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Mr. Fox

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Posts posted by Mr. Fox

  1. 2 hours ago, Papusan said:

    Here's something for bro @Mr. Fox 🤢 Nothing surprises me more in tech world. Maybe the storage jockey @Rage Set want one as well😆

    Nope, I already have the equivalent of that from ASUS and I refuse to use it. I do not want Gen5 because I want my GPU to run at Gen4 x16. If you put Gen5 in an x16 slot with a card like that the GPU will not run full speed. It will drop to x8. Plus, NVMe Gen3 speeds are good enough for me. Even the very first generation of NVMe is good enough for me. I don't care about drive speeds after Gen3. The faster speeds of Gen4 and Gen5 NVMe do not matter to me. The only way I would want it is if nothing else had to be compromised as a trade-off. None of the compromises or trade-offs are worth it. I would want one of those MSI cards if it was x1 or x4, but not x16. I have a Sabrent PCIe x4 quad NVMe card and it is awesome. 


    2 hours ago, Papusan said:

    cleaned of the damn hard paste. Loads of cleaner and Grizzly's Acetone thermal remover. 


    The card have never been opened. But see ing scratches like this is not someting I see everyday on my older hardware. Imean I have never seen such. Two deep scratch blobs/dents in the heatpipe, scratches on the die and on the PCB  traces. Yup, we talk about Asus upper best flagship product @Mr. Fox I'm maybe nitpicky, but I expect better than this. I have graphics cards from so called cheap brand and cheapest SKUs... But come like this.


    All this is from lack of quality control. 






    That is very sad, but also not surprising. ASUS is not a good company and, as far as I know, they never have been. If they ever were a good company it was sometime before I purchased my first ASUS ROG motherboard. They sucked before everyone discovered they do.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Raiderman said:

    After much trial and error, I've finally succeeded. Special thanks to @Mr. Fox for keeping me grounded, and @electrosoft for convincing me to get the taichi (the pcb withstood some serious abuse)




    That is just wonderful news, brother. I'm so happy that it worked out exactly like you wanted. Not only did you get your GPU working again, but you got the vBIOS working that it should have had from the factory. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, Tenoroon said:


    I made this comment after watching LTT's Qualcomm advertisement a few days ago, some people agree and others don't. Most people made points to their argument, which I love to see, but this fella is the type of person to disappoint me. Closed-minded without explaining his point of view and jumping to a conclusion.

    I've been reading the discussions here about CAMM. While I am of the same mindset of "let others test it first," I do think it has some potential. I'm mostly just hoping for an entire revision to RAM. I've seen many people complain about the many problems that DIMMs have, so I hope to see something supersede it as we drastically increase RAM speeds (and while tighter integration as I mentioned above is an answer, it's an answer I don't like). The only thing I don't like about CAMM is that it's just one module. Rest in peace if you are on a budget and want to expand in the future...

    I've also acquired a Steam Deck. I had some wallet balance and some old skins for Counter Strike I got rid of, so I ended up getting the 64gb variant for pretty cheap. While many of you in this thread might not care for this type of technology, I think it's pretty interesting and has some potential for gaming (and even sometimes, light computing) on the go. Super low wattage APU's are pretty cool, and seeing how AMD's Strix and Strix Halo are around the corner, I'm excited to see what the future holds.

    Funny, I just watched that video today. "Seems like you hate efficiency got it 👍" warrants a response like "Seems like you love e-waste and disposable products... yeah, that's really efficient... good job." and these are the same ridiculous bozos that believe humans are causing climate change and have the ability to affect or influence it. Hypocrisy is just one of the syptoms of abject stupidity.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Papusan said:




    I have already mentioned this several in the thread. Everything is AI. Then AI have to ask myself..... Are all running a tech company stupid?



    Products coming to market brandishing an "AI" label on them are for artificially intelligent consumers (aka idiots) that believe they are buying something special or unique. Even something as idiotic as a mouse with a button to launch Copilot feces shows how low the bar is set on consumer stupidity.

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  5. 30 minutes ago, electrosoft said:


    There are pros and cons to new form factors but I like the idea of all cabling in the back and as long as Camm modules can hit higher frequencies (as has already been displayed) then I like the flatter, nicer look too.


    I'm all for innovation and pushing the industry forward in all aspects. 🙂


    I fully embrace function AND form.



    Me too. But, I want to be convinced with other people's money first. People I know that think like me.

    No more crash test dummy life for me. Too many regrets with that approach.

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  6. 59 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    People have too much trust into stupid engineers and for their preferred brand. You can’t fix stupidity. Also Asus tried similar for their high end motherboards. Update bios via forced updates from apps and Windows servers is perverse.



