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Everything posted by kojack

  1. So, I ran userbenchmark for my inspiron 5406 while on all intel based drivers from their website and scored really low on alot of the benchmarking options. I then said to myself, self, what if I moved to the Dell driver package and tried again. I gained 20% in most categories in their benchmarking package. I am removing the intel software update systems for my two dell systems and moving to dell for their drivers. Every little bit makes a difference. There was one person on NBR who claimed they got massive gains by using intel's drivers so I did that as well. Guess he was wrong.
  2. I am using two dell 24" ultrasharp monitors. I cannot remember the model numbers. One is touchscreen and the other is not. I have both calibrated for photo/video/graphic work and both look identical. I love my setup for what I do. I was looking at moving to the Samsung M8 32" and have the LG doublestack (whatever it's called) as a secondary but I think I am going to save the money and keep what I have. My wife has an older HP 24" display she using for working from home. It's a nice screen. I am painting the housing after Christmas to make it look nicer in her office instead of a black brick thats there now!. My son has my old HP W2207(i think) monitor. I purchased that after I sold my Apple cinema monitor. It's image is AWESOME, and right up there with the Apple actually. I wasn't expecting as good an image as I got from it. Going from 27" to 22" was rough for awhile though. Ha ha.
  3. I don't game, I am a creator. I am wondering how these will do in resolve, lumiar neo, DxO pl6 and others. I moved to the Nvidia side of things when AMD bought out ATI. I figured they were going to make their cards better for AMD chipsets instead of intel, so I moved on. Maybe when I build my new system next year, I will move back to the Radeon side of the coin.
  4. I remember back in the day when I had my galaxy S2s and note 1, there was a certain app that had nice non annoying notification and ringtone sounds. Are there any apps that still provide this? I can't stand the Motorola offerings in my 5g. My iPhone tones are much nicer since I have a regular ringtone with no music and just a non-offensive text/email/etc tones instead of obnoxious ones in the moto.
  5. Yes, I bought and sold it again. I had to stop working because of the pandemic so the Jeep had to go. We now are using the patriot full time for off and on road travels. We did pick up a cool little camper called a Sylvansport Go. It's awesome and the little patriot tows it without issue. thanks for reading. We have not been anywhere in two years for obvious reasons, so we are getting back on the go this winter and get some new content flowing in the form of video blogs and our blog site as well. I will keep people informed asap when new stuff pops up!
  6. Dell inspiron 5406 2 in 1. I have upgraded to a 4tb SSD from the 512gb version (much faster drive as well), and I have added 64gb of ddr4 ram. I installed the 2 512gb ssd from my systems into a dual SSD enclosure and now use both for scratch and project drives while using resolve via a USB C dock. This provides me with desktop editing performance of multiple drives in a compact travel package. Add on the second 14" portable display, and 2tb storage HDD enclosure, I have a system on the road that mirrors my home system (with less overall power) and it all fits in my MEC messenger bag. Great portable power for me!
  7. Oh, sorry. It's the 2007 model acer aspire 7720. there was a big writeup on it on the old forum. I am going to do the 17" panel replacement to UHD 1080, upgrade the processor and increase the ram to 8gb.
  8. I am close to pulling the trigger on a 2009 MBP 17" and doing the "unsupported" thing for an upcoming video for my new channel. I think it would be good for the overall theme of it. I will know in the next couple of days.
  9. If gaming weren't a factor, I would suggest even using iris Xe. I use it on my dell inspiron and edit 4k video, photo, do graphic creation etc all on it. I may be a little slower than having dedicated graphics, and for me now, time is money, but while on location, with the way I have everything setup now it works for me and I get the results I need. I did upgrade my ram and SSD to much better specs, but the system itself was 949 cdn. With Xe graphics, you have to make sure you optimize your software to run on it. Once done, it's smooth sailing.
  10. the pixel 7 lineup is great. I love the cameras in those, and the lemongrass and sage colorways of the two phones are so nice looking.
  11. Video, photo and graphics intensive projects with time constraints. Trying to remove every bottle neck. This system will probably be started next winter. My XPS build is trudging along fine right now. Doing what I need it to do, and what not. But once I step up to the new camera gear, I think it will have more trouble then.
  12. Thank you very much. Yeah Some of our stuff got deep, but, If I am completely honest, I was being funny some of the times which probably does not come off correctly in forums. But nothing was EVER PERSONAL with me, only the autism/"retarded" comments. I do NOT take kindly to those. I know it was not you who said that for sure. I cannot remember who it was.
