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Everything posted by Reciever

  1. Liquid metal would help reduce the spikes but its more important to check contact pressure first, if the pressure isnt sufficient its not worth the risk. I have destroyed my y510p some time back with LM, but I took 0 precautions and did 0 research. It was a quick fix more so to meet my deadline for a paper I was writing for University and the effects of thermal mediums based on their expected performance. It was that or pay for another term lol. That being said I use liquid metal for my current laptop with a 9700F @ 4.5 and can sustain it iirc around 110w? Its an absolute frankentop though, not really something to be compared to what we have here 🙂 Also not to bad mouth Dell but their thermal applications arent the best (as is the case with most brands) this is mostly simply due to economies of scale and introduces too much error if human hands were involved, to which I would say you personally are likely fully aware. Since they are replacing the panel I would just wait it out. My experiences with Dell seem to point more to the typical issues even Grocery stores faced when news of the Pandemic hit, everyone rushed to get inventory before everyone else and Dell being the slow moving giant that they are find it difficult to access to more suppliers that can meet their needs within their price points.
  2. No, need proof that you have the item in question :) In the mean time please provide a price for the listing, thanks!
  3. Please provide a timestamped picture and price. Thanks
  4. Always been a great experience buying from @Rengsey R. H. Jr.. :) GLWS!
  5. Yeah its was basically earlier that morning iirc. The annoying part was ATT didnt come through with their promo discounts and also told me that if I didnt know what code I used (2 months later, with no record of it) that I wouldnt be able to qualify for it. Stupid ATT, the internet is forever, and I got my promo discounts later that month.
  6. I picked up 1Gb/s up and down (iirc) the day att announced their 2.5 and 5Gb/s plans I have my ax50 as the root with a couple of older routers acting as wireless extensions, archer c9 and c5 for what I want from them they do well enough. Plex streaming or downloading from steam. Things like that...
  7. Welcome to the Forums! We are still a growing forum so more content from our members is always welcomed. For example if you google "NH55JNNQ" one of the top results its our forum, and that cant happen without the community 🙂 Happy Posting!
  8. I just haven't bought or played gtav so I couldn't comment lol Gta4 burned me with gfwl so hard I wrote off the entire ip
  9. There is more to a laptop than only the gpu :), I'd imagine the reasoning must be in there.
  10. Yeah in those scenarios the x3d chip shines the most, it's practically a tailor made chip at that point. Price will likely drop when ever amd releases the next Gen
  11. Yeah MMO's love that extra cache space, happened on the 4980hq and the 5775c iirc as well as some particular titles. Im soured a bit at the loss of OC but I may still pick one up used or something later
  12. Would love to see how this goes. My Frankentop could use a 3080 at some point here :)
  13. I have been using a 144hz Freesync Acer refurb 27" monitor for some time now. Every now and then debating stepping it up but life have been throwing a series of wrenches lately. Having a meetup with potential new employment which would be hybrid remote and effectively doubling my income, I keep my expectations low typically but this one feels like it could break my way. Here's hopin'... 🙂
  14. I preferred the older style of AMD CCC it was vastly superior to Nvidia's NVCP since it I could make changes to game graphics in real time without having to reboot the title and was responsive. All good things come to an end at some point though, not a big fan of the current layout. That all being said other than be seriously slow at times its not like NVCP made me run for the hills, back to using it since I am on a GTX 1080 these days which performs better for me in older titles than the AMD 5700xt which is why I built the laptop in the first place.
  15. I use the TU150 personally. Allows for big coolers but its definitely larger than a shoe box
  16. I would honestly fall over laughing. Honey the 3090ti showed up! That's great! Pci bracket clicks into place
  17. Let me do some homework on this and see what's what. As for the other items, if we have enough traffic to generate a sub-forum for them we can easily do that, but until then we can use the existing categories
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