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Everything posted by Tenoroon

  1. It can use RTX cards with the dsanke BIOS, but it might not be the most worth. A heavily OC'd 1080 can keep up with a 2080, only problem is that 1080 will use like 50% more power than a 2080. For RTX, you would need a P870TM GPU heatsink, or one of the many modded ones you can find on Aliexpress or Taobao. Only problem with those is that they can be quite expensive. You could also fabricate your own, but I would only do that with the T-shaped heatsink as you will quickly get into hot water when cutting a vapor chamber.
  2. I've been eyeballing this listing too as I'd love to transplant my P775TM into one of these for better cooling on the 1080. However, they are too expensive in my opinion, and an ageing laptop that is completely barebones and supports very specific GPUs isn't worth 550 IMO. The listing comes with the dual Vapor Chamber heatsink and 2 330w power supplies, you could probably ask to take the vapor chamber and one PSU out to maybe cut down some of the costs. I saw on Taobao a heatsink for the P870DM2/3 that works for your exact MSI 1080 that you have. It was intended for the MSI Quadro P5200 that used the same PCB as your 1080 (I can't remember which one is type 1 and type 2, but I know yours is the smaller one with the 150w stock TDP with the offset die.) I can maybe find the link and send it to you when I get home. You'll want the dsanke BIOS, my P870DMs stock BIOS was god awful. The dsanke BIOS will solve a lot of problems, but it can be a bit janky at times. Prema is unmatched 😉 CPU cooling is also a bit weak on the P870s. The P870TM mostly fixed this problem with an updated heatsink and X bracket, but you wouldn't be able to stick the TM CPU heatsink in a DM or KM as the mounting is slightly different. I think there may have been a modded CPU heatsink on Taobao too, I'll check when I get home.
  3. Me too, I'm quite stingy; I'd take 2 for $75 preferably, $80 tops. I don't have a Mobo for 'em, but we have a 5820k on some MSI X99 board at school. While I don't take IT, I'm on pretty good terms with our IT teacher, and he'd probably let me bench the hell out of them lol.
  4. I know its already an SLI card, but could you use 2 of them for 4 way SLI?
  5. Yeah, I forgot to tell you he has all of the links and tutorial of how to install and setup MATS in the video. Also, use the version of RUFUS included in the google drive. MATS only likes that particular version of RUFUS (I have tried newer versions and it always fails.) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14sGDSBUiQYebv3Ja6BPsRTe4mFZ61cYB
  6. Yeah, MATS is what I used to find the exact dead memory chip on my buddy's 980ti. He has a video about that on his channel. If that does not work, there is a more extensive test called MODS that I believe is also on his channel, but you may need to do some research as it is very weird and hard to use.
  7. I believe he isn't actively accepting GPU repairs because he's going to college and doesn't have time for GPUs as those were his most requested repairs. That and he has stated that GPU repair is like a giant wave in the ocean. Everything is calm when new generations are released, and repair requests start to spring up halfway during a generation when people want to fix their old cards to sell or to fix the new cards that were damaged by user error (mostly miners.) If you need help diagnosing what could be the problem, this guy's videos are pretty good. I call him the German Buildzoid, he even rambles as much as him lol.
  8. If he can't repair it and you can't find the problem, you can probably buy this one from Ebay. It's been up for the past 2 months, so you could probably message the seller an offer as the type 2 1080 is such a specific card, used in only 2 laptops, and is now almost 3 generations old.
  9. Yep, he's the guy that did those Alienware 51m repairs that I sent here a while ago. Here's his Youtube channel where he diagnoses and explains the solutions to common problems found on GPUs and other electronics. The only thing he doesn't do is BGA repair as that is very difficult and costly, even for bigger repair groups. https://www.youtube.com/c/TechCemetery
  10. If you do decide to bake it, (which I don't recommend) DON'T sell in on Ebay UNLESS you specify that it was baked. I've seen too many GPU repair newbies buy baked GPUs off of Ebay without knowing it, just to find out that the card is FUBAR'd and can't be repaired or used for parts at all. You could always send it to Tech Cemetery if the warranty is out. He's the guy who repaired my buddy's 980ti, and he did it for a decent price, 80 USD iirc. It may be a bit more for you as my buddy's 980ti was just a dead MLCC behind a RAM chip, but you could always ask him for an estimate. Edit: Disregard the second part, I forgot he stopped accepting GPU repairs a few days ago as to stop being slammed with the requests.
  11. Assuming that you mistyped the e5540 and that you meant e6540 (e5540 uses BGA processors,) all of those laptops utilize the QM87 chipset. I believe I have told you that idea before, but the model of MSI GT72 that uses the 4980hq utilizes an HM87 chipset, which would contradict my idea. This is really just a shot in the dark, but it seems something about the QM87 chipset can just recognize the Crystal Well chips (maybe because QM87 is more advanced than HM87 and automatically has some kind of implementation?) while said implementations are not included on HM87 and need to be implemented to get Crystal Well working. The problem is that we haven't figured out what Crystal Well needs in order to work. I would tell you to save and look through the BIOSes of the laptops that don't post with the 4980hq, but I know your P157SM has a Prema BIOS, and it may not be a good idea or even possible to save it and look through it. I remember you mentioned that you had assistance with injecting Crystal Well microcode into the AW17s BIOS, and that didn't work, but I would personally would like to revisit that. I might download the BIOSes of the QM87 laptops you have confirmed work, and compare them to the AW17s BIOS using that software I used for the microcode mod, but I'm still a noob at this stuff and probably won't get anywhere. I'm just thinking aloud here, sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, I struggle to put my mind onto paper. I'm just really interested in this as I want to find a solution and see everything work.
