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Everything posted by Tenoroon

  1. I told him about the forums, he never told me if he would join, but I assume he will in the near future as it will be easier to contact me. He's been really busy the past few months, and told me he didn't know there were new forums, so now he's aware 🙂
  2. Darcoder finally emailed me back last night. He said he still has everything but might not have the pump anymore, but that's no big deal. He also said I'd just have to pay for shipping because it's basically impossible to find anyone but me who wants it and he just needs it gone. Pretty nice of him 🙂 If there is no pump, what are some decent "cheaper" pumps that would suffice. It doesn't need to move much water since its only cooling the CPU and the tubing is really, really small.
  3. I'll stop with the Cinebench spam, but I cannot get anything higher than this. If my base clock is any higher, the 860m just dies and will struggle to output an image. When I did this run, my screen was pitch black with no backlight for 90% of the time until it finished. I'm glad I broke the 740 barrier though! I've tried upping the voltage by a considerable amount, lowering RAM speed, and lowering GPU clock speed, but nothing works, again, I think this is where it ends for CBR15. I was wanting to do the other CB's but I'm at school right now and forgot my flashdrive with all of my benching programs on it.
  4. I apologize about the incredibly low quality picture, Taobao is weird, and I must wait a day to log in to see the listing, but there is this: Most of the special water cooled heatsinks for the P870 have been for the Clevo cards, or just the CPU. This one seems to work with a standard MXM 3.0 card and a regular CPU, though, there are 2 potential problems. This is intended for a P870TM, so I would need to grind down my CPU bracket, and it is intended for a Quadro P5000, which if the heatsink is shaped to accommodate the caps in the top middle of the card, I would not be able to use it with the MSI 1070 as it has taller inductors instead of caps. I'll look more into this tomorrow, but if I cannot get the CPU heatsink I was planning on, and this would work with my setup, this would be really, really nice for pushing the 1070 and the 8700k. I had planned on purchasing Darcoder's water cooled CPU heatsink, he made a for sale thread on the NBR Forums a few months before it shutdown, and I believe @electrosofttalked in the thread. I was in contact with Darcoder a few days before the shutdown and he was willing to sell it, so he gave me his email and told me to take my time. I emailed him a week and a half ago and haven't gotten a response, so that idea might go down in flames 😞
  5. Yeah, HWInfo was great on my Ranger, but would sometimes just slow the fan down to the automatic speed. I've since cut the wires on my CPU fan to make it run at full speed 24/7 so that I can cool my 4710mq better without needing an extra process open 🙂
  6. This would have been such a useful source when I wrote my paper about how bad laptops are nowadays, its a shame I didn't find this!
  7. Yes, it should fit with the M17x R4 motherboard, @Maxware79should be able to ensure if it fits, he knows a lot. There won't be much difference since they have a very similar mass and both have 3 heatpipes. There is a 5 pipe custom one on Ebay that I used in my Ranger and it kept my power hungry 1070 at under 65C all the time, I'd recommend that if you want to do a bit of overclocking or want to keep your GPU cool.
  8. Alright, everything works! I planned on turning down the speed to 4.0ghz all cores to reduce power, which helps a lot, but damn this thing uses a lot of power. I need to get or modify my bracket and get the special heatsink soon, this sucker runs HOT. I'll be selling the 6700k here in a few days, still thinking about price, but it wont be outrageous like on Ebay, its only worth about 100-120 dollars max in my opinion due to its age and competition.
  9. Just running it by you guys before i leave school and don’t have access to tools, is this alright?
  10. My entire goal with the this CPU is to make it as annoying as possible for anyone to beat any of the records its holds. I will keep going until either something breaks, or the laptop cannot run at a higher speed. I have achieved 737, but the system was so unstable that pasting the image into paint was enough to shut down the computer (I don't know how it managed to pass the benchmark if it can't even load an image in paint lol). This is the highest I have gotten besides 737, and it has taken a few days worth of tinkering and luck, and it seems the Ranger managed to survive this one time. As for the 8700k, I can't find any small tweezers, so I'm just going to take it to my STEM teacher tomorrow as he will have the adequate tools to get the tape on the pads.
  11. My 8700k finally arrived today, but I cannot find a way to cut a piece of tape small enough to cover a single pin, for everyone who has done the mod, how did get a piece of tape small enough to work?
  12. Been a bit stressed over exams, calm music like this is pretty nice.
  13. Those who have done the pin mod on Clevo machines to get Coffee Lake chips running on Z170/Z270 boards, is the thickness of the tape used to cover the pins important? I have Super 33+, it's not super thick, but its about 2x-3x the thickness of Kapton tape. If the thickness does matter, what other things could I use to isolate the 2 pins?
  14. Is this what ultimately pushed Prema into privatizing his BIOS's or was it a mix of other people and Eurocom which led him to make the decision. Sorry if I'm a bit nosy, but there are some things I haven't been able to piece together from the old forums. Nothing against Prema's actions either, his work is owned by him, and he can make whatever decision he wants. Lots of respect to the guy, making BIOS's doesn't seem like the easiest task 🙂
  15. I may be entirely wrong, but on the old forums, was there a fallout between many forum members and Eurocom? Like, did something happen that pissed a lot of people off? I can't remember exact posts and whatnot, but I remember seeing posts of people complaining about Eurocom and advising not to buy their products whenever I first joined. Is my mind serving me wrong or was there really shade between forum members and Eurocom?
  16. Just scored an 8700k on Ebay for under 200, I've been torn between that and the 9700k, but I want to have a fast chip, but the with the power limits that @Papusanmentioned, an 8700k would be better for higher clocks. My goal is 5ghz all core, I'll be using a special heatsink with an external radiator to cool the thing once I modify my bracket and acquire the heatsink.
  17. Sea of Thieves, pretty nice game in general, it's one of the few games I can play with my father due to how easy it is to pick up and understand. The only problem I have are the young kids who are very toxic, and seem to lose their cool once they lose a fight or get annoyed, but these players are a minority, and most of the people that I have fought or encountered are super chill and respectful. It also runs well and looks quite nice, even on my aging 980m 🙂
  18. Mine is the orignal 870DM. The model with the 980m or 980DT and 6700k.
  19. For those who have played around with the Clevo Pascal and Turing cards, were they good overclockers at all? If no one bids on it, I may pull the trigger on this 2070 Refresh to put in my P870. I do know it requires a bunch of soldering and heatsink modification, but I'd think it would be worth it unless they can't OC well.
  20. This is my exact goal when it comes to my Alienware, and possibly Arrandale/Clarksfield processors in the near future.
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