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Everything posted by Meaker

  1. Then Prema made a whoops on an update file and I need to manually recover the system. He got me a Lego set to play with effectively 😋
  2. Finally got my drain out yesterday but 2 weeks ago I got rapid onset acute appendicitis (went from find to blown in less than 24 hours). I got discharged sooner than the doctors would have liked but I was keen to get out (even though it costs us nothing). Have followed antibiotics etc to the letter and had my checkup yesteday and I seem to be heading for recovery. Have a blood test tomorrow as my course of antibiotics ends just to check it all looks good. Took 10 days of IV antibiotics and a week of oral ones to get rid of it (I hope).
  3. Top score was at over 1900Mhz generally so yeah that helps the score!
  4. With my power limits and no offset I am getting around 1800Mhz core clocks with peak of 97C hotspot and 80C core. Then I took my cooling off auto and added an offset: This is with a +75Mhz core offset and 1Ghz ram offset 78C max core temp and 95C hot spot. +200/1200 79C/95C.
  5. Having enough ram is always the first consideration, then comes speed and latency.
  6. Make sure you are on a custom or the latest BIOS for the machine. The other TM machines got official support so it will help with driver installs too.
  7. Yeah they don't have much of following but have been putting out more stuff and I've enjoyed a lot of it. They have a pocket full of yesterday's out on Spotify.
  8. I have the Samsung C32HG70 32" and it's not bad, but a few electrical gremlins 😞 If it has been off for a while I have to unplug it and plug it back in to get it on. It's also got some screen corruption on cold startup now.
  9. Yeah no river of liquid metal, just a very thin film, widened out a little to get the resistance I want. I was lucky and judged it right first time.
  10. https://www.3dmark.com/fs/26832002 Here you go for performance with it cranked, thanks for the welcome. Yeah I paid over 600 in import vat on the original laptop to the UK. But since it was a business expense I can't complain too much as I saved income tax and national insurance on it.
  11. Desktops are so dangerous for me, there was always some new fan, heatsink, GPU or controller I wanted for them. Notebooks made it a lot harder to buy random stuff, also I got bored of desktops a bit after I had done Crossfire 5850 cards in a uATX case with a 1065t at 4Ghz with a seriously overclocked northbridge (and uATX X58 setup with the same GPUs).
  12. Since my model obviously does not support the boosting function It was something around 120-130W. I've shunt modded it to get that power output increased and the clocks stay around 2Ghz now in heavier titles so it's a 400-500Mhz uplift. I've refined my shunt modding technique, I now immerse the end in liquid metal in a ball at the end of the syringe and then I pull it back. This leaves a skin of liquid metal that's extremely stable.
  13. Oh my are there mods, they have upgraded the DX version it runs on even lol.
  14. It was from the golden age of space content, I grew on Starlancer (later freelancer) and my favorite ever game: Just watch the intro 🙂
  15. I got it through a russian guy in telegram so that might not be the best option now. This heatsink is a little worse than the original, it could be a little better tbh mainly the slug for making contact to the CPU is not pure copper. Otherwise it's fine for now.
  16. I have much more stable clocks with the GPU power limits raised.
  17. I have that one too, though I think nexus the jupiter incident did it better. I really liked stellar impact, an old moba with space ships on a 2D plane but with things like environmental hazards and firing arks and interesting upgrade choices.
  18. It's not been fully beatified as this is just for home use. I've used my old DDC pump and res for the stand and the radiator blocked the original stand arm. The sensors are mostly redundant these days as the aquaero program now reads direct the GPU core and CPU core temps via a USB header to tune the fan profiles. It's a coolermaster stand with holes cut in through the steel for two 140mm fans with a loose grill and some backing material to help make it look neat.
  19. I have the loque S1 case with dual 120MM rad space ready for when I do a desktop build.
  20. Hello fellow MXM upgrader in the UK, i'm running a 3070 in my P870TM machine. My heatsink is now unified but it makes water cooling simpler by having just one inlet and outlet. Also due to being under water I have shunt modded my 3070, it's fairly easy to do if you can keep up with the heat.
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