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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I have that 32GB G.SKILL 4000 kit (2*16GB of Samsung B-die). It has the aftermarket heat sinks on it, but I still have the stock G.SKILL heat sinks if you would prefer them. If you are interested, shoot me a PM. I have debated whether or not to keep them and probably will if you don't need them. (It's always good to have spare parts.)
  2. The tubing is getting old and that is why it has that frosted look, but I like it as well. I am running Prestone automotive coolant/anti-freeze in it and that also affects the appearance. I am very excited to see what you build with the parts. It would make an excellent daily driver and that is what it was for me, too. It also overclocks very nicely. I saw that one before I purchased the Level 20 XT. It caught my eye because it looked nice, but I determined it was too small after looking into the specs. The pendulum swing the other direction. The Level 20 XT is gigantic. It is borderline too big. It would not even fit on my desk if it were an inch wider. If I place the case with the front panel pointing into the room instead of parallel with the work surface the feet are the width of my desk and the front overhangs the desk about 3.5-4 inches. I used the measurements in the specs and I knew it was huge, but looking at the numbers on a tape measure is deceiving. It's, in fact, beyond huge. You could literally install two EATX in this. It has spots for two PSUs. It will hold 3 420mm radiators and a 360mm radiator. It is so huge it feels like I did something wrong and I am going to get into trouble for it., LOL. I was torn between the O11 Dynamic XL and this one and ultimately chose this because I wanted to keep the motherboard horizontal and I wanted everything to be as open and unrestricted as possible, while helping me combat the Arizona dust. It is A LOT bigger than a Dynamic XL. If I remove the top and side panels it is basically a massive open bench. Everything is super easy to access with room to waste. It will hold 13 2.5-inch SSD (two per tray) and one on a tray that fits under the CPU above the PSU or 7 3.5-inch HDDs. I like it a lot. If I did not use an external cooling system this would be perfect. Very well built. Because I use an external cooling system, this could be about 6 inches shorter from front to back and still be huge enough. It would fit my desk better. It just barely fits. This is one of the videos that helped me make up my mind. When I first took it out of the box I almost changed my mind and waited until the next day to decide if I was going to keep it because I was overwhelmed by the size of it. I haven't thrown the box away yet. I could fit inside of the box... literally. I am not kidding. It wouldn't even be that cramped. I could get in the box and close it and have Mrs. Fox ship me to Norway in it.
  3. I have created a new monster. It can swallow the Praxis Wetbench whole, LOL. It will literally fit inside of this chassis.
  4. Brorther @Reciever did you get all of the parts installed yet? Looking forward to seeing a benchmark run or two from you.
  5. So the issue is not the being a nice person and offering gifts, but but publicly posting the product keys, correct?
  6. Further confirmation that SP rating may be useful in a limited sense, but may not always be conclusive. The SP82 in the middle seems like the best of the bunch. I have seen the same with 10th Gen. Some with a lower SP rating overclock better/higher even though they may require slightly more voltage at a given clock speed. My 10900KF has a lousy SP rating, but it returns better benchmark scores and overclocks higher than numerous 10900K I have tested with much better SP ratings. It does take more voltage, but it is still often the winner when put in a head-to-head overclocking match against "better" (based on SP rating) processors.
  7. I also wish it were true. I don't really see a good reason for the baby cores to exist. I think it's just an excuse for them to remake the same CPU with all performance cores later and sell that for more money instead of actually creating something newer and better. However, most people would find it almost impossible to cool. If they were truly smart, which they're not, they would stop building their processors with an IHS and sell everything bare die. Then cooling would be less challenging. It would also reduce the cost of manufacturing and increase profit margin. I'll have to check and see if that's fixed with version 4.3.0 of CPU-X. I always make my contempt for the Redmond Reprobates known, but part of the reason I complain about their messes is because I want Windows to be a good product again. I have no respect for them whatsoever now. However, the Cupertino Clown Posse takes digi-trash to a new level. I never have anything to say about them because I consider them unworthy of even being acknowledged. They're like that chewing gum stuck on the underside of table in a booth at a filthy diner on the bad side of town. You know it's there. It's disgusting and you don't look at it, touch it, or even stop to think about it because it's irrelevant. In fact, you don't even go to that filthy diner because they're not worthy of your patronage. You don't care if they go out of business and do not want anything they offer. And, their filthiness is repulsive. That's how I view crApple.
  8. Trusting a Russian company with anything is foolish for any government. It's sad that the Russian people have to tolerate a totalitarian government, but I also think the US, Canada, Great Britain and Australia are on a dangerously similar path with their current corrupt government "leaders" aspiring to model abject incompetence. Evil takes many forms and we are living in troubled times. The difference is that Putin and Xi Jinping are just not as secretive and misleading about their nefarious intentions. They've embraced their dark side and don't mind flaunting it. That's not much worse than pretending to be decent human being. Maybe a little bit, but at least you know what you're actually dealing with. Windows 10/11, OS X and ChromeOS are all malware based upon their intentionally engineered behavior, so it makes sense that Defender doesn't detect it. When you live across the street from a sewage treatment plant you eventually reach the point that you can no longer recognize the stench.
  9. Windows replacement is getting closer. The Redmond Retards need to pull their head out before they choke to death on their own poop. Fake Windows might get better than real Windows. Almost there already. 5+ hours so far today with no reason for me to boot into Windows that I can identify.
