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Mr. Fox

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Posts posted by Mr. Fox

  1. 2 hours ago, Papusan said:

    New low from Asus. The GDDR6 model is currently $15 more than Asus’s white GDDR6X OC variant


    The first Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 graphics cards packing slower GDDR6 VRAM have started to trickle through to U.S. e-tailers. 

    As long as they can get away with charging more because something has their name on it they will, and as long as the sheeple believe the brand name is something that makes it special they will continue to get away with charging outlandish prices for their junk.

    2 hours ago, ryan said:

    yeah its frustrating. gpu does same thing even though iv'e flashed a 140w vbios. clocks are set to 2100 and they bounce from 1700-1800 with cool temps. cpu is awful, I have never been able to get 14000-16000 like others. If I do end up buying a laptop again just because of its compact size im going with a clevo one. I bought a clevo back in the day and it was fast and ran at full bore, sad that 15 years ago i could just pop in a new mxm gfx card, good thing the greedy clowns in charge took that ability away with new laptops


    did a little 10 sec dig




    according to this I matched a 3070 in firestrike and 100 points away from time spy, so i can't complain about gpu. cpu however the alienware 15x with its 11800h scored 14000 id imagine with an oc it would score 16000.


    which leads me to the question if i can use the alienwares info for my cpu like ec mod or something, im not well versed with cpus

    There is probably a total system power cap and whichever component (CPU or GPU) is pushing the system to draw the most power gets emasculated. It's unfortunate that this is how turdbooks are made now, but it is very common among all of them and has been for a good while. Even the Clevo systems that had desktop CPUs had power caps, which is super stupid. There should not be any such thing. The power limit should be determined by the maximum power-drawing capacity of the components and/or the AC adapter and not limited to something that offers anything less than full and unmetered performance.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, ryan said:

    @Mr. Fox I'm not new to benchmarking with 3dmark but thats simple. im trying to benchmark other components for fun but lack the knowledge. in windows my clocks drop to 3200 and in linux same thing, i set everything to performance and modest min and max clocks applied/ also sudo apt update and reboot

    It looks like you got it installed. Nice job. 


    The clock dropping is most likely controlled by the firmware/EC on your turdbook and you might not be able to correct that without modded firmware. You can try maxing out the minium and maximum clocks on both sliders  and if it still does that you're going to have to live with it or find someone that can locate and correct the cancer code in your turdbook firmware. I have a friend with a newer ASUS gaming turdbook with a 13900HX CPU and it won't hold its overclock under load. I have tried everything I can to help him and it is hopeless with stock firmware cancer.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Tenoroon said:

    I need to look into CPUPower-GUI, I've been setting up Gentoo over the past 2 weeks. It has been hell, but I've learned a lot. I'm still in a terminal trying to setup Xorg as I've been troubleshooting the Nvidia drivers for the past few days... I see why Linus Torvalds hates Nvidia so much lol.


    Gentoo has been pretty good about utilizing my CPU to the fullest, I've been using some generic terminal based CPU monitoring tool and compiling anything makes full use of my CPU (It seems to boost when it should and doesn't spike like in Windows). I wonder if the minimal CPU power is coming from some default setting in Kubuntu or something.

    I generally use Linux distros that automatically  manage the NVIDIA drivers and it is generally hassle-free that way. Many of them have the option during setup to choose the installation and use of proprietary drivers, but POP!_OS and Zorin and Kubuntu make it pretty effortless. Some things are worth doing the hard way, but to me that's not one of them. I think Kubuntu is my favorite distro. It is closer to "ready to use" for me with a default installation in much the same way Zorin is.

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  4. 1 hour ago, ryan said:

    i got 10k in cinebench, 2000 less than windows 11 but thats ok it runs alot cooler. everything feels snappier. even boot times are faster. as for modifying cpu speed its alright as benching on linux isnt interesting to me not yet. im still curious about crysis and grid, which im installing now to see if i can get the best of both worlds. I checked out a game not natively supported AOE3 DE and it ran flawlessly maxed at 4k so I think im in the clear, not a huge gamer.

