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Everything posted by kojack

  1. My son has a Lenovo chromebook for school. It's an ok build system, but Chrome OS is BRUTAL. The worst OS I have ever used. Poor kids. Microsoft should have nipped that in the butt before it ever got where it is now. Chrome should never had been used for an education system...or any other system for that matter. Microsoft should have had a deal with the makers for a cheap pc to run windows 10E...education...
  2. Just finished watching a video by max tech where they pitted an M2 Max pro and the 12th gen i9/3070 combo in a razer 16 against each other. Lets just say the Razer was MUCH faster. They had to make their usual apple spin by saying they would still buy the macbook because of the web cam and build quality of the macbook. But they had alot of trouble saying the razer is the better system. Clearly it is. Ha ha. I am moving to mac soon, but fanboys are sooooo funny! The other good videos to watch from them are the blind photo tests. They keep picking the android phones photos and then squirming when they find out it's not their beloved iphone. ha ha.
  3. They should. They are pushing users away from iphone by doing what their doing. Most people don't want to use Mac, but use iphone. I think it's coming soon however, and I think ms knows this. But even basic reliable functionality would be welcome at this point.
  4. That's probably coming in later updates I would say. It's just the beginning of working on iOS. I think it will work just as well as android once they get more coding done on the initial software package.
  5. That would be ideal however if someone made one with the drive internally. Great for people who work at creative work on location. Have the power of a desktop GPU in their hotel, camper etc without the huge PC being dragged around with them, not to mention the monitor etc. Marques Brownlee used to take a 27" imac pro with him on location to edit his video while there. I think a laptop with TB support and a egpu would be a much better solution.
  6. You know the first guy who buys this is putting his tiddlywink in it. Ha ha. Then it's a whole other episode of TBBT. Ha ha
  7. It's exactly like what Howard and Raj developed. It was a funny scene. But yes...100% creepy A.F.
  8. too funny! Chinese inventor finds solution to long-distance relationships – a kissing machine (yahoo.com)
  9. FInally, Microsoft has pulled their head out of their rectum and did some coding to make iOS devices work with phone link. I have been crying for this for YEARS! Since screenovate came out with mobile connect, I have been saying Microsoft is one of the largest software companies in the world and this little company can do it before you? WTF? Anywhoo, yesterday they put it through the insiders builds so hopefully it will be in the wild within a month or so. I am sure it will function reliably whereas screenovate's technology (now being used by intel), has been flakey and unreliable at best. At worst, you start it up and it crashes. I will be keeping a keen eye on this one since I hate having to pick up my phone at my desk when in the middle of doing work. I know, 1st world problems, but it's my problem.
  10. I shall leave it alone then! I know my two CPU's gained when I replaced the crap stuff that came on them, my notebook moreso than my desktop for obvious reasons, but it's cool (pardon the pun), to know that gpu makers care about thermals!
  11. I am adding a 14" touchscreen portable monitor to my workstation for tools on editing programs. I have seen this done and it works awesome. Also, I just picked up a new iPad 10th gen and I am going to install astropad studio on it to use as a wireless drawing tablet for my workstation. My notebook is already pen sensitive and I can draw on that no issue, but it would be cool to have my workstation mirrored on my iPad and draw seamlessly on it. Really cool tech!
  12. What about desktop GPUs? Think a replace would help there? I have a 2070 super in my workstation that I never disassembled. I am wondering if I put Noctua on that will it boost my speeds.
  13. I can almost guarantee it's going to work better than Unison. Unison is just mobile connect, which was flakey at the best of times. I NEVER got it working correctly when screenovate had it, or now intel. The is something flawed in the code somewhere.
  14. Well the camera hunt escalated quickly. I have a fuji xt3 and xh1 purchased and I will be picking both up on the 11th.
  15. There is a clear distinction between Hilary and the orange fleshbag. One..HIllary had more votes then the Don...two, the election process in the states is flawed with the electoral college. The Jeanius...never received the majority vote in the two elections he ran in. So clearly, looking at ACTUAL facts...not righty lunatic ALTERNATIVE facts...Hillary would be correct, where as the orange blowhard would be factually wrong. Thats not why I think religious righty nutbars are out to lunch...it's because they deem themselves as rulers of others bodies and decisions using the "bible" as fodder. ANYHOO...I will digress now and this will be my last comment regarding the lunacy of religion and righty politics.
