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Mr. Fox

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Posts posted by Mr. Fox

  1. 44 minutes ago, Papusan said:


    I wonder what Asus will charge for swapping out the small nvidia power connector forwards... The half? Aka $1400 USD ? Premium priced products need premium prices for repairs. The Apple way. And what with the rest of the world? Same price philosophy? 


    Recent feedback has highlighted some gaps in our RMA communication process in the US and Canada


    • We are revising our repair pricing structure for out-of-warranty products; this includes a thorough review process for any abnormal pricing to ensure consistency, transparency and fairness.


    ASUS Posts Official Statement Concerning Recent RMA Issues, Says Enhancing Its Processes In US & Canada




    Outch. This doesn't look good. But I hope you already are feeling better.

    It hurts less than it did yesterday and the day before. Oddly enough it hurts less when I'm wearing a sock and shoe on that foot. Thank you. 


    I'm very skeptical that the clowns at ASUS will change anything. They've been dishonest and run a shady operation for a long time now. If they do improve at all I suspect it will be temporary until the bad publicity wears off. Then they'll be back to their old tricks. At their very core they are not a trustworthy company and they do not have honorable intentions. I think anyone that believes otherwise it's just living in a dream world. They aren't the only brand that is dishonest, but they might be one of the worst examples of dishonesty in the technology space. 


    It doesn't matter whether you purchase a flagship motherboard, one of their absurdly overpriced and overrated graphics cards or a chintzy handheld gaming piece of crap, they're going to treat you the same if you need help with one of their products that has malfunctioned or failed. I think they really get off on kicking people when they're down. They make the RMA and warranty process painful, slow and at an added financial cost even when it is their fault the process is necessary.



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  2. 26 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    Today (already passed 00:00) is Norway's Constitution Day The 17, May 


    And here home in central Norway we have wonderful weather. We have for the moment the warmest weather in the whole country. 25-28C. Very rare this happen in the spring month. Yup, finally I can have the use for the AC part in the combined heat/cold pump I bought last fall. 


    Close to 28C is almost as hot it is in @Mr. Fox land in the spring😀 But me being saved by the new AC unit, HaHa



    Today we will go out and eat good food and drinks. Of course I will sit out in this weather. No time for me sitting inside with computers🤩



    Happy Constitution Day. It sounds like you're getting some beautiful weather that is uncommon for Norway. Tomorrow it will be 38°C here and probably 28°C inside of my office, LoL. So your weather there is preferable at the moment. Enjoy the sunshine, brother. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Reciever said:

    NVME to PCIE adapter, also put some thermal pads to counter the bending of the PCB from progressing.

    Some degree of PCB bending is expected on any motherboard that does not have a backplate. Even these ungodly expensive Apex motherboards are bent when they are brand new. For the absurd price they sell for, not having a backplate is kind of inexcusable. But, ASUS ROG products have never been a brand that offers genuine value. They offer compelling features that people are willing to allow themselves to be financially raped in order to have them. Rarely ever is there any real basis in value based on build quality or QC.

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  4. 2 hours ago, electrosoft said:

    Besides @tps3443 and his 14900k, does anyone have a 13900k/14900k with a V/F point at 4200/4300 <0.970 or below? I've seen a few out in the wild and the lowest I've seen is 0.964. Starting the preliminary work for binning a chip for the NH55 laptop to add to my collection. 🙂

    I see you already discovered the one I was going to link. It is super close to what your are looking for on the V/F curve (0.989 at 4300).

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  5. 2 hours ago, tps3443 said:

    We just finally closed on our home construction loan. But we still have a little ways before we are actually moved in. Should be November this year when we get the certification of occupancy. We have to wait for the new home to be ordered and built. It’s already ordered but this building process takes 4 months. 

    Next step is clearing the lot (This lot is nothing but trees and woods 0.997 acres), then of course they will level the ground and make a concrete pad for the home to sit on. We are only clearing the minimum amount of trees to make a driveway, and for our house. The privacy is going to be nice. 



    The house is a full Sheetrock double wide. 

    The closing process was very tough though. We nearly didn’t get the land. So many random things came up. I’m glad that’s over with though. Now it’s just a waiting game for our home to be built. 

    Since COVID and the massive incompetent mismanagement of everything relating to business and government occurred, things like this take WAY LONGER than they used to, and usually cost WAY MORE than appropriate.


    Buying a house used to take 2 to 4 weeks start to finish for anyone with good credit and now it takes 30-60 days.


    Having the privacy will be nice and so will having the trees. I take it you will have no HOA and not a managed or "planned" community. When you have HOAs and managed housing projects they generally come in with a bulldozer and level everything, so any trees and landscaping are recreated from scratch. Nice that you get to decide how it looks and how you want to do things. Having no HOA fees every month, not having any CCRs to restrict you from doing whatever you want, and not having to ask for approval or permission to do things, would also be nice. 

