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Everything posted by Ishayin

  1. OK, thank you very much to both of you for all the hard work! I really hope the missing content was saved by the archive.org team and can be rescued. Particularly this thread which I mentioned above should have 1,102 pages of posts per the original forum structure. I had made a separate archive of it here, but unfortunately that only captures the first page. ...Oh wait, I've just checked archive.org, and they do indeed have a full capture of this thread which appears to have all of the posts here πŸ˜ƒ I don't know if you can scrape that with your software, but if you can add a link to it at least as you mentioned that could be very useful for any other people looking for it. Thanks again!
  2. I hadn't heard of either of those before thanks. I've always used Total Commander for two panel large copy operations like backups, or sending music to portable music player etc. NexusFile is another option for this I know of (which uses a dark theme by default), mainly because I like the NexusFont font manager app from the same developer. Another useful one is Bulk Rename Utility which gives you a handy context menu entry for bulk renaming multiple files at once. Mainly I use it for adding or removing prefixes/suffixes to file names, but it can also do other things like numbering or replacing according to regular expressions. OMG.. nooooo!! 😞 Well, hopefully someone will add it at some stage, or the Win10 hacky replacement will be improved. I can't see myself ever using it otherwise.
  3. This is brilliant, thank you! I've noticed that the header now only appears on certain pages. I thought it was only appearing on shorter pages, but then I found an except of a longer page (here) where it does appear. Though most pages seem to be missing it (e.g.). More importantly – how do you navigate to subsequent pages in a thread? I can't see any way of doing this, and only one page loads. You do seem to get to ~400 posts fitting onto that one page, but it is still a long way off all of the posts for some of the longer threads.
  4. Hi, Two little quirks I've just noticed: There is some small issue with PNG attachments. E.g. see: https://efgxt.net/uploads/monthly_2022_02/Taskbar.png.f262adc0d533446c1b2fca34b737cd4d.png The original image file is 87 kB and perfectly sharp (being a screenshot from a high dpi display). Whereas the downscaled and fuzzy forum uploaded version here is 122 kB. So there is something rather inefficient going on here. On certain (popular?) threads like this one: https://efgxt.net/topic/104-notebook-review-forum-archive-–-nbrchive/ There is some kind of overview box on the right hand side. It uses up a lot of screen width for the entire rest of the page. Maybe there is something useful to it once we get to the stage of really long threads. But would it be possible to make it collapsible, or alternatively only show it on the first page of the thread? Or if neither of those are possible simply to increase the size of thread required before it kicks in as a last resort?? Thanks for reading and no rush as always to look into any of these very minor points!
  5. Ah, nice idea, and thanks for the mention! Well, if you'd mentioned Taskix to me 20 years ago I certainly would have been interested! πŸ˜„ But yeah, I consider the ability to re-order windows pretty essential. I can't remember now if that was standard by the time of Vista, or if there was a hack for it. No third party programs are required to set up the taskbar how I have it, it's all just standard options within Windows itself. Here are my taskbar settings in Windows 8.1 (right-click on taskbar and select "Properties"): I believe that Windows 10 is more or less the same in this regard. No idea about Windows 11, but would be very interested if anyone here can confirm. I think the main options of importance here are ticking the box for "Use small taskbar buttons" and setting "Taskbar buttons:" to "Never combine". Then simply de-select "Lock the taskbar" from the right-click context menu, drag it up to the height for how many rows you want, and then lock it again. My use of two rows here dates back to my younger years when I worked a stint in tech support for a large banking organisation. (We used Windows "Omni"(?) or something like that... a sort of enterprise Windows variant in between XP and Vista I think...) We each had two computers and many dozens of different programs open on each of them for doing different things. So having two rows of windows in the taskbar was the only possible way to handle it all. And I still find it the most practical layout to this day since I often have many different things open at once, and like to be able to see, and switch between, all windows cleanly and quickly. I also still have an old school "Quick Launch" section configured between taskbar and the Start button at bottom left. Though in truth, I never use it any more (see final paragraph for why), so maybe I should get rid of it... For my Start Menu I still use an old version of Classic Shell, with the "Classic with two columns" start menu style, with entries adjusted to my own preferences. There are also some additional Windows 8.1 settings here. Though note that development now continues on it in the form of Open Shell, currently supporting Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10. It is not clear yet whether it will support Windows 11 in the future. See this discussion: https://github.com/Open-Shell/Open-Shell-Menu But really, the most significant addition to my Windows interface is AutoHotKey (there are a number of possible alternatives for Linux), which allows you to create keyboard shortcuts for doing practically anything, and is very simple to use. So anything I do regularly I will have a keyboard shortcut for. E.g.: All the standard programs I use regularly I have set to open with Windows key shortcuts, such as Win-W for Winamp, Win-V for Vivaldi, Win-+ for Notepad++, Win-Z for Zim etc. Or a modified Windows key for ones I use less often like Win-Alt-R for autoruns.exe. Shortcuts for any commonly used text entries such as email sign-offs, the email address I use to sign-up for things, phone number, URL text injection etc. Numpad keys (when NumLock off) setup as media playback controls/volume etc. for Winamp. Shortcuts for allowing my remote control to launch certain programs. Custom screen brightness controls Sleep / lock / screen switch-off shortcuts(the latter is useful for laptops which don't have a function key for this). Paste without formatting Instantly creating the sub-directory structure that I always use in all my folders of photos. There are all extremely basic tasks. AHK can do a whole lot more powerful things than that if you are more technically inclined.
