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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. It seemed better just now. When I came back everything loaded quickly.
  2. It depends on what sort of collusive arrangements can be made with the skanks manufacturing PC hardware and what kind of kickback the Redmond Mafia can expect from such a clandestine illegal arrangement.
  3. You probably won't see me wasting any money on AMD products, but you could be right about some that don't know any better. 😉 But, you probably won't see me upgrading on the Intel side either. If hyperthreading and overclocking are dying, my interest in PC tech dies right along with it. Right out the window. Computers instantly become the functional equivalent of screwdrivers and pliers to me without satisfying overclocking: used only when necessary to perform a task that requires them and ignored the rest of the time. Some may not have noticed, but I've purchased extra nicely binned LGA-1700 CPUs that are not needed for spares in the anticipation of not buying anything newer for the foreseeable future. Maybe a Battlemage GPU if they seem good enough and not overpriced. Hope you guys can find and fix whatever is wrong. It seems much worse today. Very unresponsive forum navigation as opposed to the sluggishness before. I've actually had some time-out errors today.
  4. First thing I threw out was all my spare laptop parts. Mostly heat sinks, but also a couple of LCDs. I had spare P570WM CPU heat sink and fan, P870DM3 vapor chamber and CPU heat sink and P870DM-G MXM heat sinks, MSI/Eurocom Tornado F5 heat sinks and even a M18xR2 CPU heat sink. All on their way to a landfill, LOL. The only spare parts I kept for laptops is the Precision 7720 that I currently own. I even found the box with spare parts for the stuff I used to make the dual 330W AC adapter box for the M18xR2 this evening. That will be in the trash tomorrow.
  5. I did not know neofetch could be customized. Nice.
  6. NVIDIA should have a warning that appears in NVIDIA Control Panel when ECC is enabled to inform the user that enabling ECC may result in unrecoverable damage to the GPU memory. Then neither HWBOT nor UL would need to worry about it or find solutions because nobody with a normal level of intelligence would enable ECC and there would be no 3DMark submissions for HWBOT moderators to have to worry about moderating. UL could continue producing their modern cartoon benchmark crap for the kiddos. Well, that's kind of nifty. I did not know neofetch could be customized. Nice.
  7. Well, if it is good traffic and marks the start of the accelerating success you deserve for creating this forum that is a happy problem to have to get out in front of.
  8. Should be able to clear CMOS to restore BIOS defaults. Maybe @Clamibot or @electrosoft can comment more accurately. As I mentioned, I only had this machine a few months for development work. I never owned it or used it beyond that task. The last performance laptop I owned was P870DM3.
  9. I replied. Let's see if they allow our posts to stand or delete them because they do not permit logical dissent. UL and HWBOT can molest themselves for all I care. They are both becoming irrelevant and worthless. Add them to the list of worthless technology "leaders" along with fecal filth the likes of crApple, Micro$lop, Google and Meta. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/234462-3dmark-steel-nomad/?do=findComment&comment=667840 I don't "need" any of those losers anymore. I can take care of myself using superior alternatives. I'm OK with leaving the garbage for the sheeple that let others make all of their decisions for them. Let's just hope Linux developers don't develop an equally severe case of stupid.
  10. Hello. I am not sure what you are asking. I think you are asking if you can adjust CPU voltage in the BIOS with the @Prema firmware and the answer is yes. You can adjust almost everything you could with a desktop BIOS. I cannot answer any questions specific to this laptop because I only had it for development purposes for a few month and that was almost four years ago, so I would not be able to respond with the accuracy anyone's questions would deserve.
  11. Part of the evil master plan, I'm sure. They use pretty lady pictures to get you to stop long enough to induce the trance. 🤣 The best part is, no lyrics to distract you, LOL.
  12. I was not sure if I still had it or deleted it. It is in this folder on my Google Drive @Bidelloman.
  13. I still have a little bit of mess cleaning up left to do, but about 99% done with remodeling my tiny little hot office. I had a sit-stand desk and two huge (6 feet long) desks in this tiny space and there was no way to rearrange anything. Everything fit together like a puzzle with no opportunity for variation. So, I bought a second sit-stand desk and got rid of one of the 6 foot long desks, then rearranged everything to make better use of the minimal space available. It took me two weekends of farting around to get this done. Next major project will be the closet packed solid from floor to ceiling with boxes and PC parts. I'm going to throw away most of the boxes and most of the parts I have been saving for years "in case" I need them. I think I still have crap left in boxes from the Pentium II era. I think a saw a cooler for one of the slotted edge-connection Pentium II CPUs in one of the boxes, LOL. I think I mentioned getting an air purifier to see if it helped with the insane amount of desert dust and it does seem to be helping. It's nothing super special, but a lot better than it was before.
