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Everything posted by nforce4max

  1. Load up hwinfo to confirm the settings the kit is running at as something odd is going on. If you bought from a Chinese seller it could be running at 1600 CL11 or something like that as they've been changing the stickers on these kits to sell at a higher price for a good while now.
  2. Be around long enough and you'll see it all when it comes to age discrimination besides just screwing over older workers. On the other end younger workers get peanuts with the expectation of being the life blood of the economy only for those running show have that surprised pikachu face that the birth rate collapses like it did in South Korea and have the workforce work six days a week just to keep the government afloat. The whole system is broken and unsustainable.
  3. The vast majority of employers view blue collar workers as being completely disposable on top of keeping the wages low which makes living almost impossible for so many out there.
  4. Should be a drop in upgrade so long it is the Dell version from the 7720 beyond that the above post to get the driver installed.
  5. Just comes to show how long things could last if it were not for planned obsolescence.
  6. There are two common RTX 3000 mxm cards for which one is a pain in the ass to install yet has proven to be compatible with a lot of laptops out there. The one I've been daily using for the past 8 months thus far has been reliable but really needed better tooling for the heatsink mod. I would say go for it if you can stomach the cost.
  7. Not sure what is going on at AMD but Ryzen 5 has more or less flopped and there are ridiculous performance issues vs prior generations.
  8. I really doubt there is a real capacity limit after all this isn't the 90s or early 2000s anymore where such limits were real. The only real limit is the number of drives and one's pocket book as 8tb are horrendously expensive yet 4tb drives can be had for little as $150 a pop time to time.
  9. There is a segment mentioning the issue affects laptops.
  10. The gpu in this case has to be of the same generation as the machine and you'll need a heatsink as the current one isn't going to fit.
  11. One thing that will never change is that some personalities mainly sociopaths and psychopaths have zero empathy nor concern for the well being of others hence the massive layoffs as if were nothing. They only care about money and status nothing else.
  12. From the same data collected suggested that like the lower end desktop skews mobile is also affected but no actual numbers were released.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUs0OoUkFkM
  14. 7730 and 7740 have the option of using AMD and there is a specific heatsink however it is expensive like $90 from the few I've seen on eBay. For good bang for the buck the RTX 3000 at $130 from the 7740 at least in the US is a solid option however you'll need to find the appropriate heatsink then you should be set. I only learned this over the past day as I've been shopping and was looking into getting an 7730 myself however ended up just getting a 7740 instead.
  15. I would love to know the inside story and not just what gets reported to the public as reality can be absolutely ridiculous at times.
  16. This has been the news for a few days however no one has made any mention so here goes.
  17. Potentially it can work however with the stock vbios won't be driving the display on its own however there is a modded vbios for it that allows it to drive LVDS panels but I've never given that a try. A Good card for the m6800 would be an WX 7100 or an Quadro RTX as they are well performing and often very stable.
  18. 65c is positively delightful compared to a lot out there these days so have fun.
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