    Allowing updates to occur is never smart. Too many undisclosed things can occur. I have updates "paused" until August of 3000 and my target version for updates is 21H2 (22H2 is installed). According to Micro$lop documentation, if you have an invalid target version manually selected, no feature updates will be available to the computers with an invalid target version. I have also disabled the ability for the OS to query Micro$lop Update servers for the presence of available updates. A "don't ask, don't tell, do nothing" approach to managing updates.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ; Created with Winaero Tweaker
    ; https://winaero.com

    Pause Windows Updates until Aug 3000.reg

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    While it is easier to cool down CAMM2 modules using a waterblock, it should be kept in mind that this form-factor was designed for density, not for ultimate performance. Therefore its signal contacts are located very close to each other, which could result in such effects as cross talk and interference. This is not a problem for operation at standard frequencies, but it usually affects overclocking potential.

    And what with possible double sided modules or double up with two Camm slots? 

    Yeah, too many unknown issues to be excited about this change. The way things go now, things rarely turn out as good as expected and I do not expect this will end well. It's unusual when new tech stuff doesn't suck. This is because the companies that design and manufacture technology products are idiots and the industry is composed of entities that are fundamentally dishonest. So, a wait and see ho-hum approach is the safest bet. Time will tell. I don't want to fund their unnecessary and frivolous experiments.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Raiderman said:

    I am curious why would you want a proprietary/unproven new form factor intended for turdbooks on a desktop motherboard. This whole thing seems like an unnecessary change for the sake of change and just a gimmick to drive sales/profit for people selling hardware. There is nothing wrong with the memory slots we already have. Moving to this would limit your options as well. Just like the retarded 12VHPWR connector IMHO... totally unnecessary and possibly with more negatives than positives from what I can see right now. It might have some benfits, but I would definitely wait a year, maybe two, and see what happens with this. We don't know what the gotchas will turn out to be so it might be best to let others use their money and pay to be guinea pigs. Especially so if the CAMM memory kits are more expensive.


    Potential Pros:

    • It might be easier to cool with a waterblock than two DIMM modules
    • Speeds start at 8400 (if that ultimately proves to be accurate and isn't just marketing hype)
    • Eliminates the challenge of identifying an acceptable 2-DIMM motherboard (4-DIMM sucks)


    Being cynical and skeptical, I wonder if the main reason this is being experimented with on desktop boards is because somebody does not want their pet project to fail. The idea of using these CAMM things in turdbooks is probably DOA because it takes up as much or more space than SO-DIMMs in a market where an irrational pursuit of thin and light trash is the primary driving force.


    If it survives for two or more hardware generations, can be purchased for less than traditional memory kits, and becomes the new industry standard, at that point it would be something where I would embrace adoption.

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  9. 41 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    Never too late stop this madness but I think Microsoft still will try another way around to lure stupid people into their disgusting trap. The whole world is filled with stupid people. Hence this won't stop here bro @Mr. Fox 

    They will backtrack on the surface due to public rejection of the idea while quietly redeploying it with the other malware payload already hidden in Winduhz 11. They only care about optics (and then only sometimes) when they derive a benefit such as avoidance of critical scrutiny and legal challenge, but their sleazy sliminess never diminishes. Ugliness is sometimes only on the outside with great beauty on the inside. Sometimes there is beauty only on the outside. With them, ugliness starts on the surface and goes all the way to their core. Find something good about them has never been more difficult. I am not sure there is anything.


    The mere fact that they created this should cause everyone--even really stupid people--to question their intelligence and their integrity. But, there will still be idiots that opt-in to this filth. Those that don't opt-in will still have their data collected and stolen in secret. But, they will have the placebo of security because they said no.

    On 6/7/2024 at 7:08 AM, Papusan said:

    Microsoft Research scientist gives non-answer when asked about Windows Recall privacy concerns

    Not exactly reassuring
    A HOT POTATO: Microsoft's Recall feature is being universally slammed for the privacy implications that come from screenshotting everything you do on a computer. However, at least one person seems to think the concerns are overblown. Unsurprisingly, it's Microsoft Research's chief scientist, who didn't really give an answer when asked about Recall's negative points.

    They refused to give a straight answer before. Skunks do not change their stripes. They'll just do it in secret going forward. Big tech ranks along side big government and big parma when it comes to being unworthy of trust and respect. There is not a shred of decency to be found in their miserable existence, and these clowns are the godfather of big tech slime.

    On 6/6/2024 at 5:26 PM, Papusan said:

    Yup, and Microsoft is finally able to see that Windows 11 was a failure. 


    On 6/7/2024 at 9:31 AM, crz said:


    But why is it so late?) Personally, I couldn't get used to the new design of version 11, I prefer the previous one in Windows 10 from the first releases, not to mention everything else. Assuming that I'm wrong and very old-fashioned.

