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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Maybe this will get your attention even more. The birdie is out of the cage now. Will be interesting to see how high the birdie flies. Hopefully, it does fly. I had to scratch them off my list of retailers that are worthy of my patronage. I don't think so now. They're too messed up and don't deserve to get any of my money, even though that leaves me with no local option to buy anything. More reports of Best Buy Racial Discrimination Best Buy Religious Discrimination
  2. Yes it can be very tedious and frustrating because the stability can be deceiving and an apparent lack of stability misleading as a result of the memory getting too hot. Without water cooling I've had to start over a couple of times because my settings actually were stable but the temperatures led me to believe otherwise. To get an accurate read it needs to stay below 45°C. Above that the opportunity for memory test errors begins to skew results.
  3. It is nice to finally see some good memory overclocking from the Red Team. It was a long time coming. Very respectable. Not sure who asked you to post, but no invitation is needed. Desktop, laptop, Intel, AMD, NVIDIA all welcome here.
  4. I am not sure. It would be a difficult void to fill. Probably just double down on health and fitness. Maybe go back to firearms and weapons, which was one of my passions before PC. Yeah, would be awesome It would absolutely suck while happening, but might be worth it in the long term. Allowing such a wicked adversary to gain a place of value and prominence was a very serious mistake. The world would ultimately be a better place without them, or at least without their exceedingly wicked leaders. The good people of China have no voice under the dominion of a insane and godless tyrant, and no armaments to combat, resist or subjugate the control of their unfit government. The evil ones (and their subservient Kool-Aid drinkers) have all of the power and control, and zero tolerance of the good ones. I don't believe there is a way that can be fixed, or it already would be. Best to rip the band-aid off. It might bleed a little bit for just a few minutes, but it can be over fast.
  5. China should just be thrown out of everything and deprived of the money and essential resources needed to thrive and remain relevant to the rest of the world, all of whom they would happily kill or enslave if given the opportunity. They do it to their own.
  6. Colorful could be relevant except they have the same issue as their daughter company, Galax. In order to be relevant they need to make their flagship extreme OC products available freely in the US, Canada and UK. The availability is so limited that they remain irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Colorful iGame KUDAN was quite the GPU. If my understanding is correct, they quietly manufacture the Galax HOF and sell it under that brand name. Look at this insane hybrid air/AIO/custom loop shapeshifter. This overpriced monster sold for like $5K from what I understand. But... doesn't matter. Can't buy one here even if you want to, so it's basically irrelevant.
  7. I think MSI would leverage it and push the envelope, and tell NVIDIA to hush up. It's time for them to return from the shadows. When EVGA was still in the battle they had formidable competition with ASUS and EVGA taking all of the gold with motherboards and GPUs. With EVGA out of the picture, the timing is right and things are ripe for them to open a can of whoopass on ASUS.
  8. I little birdie whispered something in my ear to the effect MSI is talking to Vince about Kingpin branded MSI GPUs. I hope MSI picks up the torch and runs with it. That would be absolutely awesome. I hope that turns out to be true. Only time will tell.
  9. Looks like John Deere is taking a page from the PC component and notebook manufacturer playbook on what it means to be a sucky scumbag. I'm am starting to feel like none of this even matters anymore. I mean, with Kingpin GPUs now a thing of the past and Galax HOF being nearly impossible to source in many countries, and if you even can get one, after buying it having the firmware and software withheld and unavailable that make the HOF something worth owning, there is nothing special available for purchase. There is no point in buying a GPU that is better in design or concept, but functionally identical to every common zombie sheeple card that only varies from the norm based on silicon lottery variance.
  10. I see that after reading the article. Also more peeling back the onion more about why EVGA told the Green Goblin to eat feces and die. The more I see, the more I believe it is time to abandon this hobby. Too many Nazi control freak idiots trying to play god and predetermine what people are "allowed" to do with the products castrated garbage they sell rent to them. The alternative sucks, so there isn't going to be anything left worth owning. We're basically there already. Very likely that my last upgrades will be the last. None of them are worthy to receive my money. Strix/Matrix is already garbage in the current gen and a waste of money. No real benefit over a reference GPU, so no reason to believe they will be any less garbage than they are today. I doubt MSI will have the gonads to fight back or do what is right and fall out of grace. We should not be surprised if Galax comes next for refusing to bow and kiss the ring of the Maggot King. And, Galax OC Labs HOF products are not really relevant to anyone living in the US because they don't sell anything here and sourcing their products is close to impossible. If you do, getting the tools needed to reverse the vasectomy is borderline impossible. Without the tools to fix the mess, the Galax HOF card serve no useful purpose because they perform no better than a reference GPU.
  11. Boot from your Zorin USB installer and when you get to the Zorin desktop run the installation option. It should see the unallocated space and guide you through installing itself in that space. Zorin and other Ubuntu and Debian derivatives are very user-friendly and actually more helpful than Windows when it comes to the installation process. Awesome. Long overdue. I look forward to flashing unsigned vBIOS mods on my 4090.
  12. The power throttling might be something with your windows power profile that you could correct easily. You can try adding the Ultimate Performance power profile and change the minimum CPU percentage to 100% to match the maximum. You can also use the Bitsum Park Control utility and apply their power profile in addition to making sure that all cores on the CPU remain unparked at all times.
