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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Yeah, all of my custom-made wallpapers have been stolen/claimed by others as well. Kind of sucks. Not that I expected to be paid, but when people don't even give credit and pretend it is their creation that's just messed up. In fact, that's why Prema no longer makes any of his firmware mods available to the public. When you get screwed over and over again, and people stab you in the back for being generous, you eventually reach the point that you have had enough of the betrayal. Looks like AMD is, again, stooping to the level of the Redmond Reprobates, Wintel and NGREEDIA. Killing yesterday's products that people still use. The tech industry is a pretty wicked cartel, run by scummy bastards. This is pretty funny and interesting. This was a follow up video the guy created with the GPU in a better system, LOL.
  2. ** IMPORTANT UPDATE ** After a painful 8-month experience with Micro$lop Office crApps having text rendering issues with the 6900 XT, a solution has surfaced. I am referring to this common issue. Text disappears or distorted while typing on Outlook (Office 365) This has driven me batty and ruined my day more times than I would care to count. It is infuriating. Essentially, you go into the Adrenaline utililty (AMD's Control Panel) and add the Office applications as "games" and enable anti-lag mode for each of them. This keeps the GPU from entering a ultra-low power state while they are running. (I hate that insanely aggressive power management thing with AMD GPUs and always have.) I went ahead and added explorer.exe and dwm.exe and chrome.exe as "games" and enabled anti-lag mode for them as well. So far it seems good. I think this may be a retarded feature of Windows 10/11 21H2 and newer trying to enforce their idiotic "save the planet" nonsense. I think the already-too-aggressive power management AMD employs makes it worse, but some people have reported the same issue with NVIDIA cards. So, just for good measure, I did the same on the other desktop and added all of them to NVIDIA Control Panel and disabled power management for each, enabled low-latency and set "Prefer Maximum Performance" to help ensure nothing stupid starts happening there. And, another nice tip... I really like my 4K display but I LOATHE how Win32 applications are so nasty and blurry looking, even with 100% scaling. I had been editing the properties of applications one at a time to turn off the high DPI trash in Windows. Well, here is a way to fix it globally rather than having to fart around with every installed application. Run this from an elevated command prompt and profit. setx __COMPAT_LAYER HighDpiAware /M @Rage Set
  3. Yes, I put it in the freezer for 30 minutes before trying to apply it. The thin side film is easy to remove, but the thick side is a real challenge. What works best is to press it into the die with your thumb and then try to peel it off. It is nearly impossible not to tear it, but as long as all of it is covered with no gaps it will melt once it heats up. Yes, it worked better than KPX on my Precision turdbook as well. Also better than anything else I have used other than liquid metal. I suspect the paste will work as well, but I have not ordered any yet. All of my memory and VRM thermal pads were severely crushed due to compression by the water block. I kept tightening all of the screws trying to get the AMD hotspot nonsense under control. So, I put a thin bead of K5 Pro between the block and thermal pads for the memory and VRM. That will avoid any mess on the GPU itself. It's between the pads and block, not between the pads and GPU. It's kind of goofy (that hotspot issue) because I have never had any thermal issues like that with an NVIDIA GPU, but it is very common with multiple generations of Radeon. I can put all of the screws two-finger tight and everything is good with the GeFarts parts.
  4. Thanks, bro. I will give it a go tomorrow. 👍 Well, it helped a little bit @Talon. Man, the pad is such a pain in the bottom to get the clear protector off without destroying the silicon sheet. It took me longer to do that than it did to disassemble and reassemble the GPU, LOL. I'm not kidding. I will order some of the paste so that I have some on hand if I need it later. If it works the same as the pad, I think it is better than KPX or Kryosnot. BEFORE: AFTER: Also went back to conventional GPU mounting instead of vertical. I always end up deciding I like that better than vertical... every time.
  5. That's OK, I'm good with out any of the "free" AMD features. The price of NVIDIA cards sucks real bad, but the features are unmatched. You don't really get what you pay for (or should I say overpay for) in terms of value with either brand, but I like what I get with the Green Goblin's stuff a bit more.