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  6. 6 hours ago, tps3443 said:

    Hey everyone, long time no see! I seriously lost total interest in computers lately for a little while. I was only using my system for work and gaming. Like most normal people I suppose lol 😆 but after re-doing my Supercool direct die mount I’ve reeled my self right back in that rabbit hole. 

    Hey brother, welcome back. Did you get your family moved into the new place and all settled? That's way more important than our computer hobby. I kind of figured that you were busy with all that and you'd be back later.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, ryan said:

    yeah Im having to second guess my tech choices now. newer is always better. but for gaming desktops/laptops/tablets sometimes the smart choice is right smack inbetween whats on offer. Im rethinking upgrading to anything after booting up GRID 2019 and setting the important settings to ultra high and some less visually appealing settings to medium/low and yeah i chuckled at the framerates i was getting a locked 120 on some levels and 75-90 with VRR/Gsync on others. the experience ironically is identical to what I was getting out of the predator helios. basically 0 vs 3000 and with the 3000 I get 0 benefit in any way shape or form besides a number saying its better and papusan nagging me saying newer is always better, lol.


    I have a 3500 drive/ 5000 drive/ 7400 drive and I cannot tell which drive is which without benchmarking it with crystal disk mark. 0 difference. Im sure you save half a second or two with transfers but who doesnt have a second or two to waste.

    I only have one 4K monitor on one of my desktops. On the other desktop my primary monitor is 1440p. If I were building a computer just for gaming and not for overclocked benching it would not have the components I have now and it would cost about half as much.


    As long as the gameplay is smooth and silky and can run full resolution with decent image quality settings then your hardware is sufficient for the task. Anything extra needs to be for something else and isn't necessary for gaming. I do really like the way ray tracing makes games look and prefer to have it enabled whenever possible, so you need at least a high mid-range Nvidia GPU for that. A low budget option is not going to handle that gracefully.

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  8. Having tested and used Gen3, Gen4 and Gen5, I honestly cannot tell them apart other than benchmark scores and higher temps as the drive speed increases. Anything as fast or faster than SATA SSD feels the same to me in normal daily use. For the vast majority of users this is a worthless upgrade and unless it is free it isn't worth having and certainly not worth spending anything extra for. Almost seems silly to pursue it to me. It is a gimmick that gives the manufacturers something new and more expensive to sell to people that won't benefit from the purchase.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Papusan said:

    $200 scam could I live with from Asus. But $2750 fee for replacing the small cute GPU power connector is harder to swallow. It seems Asus can live very well with bad reputation.


    Asus quotes ridiculous $2,750 fee to replace chipped GPU power connector— docs back up claims of egregious repair pricing for $2,000 RTX 4090 GPU

    If reputation mattered in the technology space there would be no technology. The industry is driven by dishonesty and the lack of integrity seems to be an inherent vice. Some brands stand out as being exceptionally dishonest, and ASUS is one of them. With all of them licking the boots of Micro$lop the future is bleak.

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  10. 2 hours ago, ryan said:

    honestly I think this laptop is designed for newbs to just run great out of the box but not designed nor allowing tweaking to improve or modify.

    That is essentially all laptops, in a nutshell, now. Some are worse than others, but none--no not one--are actually any good. The last product that was remotely respectable was the Clevo X170. And, it required firmware mods to function correctly without having its performance nerfed. In fact, all of the true DTRs that had desktop CPUs and powerful MXM cards required firmware mods to deliver full performance for quite a long time. The manufacturers of laptops have been castrating their products for a very long time. For as long as I can remember, in fact. But now they just go ahead and take the sausage along with the eggs. They are all testosterone-free now. All are estrogen-powered turdbooks. That must be why they all suffer from hot flashes.


    6 hours ago, Clamibot said:

    I've had my X170SM-G for the last 2 and a half years (bought it after the KM-G model came out), and I sometimes see fully decked out X170KM-Gs going for around $1,000 on ebay. That's about 40% of what I put into my system when I first got it, holy moly!

    It's because silly kiddos shopping for laptops only want the cute turdbooks that are thin and light and can play games on battery power. That is also why nobody manufactures good laptops anymore. The sheeple have spoken and the shepherds have found other things to do because no self-respecting shepherd wants to lead a flock of mentally handicapped dung-munching Ovis aries. They call overheating while pulling low wattage and thermal throttling being "efficient" now instead of defective.

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  11. 10 hours ago, electrosoft said:

    Uh oh.....Asus repair is now in GN's crosshairs....



