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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. https://hwbot.org/submission/4951278_ https://hwbot.org/submission/4951268_ So, I fixed the PCH temps with combination of things. The Samsung 970 EVO NVMe SSDs were contributing to that for some reason. Swapping them out with the 960 Pro NVMe SSDs in Banshee brought the temps down about 6°C. Don't know why. (In hindsight, those 970s are what I used in the Crosshair and it also had crazy high PCH temps.) Then I added that massive heat sink with a 12 W/mK thermal pad and two 60mm fans.
  2. Yes, I remember it. I built part of it, but honestly had totally forgotten about it. That's quite the blast from the past. Eurocom was still a PremaMod partner back then, too.
  3. There will be security problems and vulnerabilities as long as the human race continues because some members of our species are horrible, evil, dishonest and deserve to die for their abject despicableness. The expectation that any computer is actually safe is utterly ludicrous, and castrating all of them with skanky patches simply because some icky bastard might take advantage of some of them is like going out into the back yard with a fly swatter and believing that doing so is going to make a difference.
  4. I don't know why the Benchmate validation window has become so gigantic and bloated looking. That totally sucks and it wastes a ton of screen space. It is only like that on W10/11. On Windows 7 it is still the original size and is far more aesthetically pleasing and screen space-friendly the old way. I asked the Benchmate author to explain why the ugly changes. Brother @Rage Setin case you did not see it, I think you have an answer to a question you asked about certificates on W7 in that same thread. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/190025-the-official-benchmate-support-thread/?do=findComment&comment=605278 Seems like HWBOT is malfunctioning again. It is saying my best submissions are not my best, when they in fact are, and not calculating scores.
  5. Thank you. It was definitely worth the extra few dollars paid for it. Much better than rolling the dice in the silicon lottery.
  6. I can hardly wait for that. I am so excited about seeing what kind of amazing stuff you create. That is very kind of you. Since I do not support Micro$lop Game Stupidos I hope someone that does grabs it and puts it to good use.
  7. Also try clicking the button on ThrottleStop to "Turn On" because your settings may not be applied if you do not "turn on" ThrottleStop.
  8. Do you have a stock Clevo BIOS or an unlock BIOS (Prema or Dsanke)? If you do have an unlocked BIOS, try setting everything in the BIOS. I have some videos in my YouTube channel for ThrottleStop. They are old and there are some minor differences in ThrottleStop. You can try replicating some of the settings.
  9. Did you choose the "disable and lock turbo power limits" open in ThrottleStop? If not, do that. If you can disable C-states in the BIOS, do that. Residency has to do with power saving c/p states. Your power limit is also a limiting factor. Set that to the maximum (4095). You can do that in the TPL page in ThrottleStop.
  10. I was finally able to install Linux on my MEG Z690 Unify-X setup. I has having difficulting with an error "AHCI Controller Unavailable" that was preventing me from booting any version of Linux I had tried to install. As it turns out, the issue was caused by my optical drive being connected to the ASMedia SATA controller, which is an incompatible configuration for Linux. More details on how I found out what was causing it is in this post. I have installed POP_OS! with Cinnamon DE and it is working like a champ now.
  11. Wow, that is a LOT of GPUs. I was going to post in on Mercari or FleaBay, but I have been too busy at work, and painting the house for my wife when not at work. I will hold off and wait for you to decide. I am in no huge rush and I don't mind waiting a bit since you are interested.
  12. Sorry I didn't see your post. Strange that I didn't see a notification. It has been a crazy busy time at work. I would assume that it does but I don't really know because I've never needed to use bifurcation. So I can't really answer accurately.
  13. The Micro$lop Morons are their own worst enemy. The reason Winduhz is all messed up, and has been since W8.X, is because they keep adding crap they call features. Windows 8 was released to manufacturing on August 1, 2012 and that marked the start of their decline. I haven't had a lick of respect for them since. They need to just roll back all of the idiotic stuff they have done over the past 10 years and then just leave it the hell alone and stop screwing with it.
  14. This is still available. I haven't listed it anywhere else but I might later this week.
  15. It is unfortunate, but I don't think you can actually buy an excellent laptop anymore that has "no restrictions" because 100% of them have at least a couple of glaring defects relating to performance restrictions and/or thermal management. Since you already have it, I'd say just keep the Omen and make the best of it. Even if it wasn't necessarily the best choice, the reality is that nothing available will be remarkably superior to the Omen. Nobody builds/sells anything remarkable in laptops. Build a desktop instead.
  16. Thank you for the kind words, and the sentiment is mutual.
  17. https://hwbot.org/submission/4943746_mr._fox_wprime___32m_with_benchmate_core_i9_12900k_1sec_532ms https://hwbot.org/submission/4943767_mr._fox_wprime___1024m_with_benchmate_core_i9_12900k_37sec_90ms
  18. Hi bro. I am not familiar with that product. I haven't really done anything with laptops for quite a few years, save for a couple of months helping brother Donald as a favor with an X170 enhancement for zTecpc. I am sorry I am not able to provide any insight.
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