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Everything posted by nforce4max

  1. The RTX Quadro series should work but the physical install for the HP version is horrendous due to needing to mod the heatsink.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MroSHYeBW3I
  3. Have to wonder is it the vbios or the pcb isn't wired to drive a display so either way for it to not work sucks. Do you have an mxm to desktop pci-e adapter to see if it would drive a regular monitor at all.
  4. I can see at least one of these ending up in an Precision M6800 and the same goes for a few Alienwares if it plays nice better yet can run EDP.
  5. Power draw in this case shouldn't be the issue however running that without any cooling isn't a good idea at all even with the cheap crap out there. I would take a look to see what the gpu is running with in terms of pci-e lanes and if it is running at 3.0 spec etc beyond that is anyone's guess unless someone with some experience with this adapter comes forward.
  6. Wouldn't surprised given how things have been this decade with the crazy events being off the charts.
  7. https://iot.asus.com/gpu-edge-ai-accelerators/google-tpu/filter?Series=MXM-GPU-Module https://www.adlinktech.com/Products/Embedded_Graphics/Graphics_Solutions/MXM-AXe
  8. I do have to say correction that the Kepler Quadro cards do work without issue and pretty well.
  9. The one I had only worked with an single module and ended up returning it.
  10. The one I used with my M6800 is the HP version from the Zbook 17 G6 and the hod was only to the heatsink as the core is offset. It would be best with a drill press or CNC for example but I did the mod with a dremil which wasn't enjoyable nor precise. Overall it rarely got over 80c except for hotspot and I by habit manually set my fans to help avoid thermal issues.
  11. Intel mxm cards exist however the pricing and almost non existent availability just kills it for the few that would have any interest.
  12. Here we go Intel is on the chopping block between selling off the foundry side and other parts of the company. Skip to 2:45
  13. I want that mxm lol, would make a nice upgrade for the Precision 7510/20 for example though probably too much for the M4800 unless someone makes a custom heatsink.
  14. This has been my life for the past two years and change, before that it was temp jobs and covid unemployment.
  15. Took two weeks off for vacation more or less for rest as I was having all kinds of problems from physical to mental and already dreading going back with the usual depression, anxiety, with a bit of anger to top it all off. Tired of the office politics while having to do the work or two or three people never mind everything else. As for management they're nothing more than just blow up dolls for corporate that for what little they do are overcompensated never mind the bonuses.
  16. Well I've been dealing with an audio issue with my 7740 that being the occasional crackle and pop while sometimes going mono with reduced quality so have been trying the upgrade the driver game in hopes of fixing the issue. With some experimentation I've found that newer audio drivers from later models work including those from the 7780 with promising results but not completely resolved. Extracted the downloaded driver to a folder then went with update driver from the control panel and the browse option. Hopefully this is of some help should anyone else suffers this issue. Realtek used to be better than this as I never really had this issue before throughout the 2000s and 2010s till now with the exception of maybe Turtle Beach.
  17. You got a rare one with that 120hz panel as that is typically edp if my recollection is correct so it could potentially use a more modern card but anyway have you considered Win10 as I've experienced much better driver compatibility across multiple generations of Alienware laptops when it comes to mxm upgrades. Edit: Almost forgot nvclearinstall does a pretty good job at getting ngreedia drivers to install unsupported configurations. https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-nvcleanstall/
  18. Intel might spin off the foundry side of the company.
  19. The Dell Precision 7780 comes to mind as the 7730 onwards has four slots and potentially a fifth with an adapter in the wwan slot.
  20. CEO culture is basically what destroyed SEARS/Kmart and is the same rot destroying all these companies right now which goes a long ways to ruining the lives of workers by far.
  21. Bought a second 7740 for scrap on the cheap and it came with an unexpected surprise that it had the full 128gb of ram installed. Kinda cool to have that given how rare it is to find that much even on a desktop these days when most are satisfied with 32gb for example.
  22. Looks like Intel is starting to circle the drain when they just canceled their best cpu project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzimFlRJbAM
  23. Another moment for what has amounted to a crap decade for so many out there wow.
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