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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Whuuutttta? You gotta be kidding me. Have they had their heads up their tailpipes? Why would they do something so stupid, unless they actually are stupid and not paying attention.
  2. Yeah, I do not see it any differently. I did not expect to. But, I do expect the YouTube influencer shills to jump on the hype train. They always do. It doesn't matter whether it is an Intel, AMD or NVIDIA product, they beat their drums and fabricate the hype needed to motivate the sheeple to reach for their keyboards and wallets.
  3. So it is using your integrated graphics to output through the discrete GPU monitor ports?
  4. That is a very good SFF motherboard. Better than most ATX and E-ATX "enthusiast" motherboards. If I did not already have the MSI Z790i Edge that I bought from Brother @electrosoft I would get that one. I think they are very comparable in terms of capabilities. Both better than any 4-DIMM "enthusiast" option. Also accurate... starting from where it matters in the video... time for us all to stop spending money on "better" brands that cost a lot and are NOT better products in terms of results.
  5. If Tony cannot fix it, nobody can. That guy is quite the wizard. Unless the GPU core is dead (not likely) he will be able to fix it for a fraction of the cost of a replacement. The decapitation of the 14900KF that I bought from cletus-cassidy was uneventful and turned out well. Putting it on bare die dropped the CBR 23 core max by 20°C. I'll probably be able to lower the voltage further now and make it even better. (This is not the system with the chiller and 5-gallon reservoir.) I sure do like the IceMan Cooling Direct Die block so much. I'm glad I bought two of them and replaced the Supercool block. You don't even need to clean all of the black IHS sealant off. Just knock off the high spots with your fingernail, apply the liquid metal, and assemble. The stock IHS sealant makes a nice dam for the liqud metal and it does not interfere with die contact.
  6. That looks like the back of the pins on the three 8-pin power connectors, in which case the tape should have been there to prevent a short against the back plate. It may be as simple as a blown fuse. I hope so. Tony's a straight shooter. He's who fixed the 2080 Ti FTW3 for me when I accidentally slammed the tower down on my desk and it stopped working. I love watching his videos. Maybe he will do a video of your GPU repair. I would install the air cooler before sending it to him so he can do proper testing on it. Yes, indeed. And, he is in Portland, OR... so just up the road (I-84) a bit from Brother @Raiderman
  7. I trust that it will end well and with a positive outcome that surpasses what would be possible had you remained in the status qol
  8. The Windows 10 version of Win-X Lite is even better. Very close to Windows 7 wPrime 32m CPU performance. https://hwbot.org/imgs/3159361
  9. "X" marks the spot. I did not realize that since I find the eyeball-searing white web page themes so repulsive. With a bright monitor white browser themes are enough to make a dark room seem as bright as daylight, not to mention giving me a skull-splitting headache, LOL. I always choose a dark theme whenever one is available.
  10. A lot of things are goofed up on mobile platform with the forum. Do you have a yellow thumbs up icon in the lower right corner of a post you are looking at? That's what you top on.
  11. HWBOT and UL are hung up on seeing the flag enabled and won't count it if it is not. Nice, huh? (Stupid.)
  12. Nice... looks like that is very close to 7900 XTX and desktop 4080 level performance. Does 4090 laptop GPU have ECC enable/disable option in NVIDIA Control Panel? Lots of controversy about that on desktop 4090. Desktop 4090 owners are being held to a different standard than all other GPU owners because the goons at NVIDIA enabled that stupid option. Here's mine. https://www.3dmark.com/sn/60280
  13. Well hello, stranger. Nice seeing you here. You have been sorely missed Brother @Prema. That is a pretty impressive score for a laptop CPU. I know exactly what you are describing. I was super excited about the X570 and 5950X and I was just devastated when it turned out to be such an expensive disappointment. It was a costly lesson for me, but had I not done it I would have always wondered if my mind could be changed. Now I know it can't be and I don't have to wonder. I avoid using the word "never" to leave my options open, but I remain extremely doubtful and biased because I don't like being disappointed, especially when money is involved.
