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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Spot on. Less government involvement means a better outcome. There can be some degree of benefit to government control but the cons outweigh the pros. Best to the let market (people buying) decide what works and what doesn't. The government (any government) will just screw things up for the majority, stifle growth and deincentivise innovation. We are currently seeing and experiencing the pain and grief of what happens when government takes too much control of business and it's never good. They need to focus on protecting and serving, and leave command and control up to the free market. "Less is more" applies to a lot of things, but it is especially true of government and regulatory interference in private matters, business or money-related scenarios.
  2. Yeah probably will turn out to be nothing but a driver update is needed to fix it. Arc owners are no stranger to that or the massive improvements that have followed after a period of anticipation. What would be hilarious, if it happens, is seeing Arc video cards outperforming competing products. If the dirty pool shenanigan with DLSS is a barometer, this was an intentional act and could be the first of more to follow. Being shrewd is a positive attribute, but malicious and anti-competitive behavior should not be mistaken as being anything else.
  3. I can't relate to the idea of anyone purchasing hardware or making a final decision around one specific game, or mostly ignoring anything else. That seems absolutely absurd to me. Based on such a narrow view, decisions that seem right today based on a myopic view might totally change overnight and be a horrible idea tomorrow.
  4. That would be a waste of money for me, honestly. Unless it were free or like $5-$10 per month. I spend maybe $20-$30 dollars a year on games. Sometimes $0, There have been times when it was a year between seeing anything that I was interested in, or had to wait a year or two for the price to fall to a price low enough that I was willing to purchase it.
  5. People (and companies) that make legitimate mistakes, even very serious mistakes, and own them deserve second chances. You follow the Golden Rule with folks like that. On the other hand, people (and companies) that are deranged, corrupt, fundamentally dishonest and unredeemable, evil human beings should be shown no mercy. They deserve to be put our of their our misery. You don't give them second chances because they do not own their mistakes, have no intention of changing their actions or doing better. They will continue exactly doing what you gave them a second chance for because they either think they are right or don't see a problem with doing what they are doing.
  6. Yes, I am all about that. I love the idea and endorse the practice of financially punishing companies that are dishonest, incompetent, show bad judgement, promote immorality, or engage in leftist political agendas. But, spending money on broken garbage isn't furthering a good cause. It is validating trash and legitimizing mediocrity. Like .. ...this. We should not reward anyone for selling trash. At least not intentionally. Sometimes accidents and poor judgement lead us astray.
  7. The part that makes no sense (and I hate) is that Winduhz 11 scores 200 points short of 40K whereas same exact GPU OC and drivers it barely exceeds 35K on Weendoze 10. I think the Redmond Reprobates might have slipped 'em something under the table to make that happen. Makes no sense at all. Edit: OK that was wrong. Noob mistake. I forgot to disable ECC on Weendoze 10, LOL. Not much difference one versus the other. ECC totally ruins the Cinebench score if enabled.
  8. Nah... I really don't care. No plans to purchase it. As far as getting bare minimum and just enough, I think that is part of the evil plan. They don't want overclocking or firmware modding because the next gen they have to try harder to have something people want to buy. If they lock everything down and make it just barely enough then people will have to "upgrade" to a more recent crippled GPU if they want more performance. You have to remember... NVIDIA has not had a legitimate competitor for a good long while. Now they suddenly have two. Lack of competition isn't really a monopoly. The end result might be similar. When 95% of the buyers want your products and do not care about other options available to them you get to do almost anything you want to do as long as it is not against the law. Now that they finally have some legitimate competition they may have to adjust their approach. That problem might take care of itself.
  9. If you lie and say no it was never overclocked I doubt they can. Whether they believe you are telling the truth or not is irrelevant if they can't prove it. But, who knows how the telemetry/surveillance data from ASUS might be leveraged, abused or misused. I think that is a different issue/problem than the position that AMD and Intel have taken that overclocking voids the CPU warranty. In a most sinister way there could be an opportunity for conspiracy or collusion to provide the evidence needed by the CPU manufacturer to avoid paying for replacement. In the least nefarious scenario, they could be collect data about things that are quite simply none of their business.
  10. The part that seems weird to me is why this is not already part of the ordinary Adrenaline consumer driver stack. Had I not read the documentation with Cinebench 2024 on GPU compatibility (trying to understand why my 6900 XT was flagged incompatible) I would have had no idea that this obscure driver package even exists. It's not even the standard Pro drivers. Unless it degrades performance in some way that I have not discovered, not incorporating it into the standard consumer/gamer Adrenaline and Pro drivers seems illogical.
  11. OK, well that driver not only was needed to make my AMD GPU compatible with the GPU part of Cinebench, but the ray tracing components included, which I opted to install, made a measurable improvement in ray tracing. Seems like about 5-10 FPS better but also the visual quality is much better than the standard Adrenaline driver. Much smoother appearance than the standard Adrenaline driver. Definitely worth checking out on your 7900 XTX. At the start of the driver installation you have to choose components to install. Choose everything, including the Pro driver all the way down at the bottom.
  12. AMD and Intel both now have written policies that expressly deny warranty on processors that have been overclocked so they don't need any more ammunition to screw us. It is premeditated on both of their parts. As far as I know, ASUS is the only one with those stats logged in the UEFI. It would be naive to believe that it won't be utilized for a nefarious purpose. There's no legitimate reason to log the information if they're not going to use it for something and you can bet your booty it won't be something good. And, that would fit their modus operandi as a company. One more example of uninvited surveillance designed to benefit the entity surreptitiously gathering the data rather than the party producing it.
  13. Oh, OK. Sorry. I didn't understand that. I don't think I can be much help in that regard then. I don't use V- or G-Sync or framerate limiters.
