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Everything posted by Ishayin

  1. Sorry that my previous tone was a little harsh on the matter. By way of apologies, here's another little URL trick that I never see people use. If you want to direct people to a particular section of a webpage, you can craft a link that will jump to and highlight that section by using the following construction: URL/#:~:text=Start%20of%20line,end%20of%20line E.g.: https://efgxt.net/topic/171-which-thermal-paste-to-buy-and-apply-traditional-and-liquid-metal/#:~:text=indicates important notes,metal paste
  2. Seems like notebooktalk.net is no longer redirecting here? I don't think it's just a temporary DNS issue for me since I've also just checked it with wheregoes.
  3. Ah nice that you get to be out more. I'm so glad the weather here is improving so I can start doing so too! Oddly enough, for me it's at home where I get the worst signal. Also, it's not only the immediate discharge time that I care about, but also the longer term battery health. So I still like to minimise usage even when at home.
  4. Oh my.. people please! You do realise that you can simply delete all that tracking and metadata crap after the "?" from URLs right?? https://www.ebay.com/itm/283772575617 πŸ˜‰
  5. Thanks for posting – that is interesting indeed and a lot of different aspects to consider. I feel like the whole "exact vs inexact" dichotomy here is a bit well, inexact. The question should surely rather be "how exact". From a physics perspective, I assume the inexactness they are speaking to is associated with the noise levels inherent in the electronic signals and read-outs. So presumably they could do things like reduce the temperature to reduce the Johnson/thermal noise, or increase currents/voltages, or add duplicated parallel processing with balanced connections. Though all of these options would increase power requirements. Anyway, I figure there must be some kind of trade-off that can be had with different designs with different compromises suited to different applications... Anyone here a computer scientist who could speak to what the fundamental application limitations might be? From the very simplified story presented there you get the idea that the range of possible applications should be much broader than just AI, but maybe that is misleading. Surely the output of GPUs for example does not need to be exact, so can we utilise an analog chip for at least the final rendering part of the computational chain? If it's not possible to develop general purpose analog chips, then they won't replace CPUs, but perhaps more promising as additional complementary chips that can be assigned particular tasks? Anyway, always nice to see the development of much more efficient approaches, and people generally thinking outside the box. ☺️
  6. Looks great! I only came across Zorin recently, and happy to see that someone is running Cinnamon on it. So I presume that you can therefore ungroup windows on the taskbar like in the Windows Vista style? That was a question I had in mind when I looked at their website. How are you finding it and any ideas on how it compares to Mint?
  7. I like to use 7-zip for compression/creating archives due to the (optional) higher compression via the 7zip format and general range of options like password protected encryption and "Split to volumes" option (useful for e.g. archiving to 4GB chunks for FAT32 compatibility). But for opening/previewing and extracting archives I use Bandizip since I prefer it's two panel display with an expanded directory structure which shows you far more content at first glance than 7zip, along with image previews. And even more than that I rely solely on its "Extract Here (Smart)" context menu option for extracting archives since you can use it on multiple archives at once, and it will automatically detect if the contents are already organised within a top level folder that can just be extracted itself, or whether it's an archive of loose files that should instead be extracted to a folder with the same name as the archive.
  8. I prefer the more ambient end of vaporwave myself. E.g. have you heard this one before? https://vill4in.bandcamp.com/album/secret-earth
  9. That sounds like a right pain. I've never heard of someone getting a recycled mobile number with legacy strings attached before. I've taken to just leaving my phone in flight mode with the wifi switched on. Since anyone I actually want to speak to (i.e. friends and family) will always get me via messaging apps, I have no need for any mobile service from the network carrier except on very rare occasions. I find it also makes a big difference to battery life (the idea was prompted originally by noticing my phone reporting that 40% of battery life was being spent on "cell standby").
  10. Eek, I feel sorry for you if you're in the US and have to get phones from US carriers. The S7 Active I mentioned in my post above was only ever released in the US via AT&T and I've setup a few of them now from second hand as spares and for family members. The amount of pre-installed crap that can only be disabled with ADB is atrocious, particularly this nasty which installs dodgy gambling apps in the background without any user interaction: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgv20/comments/6u0wnf/what_is_mobile_services_manager_did_i_catch_a/
  11. Any particular reason for choosing FAT32 over exFAT? https://www.howtogeek.com/235655/how-to-mount-and-use-an-exfat-drive-on-linux/
  12. I would say AV is like having an airbag in your car. It might help, in some rare situation where you have really screwed up. But it's not a replacement for having safe roads/cars and knowing how to drive properly in the first place.
  13. Wow, so much I agree with here – amazing to finally come across other people who aren't fans of the switch to 16:9 screens. Feels like looking through a letterbox! One other thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is keyboards – I really can't stand those island/chiclet style ones most laptops come with nowadays. I find them really uncomfortable and unpleasant to type on between the stiff buttons and hard edges / gaps between the keys.
