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Everything posted by Tenoroon

  1. I bought this weird HM65 board off of Ebay for 8 dollars a few days ago. I have no clue if it works, but if it doesn't it was only 8 bucks lol. It's really odd though. It has no PCI-E x16 slot, and no 24 pin PSU header. It can either use a 12v DC power supply that are commonly found with cheap electronics, or it can use a 4 pin 12v DC connector which I believe is the same connector that you would use for your CPU (ATX 12v if I'm not mistaken.) I haven't been able to test it as you would need a special power supply to utilize the 4 pin connector, and I can't find any 12v DC power supply laying around that would work. I'll probably go out and buy one here soon as this thing seems to have a decent VRM, and if the BIOS isn't total garbage, I might be able to use it for some overclocking 😉
  2. I don't know if I've sent this here before, but I may look into getting one of these for when I decide to buy a 4930mx: I'd assume this will be much better then anything I could fabricate myself...
  3. Yeah, I've tried lowering memory clocks and increasing timings, I've toyed around with the PCI-E settings in the BIOS but that never ends well. I'll figure it out at some point... I wish there was a way to disable the iGPU through the BIOS or by some hardware mod (and there probably is, and I just haven't discovered it yet). It seems like a lot of my problems stem from the iGPU, even though I'm not actively using it in this laptop lol.
  4. I stuck in the i5 4210m, and its completely locked down as expected, meaning the microcode only unlocks Haswell CPUs that utilize turbo bins. Also, I was lookin' on the bot, and I'm baffled of how this guy who got his BCLK all the way up to 107.39. https://valid.x86.fr/ruzyv4 Is this just luck? Or are there actually ways to get the BCLK higher?
  5. Yeah, aren't lower temperatures better because CPUs require less voltage to be stable compared to a CPU running at the same speed, but significantly hotter?
  6. I'm at 100.33 x 42 right now, but its more like 41.5 because the CPU is on the edge of power throttling. Anymore voltage and I'd have to set the system to a static voltage (which is annoying with the microcode mod as the CPU voltage readings are bugged.) If I crank the offset voltage up on adaptive, it will run the benchmark, but BSOD at the very end when the CPU dips the voltage down as the drop is so big. I'm running the rig like this right now. Not using LM as it's annoying to use, but I can't cool any better lol. I tried going direct die with the Scythe Katana 5, but that doesn't end well as there is not enough pressure on the die. Maybe I can figure out a better way to cool this beast as I know the mounting bracket for the CPU is bent a bit, and the heatsink doesn't seem to be flat. On another hand, I recently started school, and I've been wanting to take a shot at building a fully working single-stage phase change. It would be quite difficult (and costly), but it I could probably learn a lot in the process of trying to build one lol. That, and my STEM teacher used to be an HVAC technician, so his knowledge may be helpful. Edit: https://valid.x86.fr/cxg3a8 😉 4788.57mhz @ 1.492 volts (static voltage reading with this microcode is half of the true voltage)
  7. Finally got my dream Venezuelan setup 😉 I managed to implement the old microcode into my BIOS to have a fully unlocked 4710mq. This thing is of a very bad quality though. I don't think I can push it past 4.2-4.3ghz without extreme cooling lol. If only the CPU was of a better bin... 😄 Edit: Jaybee recommended that I put this here, so I will...
