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Everything posted by Ishayin

  1. Matrox C420 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apbic7qdRNE
  2. Tested and confirmed to be working now as you can see. Guess I'll be trying out this new name now for a 120 day trial period at least πŸ˜„
  3. Here's a few user comments on the first two options at least: https://teddit.net/r/IndianGaming/comments/kae2sw/acer_predator_helios_300_charger/ https://teddit.net/r/IndianGaming/comments/ns2iac/buying_from_ebuyindiacom/ Doesn't seem to be a whole lot to go on, but if you can find real people willing to put their name and reputation behind the company it would certainly improve my confidence at least. You could also see if there is a way to contact them ahead of placing the order to confirm stock in place and see how responsive they are.
  4. Thank you for these great tutorials! I had looked for that option before and couldn't find it, and checking again now it does seem like that section is missing from my account settings: I guess it is disabled for regular users?
  5. This video provides a good overview of the best free options around: https://youtu.be/s87xFvfeg7Y?t=92 As @RS4 mentioned above, OnlyOffice does look like a good option if you need good intercompatibility with MSOffice users, or cloud support, while LibreOffice still seems to be the most fully featured for local use. They look like the clear top two options to consider these days to me. EDIT: Looks like the devs were paying attention too lol: But seriously, who needs more than 1024 columns and rows anyway (if only the columns were the limitation you could simply transpose the data)?? If you really need to handle more than a million data points all in one go than you probably need to keep it in a simpler format like CSV anyway.
  6. Maybe if you mention the battery sellers you are looking at others might be able to say if they've had prior dealings with any of them, or could potentially recommend others?
  7. If anyone does, perhaps they could please reply to the NBR thread there to point people in this direction? https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/sa1wo2/notebookreview_forum_closing_down_on_31st_january/ There still seems to be castaways washing up there who have never heard of this place, and that thread is still one of the top search results for NBR.
  8. Would you mind removing the text colour formatting from this review? It is practically invisible when either of the dark themes are used on this site. πŸ˜•
  9. This is a great find thank you – I've just been trying it out now and it works! (on my P751ZM) The manual curve settings are saved in userfancurve.cfg which is just a text file with a list of the fan settings in order. This makes it simple to edit directly as an alternative to the GUI (e.g. I just draw in the settings for the CPU, and then copy and paste them to replicate them for the GPU directly in the file). It also means you can easily transfer settings elsewhere, or save different manual configurations and just swap out which one is used by renaming the file extension (though it would be handy if you could call these up in a quicker fashion). Also, despite what it says in the Readme, it does seem to hand over control again on exit rather than setting fans to 100% as stated there. It doesn't revert back to the last used setting in ControlCenter, but I think it's instead going back to "Automatic" in that, or some similar underlying system default. You need to toggle the settings back and forth again in ControlCenter to be sure it is back how you would like things there. I might even consider using ClevoFanControl as the default controller. There are a few little glitches but all minor: Editing either manual fan curve will give that curve control over the relevant fan no matter which profile is selected. The "Clevo Default" profile doesn't display the fan duty, and will simply display however they were last set by the previous profile. The context menu option for "About" does nothing. A few other points to note: NTPort library appeared to install fine for me without any error. I didn't try running the program without doing this first. The curves are not really curves in effect, but simply steps without any interpolation in between them (so would be more accurately displayed as a bar chart). The setting at any given temperature will be applied the same for the 5 degree interval from that temperature, up until the point where the next setting kicks in (e.g. the 40Β°C setting is applied from 40–44Β°C, 45Β°C setting from 45–49Β°C and so on). It first opens to just the system tray icon, and need to open the GUI window from there. Hitting the "X" to close at top right of window will leave it running in the background in the system tray, while hitting the "Exit" button will actually close it down and let go of control, same as exiting from the system tray context menu. I couldn't figure out what the "GPU Batt. Monitor" setting is supposed to do. Any ideas? I found there is also a similar program available from Obsidian which looks slightly fancier, but costs €40 €30: https://code.obsidian-pc.com/clevo-software/fan-control/ I also came across this, but apparently it can only control one fan: https://marqis.github.io/BtoFanControl/ Thanks for that too! There does seem to be some suspicion around this: https://github.com/zuyan9/RLECViewer/issues/4 I would have said it was mostly likely just false positives, though the comment about something trying to change UAC policy settings is a little worrying. It also advises to uninstall Clevo Control Center first which I'd rather keep. Anyway, there apparently was an old thread for it on NBR at : http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/rlecviewer-custom-clevo-fan-control.818858/ So I don't know if anyone can locate that in the backup at nbrchive.net. And apparently this is the original source for it: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4872453181
  10. Yes exactly. I've just discovered that you can also bring up that menu by CTRL-Right-clicking on the image and selecting "Edit Image".
  11. Many thanks, and no rush! And no I did mean the resizing functionality that pops up when you double click on an image in the composition window: Both of the previous two images I have posted would have come out way too large otherwise (e.g. I changed the above to a width of 400). It's a very useful hidden feature! The alt text option there is also great for accessibility if we can manage to make the effort to make use of it.
  12. It's a really minor thing, but the "Recently Browsing" section at the bottom of the home page has never shown anyone else but myself in it for me, even though I can see many others in the "Online" section. If it doesn't work for anyone else either, would it be better to simply remove it? Also, I noticed in the thread about posting images that we can resize them by double clicking on them. I had never noticed that before – it's great! Maybe worth adding to a "HowTo" article at some point?
