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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. It doesn't matter what the reasons are, compromise opens the door to more compromise and it sucks every time. Every. Time. What you end up with is what bottom feeders want or what the lowest common denominators think is acceptable and to hell with what everybody else thinks. The price stays the same, or goes up, you just get less.
  2. Where is that vomit emoji when we need it most? 🤣 LOL. 🤢 🤮 They are crazy. I agree with you totally. In fact, more than just crazy. Both crazy and stupid. I really begs questioning about a couple of things. If the smaller and slimmer GPUs are cooled well enough and perform exactly the same as the larger versions of the same product, why were they so big to begin with? Was the extremely large size a feeble but nefarious effort to make the people buying them think that the hit on their wallet was more justifiable based on the size of the GPU? Or, if they are NOT as well-cooled, run hotter and less performant due to the heat, why are they selling defectively engineered products for people hell bent on SFF builds? Is the thought that compromise should be the new normal to accommodate the lowest common denominators? Should we expect to pay less for a smaller GPU that runs hotter and performs less?
  3. Yup, the suckfest is swiftly turning into a suck-o-rama extravaganza. It was bad enough for the thin and light fanboi clown posse to ruin everything by turning all laptops into emasculated BGA turdbooks. Now their brain-dead psychopath stupidity is turning the desktop computing experience into a circle-jerk venture to be valued only by idiots, losers and pansies. They should stop eating junk food and focus on becoming less disgusting human beings by making themselves thinner and lighter instead of ruining desktop computers (and components) by making them thinner and lighter. Buckle up and brace yourself. Stupidity is about to get more stupid. "God made fools in order that life might be more tolerable to people of wit. What distresses me is to see that human genius has limits and human stupidity has none." - Alexadre Dumas
  4. Yeah that would be a lot of money to spend on something that you can't take back home on the plane to Norway. Today's PC tech lacks nothing in terms of crappiness but there's always tomorrow, and it usually gets worse in time rather than better. That's the new way now. Stupid people give birth to stupid people. Or should I say, stupid people give birth to babies they ruin by training to become stupid people. With the assistance of like-minded sheeple they surround themselves with, they almost always turn out to be more stupid than the generation of idiots that raised them. The GIGO principle applies to people, and they apply that to tech, among other things. If the 4090 is so poorly engineered that it can't handle 1.300V with ease that is extremely unfortunate. If it were engineered correctly it would handle 1.500V or more. The 3090 KPE laughed at 1.450V overclocks and begged for more, with artificial low temperature algorithm-castrated thermal throttling being the only limitation. Hopefully it was a defect in his GPU specifically and not a defect that plagues everything in the entire product line. If something as low, boring and unimpressive as 1.300V killed it, then it wasn't engineered correctly. That's baby-girl voltage that should only be scary for sketchy turdbooks with inadequate and half-assed circuitry.
  5. It's too funny how our brains work. It's a fault that I love and hope never gets fixed, LOL. A picture is worth 1,000 words. As you can see, this monopolizes my desk. If I can not feel like I am going insane using one 4K display (TBD) I might actually be able to put my computer next to the monitor on my desk instead of on a microwave cart next to it. OK. I feel better now. A cluttered workspace is better than a cluttered mind. 🤣 That's quite the command center... wow, 36 controlled from one station. Crazy. What kind of KVM switch can do that? On another note, rubbish designed by an idiot (like this) makes it hard to take a brand seriously. This proprietary abortion is about as stupid as an Alienware and equally disgusting to look at. Recent drama aside... what Linus does best... purpose-driven entertainment.
  6. The thing I don't like about two monitors is the lack of symmetry. I'm a real freak that way. I don't want the seam in the middle because that's annoying and you're always looking left or right to the primary monitor. If you put the primary monitor straight in front of you then your desk configuration is lopsided with more room on one side than the other. Three monitors fixes that problem with the primary in the middle and the left and right peripheral displays available for me to drag my application windows to each side such as Outlook, calendar and instant message windows, while keeping the thing I am actively working on directly in front of me. And then yeah... Good luck having room for anything else on your desk. Because of my goofy OCD it will probably be either one 4K, or 1K+4K+1K, with 4K being the primary display in the middle. The number of hours I spend working in Excel and PowerBI each day, it'll be easy to lose any tolerance I have now for 1080p. The idea of sharing primary screen space with peripheral applications makes me feel grumpy before I have even tried it. I suspect in no small part because of the annoyance and distraction those applications (necessary evils) represent during the course of a normal work day, LoL.
  7. I agree in terms of picture quality, but it is super easy to tell the difference in screen real estate. Going from 1080p to 1440p is a massive leap and 4K even more so. As long as you leave the scaling to 100% (where it belongs) a 4K screen is literally the equivalent of four 1080p monitors.
  8. I already have a 3-monitor desk mount with three curved AOC 1080p 144Hz IPS 24-inchers, but large enough for three 27's. But that would defeat the purpose of buying it. Which was/is to free up desk space without massively sacrificing screen real estate. Three 24-inch monitors is wider than a normal desk. It looks, feels and is very cramped in my tiny office. Will see how it goes. It shipped already early this morning.