  13. That's why I am a writer....I can come up with gems. ha ha! Back when NBR was rolling good on the forum side of things, but the main page was severely lacking, I offered Charles my services to write new and engaging articles for the site. He said that ship had sailed. Too bad, I could have provided some great content for it. I am currently going to be writing some new books, and other things soon and I cannot wait to get at it all. One book is about getting refugees out of Afghanistan with the Canadian Armed forces. There is a Veteran here with 4 or 5 books worth of personal materials, and images about how all that went down. Another client has a lifetime of hunting and fishing stories from all over northern Canada and Alaska. He wants me to compile them into books for him to sell. I get paid, They get paid more! I can even do the publishing layout and cover design etc. A one stop shop besides actually printing the books. I love telling stories. I only found out about this love since starting our family travel blog about having a son with autism and how we travel and give him life experiences, and adventures. It's all I want to do now. Tell stories about tech, family, life, and history.
  14. This case will be the base for my next build. I can reuse alot of my current parts inside, such as my noctua cooling components, HDD and SSD setups. I will be moving to a 13th gen i9, 4090 graphics card and asus proart board. I still only see the option for 128gb of ram. Can you get single sticks of 64 gb ddr5 yet? Fractal North Case
  15. I got the phone, it's actually the moto G 5g. Even better, but still no NFC. I have it setup now with the microsoft launcher and whitecons for the icons. Looks really nice. I am going to be putting a new memory card in it and setting it to system memory as well.
  16. Now that you mention overclock.net. I do remember him. I used to be a regular on there back when I was building machines. Health is number one priority now. I am getting overweight again, and our home gym got flooded out by sewer in sept. We are getting all fixed up in the new year. I am also battling some lung / respiratory issues where I am on steroids trying to combat whatever is going on. Not cancer etc, but scary when you cannot get a breath to save your life. Many people leave too young because of cancer and other illnesses. Hopfully he never suffered much and is at rest now! RIP!
  17. I am getting ready to max out my old acer (finally). I think it has the t7500 in it now. I am wondering will it run the 9900? I know one person here previously installed the t9500 cpu and it worked. Thoughts would be welcome.
  18. What do you do with your computers now? I batch process images, create logo, graphics, book layouts, magazine layouts website graphics, videos etc. I am still working on a television program as well. I am still conducting research on the topic I have in mind and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Very interesting. So, I use all that my PC's have to offer, For someone just surfing the net, and doing basic tasks....even 4gb is fine. That's what my wifes little dell has and it skips along no issues.
  19. Ok, I have seen on other forums where you can install unsupported OS versions. I was thinking about doing the upgrades to the system and selling it. It looks as if it's still a desirable machine out there. Maybe I will keep it and install the lastest unsupported version and go from there.
  20. I was a member for years on the previous forum, I went to search for the Aspire 7720 upgrade thread and stumbled upon a Reddit about NBR. That led me to here. Thankfully. I always loved coming to NBR and Shooting the turds with everyone.
  21. So, I have stumbled across a A1297 macbook 17" for 95 dollars semi locally. The owner says he purchased it with the intention of installing a new HD and battery. There is no charger with it. My son has a 2015 macbook air. Are the chargers the same for both macbooks so I can see if I can get the 17" to post? Also, where I have no install media for MacOS, can I create this somehow and will this old system be able to run newer OS versions some how? I am interested in this project since I have some spare parts hanging around.
  22. Well, in a little turn of events, I have an iphone 6s that one of the people I do snowmobile restorations for wants. I am going to even swap him for his moto G power 2021. At least then I can get a good feel for the moto side of things while not spending any extra money on. I will report back after the trade has been made and I have my sim card in it. One negative is the lack of NFC. I love paying with my phone and do it constantly.
  23. I would upgrade if you need to. If you see something that is maxing out etc, then by all means. If it's all working great, why waste the coin. Video editing and graphic creative work is why I bought and upgraded this little rig. I am running 2 24" dell ultra sharps off it with one being touch which I love for doing editing work with. I went with 128gb of ram because I was future proofing a bit, but the need is there when running Reslove and other intensive programs. On the total flipside, if you like tinkering and it brings you joy, like it does me, then GIVER on the mods. I still have to set up my system to save all my files etc to the big drive instead of my SSD. In the end, it's all about budget and need. If you have both or at least one and a half, go for the mods.
  24. We want an earthroamer. The big one. However, at a million and a half, unless we win 60 mil or more, it will be a hard nope. Ha ha. What will be incoming will be a 32 ft motorhome with slideouts and a ujoint Off road 4x4 conversion. Cheap (ish) and go where we want. Pop starlink mobile on the top and we are golden.
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