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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. There are three. One started by a person I had never heard of before, one by @Reciever and one by @spartan@hidevolution. I have always used the auxillary PCIe power port on the Asus and EVGA motherboards that have them, but I have never experienced instability from not using it. I wonder what they did differently on this one? Seems they must have done something different because the systems that do not have it work correctly. That is interesting and it would be good to know the reason behind it. Does the manual say what the PD means in "PD_12V_PWR" means? Is there also a molex or 6- or 8-pin PCIe auxillary power port in addition to that one?
  2. Well yeah that is ridiculous. Thanks for posting that. Is this unique to Asus z690 motherboards or something that is new to all the z690 systems?
  3. Having the radiator in the top with fans in push/pull is probably better for efficiency of the AIO pump, as the pump would be the lowest point in the AIO liquid loop; not to mention that the cold air getting sucked in from the top would be in closer proximity to the RAM and VRM heat sinks. The cooling of those components might be enhanced for that reason, but you would have to test it to see if it makes a difference in the VRM and RAM temperatures.
  4. I would definitely do the radiator in top with push/pull. It might be better to pull cold air into the top and creating positive internal pressure with more intake than exhaust but you will need to test both ways to see if there is any change. I suspect the difference will be minor, if any. Pushing air out of the top might be better for dust prevention, unless the internal air pressure is low. Higher internal pressure generally is better to minimize dust collection. If it is all filtered that may not matter unless the top or bottom filter is more challenging to remove clean than the other.
  5. We used to pay attention to that, but that responsibility has been surrendered to terrorists, human traffickers and drug cartels.
  6. Yes, I am not saying it doesn't happen, only that it should not be allowed to happen. One nation willingly subjecting itself to the jurisdiction of another nation in the realm of civil justice is ludicrous and overreaching. The United States should not honor verdicts in EU civil lawsuits, nor should the EU honor civil suits adjudicated in the United States. Doing so is a bastardization of sovereignty. I would make an exception for products, goods and services a US company sells on foreign soil, because once that company has a presence there they willingly subject themselves to the rule of law in that nation. If they don't have a presence there and the products, goods or services are not offered locally, there should be no jurisdiction. I despise Facebook, Twitter and Google and would love to see them go out of business, but they should not be subject to any regulations that apply in another nation when a foreigner chooses to register an account on the internet where the site owner and domain is US-based. If this becomes a serious problem and the national leaders remain feckless in blocking it, then those companies would be wise to take appropriate measures to block registration and memberships from outsiders. Even criminal prosecution should only be honored if and when it violates United States criminal code, and it should be tried on American soil with the same due process it would have received if the crime were committed in the United States. The EU conviction should not be ignored, but it should be sustained only to the extent it violates US code and goes through the same trial process and is decided by a jury. That is usually not an issue because the really serious violent crimes are illegal in all civilized nations. The exception would be if the crime is committed in the EU and the suspect is apprehended while in the EU or extradited for prosecution in the EU (where such an agreement for reciprocity exists). One example of this would be a violation of Sharia Law when the act is not illegal in a nation that does not observe Sharia Law. If I had to guess (and we have no information, so all we can do is speculate,) that would be my best wild guess. You probably nailed it with that one, but we may never know the real story.
  7. I don't understand how or why any US Company would need to care one iota about an EU GDPR lawsuit unless they wanted to do business on EU soil. Otherwise, I would be like "bite me EU" as they have zero jurisdiction in or over the United States, its citizens and US-owned companies. If Tech Target isn't doing business there, then I wouldn't think the forum being open to members from the EU should have any bearing. It's their choice to join or not join. Likewise, they are not subject to laws and regulations of the United States, as we have no jurisdiction over them.
  8. CPU: 10900K @ 5.5GHz | Memory: 32GB Dual Rank (16*2) 4200 CL15-16-16-32 2T
  9. Ok, you guys know the drill. Please look at the examples below. Validation requires: URL if applicable (all 3DMark benchmarks, Geekbench, SuperPosition, etc.) Full desktop showing taskbar, clock, etc. (no trimmed or cropped snips) CPU-Z x3 (first 3 tabs, CPU, Motherboard, Memory) GPU-Z x1 Graphics Card tab (if the benchmark includes GPU performance measurement) Have fun and feel free to chat about anything related to overclocking and benching here. The dumb questions are those not asked. See these examples for CPU-Only Validation and CPU+GPU Validation benchmark screenshots. Edit: There is a link in this post for some old game benchmarks.
  10. You guys already know how this works. Have fun and enjoy the jams.
  11. Mr. Fox


    The nice thing about tests... they are not real, so you can screw up and it doesn't matter. But, they don't tell you that when you're going to school.
  12. I like Windows Phone OS, but the Nokia device I used it on was rather anemic and too small to be useful. It was better than Android, and I think anything is better than iOS, including and Blackberry OS.
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