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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Agree 100%. It is interesting that I (and others like me) have been looked upon unfavorably, even criticized sometimes by noobs that think they know everything, for selecting manual voltage and sync all cores as my overclocking SOP for years. I've done nothing different with LGA-1700 and have none of the problems the "gamers" are having now. In their infinite wisdom of doing massive undervolting with wild voltage swings and using algorithm-based (TVB) boosting they have created problems where none would have otherwise existed. Maybe I don't get 6.0 or 6.2GHz on two cores that bolsters e-peen, but I do get solid benchmark scores and a consistent experience. Maybe their observation is somewhat true that manual overclocking is dead now is, but so are their CPUs. PBO sucked for AMD and TVB sucks for Intel. Dumb is always dumb. Edited Funny how much we think alike. Although worded differently, our thoughts posted essentially simultaneously, our expressions are the same underlying message.
  2. Nice to run a good version of Windows for a change. https://hwbot.org/submission/5603298_ https://hwbot.org/submission/5603299_
  3. Such a lovely OS with so many "special" AI features. Right @Papusan? I have been dual-booting for many years.
  4. I am not sure. 8 cores is a low core count. About half what I would like to see, along with hyperthreading. Need at least 32 threads to be completely satisfied. But one thing I am sure about is eliminating the smartphone E-cores is a good thing. I have never liked the idea. They do add a lot of performance, but not as much as they would if the space they wasted was replaced by more P-cores. I am glad to see them pulling their heads out. Now they need to go find the dumb-dumb(s) that suggested it, their boss that allowed them to, and the biggest dumb-dumb of the bunch that approved it. They need to round them up and beat them nearly to death right before they are fired. They're not worthy of holding their positions at Intel, or anywhere else that allows them to work on computer technology. I hope they perma-scrap the e-core idea along with any notions about the retarded chiplet idea and go back to producing large die head-stomping monolithic masterpieces. In other news... "In 218 out of 250 games tested, Arc A770 passes with flying colors. This means a flawless launch with no graphical artifacts and playable framerates." Interesting that 11 of 12 games that failed to work well ran flawlessly after disabling the AMD iGPU in Device Manager. Those games were attempting to use the anemic APU instead of discrete GPU. Only 4 out of 250 crashed hard and refused to work. I am very much looking forward to Battlemage dropping.
  5. Most people, sadly including gamerboys, are too forgiving and tolerant of the OS filth. It will easily cost them 1500 to 2000 Cinebench R23 points. But they are willing to sacrifice that in exchange for a few extra UWP turds floating in their breakfast cereal. I tried to tell them it was not chocolate milk, but they did not believe me. Anyhoo... I think I am going to dub this one Methuselah.
  6. Man, GPUs have come such a long way since the first Titan. Even the crappy ones are stronger. But, it's a nice trip down memory lane. Scores are similar to my Prema-fied 980M benchmarks. https://hwbot.org/submission/5602424_ https://hwbot.org/submission/5602422_
  7. Seems like a nice CPU. Definitely worth $45 paid for it. Double core/thread count over the 4820K and runs stable with exactly the same BIOS settings, LOL. Will tune it later. "New CPU Installed. Press F1 to enter setup." Pressed F1, then F10, and *BOOM* just runs. https://hwbot.org/submission/5602395_
  8. When I was still doing beta product testing for Dell/Alienware they made it very clear that they are dead set against memory overclocking and all-core overclocking for some stupid reason. They wanted memory left on SPD default and only single-core overclocking. This was back in 2010-2012. Well, we know how I feel about that kind of lame suckiness. Wasn't long after that I was no longer part of their program. No loss, really. Just look at what a joke Alienware is today. The kings of trash. You're better off buying some crappy "gaming desktop" on Temu or AliExpress. At least it won't be built with proprietary trash components. I'm a sick puppy. Four desktops now. Disgusting but also a gratifying mental illness. The E5-1680 V2 is out for delivery. Should be about double the peformance of the 4820K. (Double the cores and threads and unlocked. multipliers.) I have forgotten how to overclock these antique setups. Things have changed so much in some ways, not in others. I had forgotten that 1.575V Vcore and 1.650V memory voltage was not a big deal back then. It's also interesting how this EK 360 AIO can keep the 4820K so cool with 1.575V compared to a modern CPU with much lower voltage.
  9. I got the BIOS mod with NVMe support for X79, which is not supported natively. (NVMe did not exist when X79 was released.)
  10. Here are the old parts. I got everything working on the test bench after work. Traded a kit of 32GB Crucial Pro DDR4 (new sealed package) and an EVGA Z15 clicky keyboard (lightly used) for these items. 4820K Rampage IV Gene 32GB (4*8GB) Kingston HyperX Beast DDR3-2400 EVGA GTXX Titan GPU The Xeon E5-1680 V2 that I bought on eBay for $45 will be here on Monday. I am using the EK Nucleus Dark AIO on it. Using a spare PSU (Corsair RM1000e). Everything is working well. The GPU still had the clear plastic on it.