    CPUPower-GUI may help close the gap on Cinebench by forcing maximum performance mode instead of balanced or power saver mode. Below are screenshots I just grabbed on my Dell Precision turdbook with the CPU and GPU stuff showing. The big white window in the first screenshot is "hardinfo" (aka System Profiler and Benchmark Tool) that should be available for download from the software center.


    Laptops wiht Optimus can be tricky in terms of forcing the discrete GPU. On my Precision I can disable the Intel GPU in the BIOS so that it has no switchable graphics. In order to overclock the GPU using GreenWithEnvy you need to be using X.org display manager. I do not think it will work with Wayland. To enable overclocking, from a terminal you need to run this command once to update the X.org file and then reboot to unlock the core and memory clocks.. Sadly, my Quadro P5000 (and all others, including desktop Quadro P5000) have locked core and memory clocks. Nothing can overclock this GPU model in Windows or Linux AFAIK.

    sudo nvidia-xconfig --cool-bits=24
    3 hours ago, Papusan said:

    Oh, my gosh. Disgusting is the gold for the bling bling lovers. 




    My eyes hurts after seeing this. Please use sunglasses🤐


    That is truly repulsive. Using a PC should not feel like you are attending a circus. They did not even have any calliope music. They should have been playing this in the background.


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  5. 40 minutes ago, ryan said:

    so Installed proton and enabled compatability mod. bam 100s of games are now showing. also one major thing. I listen to alot of music and for some reason linux is exporting sound to my tv in dolby atmos or something of the like. it sounds alot clearer louder and feels like surround sound on my tv...first time this tv has seperated audio signals creating a 360 soundscape.


    1) way better sound

    2) smoother gaming

    3) faster web browsing

    4) cleaner than windows and completely customizable



    reasons im keeping linux. pity i still might have a use for windows 10/11

    CPUPower-GUI is what I use for CPU clock control and power profile management. Try installing it from the Zorin software center first. You can install it from the .deb file on Github as a last resort if it is not available in the software center. Linux tries to force the CPU to use minimal power rather than balls-to-the-wall performance, which is annoying if you do not override the default settings.




    If it does not work you have have to install pyxdg and libhandy if they are not already installed. If you need to, probably won't need to do more than sudo apt update, then sudo apt install pyxdg and sudo apt install libhandy from a terminal.


    CPU-X is basically the Linux equivalent of CPU-Z. GreenWithEnvy will allow GPU core and memory overclocking.

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  6. Well... The Apex Encore motherboard failed last night. It had been giving me trouble off and on for a month or two not completing POST and hanging with a green light and Q-code 99, but pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del one or two times had allowed it to complete POST until last night. Thankfully it is not the CPU.  I stayed up all night farting around with it trying different things. I swapped CPU, RAM, GPU, removed all NVMe and SATA connections and tried moving keyboard and mouse to other USB ports, but no change. I even tried doing the recovery flash on the BIOS, which completed successfully but did not change the behavior. It goes through all of the normal startup routine, as expected, but hangs at the very last part for I/O initialization. The monitor power light comes on like it is receiving a signal, but never has anything on-screen. Before it quit working I had a hard time getting it to boot earlier in the day yesterday. I had to power it off and on about a dozen times and then when I went into the BIOS the image on the screen loaded sluggishly.


    I obtained an RMA today from ASUS, paid $60 for shipping (boo!) using their label. But, they will return it using ground (slow and cheap) shipping. Hopefully they won't try screwing me over like they have in the past. Took lots of pictures in case they try pulling the "physical damage" or "bent pins" liar routine like they have with so many people (including me). Hopefully it won't be a month long wait like it has in the past.


    Maybe all of the recent negative publicity about their warranty service will change the dynamic. Crossing my fingers.

    • Sad 3
  7. 2 hours ago, electrosoft said:

    Good news, last small update for WoW seems to have fixed the issues pretty quick with the 7900xtx.


    I've been running some tests comparing my 14900KS 5.6 fixed profile vs 5.9 auto profile. I took my foot off the brake (undervolting) a touch and now even Wukong runs fine on the 5.9 auto profile so all is well.




