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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. This one is open for offers. Solid CPU sample if you can buy it for a reasonable price. Should easily do 5.8-6.0GHz and memory at 8400 as a daily driver overclock with proper cooling. https://www.overclock.net/threads/intel-13900ks-sp-113-p122-e97-mc82.1811397/ Yeah, I am looking forward to playing with those old parts for a bit. I am not sure how long they will hold my interest since I am so used to the scortched earth performance of my current systems, but free is a really good price. Well, not entirely free since I am trading old parts and paying postage, but you know what I mean. It will be nice to have hardware to play with that just runs with no hassles on Windows 7 without having to fuss around with finding drivers that allow everything to work right. If I am going to do the old parts thing, they need to be something I haven't owned before. Otherwise, it is unlikely that I will beat my older benchmarks and won't gain any HWBOT hardware points. These are parts I haven't owned/benched before. Although, I am fairly confident that will beat the 4930K benchmarks that I submitted with the P570WM. That thing was hard to cool, even with the portable AC unit.
  2. If all goes as planned I will have the Rampage IV Gene (X79) and associated parts (4930K and RAM and Titan Black GPU) by next weekend. The old parts I am trading for them are boxed up and ready to ship tomorrow. I ordered an unlocked Xeon E5-1680 V2 on eBay (HP server pull) for like $45. So, I'll have a total of the postage to ship the parts traded plus $45 invested in it. I already have PSU, drives and other components needed in my spare parts, so no need to buy anything. It will be running NVMe from PCIe add-in cards. (I already have those in my spare parts, too.)
  3. I am skipping next gen. No point in it. You would think differently if you had received the hideously poor samples I returned to Amazon and NewEgg. They would have needed LN2 to avoid overheating. They would have been unusable with unchilled custom loop or an AIO. I hope your good luck holds out. If it doesn't it will be a very rude awakening. They're not "mostly good" samples. Turn off your chiller and buy a crappy (average) sample you'll find out real quick. I think it is easy for us that have very good silicon samples to forget that we are wearing rose-colored glasses.
  4. Why roll the dice in the lottery when you can get a cherry-picked CPU of known quality in the overclock.net marketplace? I returned four CPUs in a row that were garbage and got my money back from Amazon and Newegg. All of the CPUs I'm running now are superior silicon samples that I've purchased there.
  5. Yes, I saw that, too. They're going to deny most RMAs anyway, unrelated to this current situation. They've done away with the performance tuning warranty and void warranty for overclocking like AMD now. Even running the memory in XMP is considered overclocking. I've already been down that road with them. The only way to get them to play nice is to lie to them and say you have never overclocked and never used XMP. Not delidding the CPU because it voids the warrant no longer has any basis in logic because using the CPU the way it is advertised and designed to be used voids the warranty.
  6. I have three Z790 desktops and all are super-stable and trouble-free. One 13900KS and two 14900KF. One has the SA bug, but it really doesn't matter. It runs the DDR5 at 8200 with tight timings with only 1.120V for VCCSA. I can't do 8400 with the VCCSA limit. In the grand scheme of things it really is not a big deal IMHO. It is a great silicon sample and the SA bug is way better than a crappy silicon sample. Any day of the week. The trick is avoiding loss in the silicon lottery. I would buy a used CPU with a strong ASUS SP rating on overclock.net and plow ahead. Being totally honest, my Z690 and Z790 systems have been the best and the strongest I have ever owned. No regrets. Yeah, I am basically done buying new CPUs. I plan to ONLY buy used CPUs with a known silicon quality going forward. And, I won't pay a stupid price for one someone is selling because they found a better one. I'll just wait for a very good one at a palatable price as I have been doing. I'll let other people fiddle-fart with the new CPU shell game and waste their money. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
  7. That's the thing. You can't. That's why I sent back 4 defective samples for a refund. A lot of defective samples are probably in use and probably more than a few defective samples are what is causing game crashes.
  8. All they need to do is pray to their AI god for help. That will fix everything for them. Just ask Jensen.
  9. I don't doubt that some of them, maybe a lot of them, drew big time losers tickets in the silicon lottery. Many may not even be aware that they did.
  10. Even my CPU with the "SA bug" works great. It's interesting that the primary people with "broken" Raptor Lake CPUs seem to be gamers. I bet a lot of them attend the Church of Aggressive Undervolting and like to use TVB because tuning computers to work right is just too hard for them.
  11. Not for me. I am not upgrading. AMD offers nothing that interests me and now Intel has lost my interest. I'm keeping what I have now and buying cheap old tech. Maybe AI will inform the leaders of AMD, Intel and NVIDIA what they should do next. No need to be smart, just ask AI. I could tell them all what they should do, but it wouldn't be a nice suggestion. Nasty words. They would be offended. Plus, I just don't play nice with stupid people.
  12. Never send a baby core to do a daddy core job. And, chiplets suck. Monolith is the only "good" and "right way" to make a CPU, with all cores the same.
  13. Welcome into the light, brother. It took me less than a week to stop caring about "high performance" laptops once I exorcized that filth from my life. And, things are much filthier now than they were then. I suspect you are going to be much happier now. Life is better without turdbooks. I am healed enough now that I can no longer identify with the concept of "high performance" laptop. There is no such thing. An oxymoron.