  16. The feedback will be delayed a little bit. We were talking this morning and we are prioritizing everything to transition into our own home businesses we are planning. The Mac, while I think it would be a great addition to us, will be put on the backburner for about 6 or 7 months. We need some new photo and video imaging equipment so we are going to put our money to that first. then transition to mac for our processing at a later date. it's not like our computers right now are terrible old junk. They are all great systems that work (besides iOS integration) of course. i may pick up an M1 mini used to start the transition sooner if I can find one locally for a decent price. As it stands right now, the price tag for my macbook alone would be close to 5300 bucks Cdn. I can get 2 new camera bodies, and lenses to get going with for that and create more income than the extra speed of the mac would provide at this time. No doubt, I will be transitioning to Apple silicon. Just have to be smart about our money right now because I am hitting eject on my job and going home based full time within 6 months. The wife, having a high paying job with healthcare here, will need some extra time to create steady home based income. She works from home now and has an awesome home office, but both of us want to work for US. Not someone else. We are positioning ourselves to be only reliant on our computers and camera equipment, and not location. That way, when Colin get's out of high school next year, we can travel...work....and give him the best life seeing everything there is out there in the wild! So, this will be put on pause for the time being. I thought I could do what I need to do with my current cameras, but alas, I cannot. They don't do video at all. So we are going to get a lightweight current model camera mounted on a gimbal for video work, and then get a nice big camera that can take large zoom lenses and battery grip for balance for stills. We are going to have a photography tour business starting up this summer so having some great gear for marketing will be essential!
  17. Agreed 100 percent. The negatives are not as many compared to the positives. I am keeping my dells. For what I would get selling them (not much), I will still have windows computers. If I could get a reliable imessage solution for windows, I would stay put and save thousands. I use imessage alot. So, for everything to work together, moving to macOS is my best bet. I am actually hyped to try a new powerful mac. My last mac was 2011 when I had my mini and installed a small ssd and hdd plus maxed the ram in it. I ran it through a 27" cinema monitor and LOVED that display. I would say I will get 2 studio monitors when I get the mac studio.
  18. So, I have succumbed to the evil empire and I am getting macbooks and a studio to replace my dell pcs. The xps8940 wil be replaced with a studio or Pro if I can get one on a good deal, the inspiron will be getting replaced with a new 14" maxed out pro, and the wifes inspiron will be getting replaced with an M2 macbook air in starlight. Got to have the ecosystem. I hate to say it! ha ha. I will be trying macos asap!
  19. Well, speak of the devil. I tried it on my workstation and it is 90% functioning. Must have heard me talking smack about it!
  20. Too little too late IMO. I am sick of trying to get stuff to work with my iPhone. I need imessage for reasons, and it looks like it's not coming to windows in any form anytime soon. I am done trying. Maxed out Macbook pro 14 incoming within the next month with brydge dock for on the desk for editing work.
  21. I just ordered a new Apple watch ultra for me and a 41mm series 8 for the wife. Dunno, Trying them again. I like the fact that any accessory is available for them, they work seamlessly with our iPhones, and we just paid for Apple one premier so we have apple fitness + to try too.
  22. So, my wife and I were deep in discussion the other evening about just having everything work together technologically for our family. We are both fed up with stuff not working together so we decided on going to apple for our tech...YAH I KNOW! I fought with this for years, hoping, just hoping we would get something to tie our iOS deivces to windows. I am tired of waiting....So, the transformation has started. I went and bought two 256gb iPad 10th gens for us. I don't do any heavy lifting on tablets so the base 10th gens are perfect for us. I am using mine as a content consumption device, and she is using hers as a notebook replacement. I have 2 Logitech keyboard setups coming for them that actually use the apple connection on the iPad for the keyboard to work. Better than Bluetooth IMO. I started trying stuff with the ipad and connected my USB C dock to the tablet, and put my Logitech receiver in it for the mouse. Bam....worked right away. Then I pluged in a DP cable and bam...worked right away. So, she can use her ipad as a complete computer replacement for doing things like basic word processing, excel, web surfing and doing graphic design for our businesses. It's much faster than her dell 2 in 1 we bought a few years ago, and the screen is the same size but much clearer. I am very impressed with the new iPads. Plus, they just work when we need them to. OMG I just said the magic fanboy words "it just works". I am going to off myself now...have a great day people!🤪
  23. Well that trash was short lived. It worked on my notebook, but not on my desktop. I was sitting working away at my notebook the other day and was messaging with my wife, so I said, self, might as well fire up unison so I can keep working while talking to her. Fired it up. No dice. Don't work anymore. I will be buying apple notebooks for me and her, and a new worksation for me as well. I just want everything to work as it should instead of jumping through 8 rings of fire to get something to half ass work.
  24. Leave politics out of the site would be best! However, until that is a law, I will politely respond to said nuttery with actual facts etc.
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