    I did some more testing in WoW with the 7900xtx and the 14900KS thinking 5.6 and 5.9 will basically be the same but I'm seeing ~183fps with 5.6 and 202fps with 5.9 everything else the same for some fixed vantage testing (Ultra 10, 4k RT OFF). I know WoW is one of the most CPU dependent/responsive games out there, but I wasn't expecting this big of a gap so I'll need to figure and lock down a good flight run to really collect some more data. I can swap CPU bios profiles back and forth and repeat this consistently. I even took my 5.9 profile and just adjust the multipliers back only to 5.6 auto only keeping everything else the same and still saw that drop in fps.


    This fixed vantage spot in Hallowfall (one of the new zones) is at 8200 CL34 tightened up and the profiles are the same except for 5.6 fixed all core and 5.9 auto. 5.9 does draw about  ~30w more than 5.6 but that's to be expected.


    I haven't even tested with APO yet which supports WoW.




    Whoa, that is very good on TG's part! Is this the same block De8auer has been posting about on the OCN forums and getting it updated and working properly and basically laying the groundwork for Socket 1871 (?)?



    I have not seen that on OC.net forum so I am not sure. I will have to look.


    On 9/7/2024 at 1:44 AM, tps3443 said:

    I always thought the two-core boost was really cool! I always use this option every day. On all my chips, 13900K/13900KS/14900K/14900KS. It seems solid with no signs of degradation from using this on LGA1700 or even LGA1200. I am obsessed with CPU stability, real ram stability, and also CPU degradation lol.

    I wanted to do a comparison of Auto voltage fixed core 5.9Ghz and also the Auto voltage 5.9-6.2Ghz, just if anyone is curious what it looks like. 

    Run #1) 5.9Ghz locked on (8 Cores) Auto voltage DDR5 8600c36.
    5.9Ghz Vcore MAX: 1.305V.
    5.9Ghz VID MAX: 1.304v.
    Load Vcore: 1.217V.
    Package temp: 70C.
    Idle Power min 16.3 watts
    Package power Max R23 single core: 84 Watts.
    Package power Max multi-core: 314 Watts.
    R23 ST Score: 2,277.
    R23 MT Score: 43,377.


    Run # 2) 5.9Ghz (8 Cores) 6.2Ghz on (2 Cores) Auto voltage DDR5 8600c36.
    6.2Ghz Vcore MAX: 1.403v
    6.2Ghz VID MAX: 1.405v.
    Load Vcore: 1.217V.
    Package temp: 70C.
    Idle Power min 15.8 watts
    Package power Max R23 single core @6.2Ghz: 90 Watts.
    Package power Max multi-core: 313 Watts.
    R23 ST Score: 2,395
    R23 MT Score: 43,389


    It is important to note, that my best two cores only reach a max voltage of 1.387-1.396V. Since this is the case, I can lock my voltage to this ceiling and during low loads my voltage will never surpass this on any cores, because only the best cores #4 and core #5 are hitting 6.2Ghz. In the above scenarios the voltage is just auto/default.  So, it will kind of go where it wants to on all of the cores, even if only two of them are hitting 6.2Ghz. Fortunately, either setup is full auto, and both run really efficient regardless. We have the same nice low load voltage, only a slightly higher vcore for during 2 core loads when the chips hits 6.2Ghz. One just allows a +300Mhz advantage on two cores. I did not mean to highlight this font like this, it copied the font of the IMG url's I posted. Also, the average voltage seems comparable between the two in my time investigating this. 


    This isn't quite that low on load voltage, but very close (1.225V, so less than 0.010V difference)... This is with the P-cores set to "auto" and E-cores set to 47x all core. Similar Cinebench score as well, but with lower P-clock and higher E-clock.



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  8. 11 minutes ago, ryan said:

    yes im half frustrated not knowing a thing but its satisfying when it works, having issues with wine and cinebenchr23 but ill figure it out I think it has something to do with user permissions or using x11 over wayland.


    ill try not to bug you about  this as their is alot of resources online and this thread isnt about it. but are their any cpu benching apps that are good for linux...curious how my system performs on linux vs windose as ive always had issues with windows and my cpu.

