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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Yeah, racing games makes good sense. I hardly ever play them so racing games did not come to mind. Years ago, I enjoyed playing a number of different racing games and found a joystick worked pretty well. I used the trigger for the throttle. Over the years my interest in gaming has become more narrow and restrictive. I think I have at least one, maybe two, undiagnosed personality disorders which have advanced with age that futher lend to a narrowed scope of interest.
  2. I think your prediction that I would not like X3D is spot on. I am pretty predictable. I wish both of them would just release monolithic (or matched chiplet quality) high core count CPUs with all cores of the same product and silicon quality and not a hodge-podge cocktail like we have now. That is just stupid on the part of both companies. Sorry for the duplicate post earlier. Not sure how that occurred as it was separated by a post from another person. Weird. I hid the first one so it would not look goofy. I am glad you are enjoying it and that it is getting positive reviews. It certainly has attractive scenery and foliage in teh benchmark. I can say with about 99% certainty that I would not it like based on genre and gameplay style. It's far too expensive for me to consider buying it to find out. Maybe when it is old enough that the price drops to around $15 or less I might roll the dice just to see if I would not hate it as much as I believe I would. Every once in a great while that happens with a game and I have no problem admitting if I was wrong. I've never understood the desire for using a gamepad controller on a PC. If feels so clumsy and sloppy to me. That said, I know it is all relative and primarily about what a person starts with and gets used to that determines what they are most comfortable with. Other than maybe arcade fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, I universally prefer a keyboard and mouse. I am a lot more lethal with a keyboard and mouse than I am with a controller, but I have never had any desire to play games on a console. I can see where people that started on a console and played that way for years before moving to PC might feel the exact opposite.
  3. Yesterday I gave the X79 system (with the Titan, not the RTX 2080 Ti in it) to my son-in-law as a gift. He was elated. As I was reconfiguring it with an air cooler and dropping it down from 47x all core to 45x, reinstalling Windows, etc. I was still surprised by how well such an old build performs by today's standards. I installed Crysis, The Witcher (a game I never liked), Hitman: Absolution, Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, and all of them play 100% awesome with medium or high settings and looked great. My two teenage grand daughters immediately monopolized it. They had never heard of Wolfenstein before, but the oldest was instantly addicted.
  4. I am pretty sure I would despise an X3D chip for the same reasons he does. You basically get a gimped CPU that is good for gaming and not much else, and is further impaired in terms of its capacity for overclocking. I (personally) would never buy a CPU that was targeted for gaming above all else. If you replaced "enthusiast" with "gamer" then you'd have a solid statement. If the 9950X3D has two excellent matched CCDs and overclocks both CCDs as well or better than a 9950X on its better CCD, and you could toggle the disabling of the non-cached CCD for anything at will, then you would have a winner for both types of users that choose AMD and it would be worth the $650 price tag. I'm pretty much not going to like/want/buy anything that is designed around gaming as the prime objective. I don't like E-cores either, for the same reason I don't like the mismatched CCD thing. I think both are crap ideas. We don't know if his assumption is accurate about AMD pawning off crappy silicon for CCD2 to save a few bucks on each CPU, but I can't think of a better way to explain it. It makes little sense that they would sell a flagship product with a weak CCD with a lower boost clock as standard operating procedure. I hated that about the 5950X. You not only had a weaker CCD by design, but also preferred cores on each and it was a real abortion for overclocking, and the firmware probably made it worse than it needed to be. I agree that, conceptually and in practical application, it is equivalent in stupidity as having E-cores on Intel. Both companies got stupid on us in similar ways. I won't excuse either of them for it. That's why we no longer have a best option for everything; only an option of deciding what we think is the lesser of two evils that is good at some things.