  6. Thanks, I will have to get some of that to experiment with. Awesome, thanks for sharing. That's a nice new feature in HWiNFO64. Hmm, I own about a half dozen of those games. Metro is one of the few in the list that I actually enjoy playing. I'll have to download one of them and see how it works. Thanks for the list.
  7. I can't find the paste anywhere. Did you have to buy it on AliExpress? Thanks for the mention on the AMD hotspot. I will be putting the pad on the 6900 XT tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully, it will help with that.
  8. Totally. If there is no place to send the heat and no way to dissipate it because the dumb-dumbs that made it cut too many corners on the design and engineering then you're pretty much done. Nothing is going to fix that and any efforts in that regard are utterly futile. The only solutions are sell it to someone that doesn't care that it is a piece of garbage or return it for a refund.
  9. Since I have plenty of leftover sheet I am going to put it to the test. Both of my bare die setups the water block sits directly on the die so no IHS. You're right about the IHS though. The Coollaboratory liquid metal sheets won't melt correctly for me on a CPU IHS. I saw where Igor got it to work, but I tried and I could never get it to melt 100% on top of the IHS, and the temperatures were horrible. I did get the Indigo Extreme thing to work once on 8700K and it was phenomenal. It melted perfectly and covered the entire IHS like a glove. It was a real nightmare to remove later (like it was welded to the IHS) and I had to use a razor blade to peel it off in tiny fragments. I could never get it to work right again on subsequent attempts. I must have just gotten lucky that one time, LOL. I am glad that worked out well. I have seen so many horror stories that the thought of heating them, even with something that shouldn't be hot enough to melt solders scares me. Sometimes the soldering is very weak on memory modules and I have seen several examples of where the modules got literally ripped off the PCB with hardly any effort. I think to be on the safe side I will stick with paint thinner since that worked really well for me last time to dissolve the adhesive. You just have to be careful not to submerge the part number decal, because it will remove that in a jiffy.
  10. What process did you use to remove the stock heatsinks? Soaking in paint thinner or did you find something easier? Did that work for you?
  11. Unless something changes, I will just skip it or wait until 14900KS comes and goes, then buy a nicely binned sample from someone selling to pay for the next thing. Overclocking is still super important to me and 90% of why I enjoy computers, but I am done chasing numbers on HWBOT where all of the winners are pre-selected and rigged, the chosen ones are gifted cherry-picked hardware and provided firmware nobody else has access to. I've lost most of the respect I used to have for the people and companies involved. They're partly responsible for the death of the sport, too. There are too many people that feel the same way I do, and are sick and tired of getting screwed over.
  12. If they had a 2-DIMM version I would consider grabbing one for testing, but the thought of flushing money down the toilet on a 4-DIMM DDR5 motherboard that is going to suck at memory overclocking makes me want to puke my guts out. It also seems to be missing some essential features like power and reset buttons, and no POST code LCD. I'm going to take a wild guess that it's also missing a dual BIOS feature. That's how they get away with raping us on the price of enthusiast motherboards. They charge several hundred dollars more for features that probably adds $20-$30 to the cost of manufacturing. Sorry about the multi-posting. There doesn't seem to be a way to correct this using a phone OS. The cut/paste functionality is too limited. Can't select and cut a post quote to paste it into a prior post like you can on a PC. I'll try to remember to clean it up later when I'm back at my computer.
  13. I had seen lots of posts and examples of how PTM7950 improved thermals on turdbooks that are otherwise untamable. I got some on Amazon for my Precision and I have to tell you that it's 100% true. It dropped my maximum core temps under load by approximately 15°C. I'm not kidding. @ryan I was seeing 95-100°C CPU package temps playing BFV with KPx and now see only about 80°C running an AIDA64 or OCCT stress test. Putting it in the freezer for a half hour prior to installation makes it easier to apply without destroying it. This is very similar to the improvement seen for a desktop CPU delid. I'm very impressed and pleased with the result. I put it on the Quadro P5000 as well. It was not overheating before and didn't really need any help with thermals but it also dropped the GPU core temps about 5°C. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BRJB8JNX?psc=1 I'm thinking about using this to see if it helps with the ludicrous hotspot temps on the 6900 XT. I might even try it just for giggles on the bare die application on one of my desktops to see how it compares to liquid metal in that scenario. Given the fact that laptops are a bare die application it might perform surprisingly well.