  14. Glad you got the hotspot sorted. That could have been harmful long term. MX-6 should be better than Arctic Silver as well. Are your boost clocks higher now? I would expect them to be. For the programmer, the first step is to use the software to scan and identify the vBIOS chip brand and model number. If you do not identify the correct chip things can go wrong. If it does not identify the chip, see if there is a software update for the programmer. You may also need a voltage adapter. What is the voltage of the programmer? If it is higher than the chip limit flashing could fry the vBIOS chip. Once your programmer identifies the chip, read from it. If all reads well, save it for disaster recovery as a ROM file. Then start flashing. I used to do this all of the time working with Prema. It's actually very easy and fool-proof when your programmer identifies the chip correctly. I bet I did it close to 1,000 times (rough guess). It was A LOT over a period of years.
  15. They are like half sisters, born to a trampy mama with different baby daddies they have never met. More alike than either one will admit, and neither one of them nice girls. Both just as trashy, fast and loose as their evil mama.
  16. AMD and NVIDIA both expect their customers to be zombies, just like the products they sell. They know that the more performance enthusiasts can extract from their older products through firmware, the less likely they will be to purchase a new product. They use firmware to fake upgrades by unlocking performance in metered increments and allowing access to the firmware disrupts their ability to successfully complete their scammy scummy hardware drip.
  17. I wonder what component is getting that hot and why? Yeah, that is going to limit performance for sure. I have never found a satisfactory explanation of this other than "hottest part of a graphics cards" and equally worthless information. The information on hotspot temp is kind of useless if you have no way of know where to focus your attention. It tells you something is wrong, but not what or where. At least with NVIDIA cross-flashing vBIOS from other GPUs still works. It sucks that modded firmware does not. It is really messed up and reprehensible that neither brand allows people that buy their products to do whatever they want to with them. It should be illegal for them to interfere and I wish it was.
  18. Yes and no. In terms of being less problematic in the design and execution Windows 10 LTSC1089 is a lot better. In terms of functionality I would say these X builds are better. Your CPU and GPU performance should be better with these newer X builds. Grab another NVMe or SATA SSD and install it right alongside your current OS to compare for yourself. I think you'll be pleased. One of the nice things about having a desktop is you can change your mind without it costing you anything and you don't have to choose one or the other. And you don't have to go back.
  19. I didn't reply because I could never figure out a way to cross flash the 6900 XT. I didn't think it was possible but I didn't want to mislead you if there's a way you can do it without a programmer. I'm not sure what generation AMD started blocking firmware flashing. I really hate when companies start playing god like that. It's none of their business. They have no right to interfere but they do it anyway. Yeah would definitely be worth it. That is a significant overclock no matter what brand you're talking about. It probably going to run hotter though because it's going to require more voltage to run that higher boost clock. As long as you've got some thermal headroom you should be good to go.
  20. Newer is seldom better. And, some things never change. Windows 11 LTSC will be a slightly better version of a product that is worse than the one before it.
  21. In other words, the only way to get an acceptable version of Windows is to find an ISO that consumers are not supposed to have access to and use that instead of the mainstream trash. This shows us how little respect they have for ordinary people. We already knew that, but it shows us again as a reminder.
  22. Sometimes images are more accurate than words, and here is what I think about that. And, them.
  23. Run at the same clock speeds, my 13900KS outperforms all of my 14900KF by between 500 and 1000 Cinebench R23 points depending on what kind of Windoze trash OS it is run on. Probably due to more security mitigation filth baked into the newer processors. That seldom has desirable outcomes. Edit: @Talon if you have the Park Control app, launch it and see how many of your cores are being forced to park. If you are running the latest cancer versions of W10/11, I was experiencing something similar and even using the Park Control utility. Cinebench scores were down. I had to fart around a bit to get Winduhz 11 to leave my CPU alone and stop screwing with it to save power. Really made me mad, so I wiped the drive and downgraded to 22H2 and everything was as it should be, and updates are blocked so it can't poop on it again later. I don't think the asshats responsible for Windoze development could do anything right if their lives depended on it.
  24. I stopped using vanilla cancer Chrome a number of months ago. They've been drinking brown wee wee from the Winduhz 11 cesspool for dummies too much. https://thorium.rocks/
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