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Everything posted by hfm

  1. Bounced off Elden Ring yet again... I think I may just give up on that at this point.. the amount of times I've bounced off Dark Souls 2,3 and now Elden Ring I think I should just just leave them behind and move on. I LOVED Demon's Souls on PS3 and pretty much finished Dark Souls, but something about the fomula now is just putting me off since I want to explore more than I care about redoing the same fights over and over and over. I installed God of War and blew through that, what a game. I did try to beat the last Valkyrie (the queen) for a bit and just couldn't muster the patience to upgrade myself enough to make that fight easier after trying it for an hour or so. I got her down to around 1/4 health once, I just need a little upgrading to make it a tad easier but bah.. too much grinding UNISNTALL. There's not enough left to do in the world that would be fun enough to grind out some more upgrades. Maybe I've reached the end and I just need to keep trying until I dodge enough attacks to win. 🙂Can't wait for Ragnarok to be ported over to PC the game was fantastic. I've now installed Horizon: Zero Dawn the other day and so far it is way better than I expected it to be, went into it not really knowing anything about it except you used a bow to fight machines. Cool story premise so far, though I'm just now getting out into the world proper after all the setup scenes culminating to you finally being granted a status to leave the "embrace" to go find your past. At least it seems the last "tutorial" part is how to get a mount and now the game is wide open. Really good so far, digging the mixing of high tech and low tech and how the world building is unfolding.
  2. I still have yet to even install GTA V. I had a blast with the original GTA III on PS2 back in the day so groundbreaking at the time. Played most of Vice City on PS2 forget if I ever finished the story I probably did. Never tried san andreas and only played a small amount of GTA IV (probably less than 10 hours). Maybe I'll try V, I just feel like the game is old enough now and I've got so many other games to play I'll never get around to it. Lets be real when the CP2077 expansion drops I'll be playing that and when Starfield launches everything else I'm playing will get dropped for that.
  3. Definitely risky, but as long as it's from the legitimate patch it should be ok. I suppose only get them from trusted sources that provide a checksum you can validate with or validate yourself that it's been signed by nvidia. Always risk though. I've tried these DLSS library updates before and it seems to be hit or miss depending on the game. Sometimes they play nice and add a benefit, other times the newer dll will cause worse performance with ghosting artifacts or other problems. I tended to only try out other versions if the game was already exhibiting pronounced ghosting and they haven't updated the implementation themselves yet.
  4. I may replay WItcher 3 when that new version drops next month. I dunno so many games I haven't played sitting in the backlog. I like to replay Doom and Doom 2 with mods like Brutal every few years.
  5. Lol, every list like this is different for everyone, they are usually just fodder for people complaining in the comments about all the games they passed over.
  6. SInce I have a full partitions backup I decided to blow away my Win 11 + Fedora dual boot on my Gram and I installed Chrome OS Flex on it just to see if I could get along doing that. So far it's been great, and the Linux install within Chrome OS Flex seems to work fine, I haven't tried anything advanced yet though like Docker dev env. My only gripe so far is that this Gram with 8th Gen CPU is just getting long in the tooth. Oh and that Chrome OS Flex doesn't support the finger print reader, but there's no driver for it in Linux either (Chrome OS Flex is just a Linux distro at the end of the day..) so that's pretty much a wash. Though, I think for my upgrade from this Gram I'm probably going to wait to see how the M2 MBP16 looks next year. My other MBP16 is pretty much isolated for pure work related stuff, and I'd like to consider one for more personal stuff. Mostly music related stuff which macOS is just great at.
  7. I'm on the other side of this one. There's so many multiplayer games like this, I'm excited to have a single player focused one.
  8. I wish Sony/From would port this to PC already, seems Sony is on a tear putting out great content for PC so I hold out hope we'll see it. I think the change of setting would probably get me back into the "souls" formula.
