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Everything posted by kojack

  1. Is that the little brick on wheels?
  2. I like two monitors instead of one widescreen as I like the separation of the two better than just a window on one section of the widescreen. These curved behemoths are fugly as well.
  3. What I like is that in the video posted they have bill gates with red eyes. Bill has not been in charge of MS for YEARS and YEARS. Poor saps. He is living rent free in their heads. It's pointless to acknowledge the two of them when it comes to windows, they will shitpost any windows thread posted.
  4. I am not sure how I am going to set up the drives yet. I need to find out if it will actually take more than 1tb hdds yet, that's what the owners manual says. But I am going to toss a 2tb in. If it runs that, there is no reason to think it won't run large drives. I may even say EFF it and put 16tb drives in it. will see what happens. The 8tb drives are inexpensive, so use them maybe until they fill up. I will want redundancy in my setup so 16tb of storage for now. It will be an interesting project anyways.
  5. I need to get my office cleaned up and set up correctly. The stand that the server is in, is going to be painted I think. I am still undecided on that, as the desk I am going to use for writing etc is the same color and my new editing desk is black. Decisions decisions. I love old stuff. Old cameras, old computers, old bicycles, etc. It brings me back to that time.
  6. Here's my little rig in it's home. Once upgraded I will see what it can do.
  7. Cool. Love the older HP cases. shiny coolness. I will grab a shot of mine tomorrow and post it for you! I am into mine for zero since I scabbed it from our business when we were closing. ha ha.! mods will be my only cost. I love that little machine you have there though. reminds me of my DV7 notebook! awesome external system chitty motherboard.
  8. That's why I want to use this system. It fits in my printer stand like a smack in the face. I will take a picture after of the spot it sits in. I don't need fast, I need Lots of storage after I am finished with a project. Got any pics of your system?
  9. Have you tried a repaste with good quality paste? The fan on my 5406 would be on alot before I did it. Now it's only if I am pushing the system hard will it start blowing.
  10. Well, that was short lived. It works great with my notebook, but it does the same thing mobile connect did on my desk top. Connect then have Bluetooth issues. I am not sure if I change to the AX210 wireless card would help or not.
  11. Yes we do love him, and our other son as well. He is 25 and living his own life now and doing great. My youngest will be with us forever, and we make sure he's living his best life.
  12. Yeah. They do. I've always been a Radeon and Intel user. Until Radeon dropped off the radar in the past few years. I may try one again though.
  13. Right on. That's different. If it were the 4090 it would be different. But no, a new card not being able to easily be faster than the previous gen card is not good. Still, for what I do, I think the radeon is better.
  14. For internet, after 100mbps you can barely perceive the difference in speed. The issue and difference comes in with how many devices access the internet. I have 30-40 devices accessing the internet at any time on my network. Thats where the speed is helpful.
  15. I peg around 350-400mbps on my notebook around the house. I get 1gbps on my workstation in my office plugged into the router. I see little to no difference in actual speeds on the screen really. My house is very very large. 5000 plus sq ft. I have 4 bell extender pods to provide proper coverage around the house. These put out 300mbps max. They are great. I have one out in my garage/workshop behind my house, it picks up the signal from my router and boosts it back to full. I then have my gel filled cat6 cable ran down to my main workshop/mechanics garage 350ft behind my house and it gives me 300mbps to the cable down there. Easy, just plug them in and go. I think for most people the 1gbps internet is overkill if you only have a few devices on it.
  16. I think it's all I can fit in there. It's an older system, and I think the max drive you can actually fit it 2tb each but I am going to try to see if it will see the 8tb drive. If so, plan moves ahead, if not. I will get a synology NAS box and load it up!
  17. I figure once I get up and running with the photography/videography/design business, I will need all the storage I can get. So building for future needs. I have over 10tb of personal stuff right now on 5 drives hanging around the house and workshop. I don't think it will take long to be going into more after doing work for others.
  18. Yeah I still have my sega master system. The built in game was outrun wasn't it? Or was it the motorcycles?
  19. I was just going to ask if you were running linux on your 3xl. it's the only phone that runs 100 percent on linux. Very neat.
  20. I find mine fine, as long as you don't want to move stuff to a different case. It's plenty fast, quiet (after adding the notcua cooling solutions) and I have no problems with it at all. But, I do agree with the proprietary hardware. Mine came just as I configured it. Mistakes happen, but they should have stepped up and fixed Dawid's issues. After some more research last night, I know that if I move to the proart board with my non K 10700, I can still get a 26 percent increase in performance. Supposedly intel left some stuff to unlock in the non k i7. Add in the SLI 2070 super duo card, and for resolve and other editing software I will have a video system thats equivalent to a 3090 with in an "fps" or so. It makes sense for me to move to the ProArt z-490 board in the North case for sure now.
  21. Agreed, but at the time, it was either that or have no system at all. Cost of video cards was BONKERS here. I paid like 300 dollars more for the entire system than a video card alone.
  22. I see this advertised. What is the story behind it?
  23. This was one of my favorites back in the day.... I am a PONG baby. So I remember before PC gaming was even a thing. Had a realistic PONG game which was the CHIT back in the day and graduated to a TRS 80 before getting my first pc for games like falcon, and all the game show video games. As for the video cards I remember wanting to get a colorpower gforce card that had a big gold heatpipe cooler that used to hang off the side, but can't remember the number to find a picture, it's fan had blue leds too. After that was the 9800 All in wonder card.
  24. First off, welcome. Your Lenovo could move to windows 10 quite easily and run for many more years. I think its even free to upgrade.
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