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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. https://hwbot.org/submission/4963388_ Benchmate https://hwbot.org/submission/4963400_ Without Benchmate
  2. It really is an awesome game. I enjoyed the heck out of it too.
  3. @Reciever I still love my modded 2080 Ti. It is an awesome GPU. If you are not competing for leaderboard status, I would say it is a winner if you can buy it right. The difference in performance between a shunted 2080 Ti with modded firmare and a standard 3090 is much smaller than a standard 2080 Ti and 3090. I am not interested in a GPU upgrade right now. Prices are still too high and 3090 Ti doesn't offer enough of a boost for the cost. Maybe if I were on an older GPU that might be worth considering. Even if I were looking for a GPU upgrade right now I don't think I would buy another KPE or any other GPU with an oddball PCB. FTW3 might be as proprietary as I would consider, because they generally have at least a few options available for GPU blocks. But, even an FTW3 has fewer options than a GPU built with a reference PCB does. I think that I would prefer to just butcher the GPU with hardware mods, force flash modded firmware and void the warranty than limit myself on available cooling options. I just flat-out do not trust AMD at all. You won't find any of the Team Red fanboys griping about the issues 5950X has and I found out the hard way that things are not a rosey as they pretend they are. I just don't need to complicate my life with their performance-tuning resistant buggy garbage. They have made significant progress, but not enough for me to entertain the idea of exposing myself to another round of disappointment by rolling the dice on a sketchy product that has severe flaws the fanboys won't acknowledge. Waiting around hoping and praying that they are going to fix their messes with firmware updates someday is just silly.
  4. Yes, indeed. Very much so. But, I expect betrayal from NVIDIA as long as they stand to make a buck, and mediocrity from AMD. They always stick to things they are good at. Par for the course. Yes. I saw that too, and thought to myself... That "bonus" item had to cost them at least 0.02% of the total cost of the GPU. Very generous. And, tacky. But, at least I don't have to buy one from Dollar Tree. Eww, eww, OMG! Let me hurry up and spend another $2200 on a 5% performance bump. Not! But, thank you for taking decisive steps to devalue my 3090. I really appreciate that, Green Goblin. Bastards.
  5. I ordered one in July and canceled in December after it was not shipped yet and no ETA could be provided. Some people have received theirs but come on that's just ridiculous. They didn't seem to mind sitting on my $650 for 5 months though LOL.
  6. Wonderful news. That is a good reason to be happy, for sure. I am glad it worked out. As much as I like EVGA and their products, I am starting to have seconds thoughts about buying their products going forward because of their inability to service replacement parts. That problem kind of casts a dark shadow on an otherwise really great company, and it makes me feel sad.
  7. A future that isn't worth living... nice. No thanks. They can put that tablet crap where the sun don't shine, along with the crappy OS designed for it. Nasty finger salute to the Redmond Retards. May their survival be difficult and filled with countless DMCA violations. They deserve nothing less than immeasurable struggle and financial hardship.
  8. Comments from the video... And, here it is in my old Alienware archive. [ Download XTU ]
  9. Yes, the video was merely a multimedia prop created for that thread. It is sad how much valuable information will be lost from the death of that community. Even sadder that Tech Target doesn't care. Glad you found it in the archive.
  10. It's still there. You just didn't go far enough back in my channel. You need to rewind 8 years LOL. It was almost 10 years ago that Alienware released their last good laptop. It is stupefying that people still buy their broken trash, even though it gets more broken with each generation.
  11. Probably so. It seems the focus is more on the product and model names that appear in the list of hardware specifications rather than the numbers produced in terms of actual results. It appears that working well is optional as long as the list of specs is impressive to the kiddos. Kind of like naming your Chihuahua "Killer" even though its ability to inflict severe injury or death is non-existent.
  12. Something about Crysis Remastered just doesn't play nicely with Linux. I had to tone all of the settings down to medium and high, and whatever form of ray tracing they used slows to a crawl on Linux. It's the only game of those tested with a framerate lower than normal, but it is still very playable even though the benchmarked results are abnormally low for a 3090. It may also be something with DirectX. Most Windows games played on Linux use Vulkan, where that is an option, instead of DirectX.
  13. If you do not see an option for anything relating to it in the monitor firmware (OSD) then maybe the specs indicate support for it in error.
  14. Add Call of Duty Infinite Warfare and WWI to the list.
  15. Hi. Sorry, I can't be much use here because I always disable G-Sync and don't use FreeSync. If there ever were an issue I would not be aware of it for that reason.