  9. I'm probably not exactly the right one to answer as I've only every played through the first two (Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, I got so far into DS1 I call it finished.. I was hours away) but it seems like one of the most important moves you can make is rolling to evade/dodge, which takes stamina and speed. The souls-likes are pretty much about practice, practice, practice. Reaction speed and learning the puzzle of the enemy. Given that I would imagine you can make any build work, but in my past experience anything that had a hard time keeping up stamina for a lot of evasion was difficult to play. I'm sure an expert will come in and tell me how wrong I am lol. I tried to get back into it again after someone suggested I stop trying to beat the big dude that jumps down from the arch and the crossbowmen and just use the horse to run past it all instead. I did that and got into a better place but I have since stopped playing it again at that point. The game pretty much tells you which direction to go when starting out as you are compelled to follow these breadcrumbs to the quest you get, but I suppose you can run off in any direction. I just automatically assumed that as a char just starting out running off in some random direction would be suicide as encountering things you have no business of fighting yet by running off in a direction has been a staple of the series. I'm not sure how I plowed through Demon's Souls and Dark Souls somewhat effortlessly, not without challenge for sure, and have been bouncing off their stuff since. Maybe as I get older my patience is just wearing thinner.
  10. I never have played any Total War games, I'm trying to get into the Warhammer series. I have usually bounced off 4X/grand strategy games over the last 5-10 years but I'm having a little fun slowly learning this series. We'll see how long it lasts.
  11. I do prefer the clarity of less matte, but I don't usually have the sun shining on the panel so it's plenty bright enough for the environments I use it in. I guess I don't care too much either way as I'm still fine with my 2019 model not looking to buy the new one.
  12. What are you going to use for a monitor as you are carrying it around? Hotel TV or already a monitor at your destination?
  13. still making my way through AC:Valhalla. Just continually in awe of the art direction and audio in that game.
  14. lol wut. Playing through Doom 1 and Doom 2 with the brutal doom mod is pretty much required every few years...
  15. The Korean preorder program that came with a free Gram+View monitor was supposed to end on Apr 21, not sure when they were actually shipping, have they started shipping to customers in Korea?
  16. I was seriously considering the Dell U2421E to get 16:10 and the 90W USB-C PD built in, but decided to get a higher refresh 1440p monitor with adaptive sync and the CalDigit dock ($80) instead as I already have an 87W USB-C adapter for my MacBook and the CalDigit has 100W passthru. In the end I'm glad I did as gaming on a higher refresh display (pixel density is also higher on 27" 1440p vs 24.1" 1200p) is definitely a better gaming experience and it's good enough for productivity (The MacBook even drives it at 120Hz over USB-C->HDMI through the dock, the LG Gram only 60Hz though). I'll give up the extra vertical to get a much better gaming experience. I do have 16:10 on both my laptops to compensate🙂.
  17. Can you just enable modern standby temporarily for science? Hah
  18. I believe for that to work you have to have Secure Boot enabled, TPM 2.0 enabled, I think Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and running in UEFI mode.. I believe you also need to enable virtualization. There will be a performance hit for it, so be aware of that.
  19. RT would really improve Witcher 3. It wasn't like they didn't do a great job to start with though. RT would just take it to another level, while also affording them the benefit of not having to hack light sources and diffusion reflection, illumination etc. Hopefully they can get the project started back up again soon.
  20. I can't wait to jump on 2077 again in 2023-2024 when we get some fresh content. I really liked my playthrough and I would imagine by then I may have finally forgotten a lot about the game hah.
  21. A wing commander reboot would be pretty cool. I think that's what Squadron 42 was supposed to be in spirit. (Withholding a lot of comments to avoid starting up 10 pages of Star Citizen talk). Not quite the same but I really liked Everspace, waiting for Everspace 2 to come out of EA to jump on that. I've also played a little Rebel Galaxy and that seemed good the hour I played so far.
  22. That's cool. The only thing I could think of doing is mining ETH until it hits proof of stake, or sell the GPUs before the bottom falls out on the used GPU market.
  23. Looks great, should be some good games upcoming in the next couple-few years or so.
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