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Everything posted by ryan

  1. hey good morning guys 🙂 just checked out aid64extreme and it says my monitor supports 342mhz and 143mhz...I'm currently running 144hz is this a false positive? here:
  2. im pretty sure it has two. my omen 16 which is smaller has two older model even has 2 yeppers looks like it has 2 heres a snippet from the same topic For the second SSD, if it’s like my Omen 16 it’s a gen 3 slot so save the money there. Mine has the same specs except a less powerful 3070 so I’m just making an assumption. Easy check, just take the cover off and it’s written on the board. Maybe you know already.
  3. heres my laptop https://www.newegg.ca/p/N82E16834273329?Description=omen 16&cm_re=omen_16-_-34-273-329-_-Product maybe its about as good as it gets for a 3060 laptop.....but i cant imagine having a 3080...perhaps in a few years i should just go the egpu route
  4. stock...but with an undervolt so I guess its an overclock with these new gpus..I want to break 9000 gpu but I'm not sure how to do it....best I got was around 8800 in time spy that is heres cinebench r23..I wonder how I fare against a 10th gen i7 seeing as how im throttling edit its doing the crop thing again....it was around 11800...lol for my 11800h
  5. im not arguing but that matrix demo you get a whole city to interact with...hype is real it looks like a video shot from a camcorder, its completely photo realistuc
  6. yeah man I just put 50 in my tank and it gave me a quarter..un believable...i honestly might have to buy a bike
  7. @Recieveryes definitive corruption. I just played cyberpunk for an hour and still have yet to see graphics on that level. And @toastofmanI suppose its just the cinematics. also yes GTA v on UE5 would be amazing but we need a new story. also I'd like to add you can play the game at that level of graphics. it's unreal pardon the pun. but honestly it lacks polish
  8. small registry tweak that causes more efficent overclocking. I think I ran at 139127 mhz over I honestly scored 58533 sorry mod... i was trying to be funny
  9. @Mr. Foxlook at the picture the program renders/shows more needs to be loaded I think thats what @Papusanwas talking about took me a few looks to notice also just me scoring over 90k this is why I bought the 3060 115w gpu laptop I love crysis and finally I can max it out and get 30fps veryhigh Mod EDIT: Please refrain from quadruple posting. Thanks
  10. like honestly even that new matrix game that came out doesn't look as good as your pictures....if those pictures were in game everyone would be talking about it not matrix awakens
  11. @Hertzian56I bought a bunch of people games and apps.....your next any older games or apps ect that you want but just don't want to pull the trigger, as in you figure it's probably not worth it
  12. ic diamond was used by me for 5 years....no issues just low temps...the whole scratch the die was a fallacy the particles are to small/\
  13. well then its obvious...IC diamond is the best I heard https://www.amazon.ca/Thermal-Grizzly-Kryonaut-Grease-Paste/dp/B011F7W3LU/ref=sr_1_4?gclid=Cj0KCQiAybaRBhDtARIsAIEG3knY8fZi49qnC3Am0TbyjviID8uQs9oIuTSUNkNL3n72j10-9qyPyQwaAj9SEALw_wcB&hvadid=358503757188&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9001294&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5344419054541830049&hvtargid=kwd-387251641406&hydadcr=24915_10283272&keywords=grizzly+thermal+conductonaut&qid=1647207491&sr=8-4 is great also
  14. tupac sold 75 million albums or 1 billion in sales and was worth this Tupac (2Pac) Net Worth. Net Worth: $200 Thousand Nationality: United States of America
  15. @duskw4lkerhave you tried those pads that are solid when cool and liquid when hot? I heard they are epic, best temps you can get
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