  11. What is puzzling to me is that we are just now hearing about this. If it is a secret weapon that they had in their back pocket and only intended to release it if necessary to keep Ryzen 9 from taking first fiddle that kind of feels like an NVIDIA shenanigan. I don't like the idea of them holding out on us and only giving us something better when they have to in order to stay on top. But, I wouldn't be surprised by it. I think they are all dishonest companies. Honesty and integrity are foreign concepts in the technology industry.
  12. I've never heard of this group before right now, but dang... awesome stuff. They jam real hard. Love it. 🤘
  13. This is certainly interesting. I'm going to check it out. https://amdaputuningutility.com/ Edit: well... that was a waste of time. Pretty worthless in terms of features. Maybe it would be more useful for AMD or people that are primarily gamers (not overclocking enthusiast) but I'm not seeing any point of having it installed. I can't set higher than 400W on the CPU, which is just a joke. Everything is gimped with max settings that are way too low. Saying it is useful for Intel and NVIDIA shows a pretty massive disconnect.
  14. The most important thing is that processors remain unlocked so you can do whatever you want. 125W, 150W, 170W TDP doesn't matter if you can push it to 500W-700W-1000W if you want and need to. I set my power limits at 4095W on everything, including turdbooks that would never breach 125W, so that power limits effectively never become a limiting factor, and I always have. I would be super pissed off if I couldn't do that anymore.
  15. Goes beyond disgusting. I am convinced they are literally insane. But, not as insane as someone that would spend that much on a keyboard. Not to mention the fact that it is 10 keys short of a legit keyboard. TKL is for small turdbooks. Certifiably...
  16. I won't care about it if it turns out to be a 12 core/12 thread part. If it is not hyperthreaded It will be slower than 13900/14900K/KF/KS if only 12C/12T even if there is an IPC improvement. Will have to wait and see how it is made. It might be better for gaming, but I honestly don't care. I don't need it to be. What I have already is more than adequate for that.
  17. His potty mouth and arrogance really rubs me the wrong way. I often find watching his videos to be annoying, but more often than not I think he is accurate and I frequently agree with him. It's just too bad his personality is like a bottle of acetone. I don't think I have seen a better example of a person being a legend in their own mind. OK now, this might actually interest me. No E-cores and 12 P-cores is definitely a step in the right direction. Particularly so if I don't have to waste money on a new motherboard. I'm not keen on buying any new motherboards for at least another year or two... maybe three. Not worth it. But, that only interests me if hyperthreading is included. 12 P-cores without hyperthreading is a non-starter. They can keep that crippled piece of crap if it is not hyperthreaded.
  18. The 14900KS that I returned was the worst CPU I have ever owned. It was an absolute piece of garbage. SE meant "sucky edition" for that one. It was worse than the 5950X and I hated that CPU. 💯we have both always operated that way. It's the only way that I will do it. The gamerboy way with adaptive behavior sucks. It's pointless and you may as well just run it BIOS defaults. With the current way things work that will kill it.
  19. Jufes is spot on about all of it, including the delid and bare die thing. I don't allow stock boosting crap on preferred cores, I lock everything down and run bare die. My voltage is where I set it and the heat gets removed right away. No insane voltage spikes and no cooked cores running wild with the package running within Intel power limits. No degradation and no instability. Everything under control. No spastic TVB behavior, no ASUS AI CPU-killing nonsense and no obsession with stupid single-core or two-core idiot overclocking. He is right on the AMD stuff, too. For exactly the same reasons. X3D chips control the voltage and lock the cores and don't allow runaway cores with insane voltage spikes on the favored CCD cores. Interesting comment about AMD starting the nonsense with their stupid single-core PBO and suffering the same fate, then accidentally fixing their own mess with the X3D chips by locking them down.
  20. I would get the Lightning versus the Edge in your situation. Since I already own your Edge it would be frivolous for me to spend the money to buy a Lightning only to gain maybe 200MHz on the memory overclock. I do like the all black aesthic better than the silver and white. I think it looks nicer. Even with the 14900KF with the SA bug, the Edge is running like a top at 8200 CL36 with an anemic 1.190V VCCSA. Jufes is probably right, as he most often is. I do not use TVB. I think gimmicks like TVB and PBO are a wuss way of overclocking a CPU. I don't do the favored 2 core boost. I just lock all cores at the same amount and lock the voltage where it works best. No fuss, no muss. And, none of the issue the media is buzzing about. And, I think that would be consistent with his opinion.
  21. It's nice to see another ITX motherboard with memory overclocking capabilities similar to the Apex and Tachyon X. If I didn't already have the Z790i Edge I would not hesitate to grab a Z790i Lightning.
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