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Rage Set

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Everything posted by Rage Set

  1. This is crazy. Unfortunately, and I hope I am wrong, getting actual justice on fraudulent peer to peer transactions online is difficult and time consuming. As some of you may know, I am a very giving person. That has gotten me scammed multiple times and outside of showing up at the scammers door, there wasn't much I could do. The payment processors always took the "buyers" side and ignored all of my evidence. I never let it change who I am but I am a bit more careful now. Again, I hope he does get justice and a real resolution but seeing how much time he had stated has pass, it is going to be a rough road ahead.
  2. I have spoken to iunlock in the past, on NBR and a few times on Discord. He wanted me to help him secure computer parts, as at the time I was the owner of an SI/MSP for small business. He saw how giving I was on NBR and perhaps hoped I would help him. It never amounted to anything as I was quite busy at the time and I never give out my personal information...to a very select few. I rarely ventured out of the Official Overclocking thread on NBR (and you can say the same about this forum). I am sorry about how things went. You can't be too careful online (trust me, I know). I hope you find resolution and justice. EDIT: I want to add and perhaps it was just my company, but for even the highest end of builds...including completely custom hardlined watercooled rigs, it would take a month max if we had all of the parts in stock. If we didn't, we would keep the client updated every week without fail. I also insisted to all of my employees of including build photos in those updates.
  3. You don't have to choose. You can do both in the same build. I have done both in many of my client builds but I prefer soft tubing for my personal builds. Even if you go full hard tubing, make sure you have a bit of soft tubing for the drain tube you're going to want built into the loop somewhere hidden.
  4. My hope is that they continue to expand on this ideology of open-source computing. No other laptop OEM has opened up their detailed schematics to the public like this before. No other laptop OEM has allowed such reparability. I was highly interested in the Framework when they first launched, but I was equally skeptical. They have proved they have some staying power and the community around it has exploded. I am going to buy one of their cheaper DIY models and expand over time.
  5. In other news, I hope you guys really consider Framework for your next business or now even gaming laptop needs. They are fighting against Lenovo, HP, Asus and others with laptops that you can really repair/upgrade over time. Many of us talked about having an upgradable laptop, well I am going to put my money where my mouth is. I am likely going to buy one. They are not like the Clevo's of old with MXM graphics and socketed CPUs but they are better than the Apple's and other thin/light laptops out there. What surprised me the most is the community surrounding the laptops.
  6. I banned Office 365/20XX in my company when I owned/operated it. SaaS for the most part infuriates me. It is a rabbit hole I don't wish to go down, but I blame companies like Adobe, Safeforce and others. They are the reason why many small to medium size service/support businesses are disappearing. I was told by a sales manager at a larger corporation that I won't name, "Adapt or Die"...hard to do when a company offers the crappiest support service but at pennies on the dollar. I'll shut up now.
  7. Hmmm, I forgot it worked on the Asus board. So @Papusan might be right. Perhaps, Asrock placed some kind "flag" on the card. Asus may not choose to see this flag or didn't implement a check...whereas EVGA does. So I am 80% confident it is the ACPI implementation the more I research this issue on my own.
  8. Have you contacted EVGA about this? I mean I know the official stance is Windows 7 is no longer supported but i am sure they may point you in the right direction. Obviously, they know the majority of their Dark buyers are overclockers and Win7 is something a lot of them use for certain benchmark suites. The reason why I saying this...https://www.asrock.com/Graphics-Card/AMD/Radeon RX 6900 XT OC Formula 16GB/index.us.asp It states on their website, Not compatible with Windows 7. However, it appears their Phantom Gaming 6900/6950XT are. So you are correct that there is something in the vBIOS preventing use in Windows 7. I don't know why their best overclocking GPU can't be used in Windows 7 but their cheaper mainstream model can. Doesn't add up. If you want, we can cancel our deal. I don't want you to be stuck in this deal because Asrock made a bonehead decision.
  9. I have a Bykski block on my 6800 XT in my all AMD build, with zero issues. I have performed a full cleaning/flush of my rig after six months. From my years of custom watercooling, if a block (CPU or GPU) are discoloring, it is usually the result of mixing metals or the coolant mix. What I find suspicious is the nickel plating is failing but his temps remain good. Those nickel particles have to go somewhere and usually it is clogging the coldplate fins...worsening temps. That being said, his problem could be a one-off. All brands have them.
  10. Now that's peculiar. Often it is the opposite for me. My Zenith Extreme II Alpha hates most Linux distros...elements like sound not working and etc...but work completely fine on my X570 Dark.