  14. Repulsive. 🤢 But, the gamerboyz are happy with X3D CPUs that are not great at overclocking, already do not have unlocked core ratios and have lower TDP than their non-X3D counterparts. If the CPU doesn't overclock well and the user isn't interested, probably no point in wasting money on a motherboard that supports it. So, I guess it's all good drinking from the no-overclocking gamer cesspool as long as it has RGB rainbow puke onboard. Maybe they'll go a step further and make it even easier for the kiddos by making it BGA trash with a soldered CPU. If it not overclockable, then may as well include the RAM, too. Add $5.00 for the extra solder.
  15. Bugged scores have always been possible. Same for CPU, especially from Winduhz 8 forward with the messed up RTC. But, making RTX 4090 owners damage the memory on their most expensive GPUs in order to submit valid results is just downright idiotic. Bugged scores are normal. Why suddenly it is a problem only for the owners of 4090? Because the HWBOT golden boys don't like their predestined path to victory being challenged by pions that haven't been anointed, that's why.
  16. Seems like a fitting place to share this. @Raiderman posted something about this and I missed it, but check this out. It is not a Windows 7 theme. It actually replaced the Windows 11 GUI and numerous elements with Windows 7. This is Windows 11 so I will call it "7-11", no offense to Southland Corporation and their respectable convenience store chain. It even restored the Windows 7 Media Center. System resources are respectable, too. There is also a Vista GUI option. https://r8p.teknixstuff.com/ Besides low system resources, it seems like this GUI correction actually improved performance. This is much closer to Windows 7 wprime 32m performance than Windows 10/11 can do. Windows 10/11 wPrime 32m performance is normally horribly sluggish.
  17. @Raiderman posted something about this and I missed it, but check this out. It is not a Windows 7 theme. It actually replaced the Windows 11 GUI and numerous elements with Windows 7. This is Windows 11 so I will call it "7-11", no offense to Southland Corporation and their respectable convenience store chain. It even restored the Windows 7 Media Center. System resources are respectable, too. There is also a Vista GUI option. https://r8p.teknixstuff.com/ Edit: It DID NOT hurt system resources. If anything it helped. Windows 10/11 are usually horrible at wprime 32M. Look @Papusan this is much closer to Windows 7 than Windows 10/11 typically are.
  18. 5090 will get a "miraculous" boost in performance through mystical driver chemotheraphy if next gen RDNA is better than expected. If not, then it will maintain it predestined level of muted performance. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  19. Yup. Everyone should just buy only new Arc GPUs, or used RX 500 and 6000 AMD and NVIDIA 3000 series GPUs or use integrated graphics and stick with 1080p gaming and see how the hardware vendors and game developers feel about that. So, the HWBOT solution here is to create a handicap and require 4090 owners to deliberately cripple their flagship product and allow owners of the lesser products to get away with following a different set of rules. Basically. Everyone gets a trophy for participating.
  20. NVIDIA will never give us their best out of the chute. NVIDIA will only give us as much as what is needed to be more than what AMD's flagship offers, and then charge extra for the priviledge of owning something better. They'll meter the performance, spoon-feed their customers and hold back what their hardware and software can actually deliver for later on and then charge more for it as an "upgrade" when it is not a new product and actually costs them nothing to flip a switch in the firware or enable the code in software and pretend that it is something better. It kind of sucks when the best of the best is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but it is what it is. Wow. Picture response time. That is a piece of [insert image 1] that makes we want to [insert image 2].
  21. Well, at least his response confirms what I believe. Stupid is the new normal and extremely common. Businesses generally take one of two approaches. Do what is best for the business. What customers consumers want does not matter. Screw 'em. We will do as we wish, and consumers will continue using our sucky products because they need them. We have them over a barrel (e.g. Micro$lop Windoze, crApple Mac OS). Do what most customers want, even when it is wrong and totally stupid. It doesn't matter if our product sucks if it is what they want. It's their fault that our product sucks. They're stupid, but we want their money.
  22. Looks like I spoke too soon. Accessing the forum this morning is painfully slow like before.
  23. Word. Same. Single thread is for baby-girls. SIngle-thread overclocking is Frank Azor nonsense. On another note... good. Glad to hear this. Hopefully, it will result in legal sanctions and hefty fines. They deserve it.
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