    Because they are certifiably idiots with delusions of grandeur. The only way to legitimize the use of Winduhz 11 is to butcher it so that it no longer resembles the excrement they envisioned. The most satisfying element of that is the pleasure that comes from the defiance in violating the EULA and terms of service.

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    2 hours ago, electrosoft said:

    Looks like NO GPUs this year potentially from all three which does kind of make sense especially if AMD and Intel are not bringing anything to market this year there is zero reason for Nvidia to release the 5000 series this year. Still in the rumor stage so we will see.




    I really hope that is true. It would be kind of nice to see nobody release anything for two or three years. Just keep selling what they already have. CPU and GPU. Maybe then more people would pull their heads out and realize they don't actually need anything new because what we already have is more than good enough, and what comes next will cost more and probably not be as good in some ways. The tech world is long overdue for a healthy depression/reset and having them take a "chill pill" would be nice. They could use the "time out" to clean up some of their sloppy messes from rushing half-baked crap to market.

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  11. 6 hours ago, Mr. Fox said:

    I have some beautiful ocean beach property on the east side of Phoenix for sale that might be of interest to them.

    Speaking of this place... It's not even close to summer weather yet. If you have ever heard the expression "dryer than a popcorn fart" this is what it means. Today's high will be the overnight low in a few more weeks.


    No need to worry about condensation using the chiller. There ain't nothing to condense, LOL. 🤣



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  12. 2 hours ago, Papusan said:



    Here's more info about AssRock's idiotic move.... Only drawbacks and zero gains. You like stupid changes only for the change, bro @Rage Set? All this new reminds me all too much what happened with laptops and why I hated it so much. Apple and Alienware was the trendsetters with dongles because of the lack of needed I/O ports. Seeing desktops going the same way is sad to see. 




    I replied. 




    1 minute ago, Mr. Fox said:

    The purpose of the cute 12VHPWR connector and the conceptually less failure-prone variant that followed was to reduce the cost of producing the most expensive GPUs ever sold to maximize their record-setting profits. If anyone thinks this ridiculous and fragile joke connector was utilized to enhance the quality or function of the products that included it, I have some beautiful ocean beach property on the east side of Phoenix for sale that might be of interest to them.


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  13. 9 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    People get what they asked for. And all should get the same. Because designers and engineers know exactly what you want🤢 Hmmm. Telemetry and AI is an dangerous combination. 


    Colorful Intros COLORFIRE MEOW Laptop Series Inspired by Cats

     Today, 18:10 
    At Computex 2024, Colorful has followed the success of their popular COLORFIRE MEOW Series gaming desktops. The company has unleashed two fierce new gaming laptops - the COLORFIRE MEOW R15 and R16. These portable laptops are adorned with designs inspired by Bobi, COLORFIRE's beloved office cat. From paw print patterns to a sleek orange tabby color scheme, the laptops are littered with feline flair. Under the cat-inspired hood, the MEOW laptops pack a serious punch. They are equipped with the latest AMD Ryzen 8000 Series processors tailored for gaming, content creation, and entertainment. AMD Ryzen AI technology provides a boost to artificial intelligence capabilities. Both run on the AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS processor with eight cores, 16 threads, and a 5.1 GHz maximum boost clock. The Ryzen AI engine delivers up to 39 TOPS for accelerated AI performance. For graphics, the laptops feature up to an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 GPU with 140 W of power.

    Hmmmm. Inspired by kitties? I don't think so. Kitties are cute and all that, but that's for wusses and mama's-boys.


    I prefer computers to be inspired by weapons of mass destruction and a bone-crushing fear of the apocalypse.

    • Haha 3
  14. 47 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    More on the topic.... Overpriced Tragic new hardware. 


    This is just disgusting. Power/performance users will get more and more trash because all hardware manufacturers and OEMs prefer create new modern tech for the awerage computer users. Mobile trash being transformed over to desktop hardware with their same limitations. 


    Intel delves into Lunar Lake: ‘We don’t believe you need to compromise’ 


    Yup. Many new computer users read Senior Editors good advices and what you should buy.

    This itty bitty PC case will divide friends, and I want one

    Stupidity has never been more repulsive. I don't give a rat's butt about efficiency or battery life. Give me maximum performance and let the chips fall where they may on the other unimportant nonsense. If they want to focus on stupid stuff like that for turdbooks, then fine. I don't care. Just don't eff up my desktop with idiotic mobile trash priorities.

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  15. 5 hours ago, Raiderman said:


    I'm not sure if there is a 2 dimm board for AM5? If there is one, I think it'd be a low budget model.