  10. And, they released this because....... why? Oh yeah... they're AMD. Like Forest Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does." They only compete when it requires minimal effort. When they get beat it seems they tend to take their toys and go home. Hopefully, they won't wait another decade + to come back out to play.
  11. It's not what I would have picked, but it is looking more and more like the only real solution to the problem is going to be Linux. Not ideal, but probably better than sticking with the effed-up garbage the Redmond Reprobates are continually vomiting onto us. At least we can bridge the gap with wine, Lutris, Bottles and Steam Proton. Fake Windows has all of the potential to be better than real Windows. Almost there already. 5+ hours so far today with no legitimate reason for me to boot into Windows that I can identify. As it stands now, they are running at the edge of the danger zone of no longer offering a "necessary" product. Why would anyone put up with their stupid crap if they don't have to? If they don't pull their head out soon they may choke to death on their own poop.
  12. POP_OS! with Cinnamon DE, Windows 10 "StartIsBack" theme and manually edited cinnamon.css for panel and menu Windows 7 "AeroGlass" transparency. Yes @Papusan the Windows replacement is getting closer. 😀
  13. I am going to be putting a 10900KF CPU and Praxis Wetbench case up for sale shortly.
  14. I don't see a huge difference between the flavors of Debian and Ubuntu, but POP_OS! is developed and support by System76 for their pre-built performance-oriented /gaming systems. It is a better fit for my performance PC hobby. It is mostly configured and ready to use out of the box (with the exception of installing Cinnamon DE because I despise Unity DE). I use their option that includes NVIDIA drivers so I don't have to fuss with that, and overall I have fewer packages to install than I would with another distro. Linux Mint is almost as good, but not quite. For example, I really like ZorinOS. It looks and feels great, but my CPU Turboboost clock speeds are never displayed correctly in any of the system monitoring programs and the power management of the OS is more aggressive. I have to do more work after installing the OS to get everything working to my satisfaction, and I don't like wasting time like that. I know that some people derive satisfaction from setting up a time consuming Linux distro from scratch (like Arch) but that is not me. Even though I am fairly competent and comfortable using a terminal, I do not enjoy spending my time that way with Linux or Windows.
  15. We need a script to remove all support for Winduhz Update like the script for stripping out all support for Defender Antivirus Virus.
  16. @Mr. Foxlook at the picture the program renders/shows more needs to be loaded I think thats what @Papusanwas talking about took me a few looks to notice also That might be. But, it was still counted as valid by Benchmate. I did get my question answered as well about the color. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/190025-the-official-benchmate-support-thread/?do=findComment&comment=605320
  17. I no longer use software for lighting controls because virtually all of the garbage is Windows Store filth and I refuse to allow that bloated trash on my systems. ASUS Armory Crate is beyond unacceptable and MSI Center is only marginally better. Armory Crate is a HUGE pig in terms of services and system resource wastefulness. I instead use a separate hardware controller for RGB lighting on my desktops. That also eliminates having to reapply settings after resetting NVRAM. If I want to change colors or lighting themes I use the included wireless remote. Nothing is attached to my motherboard RGB/ARGB ports now. Life is much better that way. That also gives me the control I need for Windows 7 and Linux. (Up yours, Micro$lop, LOL.)
  18. The GX Corner is an internet Start Page focused on PC gaming, and virtually none of the information that it contains matters to me personally. I prefer to load a blank search page by default. If you enable the slider "GX Corner in sidebar" in settings it will prevent that page from loading when you open the browser. (I also do not care for news or shopping or any other kind of tiled crap to appear on my browser start page. I allow only the weather info.) I also disable all of the social media shortcuts in the sidebar. I do not use any of the social media options present except for Telegram, and I only use Telegram rarely... on demand, and only when someone asks to communicate with me by IM/text. I do not find it useful to have it readily available in the sidebar. I use it too seldom to want it there. I do not allow any kind of instant communication applications to run on my systems automatically because they use system resources and I do not want to be readily accessible to anyone via instant message. I will have to try the background music option. I arbitrarily disabled it without any effort to test it because I did not want any audio distractions while web browsing. But, I will check it out since you like it. 🙂 Overall, I really am liking Opera GX. I really like the CPU and RAM limiter options and have them enabled permanently. I limit CPU to 15% max and RAM to 4GB max.
  19. If you are referring to the gold color behind the score, that seems to be a cosmetic change with the latest "preview" version (0.10.9 Preview 1) of Benchmate. There are no invalid flags on the runs and an invalid run cannot be submitted to HWBOT.org if memory serves me correctly. Every benchmark run with the Benchmate 0.10.9 Preview 1 version has the gold color there. If I run Benchmate the color is green and the time measurements are the same.
  20. I guess I am not seeing it anywhere. Benchmate usually says "invalid" when the run is not valid and you cannot submit it to HWBOT if the run is invalid. Unless they changed something and now they accept invalid submissions.
  21. Those benchmarks were with the PCIe 4.0 NVMe so that is not an issue. Wow, that is an even better score. Nice job. I am going to have to up my cache to 47x. I have been running it at 43x.
  22. Before swapping out the 970 EVO NVMe SSDs the PCH temps were reaching 80-85 at idle (about what the temps were in the X570 Crosshair) and running SSD benchmarks like ATTO would push the PCH close to 90°C. Now they are upper 60's and running an ATTO benchmark does not change the PCH temps. My office is 25°C (77°F) right now and my PCH temps are 67°C with the system idle or running SSD benchmarks. I ran 4 SSD benchmarks and there was almost no change in PCH temps.
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