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Everything posted by nforce4max

  1. Installed an T1000 from an HP Z2 mini in my m4800 and it worked pretty much right out of the box aside from having to sacrifice an x bracket. The display is an 30 pin edp ips panel that came stock.
  2. Yeah that is a load lol as more than a few of us have already come to find out that 4 and 8TB drives work just fine despite what is stated in the manual. Hell I managed to add a 4tb nvme drive to a precision m6800 and that is pretty old these days so you are good to go with that upgrade. The only time where a drive didn't work was due to power consumption more than anything else.
  3. Likely to be broken or only partially working. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805917387211.html
  4. Might be hit or miss but DDR3 1866 is known to work on that generation which does give a bit of a boost. The msata drive is a bit on the small side and if lucky for around $40-50 could potentially get a 1tb model however the 2tb are not cheap anymore sadly. The 2.5 sata ssd is likely good enough though sometimes high end 2tb and 4tb turn up used that were retired from data centers with next to no use at decent prices. Be warned though the GTX 880m is known to run hot.
  5. Not sure what is going on but it should just be pci-e 2.0 and you can use a more modern card with an adapter.
  6. For those who got a lot of job stress.
  7. The whole situation with big tech shouldn't surprise anyone given the sort of minds and personalities that call the shots in these business typically cut throat sociopaths along with a few certifiable psychopaths. The relentless blood sucking for the sake of creating shareholder value at the expense of both workers and paying customers will ultimately doom the whole system given enough time.
  8. In the message to the seller on aliexpress I had asked for one that worked with four memory slots instead I'll be getting a refund so r.i.p this little project. I really wanted to see how it performed in gaming as well in synthetic tests for the floating point performance but with only a single memory channel the results are always going to be lower than a fully functioning cpu. I did notice though it throttled down more than the MX similar to how Skylake with the L4 does even though the temps were good.
  9. I feel depressed because I really wanted mine to work and have that paired with an RTX card.
  10. Yep that is the same one as mine and confirmed the cpu supports 32gb however there is an issue with the interposer so either a bad solder job or they got something wrong with the pcb.
  11. Is yours the recent one with the green interposer then that is likely the reason you are only getting two slots as mine just came in and only works with a single slot. The black one is the one that first came out a few years ago so it might be of a higher quality or at the least the quality of this new batch is questionable. The pins are noticeably more fragile than anything I've seen before.
  12. With way things are going I'll be sticking with 10 for another couple of years until support for online gaming with that OS is dropped.
  13. My daily is EDP and you will have to heavily mod an nvidia heatsink due to the ofset core though thankfully uses a normal x bracket. Be mindful of the vrm as supposedly that is a weakness of HP's mxm cards from this generation. All in all it works well and performs well without being a furnace though I always manually set the fans just to be sure. No special vbios and used nvcleaninstall to install the driver.
  14. Been daily using the 4940MX and though it runs hot honeywell ptm7950 really did wonders as normal thermal compound suffered from pump out that resulted in 100+ on a good day. The main downside of the 4980HQ is they're pretty rare on all the usual sites like eBay. Might get one myself someday but don't want to burn a lot of money doing so.
  15. This is a good one for the playlist at work.
  16. When shopping around besides the usual price and capacity I always look for the TBW/DWPD ratings as well the nand type.
  17. It is moments like this why I need to buy one of those adapter cards (mxm to desktop pci-e) for testing instead of depending on spare laptops due to the extra wear on connectors etc. As for the card if it is not shorted then it could be anything perhaps something went open.
  18. The gpu itself is already on the thick side compared to the norm for these machines however the coils block the cooler so either mod the cooler or get a thick shim. You can diy one by sacrificing a unneeded for the cold plate then cleaning it up. The laptop body will need some metal work for the card to mount correctly. Lastly the rear USB/esata port has to be removed otherwise you'll never be able to physically fit the card as it is much wider than a typical card.
  19. Without any bios modding the best that can be done which requires some BGA work is going to be a i7-2715QE and it will likely throttle. With more effort mainly towards modding the bios there is a chance the i7-3615QE will work as well and is obviously faster. Here is an example of such a project.
  20. It does and I bought two of them but have held off for now, really do need a custom heatsink to begin with but with the pcb being wider than normal is an issue. Edit: Just sized it up again and the connector will have to go but beyond that it will fit however there is some capacitors on that side of the card are blocked. The metal clip for the display cable has to go and the guides for the clip as well the heatsink also has to go. Lastly the coils are blocking the heatsink from making contact with the core so some modding is required.
  21. Been daily using a RTX 3000 (HP) in an M6800 for over a month now and good so far though it is an EDP version so yours should work just fine in the M6700 depending on the card as the HP version takes some effort to install. As for getting the RX at this point who knows as sometimes people have ran into some really odd issues.
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