  9. I may. Already thinking about that and almost cancelled the order last night. Technically it's not less space, but it is more compact and less organized. I plan to use 100% scaling. I hope I don't regret it. I also thought about cancelling it again this morning. Thank you. My main idea here was to reclaim part of my physical desktop space without giving up any virtual desktop space. Three 24-inch screens consumes an entire desk and then some. The idea of doing it to improve on-screen picture quality was not a consideration. My only past experience with 4K computer screens was always miserable because it involved laptop screens that were too small to benefit from the full resolution at 100% scaling. Reading such tiny text was always incredibly miserable. My 2560x1440 165Hz display is also 27-inch. It is the ideal resolution. Debating with myself now if I should try to squeeze it in the middle so it is flanked by dual 1080p and use the 4K on my benching rig. This would totally defeat my original intent and make it slightly worse. I use all three screens at least 40-50 hours a week for work. Although 3840x2160 is more screen space than 1920x1080*3, it is like having one big open room with everything in it instead of several smaller, but very organized rooms. Sorry to hear you are having difficulty in the heatwave. Not being able to breathe must be miserable and scary. Is it more difficult than breathing in the frozen Norway winter air? I will keep you in my prayers, brother.
  10. Well, I finally sat down and took the time to redo my AIDA64 Sensor Panel for my mini-1080p monitor in portrait orientation. Should be really easy to see what is going on with the things I care about in huge fonts and taking up that entire screen.
  11. OK, so I finally decided to get a 4K screen to replace my triple 1080p monitor setup that I use for work. I got one of these from Provantage "like new" open box for $318. Grand total under $350 including tax and shipping. 4K IPS 144Hz 1ms HDR and G-Stink at that price seems kind of hard to beat. Normal price is like ~$600. https://rog.asus.com/monitors/27-to-31-5-inches/rog-strix-xg27uqr-model/ Did you reply to the wrong post? That comment doesn't seem like it is related to the quoted post.
  12. It could also be the motherboard. Case in point was the ASUS Z690 Apex. The first revision of it was pure garbage, second revision much better but still inferior to the MSI Z690 Unify-X and Z690 Dark. In spite of its conceptually superior 2-DIMM offering, ASUS didn't actually have a good overall memory overclocking product until the Z790 Apex. ASUS has a real talent for screwing their customers that spent the most money... *frowns at ludicrously overpriced and overhyped Strix 4090 dungheap*
  13. That's really disappointing, but it is UPS's mickey mouse arrangement with USPS. Not NewEgg's fault per se, other than allowing it to be selected as an option for shipping. It's good that the UPS tracking number works on USPS though. Even if it is a weak CPU sample you've made tremendous progress over where you started. Yes, it is good that it is not the mobo. I don't remember what channel it was on, but I saw a YouTube video the other day about the wide variance and inconsistency AMD is struggling with on silicon quality. This is not something I have seen mentioned much in AMD circles, even though it is frequently a source of discussion and complaint when the subject is Intel. Maybe they've not heard of the silicon lottery and the concept is new to them.
  14. Dawid finally got it to work. I finally decided to stop procrastinating about popping the lid of the 13900K that I bought on OC.net to replace the one that died. Previous core max was 97°C in Cinebench R23 at 57xP, 45xE, 49xC and delidded bare die core max is now 76°C. I just love the Dark Base Pro 901. It is the perfect compliment to the Z690 Dark mobo.
  15. They probably got in a hurry and never scanned it when it left NewEgg. I have seen that with USPS, UPS and FedEx and sometimes it never changes until delivery when they do that. It will flip from "label created" to "delivered" on the same day. Try searching USPS (yes, not a typo) for the UPS tracking number and see what it shows. And, don't be surprised if it shows "delivered" when all they did was hand it off to USPS for final delivery. That has happened to me several times and it is usually delivered by USPS the next business day. Sometimes the UPS Mail Innovations tracking number will work on the USPS tracking page. But, isn't it a double standard to celebrate when AMD produces a "fake framerate" tool when so many were about to pop a vein hating on NVIDIA for doing exactly the same thing? It guess it makes "fake frames" OK if it is not proprietary and works on any GPU. I guess that's the world we live in now. It's obvious in lots of area in our private, public and political lives. The rules only apply to the people you don't like and it's OK to make stuff up as you go and twist the rules if it is someone you don't like, LOL. For the record, I wasn't one of the haters and I always thought it was kind of silly hating on NVIDIA for it. I think it's nice that now everyone can take part in celebration of fake framerates. Maybe it will do enough to eek a couple more years of our GPUs too old and weak to game at a decent framerate without it. Technically, there wasn't any reason before now either. But, I think if people can use it to avoid spending money on a GPU upgrade it's a good thing. I think the title of that video is just clickbait. "Destroy NVIDIA" how? It won't make any GPU faster or slower. What it will do is change the way the graphic workload is rendered so that older and/or weaker GPUs will struggle less and produce less of a slideshow. And, it will likewise make the fastest GPUs have higher framerates as well. But, they won't be any faster.