    This is nothing new for ASUS. It's no different than their scams and lies about bent socket pins that were not bent before they received it, denying warranty because of a spec of thermal paste on the black plastic exterior part of the CPU socket and claims of water damage when their is none. They are as scummy as it gets when it comes to shirking their responsibilities and have been for years. They are truly a despicable company.



    13 hours ago, Raiderman said:

    AMD just happened to be the first of many to follow, I'm sure.

    Yeah, no question. The rest of the muppets in the industry will kiss their butt and fall in line like they always do. None of them do the right thing and none of them care about the people that purchase their products.

    Nice... A trashy new and totally unnecessary form factor for turdbook memory. The video explaining the "benefits" does a nice job of highlight the fact that their focus is on making chintzy trash even chintzier than before. 


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  12. 26 minutes ago, Papusan said:


    If they still want to keep their small nasty Jookebook chassis. They will be limited to what they can find of new cards. Almost as proprietary design. You can swap parts but you have to look after "special" versions of all new graphics cards. I don't like it.... Because we may see alll AIB partners cut corners and castrate the cooling... Need to fit into next gen trash-boxes. Nope... This is not for me. I like it big. Big or better is better... For me 🙂 I also hate sit into baby cars. I need room. 

    Yes, I understand. We think the same things. But, I still blame NVIDIA for creating new problems where no problems existed before. And, there are many very big tower cases that were big enough before the stupid 12VHPWR adapter was forced on GeFarts AIB partners and PC owners. If you have a big PC and a big case that you like, an E-ATX motherboard and a fancy cooling system, having to purchase a different large case only for 12VHPWR side panel clearance and a different PSU to have a factory 12VHPWR cable really sucks and it was an unwarranted business decision that was a very crappy thing for the Green Goblin to do. There was no benefit whatsoever to consumers with these frivolous design changes. Consumers received nothing from the design changes except for unnecessary added expenses, hassles and inconvenience.


    This would be like a car maker changing the wheel hubs from 5 lugs to 6 lugs and if you had to replace one hub because of a bad wheel bearing you are forced into buying three matching hub and bearing assemblies and four new wheels that you did not need.

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  13. 32 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    The 3rd fan is only useful for half of the cooling capcity on the 1/3rd of backend of the card. I hate such trade-off.


    If you need more space in your chassi to bend the power cable correct... Then buy a new bigger chassis. A cramped or small chassis will hamper the cooling.


    Lesser is less whatever you say. I want more. Not less. 

    A bigger chassis is always better for a high performance PC. But, you know not everyone thinks as we do. Someone that likes or needs a smaller case could still appreciate the position of the connector. Even with both of my very large cases, the 12VHPWR comes close to the glass. If either case were an inch narrower it would be a tight fit. That's because the 12VHPWR connector is a idiotic design and a fool's invention no matter how you look at it, not because the cases are made incorrectly. Cases should not need to be redesigned because NVIDIA forced an abortion on the industry. But, they do need to be because NVIDIA did. So case manufacturers and PSU manufacturers were both forced into creating something new because of the Green Goblin, or PC owners were forced to make compromises like using ugly pigtail adapters or leaving the side panel off if they did not want to buy a new case. That really sucks.


    I still do not understand why some of the AIB partners didn't ignore the mandate and use 3x or 4x of the legacy 8-pin power connectors and tel NVIDIA to stuff it up their tailpipe. I wish they would have.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    I have posted about this Gigabyte solution in the thread. I don't like that they cut of some cooling capacity for changing the location on the power connector. I don't like such type trade-off. 



    I not sure how much difference in cooling there would be. Maybe none. Or, maybe more than one would like. Hard to know how much difference there would be. If I were using it there would be a waterblock installed, so the benefit of the power adapter location would be more important than the effectiveness of the stock cooler.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Papusan said:

    Or just return the new one and sell the Omen. Then you are even closer to get a decent desktop build. But that’s me🙂


    I built a PC system to my middle son with NZXT chassis a year ago. He is still very happy with the build. But that one was with a full custom water cooling. Not with an AIO as this one. 


    That video does a great job of showing why buying an NZXT pre-built is a good option as far as other pre-builts, using off-shelf parts and 2-year warranty. It's a bit more expensive than building your own but for someone that is scared to try it is a very good option. Totally upgradable without proprietary crap parts.


    I just noticed the orientation of the 12VHPWR cable on the Gigabyte 4080 Super. At first blush this strikes me as being a a whole lot better than facing the side panel. It solves the sharp bend problem. I had not noticed Gigabyte has done this. I wonder if any other brands have? Between this and fixing the weak area around the PCIe connector, it seems like Gigabyte is making an effort to improve things. We can't say that about most things lately.