    WINE is kind of antiquated and using it as a standalone is more difficult and it has less support. I would recommend using Lutris as the front end/GUI for it. I found that to be more forgiving. I suspect you will find more tutorials for Lutris. That is what I use for Cinebench. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, ryan said:

    @Mr. Fox bro. this is incredible. I booted x11 and my mouse lag/screen tearing/game performance is fixed. booted up my favorite racing game grid autosport ran the benchmark and had a low of 67 and average of 87 on ultra 4k. it was incredible, this is the first time in 11 years iv'e seen the game run flawless with 0 skipped frames and no dips below 60fps. LINUS and HWUB need to encourage more people to get on linux, I had no idea. I shrugged off the notion of linux for 15 -20 years, and I thought I don't feel like programming for free, but its actually quite satisfying knowing what gets installed and using dos command brings back memories to a time I was less handicapped.


    Alot of quirks with linux but a quick google search and its as easy as getting water at a lake. Im not sure what else I can do but it literally feels like I just got a new PC to play with.


    just ran shadow of the tomb raider got 37fps average highest settings 4k with zorin...installing on windoze right now too see how they compare, one things for sure I get less glitches, in windows textures were not loading and for the life of me nothing would fix the issue, this time i just booted game and am getting really good image quality along with good performance


    37 vs 46fps. its slightly slower but I can live with that as when i close the game im greeted with the marilyn monroe of OSs. fast, im liking it alot. downloaded wifite for starters

    I am happy you've discovered it is awesome. It is hard to convince people to try something new when they are comfortable with something they are used to. It's not perfect,  but neither is Windoze. I think it is a much better OS than Winduhz. I would not be surprised if once you break through the apprehension stage you'll start to enjoy the geeky side of Linux. Using a Linux terminal (or Windows command prompt) just feels good.

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  10. I have to put in a plug for Thermal Grizzly. I purchased the Mycro LGA-1700 Direct Die block and it performed poorly compared to the IceMan Cooling block. I emailed them and asked for an RMA, provided the before/after temperature comparisons. They did not do an RMA, just apologized and issued a refund. 


    Fast forward a few months, they contacted me, totally out of the blue, and offered to send me the updated product. I didn't ask for it. I replied and accepted and they sent it. Works great. Essentially the same thermal performance as the IceMan block. I like the design of the cold plate better. It has a rim around the die to contact the PCB, which adds support and spreads out the compression of the PCB into the socket instead of the die being the only point of contact. And, it makes a dam to keep the liquid metal confined to the die area.



    These results are without the chiller, in my hot (79°F) office.


    More extended stress test...



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  11. 3 minutes ago, ryan said:

    man, bro....you can just check it out off the usb drive. im going to try it first for a few weeks and see how I like it then buy the pro version, they claim $5000 in software equivalents.

    That's a good idea, but bear in mind that using it from USB will not peform at the same level as a proper install. I don't think you will have full graphics, etc. But, you can certainly get a feel for things other than gaming. There is a way to do a persistent USB installation to allow installation of apps on a permanent basis (never tried it) but anything you download and install otherwise will disappear at reboot when using in USB test mode.

  12. 7 hours ago, ryan said:

    in crysis lol or doom.

    You can play them on Linux. I have. Both work fine. Almost anything in your Steam Library should work with Proton Experimental. Enable that in the Steam settings. Install Steam from the Zorin software center as well.

    17 minutes ago, Mr. Fox said:

    Choose the option to install proprietary drivers and it will set up your NVIDIA GPU as well as the Intel iGPU/Optimus if your laptop has that.

    This should be completely hassle-free if you choose it during setup. No fuss, no muss. Linux Updates will keep the most current confirmed-stable NVIDIA drivers installed as well. Updates in Linux generally do not use the public as crash-test dummies like Windows drivers do. If it is not stable it doesn't get approved and doesn't install with updates.