  12. I think that's your problem; having LM on the GPU... LM on GPUs is almost never a good idea unless it is applied well and has very good barriers. Because a GPU die is so big, small clumps of LM like to sometimes move around (especially on a laptop where mounting pressure is low) and sometimes fall of the die. When LM escapes the die and substrate, thats where everything goes wrong as cleaning it is risky and difficult. If one little drop gets under the substrate, the GPU is dead as it is basically impossible to get out.
  13. I recently flashed the dsanke BIOS onto my P775TM1-G, and while everything went smooth, I noticed that the fans don't spin up unless I press Fn+1 or use some external software to set the speed (I am also unable to set custom fan curves.) I am thinking this is possibly an EC issue as the official BIOS version as stated in the BIOS is 1.07.xx (can't remember the last digits) while the EC firmware version says 1.05.xx (also can't remember the last digits.) If my assumption is correct, and the reason the fans don't automatically spin up is because the EC firmware is older than the BIOS version, where can I get new or matching EC firmware, and how would I go about flashing it?
  14. This guy in this video makes a great point about the 12gb 4080. Maybe it wasn't the best decision to cram 12gb over a 192 bit bus on a card with that many cores after all...
  15. Attempt #2 of the paperclip mod was a success. I did what @Mr. Foxsuggested and it worked well. The max temp I am getting now in my hot room is about 79-80C (rarely hits 80C though.) Before that, it would climb up to 86-87C, which is a bit too hot for my tastes. I have undervolted it to about 0.95 volts, and have done so ever since I moved my OS install over and installed drivers as I know these 1080s can be undervolted quite a bit. Its running at 1733mhz right now, but I will really play around with it once I have more time. Overall though, this system has been pretty good. Instead of worrying about CPU temps like the P870DM, I now more worry about GPU temps, which are doing alright now. It's not too loud, I wish it were quieter, but I lived with the Alienware, and I don't mind the sound as I usually have headphones on. The screen is very nice, and the keyboard feels great compared to the messed up one of the P870. Overall a decent system, the only thing holding it back is the lackluster GPU cooling, but I believe slapping a 190w 1080 and calling it a day is part of the problem lol. (I will say, it has surprised me how the 1080 doesn't overload the heatsink despite the size of the heatsink.)
  16. My iPhone SE 2nd gen's touch digitizer decided to up and die right before I had a gig today, rendering the phone inoperable. It was sheer chaos trying to contact everyone, but it was done, and everything went well. I'm going to just trade it in and get a new phone, and don't really know what to get nor do I really have the time to think about what I'd like. As of right now its either looking like a very specific model of 2021 Motorola Edge that's really easy to root, or a 3rd gen iPhone SE. I'm leaning towards the former as my experience with Apple's phones has been nothing but hell...
  17. Just tried the paperclip mod and nothing came of it. The paperclip just slides around and off of the edge of the screw hole of the heatsink, and I can't bend the clip good enough to fit it through the screw hole area of the opposite side. Does anyone have any idea of how I can do this or of any other methods of lifting the mounting mechanism from the heatsink?
  18. Okay, all makes sense now, Thanks! If the P157 uses the 4 pin adapter, I can maybe send you my spare 330w one from the P870 for a bit if the seller doesn’t have the adapter. I’m not even sure if it uses the 4 pin one though...
  19. Sad news to see EVGA leave the market, but oh well, Nvidia has made so many poor decisions its unreal. For the past few years I've heard about how garbage the Nvidia Partner Program (or whatever its called) is. Alongside many garbage business practices, Nvidia also locked a lot of laptop manufacturers to only using Nvidia GPUs in laptops, and when AMD started to make a comeback, you didn't see many non-Nvidia laptops. (Intel did this to a greater degree, and thats why companies like Razer didn't use AMD CPUs until post 10th gen Intel CPUs.) There are many more problems with Nvidia, but yeah, I hope EVGAs decisions to drop Nvidia sends shockwaves everywhere. @Recieveryou have been implying you have purchased multiple 4980's. Is this correct? I may be interested in buying one off of you to test in some other Haswell laptops I have recently obtained. My memory is a bit hazy right now, but something tells me you or someone else said the 4980's microcode was injected into the AW17's BIOS and it never posted. Is this too correct? While the Dsanke BIOS is alright, my fans are all f***ed up and do not automatically spin up. The GPU will slowly rise until it hits 90C at idle, which is very annoying. I have used some other software to somewhat fix this, but it is only either off, 50% or 100% as I can't get custom fan tables to work. I really wish I had a Prema BIOS :(. I plan on doing the paperclip mod tommorow as I feel the contact between the die can be better. I hope I don't break anything lol, we'll see. I've been slammed with personal things, and I really wish I had more time to toy with this thing. It seems to have a lot of potential, but is being held back by shit firmware, as with most of Clevo's laptops.
  20. I should have edited my post, I found the problem out. I had to uninstall CCC and some other weird drivers and it works now. I'm going to reinstall CCC to see if that will work.
  21. I can't get the NTPort driver to install properly, has anyone else had the same issue?
  22. I decided to ditch the old thick thermal pads in favor of some K5 Pro for my 1080 in the P775TM. I did a bit of a heatsink mod to make sure the heatsink can make as much contact with the die and VRM as possible (not paperclip mod.) There wasn't much of a temp improvement surprisingly, but I'm a bit worried as I had to use a lot of K5 Pro and while it makes decent contact, theres still quite a thick layer of K5 between the heatsink and power delivery/VRAM of the card. Would using shorter screws or the paper clip mod still help me increase the mounting pressure?
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