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Everything posted by kojack

  1. If anyone can find the old thread in the NBRChive regarding the full build of the 7720 where the guy swapped in the 1920x1080 screen and black keyboard for it I would love to get the part number for the screen. I would not begin to figure out which panel to use in the system. TIA!
  2. Welcome back! enjoy!
  3. Welcome back. It's great the forum is gaining traction again. Enjoy your time here!
  4. Yes, processed carbs are killer. We are going to be going lower carb in our eating after the new year as well. Keeping carbs to the scattered vegetable or homemade bread item. I may get a pasta maker and make our own. Cut out sugar etc wherever possible.
  5. The wife and I were talking about this ad nauseum for the past month or so. We have decided that we are putting in a nice big greenhouse and planting a garden this spring on our property. We will never be vegitarian/vegan. We cannot do it. However, where we source our products from makes all the difference. We will pay more, but we know where our products are coming from moving forward. There is a local farm about 40 min away from here who raises their own cattle and by strict guidelines. We are only going to be purchasing beef (when we do eat it) from there. Same with pork and chicken, Local farmers only. I also hunt (for food only, NOT SPORT). Anything mass produced in factories is not great for you for sure!
  6. Well, since doing some investigation etc, I am going to move in a different direction. I think I am going to take the usable parts from my XPS, use the Asus ProArt LGA-1200 board, install my 10700, ram, drives and add a second 2070 super. Then take whats left of the XPS and build a new system for my son for doing some video/photo work on for him. Kill two birds with one stone. I get the case, and system I need, and he gets a new decently powerful desktop for him to grow and create with. I think this would be the best way to move on this. We will see in the new year. My system right now is doing EVERYTHING I ask of it. So I don't need something new, but damn, that wooden front is awesome and I cannot move my entire system to the new chassis because of Dell.
  7. I am thinking about swapping to a new motherboard so I can run the fractal case. I have a 2070 super now and thinking if I connected a second one to it I would have decent bump in power for encoding etc. I am wondering if this would be the case?
  8. I had a tab a8 for jeep navigation for a couple of years. I the only thing is that one never had a compass. Fast forward 2 months ago, I win a new tab a7 lite. I am typing this on it now and I think it's a great tablet for the price. I recommend it for someone looking for a cheap device to read and watch content on.
  9. Mine was my daily too. Endyn was magic at tuning and performance of the B series motors. I was the only one in eastern canada with their setup. It was fun beating up on supercharged 5 litres during cruise nights ha ha.
  10. I got on there, but could not find the thread I was looking for. I go to the "waybackmachine" and all the threads won't open.
  11. I have a 5368 2 in 1, it has the pentium gold processor soldered to the board. I am looking to changing the board out for one with an i7 etc on it. It came with all different configurations. Will every motherboard fit the chasis and cooler etc? I have 512gb SSD and 16gb of ram already to go in it. Just want to make sure before I order the new screen and board.
  12. Is there any way to see topics from the old site anymore? I would love to get some information off the aspire 7720 thread that was created. The OP replaced the LCD with a UHD version and I would love to be able to get the part number for that.
  13. It's great we have such a diverse little community here already. I look at computers from a creative perspective, There are many who look at everything for gaming. We pretty well have all bases covered for computing for sure.
  14. Nope, Just got bell 1gbps. Where I work at bell I get a discount on the service so It's fast enough for what I need, and not breaking the bank.
  15. Awesome, thanks. I will give that a try and see how it works! Report back in a couple of days!
  16. They (ipad) can do most anything, but it's the assbackwards way you have to go about everything. It's entire operating system is designed for consumption not production. The surface lineup, and this dell xps are much more functional, and able to do things easily like working with various files and drives. Connectivity is another issue with ipad. You cannot plug multiple things in without dongles...
  17. My wife and I both had Apple series 3 when they came out. It was fun responding to texts etc for a while. We then sold them and moved to fitbit. She has the luxe, and I have the Versa 2. The health tracking of the Fitbit products are way ahead of apples, and I only paid 139 cdn for mine and 119 for hers. I do like the samsung better than the apple too.
  18. I miss my 2000 supercharged Integra LS/Vtec every day. It was the 'funnest" car I have owned...Mustangs and SS camaros were a joke next to this rig. I had the engine and supercharger fully modified by Endyn Engine Dynamics. Had their Rods, pistons, cams, engine block cradle brace, head porting and the supercharger was extensively modified and pushing 22psi.
  19. I am wanting to move my photos/videos/music/Documents to my 8tb HDD instead of on my C Ssd. Now, these are tied to onedrive, Do I move them the same way I moved downloads, just make the folder in the 8tb and move the location to that folder?
  20. When they decide to do the next SE I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
  21. Just on WC and thought this is an interesting take on the whole "app store tax" saga that's playing out. If played correctly, Microsoft and Linux stand to make moves in the OS department and future of computing. Very interesting way to go about it. Thanks to Google and Apple's taxes, web apps on Windows PC are suddenly getting good | Windows Central
  22. Will do. When the time comes I have the build list done. Moving to amd thread ripper for the CPU on a gigabyte creators board that handles 256gb of ram has 3 nvme slots on Board and can take two 7900 video cards. Plus the extra drives I want as well. Should be a fun build when the time comes
  23. We are currently driving a 2015 Jeep Patriot with a bunch of stuff done. Got the 2" rough country lift ( I do NOT recommend this lift brand at all), and a bunch of mods for overland camping etc. We also have a 2003 Audi a4 3.0 cabrio. I am starting to do some stuff to this now like new wheels, suspension, and exhaust system for some nicer tones and looks out back.
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