    Sometimes there are quirky things with laptops that Linux doesn't support because they are very proprietary and require special software even in Windows. Turdbook fan controls and RGB lighting that only work in Windows with crappy software from the turdbook manufacturer often have no support in Linux. But, they also have no support in Windows except with the bloatware cancer the turdbook manufacturer requires their zombie horde "customers" to install.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, ryan said:

    I downloaded it...just need to find a good tut on how to install it and the basics..need to do it without jumpdrive and I want windows 11 still for some things like AI and some games...really curious how crysis will run on zorin

    If you are going to install it on the same drive as Windows 11 simply shrink the partition  (50% is reasonable) then boot Linux from USB and install it on the free space you created. The setup process in Zorin Linux is step-by-step, plain-language and holds your hand along the way, like a realtime tutorial. Since you know how to install Windows already, chances are you will find this equally simple, if not more simple, to do with no advance preparation. Zorin is designed to be easy for a Linux novice to slip right in with no hassles or rigmarole. That said, they probably still have self-help tutorials on the Zorin support pages for people that are apprehensive.


    Choose the option to install proprietary drivers and it will set up your NVIDIA GPU as well as the Intel iGPU/Optimus if your laptop has that.

  14. 8 hours ago, ryan said:

    sounds rad, danger is my middle name! #killing spree


    yes im downloading zorin yet again this time im going to check it out, how do i take a screenshot in linux

    Use the Printscreen key and it will save it to your "Pictures" folder, or you can download something fancier using one of many free software applications available in the software center included with Zorin. Just search for screenshot or screen capture.


    1 hour ago, Clamibot said:


    So it appears if you just lock all your cores to the same frequency, 13th and 14th gen CPUs from Intel should not experience the degradation issue we've all been hearing about. Makes sense since you won't be supplying higher voltages to any cores than necessary.


    I've never understood single core boost vs all core speeds. With every CPU I've ever owned, I always lock all the cores to the same speed (usually the single core boost speed so all cores operate at that frequency if I'm gaming or working, or at around 2.5-3.5 GHz on battery power). I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to run their CPU this way as you can't truly get max performance unless all cores are running at their maximum frequency. Not only that, having a big rift in clock speed seems like it would cause problems as you'd end up frying certain cores with a much higher voltage than necessary for the speed they're running at. Do newer chips have the ability to supply a per core voltage independent of all others? I'm pretty sure they all still get supplied the same voltage, which is going to be dependent on the highest frequency core.


    All the CPUs I've had can run their single core boost speed across all cores at once. Is that uncommon, and thus the reason single core boost exists? To increase performance in lightly threaded workloads on chips that can't handle running that speed on all cores at once? A little disclosure, I don't usually run benchmarks but rather game on that all core frequency across all cores, or run in game benchmarks. Maybe that affects my perceived results?

    That is how I have always overclocked and I have no degradation. I also use manual voltage and set a core voltage (VR) limit.  He has more than one video on the topic as it relates to degradation and I think he is spot-on. This is also a better practice for AMD CPUs. Allowing preferred core boosting has always been something I have viewed as stupid, if not harmful. Intel TVB and AMD PBO are stupid IMHO.

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  15. Well, maybe now we can all save our money and go find something else to enjoy. I'm not particularly interested in giving AMD another opportunity to earn my business. In spite of the inital excitement and anticipation, it has always ended up proving to be a huge, hype-driven waste of my time and money that required too many compromises to be happy. Lowering the bar to find contentment isn't an acceptable option to me.


    Given my recent discovery of how extremely usable and performant the X79 Rampage IV Gene and Xeon CPU has remained in spite of its antiquity, I think my three Z790 machines might end up meeting my computing needs for a long time to come. If I'm not chasing numbers, there's little or no sound logic to be found in wasting money on a hardware upgrade.


    There probably hasn't been a better opportunity for Winduhz zombie users to divert their calorie burning efforts to becoming dangerously self-sufficient and effective Linux Power-User nerds.

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  16. 23 hours ago, ryan said:

    ill test it out on my vivobook...just had issues dual booting linux in the past...just going to look up a youtube tut. thanks. I heard of zorin, people are raving about it. heres to a new OS

    22 hours ago, Papusan said:


    Sadly, you can't use it for hwbot. We are stuck with unstable inconsistent trash from Redmond. 

    22 hours ago, cylix said:

    I also have it as dual boot with win 11 on my yoga pro..no problems whatsoever. Just use the instructions on their website how to install it together with w11. It will be flawless.