  14. Doesn't that show in HWiNFO64? Down in the RTSS section? I think that was added as a new feature. Edit:
  15. Also less likely to cause heartburn, nausea or diarrhea. 😜
  16. Mr. Azor is a PR hack that says whatever he thinks will be sufficient to trick people into buying stuff from the company he works for. Accuracy is not important. Indeed, our industry is overrun by shysters and I think being one is a pre-requisite to participation. Mr. Green Jeans (dang Huang wang) just happens to be a king among liars, LOL. But, it doesn't matter what company you're talking about, they're all dishonest and misrepresent their overpriced products. Some are both dishonest and produce less desirable products. Don't believe for a minute that if 7900 XTX was a 4090 competitor that AMD would be selling it for substantially less. They'd be raping their customers to the same degree, without batting an eye. They are not an honorable company. None of them are. They are charging as much as they believe they can to move the product. Consumers are tasked with picking their own poison.
  17. Exactly right. That was like the threshold for my 5950X. Going any higher than 1900 FCLK just made a mess of things, and latency spirals out of control (along with WHEA errors) if you try to push the memory and/or FCLK too hard. It just doesn't cooperate.
  18. I am not sure you can say that the 7900 XTX matches 4090 by any measurement other than results, and based on results it isn't a match for it. Maybe 4080. Mr. Azor tried that, lied to everyone about it in public, and we all saw that it just didn't work for Frankie-boy. The only way to compare them is results, not specs. It doesn't matter if the specs are the same or theoretically better if the results don't show it. Effort is good if one is satisfied receiving only an honorable mention, but reward follows results. I certainly don't like supporting NVIDIA, but I also don't want to settle for (or support) AMD. That's why I am open to Battlemage. Otherwise, I would be gritting my teeth and sticking with the Green god of Greed's grossly overpriced silicon. But, my next GPU would most likely be a secondhand 3090 if not Battlemage. If I had to choose between 4080 and 7900 XTX, I would take the 4080. NVIDIA sells a better product and I am not interested is showing charity to the underdog.
  19. Maybe, but I always select the oldest micro-code in the BIOS for both of my motherboards (along with disabling security mitigations in Windows and Linux). I consider that an overclocker best practice. Maybe just the mere presence of the newest cancer screwed it up, even though it wasn't selected. The clogged cold plate and dried up liquid metal wouldn't change your SP rating, and since I had the same problem without the issues you corrected I think it has to be something they have buggered up in the current firmware. I really find it annoying that the new Cinebench refuses to remember my settings. If I don't deliberately set the duration to "off" manually every time I launch Cinebench it defauts to the looped version.
  20. EXACTLY the same thing happened to me, just out of the blue, and it was the BIOS. I tried reflashing and clearing CMOS and nothing worked, I went back to the older BIOS (v0904) and everything was back to normal. Not sure why it suddenly changed. Kind of messed up, but it's ASUS so I don't have a surprised look on my face. I don't hate it, but in hindsight I would have been better off just buying another Z690 Dark instead of the Apex.
  21. Maybe if I use sub-zero cooling it will make accumulated negative numbers. Tin foil hat causes me to wonder if maybe ASUS is collecting data for nefarious purposes like excuses to deny warranty. The Armory Crate and MyASUS malware applications collect data.
  22. Yup, that fixed it. Regular consumer AMD drivers won't work. You need that one linked above @Raiderman(Radeon Pro with HIPS SDK). That is just crazy, bro. Maybe have them watch some of the YouTube videos (like those on GN) that point out how horribly bad judgement it is to buy overpriced proprietary trash from outfits like HP and Dell. Yeah, HWiNFO64 has some newer features that suck. The "accumulated" readings are kind of idiotic, but ASUS has the same nonsense in the BIOS, so I digress. It's just regurgitating what the sensors tell it. I also hate the extra prompt on the vCore latch nonsense when you reset the HWiNFO64 sensors. It's annoying to have to find the pop-up prompting you to confirm you want to reset it and click a second time. I told Martin it was annoying and asked for an option to disable it, but I guess he either can't or doesn't care if it is annoying for ASUS mobo owners. I don't have to put up with it on the EVGA mobo, thank goodness. If you disable the sensors in HWiNFO64, the idiotic prompt to confirm you want to reset the latch sensors STILL bugs you. Even if the sensors are disabled in HWiNFO64 the prompt still appears. LOL... totally pointless "accumulated" readings. I really don't understand what value it is supposed to add. Same goes for the other irrelevant "accumulated" power and voltage readings. The new way to spell stupid is A-S-U-S.
  23. OK, I guess you have to download and install special AMD drivers that have a module to integrate CUDA for it to work. Trying it now to find out. https://www.amd.com/en/developer/rocm-hub/hip-sdk.html @Raidermanyou may need this for it to work with your GPU.
  24. You should sell that to me before you do something about it. 😂 Z690 Dark (6900 XT not compatible -?!-) CPU: 2510 / GPU: NA - Windows 10 Z790 Apex and 4090 - CPU: 2497 / GPU: 28630 (stock) - WIndows 11 🤢 Z790 Apex and 4090 - CPU: 2569 / GPU: 32553 (OC) - Windows 10 😉
  25. Yes he does. Also the product review program. Someday people will learn. ...ok, let's be honest... NO THEY WON'T. Stupid is totally normal. They will never learn because they choose to believe lies. Those of us that don't drink the "newer is always better" Kool-Aid don't have nearly as many issues. Most of the time all of the drama about bugs with Windows, drivers, firmware, updates, security patches, etc. I am totally oblivious and immune to. I am sure the same can be said for you, bro.
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