  8. Good Evening everyone, After hours of following old guides, and installing odd software, I believe I have found the easiest and most universal way to fully unlock Haswell-M class CPUs that utilize turbo bins. I will do my best to explain everything, but I must warn you all that everything listed below is what I have figured out, and I am still learning. This means that this process might not work for some people. (Step 10 of the Insyde portion goes into more depth.) I am hoping I can get some input and have some people test out my method on different computers. I really want to test and ensure this method works for all Haswell mobile BIOSes, but I don't have all of the resources and knowledge to do that. I would really appreciate any help/assistance that I can get on this journey 😉 Let me know if my way of explaining this is too confusing/convoluted. I struggle a bit with putting my mind into words, so I might not go fully in depth into some things that don't seem complicated to me. This post will probably be edited multiple times to make things more clear and to fix spelling errors as this is quite a lengthy post 🙂 Anyways, let's get started! What is the Haswell Microcode "Bug"? The Haswell Microcode "Bug" as it is called isn't really a bug at all, but more so an oversight that managed to slip through the cracks and end up available for us, the general consumer. Haswell CPUs, like all other CPUs, have a few different Microcode versions as seen in the list below. Think of the Microcode as a set of very basic, but important instructions that are implemented on a higher level than other instructions that a CPU utilizes. One of the Microcode versions (306C2, better known as C20603) has a very special attribute. It allows for certain Haswell based CPUs to have a fully unlocked multiplier up to x80. I personally don't know why it is this way. It is either because this microcode was used for pre-production testing and somehow made its way to the public, or because it was a simple bug that went unnoticed until it was too late. Either way, Intel quickly realized the problem, and pushed out a newer microcode version that patched this "bug". A few years later, people realized that this old microcode version would allow them to further push their MQ CPUs. A guide was posted over various websites, but it seems that the guide is only really intended for AMI/Phoenix BIOSes, and some of the tools listed in the original guide have been lost to time. Despite these roadblocks, I have found a way to implement the older "bugged" microcode into both AMI/Phoenix BIOSes and Insyde BIOSes (the latter being a bit more difficult, but still possible.) I am not entirely sure if this works for desktop CPUs (If someone could test this, I would be glad to credit you!), but I can attest that this does work for all Haswell CPUs with the MQ moniker. I plan on testing a 4210M that I have, and will update this post once I get results from using that. Edit as of 12/28/22: This method will only work for Haswell CPU's that have turbo bins. I tested my 4210M and it was not able to be overclocked. This guide will be using the unlocked A14+ BIOS for the Alienware 17 R1 by @Ashtrix and Striker1234 as a reference for the Insyde portion, and the stock E1763IMS.11D BIOS from the MSI GT70 will be used as a reference for the AMI/Phoenix portion. While you can use the guide from the Insyde portion on AMI/Phoenix BIOSes, I heavily recommend not doing this as the Insyde method has potential problems (See Step 10 of the Insyde method.) The Guide: Implementing the old Microcode into a BIOS There are some programs that you will need in order to perform this mod, below is a a list of the programs needed: UEFI BIOS Updater (UBU) https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/tool-guide-news-uefi-bios-updater-ubu/30357 This will be used for obtaining the "bugged" microcode version. It can also be used to obtain any other microcode versions you may want. HxD - Freeware Hex Editor: https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ This will be used for viewing and editing the BIOS and microcode files if you are modifying an Insyde BIOS. Throttlestop version 8.70: https://www.filehorse.com/download-throttlestop/41599/download/ This older version of TS is necessary for changing the speed of the CPU as the multiplier behaves in a very odd way. Any TS version 8.x should work, but 8.7 was the newest version I could find that worked. AMI MMTool v5.0.0.7 This tool is only needed if you are modifying an AMI/Phoenix BIOS. I cannot provide a download link here for various reasons, but just look up "MMTool Aptio 5.00.0007" and download that. AMI/Phoenix Method: Insyde Method: Utilizing the newly unlocked multiplier Because of the weird nature of this microcode version, you cannot adjust the multiplier in the BIOS. You may also have incorrect voltage readings. These aspects can be annoying, but it is worth it if you want your CPU to run faster than normal. Using this microcode also means you DON'T have the Spectre/Meltdown mitigations, so if you are worried about that, don't use this microcode. Also, you will probably realize that you can't overclock your CPU too much without feeding it a LOT of voltage. This is because these CPUs are worse bins than the MX class CPUs, meaning they will require more voltage to hit the same clocks as a higher SKU CPU. I can only really get my 4710mq to 4.3ghz all core before it starts needing 1.38-1.4 volts to run, which at that point it will either throttle because it generates so much heat or I will get a BSOD. Setting up Throttlestop: Conclusion I've already said everything I've wanted to, so I'll keep this short, but I hope this guide is useful for those that need it. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me. Thank you! -Tenoroon
  9. I'd like to use an EVGA board whenever I switch over to a desktop, but the MSRP of their boards is quite high in my opinion. I understand that the Dark series is going to be expensive because they are of very good quality and overbuilt for XOC, but I wish the Classified was a bit cheaper, or if they re-introduced the FTW SKU to slot between the Classified and Dark or below the Classified (can't remember how their tier naming goes lol.) The discounts on the boards right now seem very reasonable though. 500 USD for the Dark board seems like a steal to me.
  10. I'm located in the states. I'm willing to cover shipping costs if you're somewhere else though.
  11. This is an Ampere MXM card: (I think its a 3070, but the layout will be the exact same for your 3080.) The vBIOS chip should be the one circled in that picture. And yes, a CH341A will work with the chip if you need to flash a different one. It may take a few tries to get a good reading though.