  16. Well, more good news. The next 4 games tested also functioned under Linux marvelously. Crysis Remastered got a bump in FPS as well, as I had forgotten to enable Proton Experimental for it. Halo Master Chief (tested Combat Evolved and Halo 4), Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider all working nicely. I may reinstall Gears 5 again and see if I forgot to enable Proton Experimental, and if doing that fixes it.
  17. So, I did a little more playing around and the next 6 games tested also functioned under Linux marvelously. Crysis Remastered got a bump in FPS as well, as I had forgotten to enable Proton Experimental for it. Halo Master Chief (tested Combat Evolved and Halo 4), Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and WWII are all working. Edit: well, add Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Call of Duty: WWII to the Linux play list.
  18. It is difficult to find value in any kind of new tech. Everything is priced for more than it's worth on both mobile and desktop, and a lot of the expensive cutting edge stuff has compromises. If what you have is getting the job done, the best plan is to do nothing at all and keep using what you already have. You can expect that new stuff is going to include everything you hate about what you already have, plus some new crap you're going to dislike that wasn't invented yet the last time money burned a hole in your pocket
  19. It's so difficult to understand how anyone could actually like it and think it's good. But, in some countries various things that are disgusting, like insects and rodents, are consumed on a regular basis and sometimes considered delicacies, so go figure.
  20. In my mind that is a good thing. I take active steps to block them from molesting my computers with update filth and if I want a version upgrade I will handle that myself on my own terms.
  21. Don't feel bad about calling them out. Any ill will and hate cast their way was foreseeable and should have been expected as an immediate and direct result of their deliberate bad choices and material misrepresentations as a company. When public ridicule is ineffective as a remedy you know it is time to pull the plug and walk away... do not resuscitate. Any company that behaves like that is not worthy of life support. In my mind, that kind of deceptive product representation and misleading behavior is tantamount to signing their own death warrant.
  22. And, the exceptionally ignorant ones will actually care about it rather than focusing on multi-core capabilities.
  23. It is good to see the Redmond Retards continue to fail hard with decisions that demonstrate they are a cluster of imbeciles. This has potential to be useful as a means of signing their own death warrant. It confirms their nefarious intent and documents the fact that they are unworthy of patronage. Even some of the Kool-Aid drinking sheeple will be smart enough to know when it is time to draw a line in the sand with respect to how much idiocy they will tolerate.
  24. If there was a "guarantee" that you would get a better bin than almost any 12900K anyone has ever seen, I would be willing to pay the extra $200 for a 12900KS. But, a 100MHz bump for $200 is stupid. It would only make sense if you had an abnormally poor quality 12900K, Otherwise, I would save the $200 and give a lesser quality CPU more voltage.
  25. Yes, Lutris is a front end for wine and it works really well. I use it for running Cinebench (all versions) on Linux and it is fairly easy to use. It is not super-intuitive, but I taught myself how to use it through trial and error (on purpose) rather than reading a tutorial or looking for YouTube videos. Lutris can also be used to combine access to games titles from multiple clients (Steam, Origin, Uplay, etc.) into a common interface. If most of your games are in Steam, then you don't really need it for Steam because Proton and the "experimental" option works extremely well with many Windows-only games. It sort of launches each title in its own little virtual machine. It is getting really close, I think. The DX12-only titles are problematic, but even those that all DX11 and Vulkan seem to work well on Linux. I think it is important to get the word out. I believe there are many people hanging by a thread that would love to kick Windows trash OS to the curb and the only thing holding them back is gaming or a certain software title that they believe they can't live without. Steam Proton makes Linux gaming nearly effortless because it does all of the configuration in the background. Installing and launching a Windows game in Steam looks and feels no different than installing or launching the same title in Windows. I debated whether to add the thread here or the gaming section and went with this option because this section of the forum is for Linux. But, the logic is certainly there for either location. Pros and cons to both. I will let @Reciever and @Hiew decide if they want to move it. It would be nice if there could be something like a "shortcut" to it in one place or the other that lead to the same thread, but gives the appearance on the surface that the thread is in both locations. I am not sure if that kind of option is available with Invision. I will definitely continue tinkering with Steam Proton to see how many of the games I like (many in my library I do not like and never install them in Windows), If anyone has a request they want me to test, if I have it in my Steam library I can test it even if it is not a title that I personally enjoy. Here are the titles in my Steam library: https://steamcommunity.com/id/mr_fox_rox/games/?tab=all
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