  14. Interesting comments about the post-recession change in attitudes thanks. I think it is not just in the US. I have noticed in Europe too that young people have a far less rosy picture of the future compared to say, back in the 90s. There is a lot of anxiety around in general, and probably not helped by some of the less positive effects of the internet that you mention. What frustrates me most is just how far away our current technological world is from what it could be (in terms of positive social engagement). Edit: Oh yeah, the topic at hand... I'm not an 'OG' at all I'm afraid. I only joined NBR ~ the start of 2015.
  15. To add to what Sandy Bridge mentions above, you could alternatively try changing the Theme at the very bottom of the page to make the button more apparent :)
  16. Does anyone here have a Reddit account and feel it is worth adding the new Notebooktalk.net domain to that thread? It might jump out / be more enticing :)
  17. As a disgruntled Windows user I would also be interested in this. I have a long burning ambition to move to Linux Mint, but there's just too many Windows specific programs that I rely on still. I don't even play games that much these days, so wouldn't mind having to dual boot Windows just for that even.
  18. I've also been keeping an eye on IPFS as an interesting development, but it's still early days for getting a forum system working on it. See e.g.: https://discuss.ipfs.io/t/ipfs-discussion-forum-software/6318/8 https://github.com/fazo96/ipfs-boards https://ipfs-forum.turbolab.ch/ For the distributed social networks we have up and running here and now, you might like to look at the Fediverse: https://medium.com/we-distribute/a-quick-guide-to-the-free-network-c069309f334
  19. Thanks for the feedback! I will have to try out LibreWolf sometime. Another one I forgot about in my previous post is Librefox which rather than being a fork is instead simply a privacy and security enhanced configuration of Firefox itself. What do you like about Brave? I've never tried it myself due to its more business orientated philosophy. But it's probably more transparent at least than say Opera or Chrome. Yes, yes and yes! User choice is key to me, and something that seems to go out the window first with corporate controlled software (and hardware for that matter).
  20. The browsers I use most are Opera, Vivaldi, Pale Moon and Firefox in that order. Other options I have installed but very rarely use are Waterfox, Otter Browser and Tor. I would probably say Vivaldi is my favourite, but I still use Opera the most just out of laziness really that I still haven't managed to move all my setup over to Vivaldi yet. I never tried GX since it just looked like a gimmick to me. But maybe some of it's extra features really are useful if they don't slow it down too much? The main things I dislike about Opera are its occasional insertion of advertising into your speed dial along with search defaults and shortcut limitations – I can't set Startpage as my default (but I always use search shortcuts so no biggie), and can't change some of the initial built-in shortcuts (so you can't e.g. use 'y' for YouTube, since it's already hard coded assigned to Yahoo). And it is a bit annoying not to be able to disable the built in extensions. So I kill the 'Opera Touch Background' and 'Rich Hints Agent' extensions from the task manager every time I start it (I'm not sure, but killing the latter may help to keep their advertising away). Vivaldi is much more 'user choice friendly' with things like this, and is closer to being the true spiritual successor of classic Opera, which was of course: The old Presto engine based Opera was by far my favourite ever browser (in the period from versions ~9–12). Then when it borked itself with Blink I had to switch to Palemoon and a whole suite of Firefox add-ons to get the closest approximation of the same functionality back again that was there as standard in the old Opera. Then I switched over to using more Chromium extensions as both the Blink Opera gradually improved, and Vivaldi came along. Though on principle I'm not so keen on supporting the increasing monopolistic hold Google's technologies are having over the modern internet. Probably we should have a whole separate thread on what browser add-on/extensions people are using. They often have far more impact on the UX than the browser itself. Has anyone tried LibreWolf yet?
  21. Samsung S4 mini as my 'phone', since I mainly only use my phone like a pager for notifications. It is compact and with an easily/cheaply replaceable battery :) Samsung S7 Active as my outdoor navigation/GPS tracking/observations/logging tool since it is extremely robust, has a better sized screen for mapping, decent camera, and most importantly – an additional 'active key' and other hardware buttons meaning that I can use all the functionality I need while out and about even with gloves on (or e.g. by feel while cycling).
  22. Since initial aesthetic appeal can often significantly impact the impressions of new arrivals to the forum. I have two thoughts regarding themes: 1. Once the selection of themes available is more or less settled for the time being, perhaps we could have a poll as to which one is everyone's favourite? That option could then be made the default theme such as to have the best chance of pleasing new arrivals. 2. It would be great if the theme selector could be made a lot more noticeable for new users. Perhaps by moving it up the top? I think most people would miss it as it is now.
  23. I agree with these sentiments.; it seems like the most straightforward option.
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