email (at least that much is unwanted, unsoliticed or spam) Not opening any email attachment that I was not expecting to receive Not downloading or installing software just because it seems interesting Not downloading files from foreign file sharing sites Making my own archive of software that I do install and use (download once and done) Always show hidden files and file extensions and compare checksums Having a Macrium Reflect image of the OS I can restore if something does go wrong
  8. I am pretty sure they did not use an "Intel default" BIOS profile for this, LOL...
  9. I don't disagree. It even makes the point of what I posted. It might be a sweet product for a gamer, but it's a product unfit for my purposes and something incapable of delivering the experience I am looking for. They should not put me in the same category as gamers and shouldn't try to sell me a product that will fail at what I am looking for it to do. And, they shouldn't expect me to be happy with what they are offering unless they are ignorant or being deliberately deceitful.
  10. One of the problems we have at the product development and manufacturer level is either they do not understand the difference or they are playing dumb and pretending to not understand, but it seems like they view them as being one in the same. I don't consider myself a gamer and view it as being somewhat of an insult to be thought of as a gamer. I don't get too worked up about it when it is based on ignorance. I do like playing games once in a while, but it is little more than spare time filler and my passion is performance tweaking and benching. Many games I own were purchased only for the benchmark and I have no interest in playing the games. It is getting harder to sustain the passion for overclocking because hardware is being too dumbed down because of it being geared for the point-and-click gamerboyz and not particularly good for (sometimes terrible, or even incapable of) overclocking.
  11. It makes my heart happy and I hope it continues. It is a joyful thing to see there are enough people with common sense to avoid downgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I hope that this causes the people responsible for Windows 11 being the piece of crap that it is great suffering and hardship. Scummy products exist because scummy people create them.
  12. If and when you are using a mobile device functionality is limited, even in desktop browser mode. Yeah, @Papusan a big, fat, two-handed nasty-finger salute to the Big Tech commie bastards across the globe. crApple, Micro$lop, Meta and their associated and subsidiary crime rings, Tik Tok, all of the Alphabet muppets show (including Google and YouTube) and all members of their circle-jerk of technology cartels deserve to have the bad things they do revisited upon them ten thousand-fold. I'm more than willing for us all to learn how to live in a world without any of them and their scummy, woke, data-stealing Nazi bullcrap. I'd love nothing more than to see all of them go bankrupt and be decimated over a span of a couple of days. It would present some temporary consequences of inconvenience for their co-dependent sheeple, but the world would be a better place without any of them. I put them in the same category as serial killers, sexual predators and pedophiles and wish all manner of unfortunate business calamities, legal tragedies, malicous attacks and fatal financial hardships be visited on all of them, swiftly and without mercy. The human race was much happier and healthier, and more intelligent, before their defective contributions to society emerged.
  13. Yeah go for it. Grab the one on Amazon. I have not looked at pre-builts so I did not notice anything to recommend. That one from Amazon should be easily upgradable. As a general rule I would avoid an ASUS or MSI pre-built PC.
  14. I would buy that one before the one at Best Buy for a lot of reasons. Better case (from what I can tell by the outside appearance) and DDR5 are just two of the reasons. That ASUS case is not going to support cooling upgrades and has poor airflow. As best I can tell from the photos, the one on Amazon is better overall.
  15. It's cheap enough and definitely better than a laptop. Probably a good starting point to move away from turdbooks.
  16. Check out this conversation, Brother @Papusan https://www.overclock.net/threads/official-asus-strix-maximus-z790-owners-thread.1800191/post-29325482
  17. This is a fanboy product, not an enthusiast product. A performance PC enthusiast finds such behavior to be a deadly and unforgivable transgression. It doesn't even matter whether or not the product works well, it is still disgusting and unacceptable by design and an abomination. It is conceptually the same as buying a "sports car" with a powerful engine that cannot exceed the speed limit and cannot even burn rubber. But, it can go from zero to the speed limit very fast, LoL.
  18. Yeah, I feel the same pretty much. I only buy Intel because it is the lesser of two evils in my opinion. Not because I like Intel. If I can be completely honest I hate Intel and AMD and NVIDIA. Could Intel get bad enough that AMD becomes the lesser of two evils? Absolutely. Are we there yet? Nope. Will I be willing to make the switch if that happens I don't know. I will cross that bridge if I reach it, but whether the answer is yes or no, it will not be a decision that I was pleased to make. It will be a compromise and I always hate compromises. Compromise means you have to lower your standards, change your mind or give something up. I don't like any of those things.
  19. I like to avoid saying "never" because crow meat never tastes good, but I can honestly say I have no intention of purchasing anything from AMD again. I said that before, did it anyway and regretted it... more than once. I always say I don't care about brand and I genuinely do not. I have no love for Intel, AMD, NVIDIA or any other brand. Truthfully, I think they all suck. But, I do care about feeling as if I got screwed or purchased something that I later regret. Will I be stupid again and do something that is against my better judgment because I am passionate about high performance PC tuning? I certainly hope not and I don't intend to. If AMD later become the lesser of two evils, that leaves a few options. Do nothing and continue using old hardware, suck it up and choose the lesser evil even though you wouldn't otherwise, or just walk away from this hobby and never look back. I don't like spending money, even when it is for something I like a lot and end up spending it. I like spending money even less when I find out that I made a terrible mistake in doing so.
  20. The good days are behind us now. In many ways that are not relevant to this thread or even technology in general. Stupidity, filthiness and wickedness are the new normals for the human race.
  21. I agree. That is the part I suspect was deliberate to interfere with delidding. What they should do is offer an SKU with no IHS or a not attached IHS. All laptops and GPUs are bare die. There is no reason for AMD or Intel to use an IHS on their CPUs. I think the fact that they do, and not provide an option without it, is just super stupid. The only people that need an IHS to help avoid damage is those using DICE, LN2 and Cascade cooling.
  22. Probably deliberate. I believe the der8auer and EK clone delid tool already pushes the IHS the length direction. I recently saw a video showing that. I think KitGuru maybe?
  23. OK now that I let the water in the 360 AIO cool down overnight and my office is not 82°F it's working much better. Cinebench R24 does not work as efficiently on Linux as R23 does. Very close to the same score in Linux and Windows with Cinebench R23. With R24 the clock speeds dip due to the Linux power management governor being too aggressive.
  24. OK now that I let the water in the 360 AIO cool down overnight and my office is not 82°F it's working much better. Cinebench R24 does not work as efficiently on Linux as R23 does. Very close to the same score in Linux and Windows with Cinebench R23. With R24 the clock speeds dip due to the Linux power management governor being too aggressive.
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