  11. I guess I am partial to Noctua. The company's color scheme screams to me product quality over aesthetics. I have over two dozen different Noctua fans, of various speeds and sizes, NONE have failed. Some of the fans have been running for over four years, nonstop 24/7 (with occasional cleanings). With that said, I won't spend an extra $400+ for an official Noctua branded GPU.
  12. Well, you and I are kinda in the same boat as Buildzoid. While he does get to keep free samples from Gigabyte (mobos only), he is on his own with everything else. MSI samples him but he has to return those components. Asus and Asrock refuse to sample him because he constantly slams their products. Outside of again Gigabyte and G.Skill, he has to buy all of his parts...even G.Skill doesn't give him their highest end products. I would imagine if he were "nicer" to the corporate overlords, he would get more free parts. However, since he is accustomed to long rants, his true feelings often come out, lol.
  13. For those on 13th Gen - TDLR; Buildzoid spends an hour crying about/bashing Intel 13th gen chips for not being able to handle 8000+. He has used a lot of Z790 boards, including the Z790 Dark for his 8000 memory testing. I guess for right now, don't spend big money on DDR5 rated for 8000, as it is useless? He cracks me up though.
  14. I confirmed that one of my local MC's (Yonkers, NY) allows the warranty upgrade trick. Since NY has four or five MC's, I am going to see if the others allow this. I found out through a buyer of a gaming rig I sold to, that a lot of people do this. I know at the end of the day, monetary wise everything works out in MC's favor, but it is still a crazy concept to allow. I assume their warranties are a bit more costly than the average consumer electronics warranty.
  15. Reliability and support are key in enterprise, as you likely have assumed. So far, in my experience using AMD in enterprise, they are surprisingly as reliable as Intel [once] you get through any bugs. That said, Intel is still overall, better in support. Although, some of my peers will argue that is only due to Intel's historic ironclad vertical integration.
  16. It is very true. In Enterprise, Intel products are getting murdered left and right. AMD's foothold in enterprise is growing faster than even the numbers reported in that video due to mindshare and as Linus pointed out, the contracts are saving Intel's butt right now. However, Intel has a chance in HEDT/Workstations if they just match AMD's prices (TR Pro). I am no longer going to buy AMD CPU's after what happened to TRX40, so I am crossing my fingers W790 is going to be good.
  17. If you were the CEO of Nvidia, would you increase supply in order to then have ASP's go down? I don't think you or I (or anyone else in this thread) would...unless you don't want a free market. Nvidia has already stated supply isn't an issue, thus why they and AMD are holding back shipments.
  18. I loaned him the card so he could see both sides, but it is likely a short excursion and not a permanent trip. I would like to see him test it in Linux.
  19. I love how you are beating the majority of 3090/Ti's with that card. If only AMD put the same effort into ray-tracing that they did with rasterization.
  20. I am not happy they didn't include the backplate screws...which makes zero sense. Now I really wish I had blocked that card when I first got the waterblock in. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do since I purchased that block over a year ago. I am still going to e-mail the manufacturer. EDIT: I am wondering if those temps are due to the increased power limits of this model. My blocked MSI 6800XT (stock voltage) doesn't go anywhere near those temps.
  21. That is an easy answer, because people were crying about the lack of 12/16 core variant during the launch of the 5800X3D. There was a reason why AMD didn't launch those high core processors and they should have stuck with the same logic. So this time AMD decided to rob those people that wanted the 12/16 core X3D parts. The crazy thing is these parts are still going to sell, regardless of what we think. The 7950X3D is sold out everywhere and the 7900X3D is selling better than it should....
  22. WOW, I did not know about this. I'm definitely going to take a look at that. VRAM is what is going to make or break your scores with AMD. Your baseline score is already way ahead of mine in TS. https://www.3dmark.com/spy/24834859
  23. Wow, that's puzzling. The benches I ran with it, never reached 80C. With that said, I ran it in a much cooler ambient environment. Nothing like NVClean on AMD that I know of. I usually install the drivers, set my overclock and then close out the interface, completely. EDIT: How much power is the card pulling?
  24. Not quite fast as yours but fulfills my current needs. My house is wired for 10G though.
  25. I'm sorry in advance for not installing the block. As you can from the plastic film still around the air shroud, I used it sparingly. I was going to block it during the summer and replace the 6800XT in my other rig, but the 6800XT does everything I need it to. I eagerly await your benchmark results and to see how far you can push it.
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