  16. Dang, that is certainly worth grabbing at that price. The 6900 XT is quite a bit more powerful than 2080 Ti, but I see that Hydro Copper you mention and for a 2080 Ti FTW3 that price is hard to beat. Minus the cost of the block, the GPU is like $250.
  17. That always sucks. They generally hand it off to USPS for final delivery and between the time it leaves the shipper until USPS receives it for delivery is almost always 2-3 times longer than normal shipping service. I always cringe when I buy something shipped that way. It's not worth the money saved, even if shipping is free, to have to wait that long to get it. Might as well order from AliExpress if it is going to take that long.
  18. 100%. Intel tends to behave in a similar manner. They get really lax when there is no serious competition to their flagship and when they see a competitor with a product within striking distance they move from complacency to "win at all costs" beast mode. What they (NVIDIA in particular) still suck at is charging a price that reflects value for the entry point. It is almost always inflated and punitive.
  19. When the software (or even hardware in some circumstances) that you need or want to use only works on Windows, and you find the version of Windows you are stuck with sucks, complaining about the fact that it sucks is not silly. It makes sense and I would encourage them to continue complaining. I suspect most of the people that think it sucks would move to a platform that doesn't suck if they could. For some it is simply a matter of laziness. For some, maybe most, it is technical ignorance and lack of ability to do that. The idea of replacing the OS scares the crap out of some, and spending money to pay someone else to do it for them may not be an option for some. For the majority, I suspect the issue boils down to the software they need or want to use, and using a sucky version of Windows is enough of a point of frustration for them that complaining is the best way to deal with the disappointment. It shouldn't bother anybody that likes Windows 11 that not everyone else does, but it appears that it does bother some of them. I do not particularly like any version of Windows after Windows 7, but I use all of them, and Linux, at least part of the time. I use Windows 11 at least 40 hours a week for work, and have been for a long time. My opinion about it hasn't changed and it probably never will. I like Linux best, but it is the least accommodating in terms of allowing me to use the software I need and/or want to use. The only reason I am not still using Windows 7 is the missing driver support that my newer hardware requires to function. When everything is functioning the way I want it to then I don't burn too many calories griping about how much it sucks or how ugly it is to look at. It is what it is... like it or not.
  20. That has to feel really good going from like 6400 or 6800 to 8000. 💘 Speaking of feelings... in other news...
  21. Anything other than triple or quad 8-pin is stupid, foolish and risky because the 12VHPWR was, and always will be, an idiotic idea invented by idiots. It was changed for the sake of change, fueled by greed and unchecked stupidity. Having two of them doesn't make it any less retarded and unnecessary. You might only need to have half as much power going to each connector but you've also got twice as many potential points of failure using a defective design. The best we can hope for at this point is that the next generation the Green Goblin's AIB partners will disregard instructions and go back to using what should have been continued indefinitely (8-pin PCIe). The change was irrational and greed always clouds good judgment. I did pause and also thought about getting the triple 8-pin to 12VHPWR option, but I decided if Elmor's Labs, with their focus on extreme overclocking hardware mods, can't do this right then there is no reason for anyone to have any amount of hope left, about 12VHPWR or anything else, relating to the hobby.
  22. I have been playing with Linux for many years, so the shock probably isn't dramatic for me compared to many people looking to ditch Winduhz in the 11th hour. I am convinced Linux is vastly superior to Windooz 10/11, but the change still requires some effort, even for me, due to the lack of Windowz software that I am accustomed to and like using. I know the day is coming, probably sooner than later, that the final shoe will drop and I will tell the Redmond Reprobates to lay a wet one on my unwashed posterior orifice, then slit them from ear to ear and leave them to bleed out in a port-o-potty that hasn't been serviced for six months. My hate for them grows stronger with each version update that I allow to molest my crash dummy installations. Their commitment to making it a crappier product is truly phenomenal. Yup, Atlas is real good. It has some nice extra features like Ghost Spectre, but with less bloat and better because it is Windows 10. I was able to install it in-place to replace Windung 11. I like that you install an official Micro$lop ISO and then run it to exorcise the filth afterwards.
  23. Nope. Never had before. Since you liked it, I decided to try it. I like it, too. Thanks.
  24. The AM5 direct die block Thermal Grizzly is making looks like a knock-off on the design concept of the Intel IceMan blocks I ordered from AliExpress. I guess an Intel version of it is also in the works. It's fancier and more expensive, but basically identical idea.
  25. Thanks for sharing. I have not tested Atlas OS. I should since I don't really have to sweat anything with multi-boot configurations and Macrium Reflect at the ready to undo anything I don't like. On another note, I ordered one of these from Titan Rig. Seems like a cool tool. I ordered the 12VHPWR to 12VHPWR "normal" version for my Suprim. While it is branded Thermal Grizzly, it is an Elmor's Labs creation.
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