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Everything posted by Tenoroon

  1. Was browsing Marketplace a week ago and came across this for a great price. There’s a bit of a story on it, but the guy didn’t know too much about it, and just needed it gone. I may resell it for profit, but I may just keep it and demote the P870DM to overclocking and other shenanigans. It’s a CyberPower branded P775TM1 with an 8700k, 1080, and a nice 1080p 144hz display. It’s been taken care of too, the keyboard was a bit nasty but I’ve cleaned it off. Speaking of cleaning laptop keyboards. I usually wipe down my laptops with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, but that seems to always leave these darkish stains in the keyboard. Is there anything you guys use to clean keyboards that doesn’t “stain” them? Edit: I ran Unigine Heaven to check GPU temps as I know the P775X models were notorious for struggling to cool a 1080, and as soon as I ran the benchmark, the temps shot up to 90 and it throttled to all hell. I doubt this thing has been opened as when I opened the bottom panel, it was in pristine condition besides a bit of dust. I've been reading about the P775, and I've seen all of the cooling mods and stuff done to these, but if I replace the GPU thermal pads with my K5 Pro and use better paste, would I still need to do that paperclip mod to increase the mounting pressure on the die? How I understand it now is that people did the paperclip mod to increase the contact between the die and heatsink because the stock pads were too tall and didn't let the heatsink make good contact with the die.
  2. I see that it sold, I'm assuming this is you? If so, good luck on the project! I'd live to see a 4980hq be able to fully stretch it's legs, and if it is wanted, I may be able to lend you my 1070 as I have another potential project coming up here soon 😉
  3. @Reciever Maybe this? Looks to be in alright condition, and you could probably sell the CPU to offset the cost.
  4. I have never seen this post until now but have known you did this from previous conversations. Good work brother, maybe I can do something similar when I decide to re-assemble my Ranger 🙂
  5. A bit off topic, but this is the 3rd 51m this guy has fixed, and all of them have had some kind of GPU or motherboard short on a main rail that rendered them inoperable. Just goes to show how terribly built these things are... I also love this clip from his first 51m repair 😉
  6. Nice, and good luck! I have one, but its from a P870DM-G, so its the G-Sync variant. If only there was a vBIOS mod or something to enable compatibility for the AW18's and such.
  7. Something like this? I have the same mindset that you do. I plan on water cooling the CPU of the P870, but my room is tiny and it gets very hot. I guess we will see how it goes in the future...
  8. bump Putting this on Ebay either tonight or tommorow, if anyone is interested, make an offer!
  9. Yeah, that's what I thought, but wasn't entirely sure. I was digging through my dremel kit and found a "metal brush" that works really well. It gets the old solder off, and doesn't mess with the copper too much. Here's what I'm talking about: The pipe I used in the pic was a "test" pipe from the GT75 heatsink that is already a bit bent. I didn't want to FUBAR a nice pipe that I may use in the future. Here's what one of the ends looks like after using the "metal brush" for a few minutes (I am aware of the solder clumps on the left):
  10. An MN12 Ford Thunderbird... I've always loved these things (I'm a big fan of Bill Elliot's '97 Mac Tonight T-Bird) but they are impossible to find, and if you can find one in good condition, they cost a lot. I've been watching used ones in my area for about the past year, and I've only seen one that was in good condition and had 90k miles, but the guy wanted 12 grand for it... 🙄
  11. @Mr. FoxI plan on sanding the heatpipes today or tommorow, and I need a bit of input on how and what to do... I have some pretty coarse sandpaper (not very good with sandpaper, I don't what grit.) I sanded a bit of a test heatpipe to see how easy it is to remove the previous solder from the copper. I believe I need some finer sandpaper as it seems to sand the copper too, turning the area into a pinkish hue and makes the heatpipe look thinner. Now, do I need to completely remove the solder from the copper (where you don't see the light gray from the solder) or do I just need to flatten the solder out (keep the light gray, but it looks smooth like in the pic below.) If I need to completely remove any remnants of the solder, what kind of sandpaper would you recommend? Would you also recommend something different for sanding the black paint off of the fins?
  12. Hmmmm, I've been looking for some custom CPU heatsinks for the Alienware 17 R1 and P870DM on Taobao, but I can't find too much on there. I don't want to be that guy asking for a million things, but do you know anyone that makes water cooled heatsinks for the laptops above? Also, a way to force an eDP output might be useful for getting some newer GPUs to work in ancient laptops. Could you go into more depth of how it works?
  13. Yeah, I forgot they made the WT75. It's a shame that there's almost no documentation/reviews on them. It seems the best laptops are the most obscure 😉 The F5 was always really interesting to me, I almost pulled the trigger on one before I got the P870, but I ended up not doing so as I was unsure if it could take a Coffee Lake CPU without the Prema BIOS at the time. This one's quite obscure too...
  14. Yeah, it's sad, the Titan series had much potential for greatness. They went from having a 200 watt GPU and a high wattage unlocked CPU (hell, they could have probably put a desktop CPU in if they wanted and it would have been fine) like this: To having a 160 watt (175 if the CPU isn't slammed, which is rare) BGA PoS GPU and a CPU that throttles to all hell all of time that is just a badly binned 12900k like this:
  15. Yeah, I'm just worried as I plan on pushing the 1070 to 160+ watts when I improve the die cooling. I wouldn't want the VRMs to be slammed with heat as then they will be less efficient and then have to work harder.