  13. PedalPC - a human-powered computer desk for working off-the-grid at home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VRteC0-Jpw
  14. Has anyone found a good way of providing more manual control over the fans in Clevo laptops? E.g. has anyone managed to set up an NBFC profile for any of them before? https://github.com/hirschmann/nbfc https://github.com/hirschmann/nbfc/wiki/How-to-create-a-NBFC-config I would like to be able to set my fans off / as low as possible for just a short few minute bursts at a time while doing sensitive audio recording. The best way I can find currently is using the Custom fan speed profile in Control Center, though I find it to be a bit buggy (sometimes I cannot get the settings menu for it to close down again) and the highest fan start temperature it allows is 70 Β°C.
  15. reCAPTCHA (as you might expect for anything Google related) is a privacy nightmare. There are plenty of alternatives with a few mentioned here: https://nearcyan.com/you-probably-dont-need-recaptcha/ Or, maybe there is a way to avoid captchas altogether with a different approach like honeypots: https://solutionfactor.net/blog/2014/02/01/honeypot-technique-fast-easy-spam-prevention/
  16. Only just noticed this thread. My solution to this problem has always been to just insert my images within a spoiler section to stop them taking over the place πŸ˜ƒ
  17. Yeah, I gotta agree with Jaybee on this and say it looks like a whole load of hot air. I mean it's some fun theorising for sure, but the title of the video is flat out a click-bait lie. It does not appear that they have ever created a warp bubble as it claims, nor even have any real plans to do so. The critical quote upon which the entire video seems to rest appears at 6:53 which could be translated into something like "we made a model which led us to believe that it could be possible to manufacture something very tiny that we predict could have some particular characteristics that would lead to a warp bubble". There are so many red flags of speculative language in that video it really becomes the most entertaining part of it, e.g.: "..predicted to generate..." "...this is a potential structure.." "..is a speculative idea.." "..have neither built nor tested the proposed design..... there is no plan to do this currently" And my personal favourite: "..believes that chip scales experiments might be explored to attempt to measure tiny signatures illustrative of the presence of the conjectured phenomenon" πŸ˜„ Sorry to say but nobody is going further than Mars any time in the foreseeable future. So please look after the one and only planet we've got πŸ‚ ☺️
  18. I wonder if it's just down to the availability of the panel they could get with all the features they wanted like pressure sensitive stylus support. They run it downscaled to 1920x1200 by default: https://gpd.hk/gpdwinmax2 Which is funny considering how they have a whole section on the product page of the older version of how this is worse compared to running a lower resulotion natively: https://gpd.hk/gpdwinmax2021 Anyway, they do seem to make some interesting products all the same. The Phawx has some good videos on the WIN Max 2, e.g.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-OBFenY4tw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0lTxeYLS8M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UbJJ1b0Qos
  19. That's nifty! I like having my old quick launch menu for some things, but I think if I hid away my desktop into a toolbar I would just lose track completely of what I've left there purposefully to catch up with XD Yeah, this is what I do too. I have different groups of things on the left and right sides respectively. You can achieve the same thing once the desktop is in focus (Win-D) using the keyboard shortcut MenuKey-V-D. This gave me the idea of making a little AutoHotkey shortcut for it which after a bit of testing I've finalised as: ^AppsKey:: SetKeyDelay, 50 WinActivate, Program Manager ; Set focus to the Desktop Send {AppsKey} Send v Send d Return The first line sets the key combo you want to use. Here I've gone with CTRL-MenuKey, but you could change it to whatever you like. The second line just sets the delay between keystrokes to 50 ms. The default is apparently 10ms if this is not defined and wouldn't work for me. So if it doesn't work for you you could try increasing it further to say 100 or 200. The third line allows it to work no matter what is in focus (everything after ; is a comment). The rest should be obvious enough I guess. It is simple to compile an AutoHotkey into an .exe if desired, but I would recommend to instead install AutoHotkey and have your own .ahk script run at start-up. This way you can easily modify and add other desired hotkeys all in the same script, and have it all run under a single AutoHotkey.exe.
  20. Great to hear! For future reference, this is what I meant about choosing a different channel number, though pretty sure it has to be done on the router: https://www.extremetech.com/computing/179344-how-to-boost-your-wifi-speed-by-choosing-the-right-channel
  21. Aye aye, how can you do that and skip the only recent Windows OS that actually performs well lol? ...As we had in the Win 11 thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc2Vqe6G_AQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gZIU8QKtJo πŸ˜› Here's my current Win 8.1 desktop: I've temporarily hidden my desktop items since they're overdue a tidy up! And the wallpaper changes automatically on every boot from my own selection using Wallpaper Master Pro. For anyone after an open-source old-school Windows experience, ReactOS looks like an interesting project: https://reactos.org/
  22. Yeah, I'm not a fan either. It's not merely that the GUI doesn't suit me in its default state, but even more so how inflexible it is. What's so complicated about the idea that different people are going to want to configure their desktop experience differently?? And I really don't get the new fad (also appearing in Linux) for rounded corner windows. How are you supposed to take a nice neat screenshot of them? Of fit them together into tidy tiling? (For sure, in the real world I really like curves, and detest unnecessary-for-function sharp edges. But the digital domain is an altogether different beast).
  23. Ha! Brings to mind a few too many stories like the below which are a good reminder that automation and "productivity" may not always be truly beneficial in the wider scheme of things. πŸ˜› https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/32uzrk/my_first_day_on_the_job_and_i_accidentally_got/ https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/7tjdkr/that_time_i_helped_automate_20_people_out_of_a_job/
  24. Huh? Multiquote has always worked fine for me. The only slight issue I find with it is that when you paste in the quotes at the start of a reply, there is then no way that I can find of inserting text before the first quote, unless you start again from scratch and remember to ensure to leave a line break there to begin with. What browser are you using?
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