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Everything posted by aldarxt

  1. Hey Mr.Fox, you mentioned Global Warming, a touchy topic, that I never hear anybody mention that 10,000 yrs. ago there was ice sheets miles thick covering continents. Where did all that ice go? Global Warming began 10,000 yrs. ago and has not stopped just so you can go to the beach in a bikini! Most scientists will back me up on the ice age but just because of the current trend they lose all logic!
  2. OK! It seems they are all working in the same mental facility!!!
  3. Where you say "Windows developers will be deleting legacy compatibility from the latest and greatest OS. Same also. Expect they will remove more and optional registry keys " Is this for win 11 or also win 10? The first thing I do on a new install is go to regedit , gpedit, secpo and services to customize my experience, in fact I keep them pinned to start menu because it is a consistent practice to make windows user friendly to me This WILL cause me to go to Linux ( even though I am not too happy with that either)
  4. Do the windows 11 people know the windows 10 people? Or do they live in different countries? How could all these problems be on 11 and not on 10?
  5. I am not sure about the Intel management in bios, I didn't unlock the ones I used, but on the Dell drivers page there is the Intel Management Engine 7.1 Components Installer for Chipset_Driver_MPGY4_WN_7.1.70.1205_A05.EXE. That's all I can come up with, I'm not sure what communication you are referring to, nor someone else's dump to clear. As far as unlocked bios for pretty much all Precisions I don't think there are any. I tried looking for my Precision m6700 and m4700 but nothing.
  6. I would not worry about making it perform better, If it is running that should be good enough unless you want to do hardware upgrades. But right now if you can just upgrade the bios to the latest one, your link to the A19 is what I would do, It may let it run Win 10 even though Dell says it is not supported. I don't know how to use the ch34a1 programmer. Clearing the bios you would need to remove the cmos battery but the M4600 may be different from what I know, But unplugging, removing the battery, pressing power button for 10 seconds, open the back panel, unplug the cmos battery and shorting the 2 connectors with a small screwdriver should set bios back to factory defaults. Is your system on legacy or UEFI, you will have to reset it in bios. I dont have a m4600 to know exactly, but if you changed the MOBO you should have the cmos already cleared and ready to upgrade.
  7. I've been using Gelid Extreme for years but have also used Star 700 and Halnziye HY510. The Gelid is ok as long as you repaste within 2 years or it gets cakey and temps start to go up. The star 700 claims to have silver in it and is kinda thin but not liquid and stays fresh but havent ran it for 2 years, maybe 6 mos. It also shows spikey temp readings on speccy, I assume its cooling off more quickly and noticed an 8c temp difference lower from the 2 yr old gelid. The HY510 is thicker than Gelid and I thought it was almost as good as the Gelid but not as good as the Star 700. I like the constincy of Gelid and need to do long term Star 700 test. I am satisfied with Gelid Extreme as long as I keep up with it. I also need to buy more Star 700 because they came in tiny little tubes where the Gelid is in a 1 oz jar and will last me years. So all this writing and I have no conclusions.lol
  8. This website https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=5y1dk looks to be the latest from Dell but be careful, it might be for security purposes and might slow your PC. I dont usually update the firmware because of that reason. If it aint broke, dont fix it. I am on A11 unlocked bios in my very old Alienwares and Dell is up to A14 or something like that, They want to improve security, but I dont run a business or a server or any website so I am not afraid of being Hacked by the communists lol Well I just checked my m6700 and it is on A20 which is the last bios update for that laptop, so I cant say yes or no, but if you download it just double click it and let it finish before touching the laptop
  9. Not sure why you think IME needs an update but windows update usually gives "INTEL - System" which they are pretty unclear about exactly what it is AND there is also "Intel® Driver & Support Assistant" that scans your system and gives you the option to download and install or NOT. I have mostly older laptops and this is pretty much uselass but the one newer laptop gets updates from them more often and I have had no problems.
  10. Thanks, I was just hoping I could get more than the 3 speeds , to 4 speeds like High, medium, low and 0. I set in my Alienware the low fanspeed up 3 points to 78 in bios just to have it at a cooler base before it goes into high, but it still gets up there under load
  11. You wrote "if the EC is left in charge of the fans, it has five (?) different fan speeds that it will use" from archive, does this mean all 5 being usable in the present session or would there be 3 in each session of runtime? I haven't installed it yet
  12. I think https://eurocom.com/ec/main()ec might be about it They have a new one "EUROCOM Raptor X15" that comes with an RTX 3070 TI, but dont know if its removable. But for a 2 grand basic then load it up with my own junk seems like a better option than paying their OC$. Just window shopping now But yeah what ssj92 did is very inspiring and gave me alot of hope for my 10 year old m18r2 so I bought a 9 year old m17xr4
  13. Does anyone know where I can find info on the settings in these unlocked bios and what each setting does,like PCI Express Configuration/ DMI Extended Synch Control/ Disable or Enable or setting the maximum PCI-Express Speed? Or maybe what gen x, Gen 1, or Gen 2 or 3 is? Can any of these settings or others dictate what GPU is usable in the m18xr2 or m17xr4 or any Alienware
  14. Does anyone know where I can find info on the settings in these unlocked bios and what each setting does,like PCI Express Configuration/ DMI Extended Synch Control/ Disable or Enable or setting the maximum PCI-Express Speed? Or maybe what gen x, Gen 1, or Gen 2 or 3 is? Can any of these settings or others dictate what GPU is usable in the m18xr2 or m17xr4 or any Alienware
  15. This is very much appreciated and good source of invaluable knowledge, thanks for the effort!
  16. Looks like something that goes under the hood of an EV Formula 1 Race car, can you make another 1 and mail it to somebody?
  17. Hey Azther, I have used Snappy Driver Installer Origin but it came in https://windows-repair-toolbox.com/ which is an assortment of tools you probably know quite a few. I use it often but I started using IoBits drive booster even though drive booster has some bad reviews I like the tools it comes with. Do some research on them let me know what you think
  18. Yeah, I think the damage was more from pressing it in over the years flattening the wires and pulling straight up and over time fatigueing the copper wires, getting my fingernails in those tight spots attached to my fingers is a difficult process lol, but thats deffinetly a good practice. I am just so glad I don't need to bother fixing it. I left the cable in, bent it away from the socket on the mobo and that is the cable that rides next to the gray display cable in that channel, helps them to fit more snug. On one of my laptops, I think my asus g51jx (out of commision now) I tried to pull the cmos plug out prying it with a flat screwdriver and broke the plug, yeah fingernails are deffinetly better.
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