    I stand corrected, but it's Asus. I won't buy Asus, and haven't since 2006ish. Mini-itx

    Check this out on @Newegg:ASUS ROG STRIX X670E-I GAMING WIFI 6E Socket AM5 (LGA 1718) Ryzen 7000 mini-ITX Gaming Motherboard (PCIe 5.0, DDR5, 10 + 2 power stages, ROG Strix Hive, EZ Mode PBO Button, Two M.2 Slots, Two USB4 Type-C Ports) https://www.newegg.com/asus-rog-strix-x670e-i-gaming-wifi/p/N82E16813119592?Item=N82E16813119592&Source=socialshare&cm_mmc=snc-social-_-sr-_-13-119-592-_-06042024


    On a brighter note, at least for me.

    It's definitely bad flashing on my 7900xtx. I was able to get the stock performance bios flashed and triple verified. I'm still trying to flash the aqua bios, on the low power bios chip, but I can't seem to get it to verify. Not quite sure what happened, as I verified all writes. Now it's quite difficult to get a verification, where as before it verified easily. 🤷‍♂️

    I'm so happy that you got your GPU working again that's awesome. My heart was just sick for you that it was messed up.


    I'm not sure why there is not more of them. It makes no sense. Two DIMM has always been better for memory overclocking. There's really no point in it and they know it. Two slot boards should be common and four slot rare. It almost feels like the motherboard manufacturers are mocking us by producing almost exclusively 4-DIMM crap. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, jaybee83 said:


    LOL i seee what ure getting at. but read below.




    based on current trends in both CPU and GPU, it looks like we are headed into more and more complex territory with regards to theorizing performance metrics just based on specs alone.


    we started super simple: hihgher frequency = better

    then we went down the core road = more cores + IPC + higher frequency = better

    next we added cache, which became more important (at least in gaming benchmarks) than cores

    now we are heading into higher fragmentation still, with different core archs / designs, HT alternatives, I/O dies, etc.


    what im trying to say is: u cannot just state anymore that "more threads via HT is better" or "reach higher frequency =  better" or "MOAR CORES = BETTER" etc. same goes for overclocking strats, straightforward set = get will likely be over soon. interesting times ahead!

    Exactly. While that can be true when many things are equal, many things are often not equal. If we were paying attention we learned this from Bulldozer and Piledriver rubbish CPUs that had high clock speeds and performed like crap. A CPU that performs better only because it has more cores doesn't make it a better product. If you calculate dividing by core/tread count it might be worse. A CPU that has fewer cores/threads and higher clocks and performs equal or better with the lower core/thread count is a stronger CPU, it just lacks cores and threads. If it clocks higher and performs worse when the core/thread count is equal or greater, then it is a trash CPU.


    What we need is more of MOAR and more MOAR of everything. More cores, more clock, more IPC and more power. When you hit go, all hell should break loose, the lights should dim or the circuit breakers should trip.


    Doing more with less is the wuss way out. We can leave that to the pantywaisted sissy-boys that use "efficiency" as a crutch to justify lackluster garbage and love their "efficient" overheating turdbooks. So, it only uses 50W. Well whoopdeedoo. If it only pulls 50W then why is it thermal throttled at 105°C? Simple. Because it is garbage. Totally different than it's 105°C because it is pulling 650W and you have a crappy thermal solution.

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  17. 2 hours ago, electrosoft said:

    @Raiderman X870E Taichi looks pretty righteous. I just wish they offered it in a 2-dimmer model





    Even the Taichi Lite non RGB with less beefy heatsinks looks really nice:



    Seems like it is getting harder to find 2-DIMM DDR5 mobos, which are the only kind that make sense for enthusiasts and gamerboys that care about RAM speed. That suggests to me that the mobo OEMs are stupid or don't give a rat's butt what their customers want or need, and maybe also suggests that most of their customers are ignorant. You would think they would want people to be happy with their purchase and the reputation that follows having happy customers. Selling 4-DIMM gamer and enthusiast mobos is a good way to increase the chances that they will not be happy. The people that don't know any better will buy a 2-DIMM 8000 kit that won't boot, or won't run stable, and blame the RAM or the mobo OEM instead of understanding it is their bad choice.


    I will not purchase a 4-DIMM DDR4 or DDR5 mobo. Doing so is like flush money down the toilet. Longer traces means lower clocks, higher latency and often more voltage is needed. No thanks.

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  18. 58 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    Disgusting! But people will buy it. Because it's a Lian Li product and because people are stupid.

    I expanded on your thoughts a little bit (above).


    It is truly disgusting. It is not only barely large enough for a basic build, whether air or water cooled, but it is extremely limiting in more ways than I care to count. This product is for the person that values weird aesthetics and form more than flexibility and function. It smells like the same substance that makes turdbooks so sucky. This engineering abortion is more limiting than my SFF build that is half the size.


    58 minutes ago, Papusan said:

    And the new modern tech trend continue... There is no limits for awful. 

    Corsair lets you bling out keyboards, mice, and desk mats

    The Corsair Custom Lab has some trendy paint jobs, but its selection is a bit lacking at the moment.


    Well... just... eeewwww.  🤪


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