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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Your Janktop is looking truly awesome!! Im impressed as hell and still would like this as my next DTR. With the 9.1L size I would probably eventually go hardline (for the water cooling) if I could find a good routing fitment. That would be a "see how it goes". In the meantime I would just like to get my hands on a case and start building
  2. Thank you @Vasudev This is the kind of valuable information Linux idiots like me require to abandon windoze
  3. So switching from Silver King LM to the possibly fake/real Honeywell 7950 paste, I did see average temps increase by 2-3 degrees centigrade and temp spikes up at least 7 degrees while stressed. This was on my alienware 17. 4910mq not OC'd with 4 pipe cicichen heatsink and 10cfm cpu fan. I could probably live with that. I haven't cracked it open to check pump out. The 7950 has only been in there a week and a bit. My biggest temperature rise has been going from windows to Linux and not having an alternative to Throttlestop. No undervolt
  4. Not my last movie. Most rubbish from hollyweed these days I have no interest In. Marvel universe and similar brainless crud. But..... When I was still just a juvenile delinquent my friends and I loved and dreamed about Top Gun. To that end, I'm hanging to go see Maverick https://hlo.tohotheater.jp/net/movie/TNPI3060J01.do?sakuhin_cd=018316
  5. Does anyone know of something similar to throttlestop for Linux?
  6. I had (still have) a love of Vangelis's music. First heard on the Blade Runner movie. Actually I love the entire soundtrack.
  7. Could try this. I installed it but have not had a crash so never tested. https://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed
  8. I was surprised also. I remember when overclocking an intel cpu inside a "fridge case" was a dream of every mod head. This is back in the day with bus speeds and jumpers of course. I should do a benchmark test and see whats a good temp for the freezer. Any suggestions for android bench tests?
  9. There is a curve! I work in an ice cream factory. Big freezer is minus 30 centigrade (-30). My phone will work at -7 at -10 it usually reboots or runs soooooo slow
  10. Eban


    Me too Like the colours in nebula clouds are 'added in' later ?!?!?!
  11. quest 3....?? ...I didnt know they released a new version. I will have a peek
  12. I've been buying extra food every time I go shopping for a long time now. Tins, bags of rice, long life kind of stuff. My inner prepper is going kinda overdrive right now. But I'm not overly worried about the future. Edit: Sorry I must clarify. I Am worried about the future, just not freakin out yet.
  13. @6730b I'm liking the guitar work in Trajectories
  14. Nice. I rather liked those. But to quote The Eagles. "You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave"
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