  5. I am not sure that Jay or the two Steves actually know what they are doing. If they are trying to test things on BIOS defaults like an average gamerboy, that will always suck no matter what brand of CPU. It seems clear the new gen Ryzen is a different product than the one it is replacing. It's too bad they are still pairing an inferior CCD with a better one instead of passing the inferior silicon down to one of cheaper CPUs. That drove me nuts with the 5950X and I felt the same way about it that Jufus the Dufus expressed. Maybe Brothers @Raiderman or @chew will get one and show us what a 9950X really looks like since they both know how to properly tune a non-X3D Ryzen CPU. At best you will validate it. At worst you will invalidate it. Either way you will have an insanely fast obsolete SSD that costs more that it is worth. 🤣
  6. FYI. I saw JayzTwoCents talking about these not long ago and when I investigated the published static pressure and CFM, the CFM was the same but the static pressure superior to the Byski fans the person I bought the EK direct die AIO from had used to replace the better EK fans. (Not sure why he did that.) The Byski fans were actually decent, but have the modern stupid design where the fan chassis is not square. They have the silly tabbed corners providing a space for air to leak out in four places on each fan. That is OK for a case fan, but sucks for use on a radiator. Even if the static pressure was better, the design of the Bykski fan would defeat any high static pressure abilities. (It is a very stupid popular trend in computer fans to be made this way, but newer is always better newer.) I got them yesterday. They are affordable and I think build quality is good. My normalized coolant temperature is improved because more air is getting pushed through the radiator. I like the uni-fan design with the single power/RGB connection on the end. Probably not as polished as Lian Li, but the 3-fan kit is a WHOLE LOT more affordable than Lian Li and the CFM/static pressure equal or better. Super easy to install and look good. They have the infinity mirror on the two sides and on the fan spindle (which nobody will see with the fans facing down). They snap together securely. I like that they DO NOT use a proprietary controller and bloatware like some of the scummier designs from brand-name products that do. I moved the Byski fans to the front panel. The Byski fans look better and are more powerful than the Thermalright TL-C12C-S they replaced. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C5PY91W9?th=1
  7. Good post. I agree with you. I stopped watching mainstream news about 8 or 10 years ago. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, (and more recently even Fox News,) etc. is all agenda-driven disinformation for zombie sheeple. The media cabal's mentally deficient brain trust decides on what the message of the day will be for brainwashing the stupid people of the world. They don't even try to conceal it by using different wording and every channel is an echo camber spewing exactly the same lies, often verbatim, from a shared script. And, the idiots of the world accept it all on face value as being factual information based on the unmerited biases the media has created. It is starting to feel that way to some degree with many of the "reviewers" on YouTube. These "influencers" only influence people that can't or don't think for themselves., but rely on the talking heads to tell them what to think.
  8. What the heck is going on? Is Jufus full of crap or is literally everyone that says it is crap is a moron that has no clue at all about what they are doing? He was right about Intel when most of them were wrong, so I'm inclined to think he might be right here even though I have no personal information to base it on. After pointing out what the other reviewers got wrong and moves to the cons it gets really interesting and it is like he is reading my mind about what makes it suck and why he is going to RMA it.
  9. Yup, it applies to most of them. It's only relatively recent that the woke lefty fascist brain cancer has gained traction in the US. It started with B. Hussein Obama and he's still pulling strings in the shadows. It is hard to believe anyone can legitimately be that stupid, yet it is reality. But, NVIDIA needs to be kept on a tight leash and not allowed to play games with the rule. They should come down on them extremely hard, like a sledgehammer, if they're bending the rules to engage with China in any shape, form or fashion. China needs to be totally cut off from everything.
  10. Our government is a joke, indeed. We will have an opportunity to correct again that later this year and I am hopefully enough people (legal voters) have had a gut full of the woke idiot nonsense, open borders and financial ruin the lefties have set in motion. A ban means nothing if it doesn't have sharp teeth and steep fines associated with non-compliiance and skirting the ban with loopholes. NVIDIA needs to fall in line or have their assets frozen and business license(s) revoked. We should be playing hardball with China and executing clandestine strategies against our enemies with extreme prejudice and an intent to do severe harm to them rather than misusing the FBI and CIA to try to eliminate political opponents at home because the current ruling fascist party can't win an election the right way.
  11. The next time you take it apart go ahead and bake the top. Once the copper is saturated you can polish it to a mirrorlike finish and it will work better even with ordinary thermal paste versus the bare copper. It seems to improve the thermal conductivity with the added density of having the pores saturated with liquid metal.