  14. As usual, your logic is very intelligent. I think it is always good to spend as little as possible on trash like smartphones and tablets. Even if you are pleased with it for the most part, it is a disposable piece of garbage. The expensives ones cost a lot more and do not offer a lot more in return for the higher price tag. To pay extra for a name and a bunch of gimmicks isn't very smart, even though it is called a smartphone. 🤣 My last couple of phones have been purchased as refurbished on Amazon for considerably less, and they looked and functioned the same as new. I am starting to get excited about the idea of going backwards on PC hardware. I can hardly wait for my X79 parts to arrive. Also, the idea of grabbing $2000+ Titan GPUs for under $200 makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  15. What kind of Android phone are you using? I ask because some have a different OS than others. My least acceptable Android phones have been Samsung. My best have been OnePlus and Pixel, simply because they are more true Android without screwed up customizations and fewer restrictions and lockdowns. I have always hated Samsung's version of Android. I have owned several Samsung phones and never liked any of them because of their OS modifications. To be clear though, I hate ALL smartphones and tablets. iOS or Android. Both suck. Most of the time I avoid using a phone for things other than phone calls. I mostly use my phone when sitting on the toilet, LOL. I don't even use if for text if I can avoid it. I use Google Messages on my Windows desktop for texting so I can avoid using the small screen and touch UI. I think my next one will be a de-Googled Linux phone. It will still be cursed with a disgusting touch interface, which will ultimately make it detestable.
  16. Hopefully you won't find the newer version of iOS worse than what you were used to, like Winduhz 11 versus Windoze 10. I was an iPhone user (not by choice, but a decision of my employer) and used it side-by-side with my Android-based personal phones for more than a decade and I could never identify even one thing I liked more about the iPhone more than my Android phone. I despised everything about it. But, it was a valuable experience because it validated all of the contempt I held for it. My hate for iPhone would have been baseless bias had I not been using it as much or more than Android. To a certain degree this merely comes down to what you are used to and comfortable with due to familiarity. It took me about 6 months of forced use of iOS to become aware of how things worked differently than Android. I never liked it, but it took some time to understand how it differed. The familiarity minimized the frustration even though I never found iOS an endearing product. Same is true of Linux versus Windows. The more I use Linux, the more comfortable I have become with what is different. The difference is, I like Linux the more I use it. The opposite was true of iOS.
  17. Simple. They're just really extra stupid people. And, we get their poop splattered on us. In some cases they fling it on us. I don't have too many issue with Android, but it is like Windows and Mac OS. It gets uglier and loses functionality and has more restrictions with each update And, it is because the people designing software are idiots. No other explanation for it. On top of that they have morbidly disgusting taste when it comes to the aesthetic atrocities they implement.
  18. Sometimes changing the web browser to "desktop view" can help with that, but everything becomes smaller and harder to see. You can pinch zoom to enlage text so it is readable. If I go to HWBOT Forum I cannot even log in with mobile view. There is no option available for my credentials to be entered and nothing on the menu to select for signin unless I switch to desktop view. I think a lot of this is more an issue with Chrome being dumbed down for mobile than it is the Android OS. The Alphabet company is run by monkeys and they produce things for zombie monkeys that are even dumber than they are. Everything revolves around their empire of trash.
  19. Human beings are fundamentally evil and will behave in a manner consistent with being born wicked unless they are taught to believe, think, behave and interact differently. When they are allowed to just figure it out, or handed over to a degenerate public education system for flawed brainwashing, nurturing of their depraved mindset, and malicious programming we get what we've got now. Lots of broken trash thanks to the broken idiots giving it to us. The problem is much bigger than tech hardware turning to feces. That is just a symptom of the deeper problem. It's going to get worse, so buckle up. We ain't seen nothing yet.
  20. Yes, I agree. I would do the same. You could flip them for some good money at that price. At that price it would even be worth buying it as a spare part to set on the shelf in case of emergency.
  21. From a PC, yes. I cannot figure out a way to cut/copy and paste quotes using a mobile platform. That does not work correctly for me on Android even though it is a cinch using a PC. Selecting normal text is easy enough, but selecting the quotes doesn't seem to work on the mobile platform. If there was a way to toggle the post to show the underlying code markup instead of rendered code it would be easy to select like ordinary text, but I do not see that option. (One of the many reasons I hate smartphones and tablets... Slimy touch screen filth versus a keyboard and mouse always sucks. Ctrl+A, Ctrl+X wins every time.)
  22. You snagged a new Asrock Z790i Lightning for $116? I just looked and did not see it available for that price. That's insanely cheap and worth buying at that price. I am only seeing it for $279. https://www.amazon.com/ASRock-Lightning-Mini-ITX-DisplayPort-Motherboard/dp/B0D3S7Z3YG Or, were you referring to the AIO?
  23. Interesting that single core would be worse than multi, rather than multi being an exponential equation. A symptom of the stupidity in having a large disparity in turbo clocks on only one or two cores. It sounds like the article is finding the nice things to say so that people who are already predisposed to buying it will buy it. Which is what we expect from most "influencers" in the media. We live in a time where lying is accepted and "marketing" and "journalism" are the politically correct words for the behavior of liars.
  24. Are they showing multi-core at all, or not even mentioning it?
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