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  16. 46 minutes ago, Papusan said:


    @ryan isn't it cute? You spend an arm and a leg on a new gaming Jokebook and now has to expect more appealing ads in your expensive AAA games you paid a lot cash to play. Yees,  gaming will be much more tempting in the future. Ads in the OS and ads in games. + ads in software and drivers. Ads everywhere. When will we see real time ads created with AI in bios settings menu? And how shall this go bro @Mr. Fox when the gamer kids has to ask mama what to do in bios to get more frames so you faster reach next level of ads?🤔 And is there no profits into creating and sell AAA gamer titles nowadays? 


    If they don't earn money on their expensive games.... Maybe start with something else? As etc create ads with AI for other companies for use on the internet or in the coming OS for Microsoft? Why pester expensive games people have paid a lot for? Hmmm. The modern tech trend continue roll. You can get sick from less than this.


    Steam Deck update brings BIOS overclocking and improved graphics driver to SteamOS


    EA is looking at putting in-game ads in AAA games — 'We'll be very thoughtful as we move into that,' says CEO


    "Advertising has an opportunity to be a meaningful driver of growth for us."



    Todays fun video for the weekend😄


    One of the reasons I am somewhat offended by being put into the same category as "gamer" is that they are collectively one of the dumbest bunch of goons I can identify. It has not always been this way and I used to even call myself a gamer, but times have changed and a new era of stupidity has dramatically changed the demographic. Yes, we still have some pockets of remarkable intelligence that includes many of us here, and others like us. But we are a minority and have been largely displaced by imbeciles that value form over function and lack basic technical knowledge and skill as it relates to the hardware that made it all possible. When things started circling the drain was the focus on thin and light turdbooks and handheld trash started to become popular. Things have only gotten worse and we haven't found the bottom yet.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Papusan said:


    One of the reasons you get different stability and that some bios versions is worse than others. The OEM play god with AC/DC loadline. Some users run into problems while others don't have problems at all with their processors. Of course some run into stability problems if they try use other user settings (try random AC/DC values)) or have an CPU that don't like undervolt so much. See also my bolded text in my reply above. When shall people start understand that Cpu's with exactly same V/F curve etc will work differently? Hmmm. A lot of the problems we have seen is user introduced. You can't blame all the problems on Intel/MB manufacturers if you don't know what you are doing in bios. 


    See from 18:30 or the whole video. 


    Setting AC and DC LLC to match each other at 0.01 has always worked great for me on both ASUS and EVGA boards. You are totally right about many (maybe even almost all) CPU stability issues the tech media is buzzing about are user-induced and caused by trying to undervolt their computer too much to make up for crappy cooling, or just because their friends on Facepoot say they need to. Yes, there are lousy samples... very definitely way too many lousy samples... but guess which ones don't respond well to undervolting? Yep, the crappy samples. They need more voltage, not less. And guess who wants to copy somebody else's BIOS settings because they don't know what they are doing? And, guess who gets upset when someone else's BIOS settings do not work well for their CPU? People that are too scared to try to learn or don't want to be bothered should buy a gamerboy turdbook or a console.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Papusan said:

    Probably Acer (Predator) from what I see from the motherboard SKU. Aka Gaming Jokebook https://www.3dmark.com/fs/31774095


    Below is what confused me. The specs mentioned do not match the information in benchmark links.

    So, I am not sure why those specs are mentioned. 13900HX is not at all equivalent to 13900K.

    9 hours ago, ryan said:

    4080 175w

    i9 13900k

    32gb ddr5

    1 tb

    miniled display.1600p


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  19. 1 hour ago, Papusan said:

    More crap. But from AMD this time. They licking Microsofts asssses. What's the problem offer Windows 10 drivers? This older OS is still not EOL when Zen 5 is out. Disgusting!!!





    That is truly appalling and I hope that horribly tragic and unrecoverably devastating things happen to Micro$oft and they end up filing bankruptcy. They do not deserve to live anymore (speaking of the company, not the individuals employed by them and their families, other than finding a new place to work).


    Brother @Raiderman is going to love hearing he won't even be able to get Windows 10 drivers. Hopefully they will be easy enough to mod for Windows 10, but the Redmond Reprobate Cartel have been pretty effective at going full-psycho-Nazi on blocking Windows 7 driver mods.


    This also is an extremely negative reflection on AMD for being so willing to bow down and worship the biggest coward clown possee in the technology space (Micro$lop). But, don't be too surprised if Intel joins them in elevating the coward clown possee and validating their criminal behavior. It's probably just AMD being the first to prostitute themselves.


    The level of blind obeissance the industry demonstrates to Redmond's Digital Dictatorship is too repulsive for words. I think the only possible ways to explain it is that it is being driven either by  inter-industry collusion or blackmail. Either way, it is criminal by nature and intent. Their malign approach to things should be against the law.


    Allowing hemorrhoids to go untreated can have undesirable complications. Now we have an example of what can happen when you pretend they will get better with time and do nothing.

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