  12. I have had mixed results with the Rockit IHS. Sometimes better, but often worse than stock IHS. You really do not need to glue the IHS. It is not necessary whether using the stock ILM or aftermarket frame. Using the stock ILM you just need to press down on it with your thumb to keep it from sliding when latching the ILM. If you want to tack it in place, a tiny dot of T7000 under each "wing" on the IHS will suffice. More than strong enough. It is used to attach things like the back panel on a cell phone not intended for user access. But, it is not permanent. Always important to sand down the bottom of the IHS so that is moves freely sitting on the die when not glued in place. If the perimeter touches the CPU or remnants of original IHS adhesive the die contact will be impaired. If you bake the Rockit copper IHS in an oven with liquid metal applied it will accelerate the absorbing process and saturate the copper so it no longer has the ability to absorb it. It takes a couple of baking intervals, cleaning off the slag, applying fresh liquid metal and baking again.
  13. Spot on. If a person is going to use an IHS, the best option is to have one made of pure solid silver, or at least a quality nickel plating.
  14. That is wonderful news, and it only makes sense. I mean, anything put out by crApple is just a dumbed down de-evolved proprietary and defective version of Linux for Dummies and an unacceptable alternative to Windows, and anything put out by Micro$lop is just a screwed up mess loaded with bloat and data collection filth. And, like crApple's trash, a product dumbed down for dumb-dumbs.
  15. They are mentally and morally incapable of doing the right thing and lack the capacity to make good decisions.
  16. They are mentally and morally incapable of doing the right thing and lack the capacity to make good decisions.
  17. Yeah, you are right. While they are a corrupt bunch of evil clowns, they're incompetent and probably would struggle to execute on that. They can't even effectively manage their own messes, much less orchestrate a sinister plot of that degree of complexity.
  18. That is either a lousy CPU sample or it is not tuned properly. At 59x all P and 48x all E and 52x cache my 13900KS and both 14900KF are like 1.285-1.290 Vcore. He may be running really sloppy LLC allowing the light load voltage to skyrocket. It's definitely not what one would want. My load voltagee does go to 1.430V on VCore unless I am pushing to like 61x all P core. Because I use override voltage and Level 7 LLC there is not a huge difference between my idle and load voltage.
  19. EVGA Dark and ASUS Maximus and Rampage boards have had the PCIe power connector for many years. I think the intent is to help keep power delivery stable and consistent, minimizing variance and fluctuation, but not increase the power delivery. Especially beneficial if multiple slots are occupied with a power-hungry component. Probably not any huge benefit if only one slot is used for the GPU and the rest are empty. But we also now have many NVMe and WiFi cards leeching power from PCIe with none of the slots except for the GPU filled, so it makes even more sense now.
  20. It all falls under the "Defender" umbrella, but you are referring only to the malware part. Security Center is a GUI for Defender. My systems don't even have that. The scripts provided will wipe it out entirely. You need to be able to access it once to disable core isolation, tamper protection and all of the other trash first, then the scripts will totally remove everything except for firewall. There will be no services and no security center. I do that on all of my systems, and have been for several years now. Totally nukes it. Doesn't disable things, but physically removes them so they no longer exist and can't be re-enabled. It's awesome. I watched about 4 or 5 minutes of that and now I know for certain I won't be buying that game. Based on my personal preferences it looks extremely boring to me.
  21. Here you go, brother. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/220910-asus-rog-maximus-apex-z790-apex-15/page/7/#comment-673420 Edit: Didn't see that Brother @Papusan already posted it. Was on the next page. Oh well. 🙂
  22. Just nuke Defender completely and get that horrible cancer off your system. It is a resource hog that is inappropriately restrictive and interferes with use of your system. Destroy Defender (from my OneDrive account) If you feel compelled to have a placebo to keep you safe, ESET AV, Kasperski and Panda Free are all good options. Malwarebytes is also decent and I like the added advantage that you can close it manually and end all background services for benching. I am going to let other people spent their money and see what it produces. If it is compelling enough to even consider it, then I will look for better than average samples on overclock.net that are better than average samples after the person blowing money on binning has chosen the best one to keep for themselves. I'm not going to spend money on lottery tickets that are not guaranteed winners. I may never buy another new CPU again. I hate getting screwed with below average trash and having to fart around with RMAs. Almost every Intel and AMD CPU that I have purchased new retail has been disappointing silicon quality.
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