    Zorin is probably the best out-of-the-box Linux experience for anyone that is new to Linux. It just works and it is really nice. Not the best for customization compared to some others, but definitely an ideal place to get wet behind the ears. Another good option, not quite as easy for a newbie, is to install Pop!_OS then install Mint desktop environment. I have been disconnected enough that trying to make something special of the HWBOT experience feels like an exercise in futility. I haven't stopped liking it, but it has begun to feel like the cost and effort to make any progress on ranking isn't worth it. The "reward" has always been a psychological one, but it is more difficult to find gratification than it used to be. Having to enable ECC for 4090 is probably where the slow descent became a nosedive for me.

    20 hours ago, ryan said:

    I actually bench more than I game. I dont think linux is good for benching. not on my computer a terrible amount, recently just for AI checking it out. otherwise its my 3d tablet im on really no need for anything else..


    I would like to add I don't have the proper hardware for competitve benching, i mean my omens 3060 is the 115w version and unless im against other 115w benchers its pointless, i have the TDP modded and the highest ive seen is 9900 and considering the hardware I got it to where I want it. when I had the pred by acer with the 4080 it was power throttling and it was either the highest cpu or highest gpu score but not both. hardware plays a big role in the benching game. kinda like saying your a f1 driver and you show up to the races with a toyota corolla

    Linux is fine for benching, but most of the Windows benchmark tools we are used to playing with and like the most either do not function on Linux, or they require a lot of tinkering. In-game benchmarks work fine if the game works, and it will more often than not. Tons of Windows games run perfectly on Linux using Steam Proton or Lutris. You can also run Cinebench on Lutris. But, 3DMark benchmarks are a no-go, and HWBOT doesn't accept submissions for Windows benchmarks run on Linux. Sadly, they do not support any Linux benchmarks, which seems like a farce since they do have a leaderboard for Android smartphones and tablet. The idea of benching a smartphone or tablet seems absurd. Like benching  on Windows with everything stock. Why even bother? Nonsense.

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  17. 26 minutes ago, ryan said:

    crysis is how I got into benchmarking, pushing the boundaries ofa system just to get 30fps 1080p on max settings. ironically nothing has come out like it in 17 years nothing seems to have the returns in graphics for the power it uses. correct me if im wrong but crysis was the last true pc game

    You're not wrong. My favorite games of all time are Crysis, Crysis 2 and Crysis 3... in that order. I love the remastered versions as well, better than anything else. Ever. Rounding out my top five, add Quake II and Quake II RTX. No wasted time, calories, and brain cells with frequent and disruptive cut scenes, fluffy storylines, hunting for clues, crafting crap, leveling up, side missions, social networking and similar nonsense.

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  18. 2 hours ago, ryan said:

    causal users are abundant also, I used to care not so much anymore so long as everything works and I can squeeze out a little extra performance.


    enthusiasts like you guys are likely frustrated as to why things are slowly going downhill and everything leans towards the casual user, its a pity even though I dont tweak ram timings i can still appreciate it. much like watching f1 racing, you don't need to be the driver of a formula racer to enjoy racing.

    There is a wide gamut and the issue is everyone is thrown into the same bucket and labeled "gamers" but "gaming laptops and desktops" do not need to be insanely powerful, expensive or good at overclocking. The popularity of AMD X3D processors among those whose primary objective is gaming is one example of this. So, putting us all into the same niche is totally inaccurate and ignores the reality that gaming does not matter immensely to some of the people they have labeled as such.


    I used to consider myself a "gamer" because that is where my interest in computers first blossomed into an aggressive interest in computers. Over time my interests morphed into a passion for the hardware and diminishing interest in software. Software (games, applications and operating systems) applications are important but not stimulating to me. 


    Now I consider it an insult to be categorized as a "gamer" and recognize that as being a manifestation of ignorance, apathy or a cocktail of both conditions. The things I am passionate about don't matter to many or most people that refer to themselves as a "gamer" or "gaming enthusiast" and the things they are most passionate about are not particularly interesting or important to me. I am an overclocking enthusiast with a casual interest in a limited genre of PC gaming and zero interest in gaming  when it involves social engagement, online multiplayer, RPG or Strategy gaming genres and contempt for console gaming regardless of genre.

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