  14. Sweet. What voltage are you using now? Can you share a HWiNFO64 memory timing screenshot, like this?
  15. Nope. Not me. Unless it turns out to be significantly improved it is too expensive for what seems like an extremely modest bump in clocks. Seems like a poor value for anyone that owns a decently binned 13900KS. If you draw a short straw in the lottery, it might not be as good. I ordered this instead. Coming from Germany. Got it from P5ych0 at HWBOT. 550€ #7 13900KS Pcore 120 Ecore 97 capable for 7560 R20 8/16 LN2, and DDR5 at 8800 c36 Geek3 ambient https://community.hwbot.org/topic/226056-fs-eu-asus-apex-ix-z270-13900ks-7560-816-ln2-strong-imc/
  16. Perfect. As I mentioned in our text yesterday, just having the jackets and block will lower the temps tremendously. It shows how HORRIBLE the garbage stock heatsinks heating blankets are. It is totally inexcusable how lousy the stock ones work/don't work. Did you have any difficulty getting the stock heatsinks off the Trident modules? Did you use paint thinner to soften the adhesives?
  17. That's good to know. It makes sense that most, if not all, are using the same size o-rings. It would keep production costs down if everyone was using a common o-ring and not having a proprietary part manufactured for the various cooling components.
  18. They don't come with any pads? Dang. Glad I have a bunch of extras. Does it say to use 0.5mm pads or did you measure? Did you already get your heat sinks off of the G.SKILL modules? I haven't done mine yet. Will soak them in laquer thinner like I did the last ones. The adhesive comes off easy that way. Excellent. Glad it is working as well for you, too. 👍 I just got an update from USPS. US Customs in NY is processing it, so I will probably receive it Saturday or Monday.
  19. Awesome. Not sure when mine will arrive, but finally at least have tracking info.
  20. Nothing is too crappy for the lowest common denominators and their chintzy disposable hardware trash.
  21. Well, it's going back. I opened the box after work today to look it over. It's actually gorgeous and I am far more impressed than I expected to be. Even though it is white and I prefer black, it looks amazing. HOWEVER, it is not as advertised. It's not new. I could ignore that. It is not without damage. There are some minor scratches on edges of panels and a small and inconspicuous dent in the lower rear corner of the removable back panel. For $77 I could even forgive that. The blemishes are so minor I wouldn't make a fuss over it unless I had paid retail. What I can't accept is the fact that none of the hardware is included. The rear SSD bar behind he mobo tray is missing. All of the removable SSD inserts at the front side area where a radiator can be mounted vertically are missing. None of the included accessory parts, screws or standoffs are there. Thankfully, Nellis Auction has a 7-day hassle-free return policy. Bummer. So, I am only out the gasoline for the 25-minute drive each way. Could be worse. I do not believe it was intentionally misrepresented. The people that inspect and photograph the items to go on auction are probably not the sharpest tool(s) in the shed, and I doubt they would know what should be included or how to identify what is missing. To a novice that knows little or nothing about computers, it would look new/complete.
  22. Yeah, that is really dirty pool these scumbags are playing. The have chosen to withhold support for it in an effort to twist peoples' arms into adopting their latest piece of trash OS. They can drop dead and [insert your expletives of choice]. I can't think of any words that are nasty or vile enough to express the level of contempt and disrespect I have for Apple and Microsoft. I literally hate both companies and wish both would go bankrupt, cease operations and leave the world in a spot of having to choose which Linux distro to install to continue using their PCs and Macs.
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