  13. I watched the video and it looks like you can do some basic manipulation of the RGB without installing the Armory Crate cancer software. I personally would not care for how small it is even though it has the numeric keypad. That's one of the things I hate about laptop keyboards; they're just too small. It's also extremely noisy and I think I would find it irritating, as would the people on the other end of the teleconferences that I am part of frequently throughout the day. It doesn't sound quite as clicky and clacky as a normal mechanical keyboard does and kind of reminds me of the sound of bamboo wind chimes, but still too loud. That you can choose between USB Type-C, 2.4GHz and Bluetooth is a nice feature that I'm sure some people would find very valuable. I like the LED battery level indicator. That's a cool feature. At $179 USD it's about $100-125 more than I would gladly want to spend for a keyboard, but I know some people feel differently about the cost. I've done it a couple of times in the past and usually regret spending more than about $60 USD on a keyboard or a mouse. I generally don't feel that I received good value for my money above that price on the high end. For me the cheap ones usually last about as long as the expensive ones do. After watching the video I can clearly see that it has some features that some people would really value a great deal, and enough so that they would be willing to pay the very high price to get those features.
  14. I have no idea but ASUS sucks and I would not be shocked if you didn't have to download a bunch of UWP malware dung from Windows store to use all of its features. That one is crazy expensive and seems terribly overpriced, as is normally the cases with ASUS products. I am surprised you are looking for a smaller keyboard. Is there nothing of a similar size and better price, from a more reliable/reputable brand than ASUS? I feel like everything they sell is a ticking bomb that will explode when it is least expected.
  15. I am not sure which category (from my post) but you're obviously balanced and find some value in each part. Performance is a must-have and first priority, but it needs to also be built well and look nice to be desirable. If it is missing one of those elements, performance alone isn't enough to make it special. I am in that same category and so are a lot of us. Although, I think we might still be in the minority. In no small part due to the prevalence of ignorance, and the randomness of abject stupidity.
  16. They cut too many corners and focus on all of the wrong things for anyone that is a true performance PC enthusiast. I personally think their design (aesthetic) went from nice to really nasty, and I find everything (desktop and laptop) aesthetically replusive. But that much is subjective. People that focus on gadgetry more than function and performance are really no different than those that care about RGB more than anything else. It's their thing. May they find joy in buying what yanks their chain or floats their boat. They are not performance PC enthusiasts, even if they claim to be. They are aesthetic enthusiasts. I guess you could be a build quality enthusiast as well. Build quality isn't dependent on aesthetic appeal. Having a strong chassis doesn't mean it looks good, or was properly engineered, or that anything attached to it works well. It's a strong chassis. The thing that remains constant is Alienware's imbalance and neglect of what is ultimately best for the person buying it. An extra-fancy brick house with plumbing leaks, malfunctioning HVAC system and fractured foundation isn't doing anyone any favors. They dangle a carrot they know will influence a certain demographic and that's their niche. True build quality (non-proprietary) and extraordinary performance are secondary or unimportant, thus the tolerance for their proprietary filth that hinders upgrades and keeps their always-forgiving fanboi club coming back for more of the same. I've never regretted leaving the cult, even for a fleeting moment. In fact, I no longer retain any fond memories of the time they produced good products. I truly don't care anymore. The only thing I value from it is the friendships that were formed, which transcend the bondage and disappointment that remain as hallmarks of the cult to this very day. That's a pretty awesome case. I love how huge it is. That would also be the thing that would prevent me from having it. Not because I don't like it, but not having a parking spot suitable for something so extremely large. If I had a spacious office with plenty of room to spare then I would not have to care how gigantic it is.
  17. Any number multiplied by zero produces zero. While everything they sell is garbage, the desktops are probably the more diabolical because the sheeple seeking refuge from turdbook hell do not expect the Alienware desktop also be a totally screwed up pile of crap.
  18. LOL. We post this at EXACTLY the same time. Great minds think alike. 😆 It is more than a little bit telling that Jay told Alienware he is not interested in supporting their products going forward. Wise on Jay's part. Finding logic in the purchase of any brand of gaming turdbook is a bit of a stretch, but there is no compelling reason to choose to waste you money on an Alienware.
  19. It's "not that good..." no surprise. His wrap-up is accurate. The problem with Alienware is Dell.
  20. They used to be fairly common in side panels. But, it also sucked when they were acrylic. It didn't hurt anything on a steel panel. The only type that actually worked really well had a hole cut in the panel the size of the fan and used welded wire finger guards for a grille rather than air flow restrictive perforations. To make space for a 200 mm fan today we would need probably an extra two inches of case width to accommodate it. This would be fine for those with big tower air coolers and it would be necessary for some of the current gigantic GPU applications. Adding width is not a big deal for most of us, but minority rules now, and we all get to enjoy what the lowest common denominators want. There would be a lot of whiners mitching and boaning about it, the same way they do about laptops that are not thin and light. They love their turdboxes as much as they do their chintzy turdbooks.
  21. If I were going to place a bet on it I would say the firmware is probably where the problem is and most likely not the CPU being degraded.
  22. Yes, that was a good place. I wish they were still around. Yup, Circuit City was pretty decent as well. Not familiar with Elek-tek.
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