  12. @runix18@biodi N173HHE-G32 Works! (I can't find software to actually show its said panel, but its 120hz and works!) The cable was also really wacky, there's a lot of tension because it's twisted into a loop, and I will need to modify the plastic panel that covers the edges a bit, but I'll do that tommorow.
  13. Another member of the P870 gang I see 😄 Not sure if you are interested, but I plan on testing a display cable for the N173HHE-G32 1080p 120hz screen. I'll have results somewhat soon once I do some heatsink mods 😉
  14. Yeah, I just realized I could have worded it better. The edges of ALL GPUs are mostly the memory controller, while the memory controller on CPUs tends to be in a line on the edge. Here's a die layout of a GM204 die: This is also why it is advised not to use LM on GPUs. LM doesn't ooze out towards the edges like thermal paste does, meaning if you don't completely cover the core in LM, chances are you will be seeing memory problems down the road. I also think the memory controller on the Haswell die is facing away from the caps on the substrate. I might be wrong though. It's still good practice to try to cover the entire die when using a thermal pad or LM, and in the case of thermal pads, its alright if some of the pad hangs off the edges.
  15. Yeah, usually the edges of CPUs and GPUs are the memory controller. If that goes out on say, your GPU, you will have core level artifacting that cannot be fixed unless you replace the core (which usually isn't done due to the cost, difficulty, and time)
  16. I've been toying around with the HM55 board some more, and I keep hitting dead ends. I was looking into which PLL chip I have to see if any program can alter the speed of the exact chip, and I found out that the PLL chip I have isn't on any programs I could find. However, it is very similar to some PLLs found in setFSB, so I tried adjusting said PLLs, but I either get a freeze, crash, or buggy screen. I made a post on the WinRaid forums last night asking if it would be possible to add in settings to adjust voltages and BCLK, and the only response I have received is someone telling me to open the BIOS rom and see if I can adjust or find settings that can change BCLK and voltages. I have already done this, and while the BIOS does show BCLK speed, I cannot adjust it in the BIOS, and Access/Use line of the software I use to view the rom shows that the BCLK speed entry has different values than the rest of the adjustable settings. (I'm not very good at explaining this lol, I apologize if it is confusing. My post better explains it here.) Surely there is a way to modify the BIOS in order to adjust the BCLK. It's not like the chipset or CPU is holding anything back, as various other HM55 boards have been able to adjust the BCLK. I also wonder if some of the problem has to do with the PLL chip this board has, and if thats the case, then I would for sure not be able to adjust anything. I guess I just need to be patient about this situation and see if anyone who has lots of experience with BIOS modification can give me some input.
  17. Be careful if the pad isnt touching some of the CPU, if it doesn't, you risk killing prematurely killing the chip.
  18. Programmer should work. When I flashed the BIOS of mine, it bricked just like yours. I used my programmer and everything worked well. Don't worry about doing a BIOS access mod unless you plan to do some extreme stuff. I know its annoying to take the whole laptop apart, but I've only needed to access the BIOS chip once, and that was to unbrick my motherboard.
  19. I was always more of a World of Tanks guy, but if we can get a bunch of people from the forums into one game, I'd be interested in playing.
  20. @Mr. Fox, My K5 Pro came in earlier and I decided to see if I could get it in a medicine syringe like you had told me, I tried sucking in from the nozzle of the syringe but the stuff seems too thick. I am assuming you had put the K5 Pro in from the top and just pushed it all out of the syringe, but let me know if you did something differently as I'd like to avoid getting the stuff stuck. Its a lot thicker than I thought it would be; I can see how cleaning it is a pain in the rear end.
  21. Yeah, gave me the unsupported platform error. I guess I could try as I'm on Win7 right now, but I don't have any spare drives with Win10 installed. I'll probably do that as a last resort though... There are no other BIOS versions for this motherboard. Thats what I emailed the manufacturer about and haven't gotten a follow up response since. I've been trying to see if I can modify the BIOS, but nothing is working either, and a lot of it is in territory that I'm not too familiar with. Edit: I managed to read and save the BIOS rom, but there are no "hidden" options (besides low level C-States and an adjustable thermal shutdown temperature). The BIOS needs to be modified which is out of my realm of knowledge. I was hoping that it just needed to be unlocked, but that sadly isn't the case 😞
  22. Document the weird things you find, we'd all appreciate it 🙂 Some of the most interesting stuff seems to come from China.
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