  6. I think at least some of them might be registered here already such as @Charles P. Jefferies , and I presume the others are mostly all aware of this forum at least. So it's really up to them whether they feel like continuing on in a similar role or would prefer to put their feet up and enjoy a well earned retirement πŸ˜„πŸ»
  7. I am also still on 8.1 on my Clevo laptop here, mainly for the same reasons Sandy Bridge mentions, along with the less clutter, and perhaps also a little too much experience of fixing other people's Win10 laptops at work for them πŸ˜† I have no plans to upgrade or replace in the foreseeable future. Hardware developments seem to have slowed down a lot in recent years such that I'm likely to get a decade out of this laptop before needing to replace it. Only three more years to go! But good to hear of that LTSC Win10 which does look a good option at the present time. Really, I would much prefer to move to say Linux Mint, except for the compatibility issues with just a few remaining bits of software nowadays, mainly Winamp. I tweak my Windows UI quite a lot to be more like the pre-Win7 / Cinnamon style anyway, with a double row of separated windows in the taskbar (i.e. not bundled together and hidden away under separate program icons), and I find that the longer/further you stay off the accepted mainstream "norm" with software, the more likely things will break, be removed, or no longer supported in the future. 😩
  8. Thanks for the cross-post! On the inverted theme here the black text at the start is almost invisible, and that in the quote/hidden sections is completely invisible. So I don't know if that is something that needs tweaking with the formatting that got copied over from NBR, or if it something that should be raised with Hiew. In case you also hadn't noticed it, he just pointed out to me the "Preview" button on the far-right of the formatting toolbar. EDIT: I see Aaron already raised this on NBR here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/all-technologyguide-forums-will-close-jan-31-2022.837524/page-64#post-11140652 and he suggests: "if you cleared the black text color (so it just uses the theme default) I think it would be fine."
  9. This is brilliant! Thank you for the detailed reply Hiew. The colon shortcut and the preview with the different device options are really great. πŸ‘
  10. Ha! I hadn't noticed that the Bravo 6 theme had been added, which is nice, but I think the inverted theme which I've been using from the start is still my favourite. Maybe I am simply used to it now, but good job on putting it together so quickly ...So the "thumbs up" emoji here looks giant in the message composition box. Let's see how it comes out when posted, but might be something that needs tweaking. Also, would it be possible to move the formatting toolbar from the top to the bottom of the composition box. Since the text you are typing tends to be on the bottom, it is more convenient that way, and tends to get scrolled off the top out of reach with longer messages. Finally, a "Preview" option like we had on NBR would be very useful for seeing how a post will come out before actually posting it. Saves on a lot of messing around with going back to edit it and re-post etc.
  11. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to putting this together. It's an amazing resource! Could you please kindly check the following thread which seems to be missing from the Clevo section? It has a huge amount of info in it with over 1,000 pages of posts: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/official-clevo-p75xzm-batman-sager-np9752-ownerΒ΄s-lounge-welcome-to-the-batcave.767105/
  12. A huge thank you to both @Hiew and @Reciever!!! And please Hiew, look after your health as a first priority. You cannot imagine how strongly I feel about that given my own present circumstances... In any case, this forum is looking great already. So I can't see any rush to do any more with it right away. It's the rest of us who need to catch up now with adding content.
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