  16. Bought a GT75 Titan GPU heatsink and took it apart and mangled a few heatpipes (bent and expanded.) Not all of them are screwed though, and I might be able to build a VRM heating like this (with a smaller copper plate though): The only way for me to cool the VRMs would be something like the picture above. I know one giant heatpipe would be better, but this may be the only way to do it. How viable would this be? I might be able to test if I can order a few small copper plates and I can use some other spare heatpipes to test how effective the transfer would be from the plate to the 2nd heatpipe.
  17. The stock "Die heatsink" should fit if the mounting is the same as any other standard MXM card, use that to cool the die. As for the VRM and VRAM, your best bet would be fabricating something that consists of 2-3 pipes that hit the VRAM and the VRM. I can sketch something up when I get home... You could always modify the VRM cooling plate to fit on this card, I didn't even know there was a 5700 MXM lol, nice find!
  18. When I read the title of this post and saw the first few lines of text, I was like, "How can some guy ask $580 for a 12 year old P55 motherboard?" I soon realized it was a laptop and not a P55 motherboard from Gigabyte. 😄 I will say though, the laptop looks like it came straight out of the factory, you did a damn well job keeping it in shape. Good luck with the sale brother; this thing has a visual appeal very few laptops have.
  19. I'm still working on that HM65 board I got a bit ago. I got power to the board, but the board acts as if there is no CPU installed. I believe my current i3 2310m that I'm using for testing is dead as a friend gave it to me with a dead motherboard... I read and saved the BIOS using my CH341a today to see what the BIOS is like, and it seems A LOT better than my HM55 board. I ran the rom through the software I use to view and edit the microcode of Haswell BIOSes to unlock the turbo bin CPUs, and there seems to be a lot of different microcodes the Sandy/Ivybridge CPUs can use. I wonder if it's possible to unlock some of these chips too 😉
  20. 1) Yeah, it should be able to fit. It's just juts out on the left side and has that weird tab at the top right. 2) You should be fine. Worst case scenario the card will throttle, and you can lower the clocks and voltage to prevent it from doing that. There was a guide on the old forums that you can find in the archive.
  21. I live in middle Tennessee, and the town I live in (and some surrounding towns) have had an influx of people migrating or moving here for the past few years (Lots of people from the Middle East and California). As a result of this, there is LOTS of construction where I live. Houses are being built fast and by the dozens, but the roads and schools aren't getting bigger to compensate. Land is becoming extremely valuable and people looking to move here from surrounding towns/areas cannot afford to purchase property here as they are outbid by the people migrating here. I've lived in middle Tennessee my whole life, and I'm a bit sad seeing the place I've called home rapidly turn into a crowded, urbanized, and conglomerate town. While to me the negatives outweigh the benefits in this situation, I try to make the best of it. What's nice is that I can easily find giant, open construction areas, but I can also find natural places that haven't been touched by massive real-estate companies yet. The point of this post is to show a few of the many pictures of construction and nature that I have taken for the past year or so. Some of these pictures have been taken in developing neighborhoods within walking distance of where I live while others have been taken in bigger construction areas and natural areas that are within a 10-15 minute driving distance of where I live. These pictures will be split into Construction and "Nature" categories. I must also say that some of my pictures aren't too good. I'm not really a "high level" photographer, but I know enough to be able to try to make things not look completely hideous. Construction: Nature:
  22. There is, the model number of the display is N173HHE-G32 and the display cable needed is 6-43-P8701-020-1L. Though, I would recommend the 1440p 120hz display as running games in 1080p will surely bottleneck the 3080. Here is a chart Eurocom has made that has come in handy.
  23. Today was the fourth day of school, and some idiot in my English class decided it was a good idea to spray some of his girlfriends pepper spray, a lot of it too... I have recently obtained a gas mask, and I've had it in my bag for a few days to show some of my buddies. As soon as I heard everyone start coughing and gagging, and saw the kid with the bottle in his hand, I took the mask out and put it on. Everyone looked at me as if I was a maniac, but I was the only one in that classroom who wasn't affected by the spray. We were quickly evacuated and the surrounding rooms were too. All of the SROs, all four of our assistance principals, and our head principal (who is rarely seen unless something really bad happens) were there, and the guy and his girlfriend were detained and taken away from the other students. The whole day was messed up, and there were no active classes in the area for the rest of the day. All of the kids in my class were rushed outside, given water, and then taken to our nurse's office and left shortly after (everyone was fine though). I ended up speaking with the SROs as I was the only one who didn't need immediate care. I was a bit worried they'd ask about the mask, as it is definitely not the most appropriate item to have at school, but they didn't really care, and were glad I had it as I was able to explain everything shortly after it happened. The amount of incompetence and stupidity really pisses me off though. To have pepper spray is already a big NO in a school, but to decide to use it, and to spray a bunch of it aimlessly in a room with the door closed really shows the stupidity of some people. I guess we can't have nice things anymore. It's weird to think to that if the circumstances were even slightly different, that this event could have either not happened, or been a lot worse for me. High School is a weird place, and the butterfly effect is a weird thing...
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